I’m F 44 and from India.
I’m a corporate lawyer and have worked hard to get where I’m right now, and that involves spending my energy and time to studying and working on cases and selling my consciousness by shamelessly whoring myself to climb the corporate ladder. And I say whoring because sleeping with other men for material possessions and favours is what whores do, and that is exactly what I have been doing. I have showed no hesitation in undressing myself and spreading my legs for my career’s gain. And that is saying something because I’m married woman and a mother. I have taken utmost care in keeping them and the world in dark about what I do and who I truly am.
When I step away from my office and from my debauchery, I transform into a caring wife and a woman who is the epitome of love, loyalty and sincerity. Is it guilt or is it the real me? I don’t know. At home, I devote myself to my family when I’m with them, to my husband, to my daughter, to my mother-in-law. And when I’m not surrounded by books, papers, documents and case files, or when I’m not sitting with my family enjoying a movie, laughing away like a good Indian wife, or when I’m not laying beneath my sweet husband, moaning, and purring like a kitten as he pistons his cock in me lovingly, I’d be looking at myself in the mirror, sometimes embarrassed at what I’ve become because of my ambition, greed and lust, and I cry. A crocodile’s tears, I say to my reflection in the mirror.
It has been close to 7 months since the country has been under lockdown, and almost every work has become work-from-home. This has given me ample time to devote myself to my husband and my family, and while that has been a deeply satisfying affair in the beginning, off late, especially half a year down, I really miss my old life. I don’t know what I’m addicted to: the power I have during negotiations and my authority in the office, or the sex. And it is really embarrassing to admit this, because until recently I had convinced myself that the sex is something I’m doing for my career, for my family. And while I have been emotionally attached a few men I sleep with, I know that it wouldn’t affect me. And it didn’t. But I miss the sex.
And this is surprising, shocking even, because my husband and I have a very active sex life. I guess it’s the thrill of cheating, and the intoxication of power play, and the wanton lust of going to a hotel room with someone like a whore that I miss.
Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/jll6cs/a_guiltridden_musings_of_a_corporate_whore_fm
Sounds like quite a double life.
Would love to hear some stories of your experiences.
First of all , I would like to thank you for sharing your inner most secrets. I didn’t think that Indian women had their freak streak
Best of luck
Lots of angles to think about – be careful, be safe and use your power accordingly! Lots of people are missing the buzz, not looking like anything is going to change in the short term unfortunately!!
Is the debauchery aspect addictive too perhaps?
I know it’s different, but we have a big titty Bangladeshi client at work who is around 45-50 that I’d love to bang. I know she’s a family woman but her husband would be so clueless. Part of it is she is always so professional, just adds to the mystique.
Over my business life I have not too often met and admired women who do anything to advance. I do not believe it detracts from who you really are, but actually adds to my respect for you.
My wife volunteered to help me with closing a deal when in her forties, and I believe it was the excitement that enticed her to do it. It excited me surprisingly.
Fascinating. Thank you for sharing this. As another seemingly normal person who has been living an exciting double life (which has been interrupted by covid), I can relate.
Oru malayaliyil ninnum ee post kandappom albudham!!! Very hot stuff ?
This is really icky, and I’m not talking about how unattractive the people in this story probably are. I’m not one to moralize; I don’t care about your cheating. This comment is for the Western readers here that don’t know anything about India beyond “the place where brown people come from.”
OP I know you think you have the power here but you really don’t. India’s culture is at least 50 to 100 years behind that of any regular Western nation in terms of its attitudes towards women. Rape is a huge problem, victim blaming is a huge problem, and this mentality is why the “send bobs and vagene” meme is not just a meme and exists at huge scale.
Here’s the bottom line. The reality is that any of these men could have raped you and literally no one would have believed you. India is a place where a man can [legally rape his wife](https://thediplomat.com/2020/08/in-india-a-man-can-still-legally-rape-his-wife/). What you’re doing is encouraging the businessmen you fuck to try and coerce OTHER women into doing this; you’re enabling predators in power relationships. You’re making things worse for those women, for your culture and for your children. It’s one thing to fuck up the ladder in a country where there is a consent culture, it’s a whole different animal in India.
I have been reading your posts lately and really enjoy them.
I like the fact you like to truly enjoy.
What are your plans after the lockdown ?
I remember somewhere you mentioned that your hubby is not interested or tolerant of this lifestyle. May I ask are you one hundred percent sure? I am also from the same region and my wife has a very conservative and religious background. I never thought she fantasizes about swinging, threesome, etc until one day I bring the topic to her.
People and their desires can be very strange. Maybe it’s worth a try to bring the topic to him, in case if you haven’t tried before :)
I do believe that not being honest w/ the husband is wrong. But I also believe that monogamy is not compatible with everyone. What do you think about that.
Also, I went through your posts after reading your ama. Don’t you think you’ve revealed too many specifics about who you are.
I think you should go easy on yourself. From your musings I can tell that you will do anything in your power to protect your family from the truth, which shows where your priorities sit. A self-acknowledgment of your true self is more important than anything. Otherwise it will eat you up from inside. Remember that you are not a one-dimensional person – most people (esp women) aren’t. You can be a loving wife, a doting mother, a corporate wiz, and a cum guzzling anal slut – all rolled into one. You won’t be the first, or the last this world has seen. You will be surprised how many of us lead such double (sometimes quadruple) lives. The people who point a finger at you are in denial of themselves and their surroundings.