Submit the demons (MFFFF) (Chapter 1)

I am trying to write a nsfw noval, a cultivation noval to be precise. Any tips and tricks are wished.

That day I had a strange dream, I dreamt something stange. A goddess visited me in my sleep. According to her, she is the goddess of love, reproduction and most importantly sex. She blessed me in a strange way. Actually she just let me see her naked. It was blessing because her body was godlike. I guess she really deserves to be the goddess of sex. Her breast were the best possible size, big but not huge. Her ass was a bubble-but. I would loved to grope her, but I couldn’t move somehow. The rest of her body looked smoother than polished marble. But the best was her little pussy. The moment I looked at her pussy I woke up and couldn’t remember how it looked. My underpants were filled with sperm, I must have just cum from just looking at her pussy.

The blessing must have actually worked because the most popular girl from our school actually sucked my dick in the male bathroom. She isn’t the most popular girl without a reason, she is the most beautifull and never even looks at a guy. Still, I rammed my dick inside her throat this afternoon. She just dragged me there and started sucking. I never said a word and she only stopped after I came down her throat.

She told me later, that she wanted to fuck me after school. The same thing happened with three other girls to, all of them were beauties. None of them new about the other ones, so I invited them all over to my place. I told them to come over at 6pm. I don’t know if they came, because I died on my way home. A truck hit me. I died in an instant.

After that I was in a realm that had to be between live and death. I couldn’t see further than my own hand and I heared nothing at all. My sense towards the body wasn’t working, because I didn’t feel anything. I tried to clap, but there was no sound and no touch.

Finally, I saw more than just myself. I saw the shape of a woman, and this shape was the goddess of sex. She was naked like in the dream. I didn’t dare to look at her vagina again, because I wanted this to last. My hope was to ask her what this was all about. But my mouth didn’t open. She said instead “You can ask your first request after you complete your first task.” And everything blurred.

I found myself infront of a gate and a wall. It was medieval styled which shoked me, but what shoked me more was the thousands of soldiers on the wall. And I was standing there naked with my cock as hard as a rock. At that point in time I didn’t know why, but all the guards were shocked and whispered with others. The gate opend a little bit and five soldiers walked through. Only now I noticed, that all the guards were women. The one that seemed to be a leader had less armor that the others, no armor at all. All the others had a full iron armor, but she had a no top at all and a small skirt. If I would have squated, I could have seen her vagina. I saw her tiny cute tits without squatting and I was about to walk up to her and grope them when she said.

“If you help us to fight against the demons, I will do anything in my power for you.” She only said this and swiftly fled behind the gate again. I tried to ask the guards about the demons, the gate and the guard themselves, but I got no response. I didn’t understand a thing, and just sat on the ground. And I waited until the sun was just standing above the horizon.

At that time I noticed, that the sun was different than the sun I knew before. It’s radiance was arousing, like staring at millions of naked girls and them staring back. It was the reason why he was that horny all the time. This world seemed to be full of, well… joy.

When the sun disappeared behind the forest my head hit the ground and I exhaled air in shock. I was pinned on the ground by four figures, probably demons. I felt a sticky fluid on my arms and legs, wondering what it is, I turned my head towards the figures and saw heaven. Well I saw a naked humanoid woman. On my legs and arm. The fluid was there pussy juices, dripping on my legs and arms. Then a fifth demon appeared above me.

The difference between them and humans is quite small. Excluding the strenght of these demons, the only difference was there red skin. This was only true for the four demons on my body. The demoness that seemd to be the boss of them had horns on her head and a better looking body.

“So the citizen of the Palemoon Town were able to get a male to fight for them. This is going to be interesting.” The demoness aproached me and sat on my chest. She rubbed herself on me. “This much sexual energy is only something a male can produce, sadly he is only human. If he would be a demon, I could reap much more benefits.”

I got angry because she completely ignored my excistence and just talked about my body like an object. “Who the fuck are you even? Why do you talk like this?”

“Haven’t they told you? I’m a demon soldier of the Succubus Race. Do you know what that means? It means, that I will drain your cum. Until you die.”

I felt that I might have a way to get free, because I don’t like to be ordered around and it looked like I would be ordered around soon. “I give you my cum for free and it’s going to be more if you let me free. And why did you attack this town. According to your words, there should be no cum for you to get.”

“Pussy juices are good enough for me to survive, and I get enough here. But cum can get me stronger. And you look like walking cum to me.”

She moved her vagina to my dick and put my cock inside her with ease. This was the first time I had penetrated a woman. Because of this I felt amezed. The blowjobs from when I was still alive in the normal world were good, but not this great. My cock felt warm as it entered her cunt.

“Your dick is way smaller then the ones they use. But the sexual energy on such levels is something their weapons cant produce. I am really fortunate to be here right now.” I was insulted, but I could do nothing, the demons sitting on my arms and legs were too strong. But then something strange happened, as she continued to fuck me, the juices on my skin were absorbed by me. I felt something run through my body towards my balls. It had to be the honey from the demons. My balls felt full. Like they are going to burst of too much sperm. And then I cam a huge load inside the demoness. Her face staied the same as before. This was nothing to her. The four demons looked at her with envie and their cunts were really wet now. The more honey they produced, the more I absorbed and my balls were full again.

I wondered why my balls worked ik that way and tied to sense something different in them. But I didn’t sense something different, my conciousness saw in there. My balls had the area of a my palm, and it was filled with cum. The most shocking thing was, that the juices from the demons that arrived there was transformed into thick cum.


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