My Best Friend Part 20 (fiction, plot, love, cons, friends)

I arrived downstairs with my dick still inside Amanda’s hand and now Jeanette’s ample body was pressed against my bare back. She was lightly kissing my back and shoulders running her fingers along my back.

I saw three girls tied to three different chairs. They all had blindfolds over their eyes and mouth. Aside from having panties on and being tied there was nothing on them. They were naked in the chairs.

From the looks of their bodies I could make a pretty good guess on which three girls were tied up. But the blindfolds over the girl’s eyes wasn’t your normal blindfold only covering their eyes it also covered quite a bit of their face as well.

I looked at their blindfolds and realized that they were actually bandannas. So not only did it cover their eyes but also their nose and mouth. But from the girl’s body types and hair I could make a fairly good guess on who each girl was.

I took a quick glance at each girl. The first girl closest to me was a extremely skinny girl. But she wasn’t anorexic skinny. Her arms were toned. Her bare breasts looked like they couldn’t grow naturally because of the constant working out they have been through. Her breasts were barely there but there none the less. Her abs were sculpted but not enough to where it looked like a body builders. Even though she was in a sitting position her legs looked like they had gone through a 20 mile run because her muscles were flexed like they couldn’t relax. Her hair was light auburn. This had to be Sara.

The next girl sitting next to what appeared to be Sara was sitting like Sara. Tied to the chair but unlike Sara her arms were a little bit bigger and more toned. The girls bare breasts were about A’s if not B’s and they seemed to defy gravity like god decided to inject Silicone straight into this girls DNA for breast formation. I had to admit they were nice breasts but still like most people when you ask what their favorite food was it was different from one person to the next, my favorite breasts to look at and play with is Amanda’s. The rest of the girl’s body was toned here and there in certain locations. And the girl’s hair color was red. I imagined it was one of the Cooper twins which one I can’t tell.

And the last girl was like the last one. She seemed like she had Silicone in her DNA for the breast formation but not so much. Her breasts were trying to defy gravity but they were having a hard time. She was toned in almost the same places as the other girl but she was toned in different areas that the other one wasn’t. And the girl’s hair color was red. So this had to be the other Cooper twin.

Jeanette whispered in my ear, “Well what do you think?”

I realized I was in deep thought trying to run every angle in my head trying to figure what would happen if I did or didn’t allow these three girls into my bed like the love of my life wanted me to. The whole ‘me having too stamina for them’ still played in my mind and I couldn’t figure out how they came to that conclusion. Why they wanted these girls. And no matter how much I tried to think about everything I just couldn’t think at this moment.

It seemed like I was too excited about everything that was taking place. Here I had two girls that I had let into my life and have strong feelings for asking for more and exciting things. Only things that any guy wish they could have and here I have it all on a silver platter all I need to do is make a decision.

But why couldn’t I make a clear thought about this whole situation?

I looked down and saw Amanda already on her knees giving me a blowjob very slowly. Oh that might be the reason why I can’t think at all. All my blood was being sucked down to my lower member and my body was having a difficult time supplying blood to both important body parts.

I snapped my attention, “Let’s find out. You two sit on the couch while I talk to these girls.”

Jeanette quickly stopped rubbing her body against my back and went to sit on the couch. Amanda looked up with her lips still around the head of my dick as if saying ‘but I’m enjoying myself sucking on your dick baby’.


Amanda sort of pouted as her lips slowly released their hold on my dick and finally stood up. I put my hands on her sides and lifted her up to actually meet my face. I kissed her and broke from the kiss, “I need to think while I talk to these girls. Now sit and I’ll deal with you shortly.”

At that fact Amanda’s eyes lit up like she couldn’t wait for that to happen. I put her down on her feet and spanked her ass as she walked off to the couch.

Now with that out of the way and the attention away from my lower member I can start to feel my blood slowly leave my dick and return to my head. I slowly strode my over to the first girl…Sara.

Even though Sara was a few steps away I tried to quickly think of a way out of this situation. My mind raced trying to think of questions as to why these girls want to join what Amanda and Jeanette had. What was so special about me? What did I do in order to get this much attention from so many girls?

If any other guy were in my shoes they would quickly agree to what was happening. Hell most guys wouldn’t believe me if I told them what was going on in my life. Fuck even I can’t believe what was happening sometimes. It seemed like my life were written just for a porn movie or a series of adult films. Hell if any guy knew what I was going through they would probably smack the shit out of me and ask what the fuck is wrong with me.

I couldn’t think of a way out of this. How did I go from having a close friend to a girlfriend to loving a girl to having two girls in my bed to what was happening now?

No matter how many times I ran through my life since my freshman year to now it is still hard to believe. But no many how many times I ran through this the one thought that stuck with me is what Amanda said…they can’t fulfill my need. HA!!! What the fuck is that supposed to mean?


I only had two steps before I was within arms reach of Sara. And at this point I didn’t have any solution to my problem. I tried to think of a way out of this. But something Amanda and Jeanette said that might present a solution. I just had to think of it.

I rattled my brain trying to figure out a way of this. Time just seemed to tick away more slowly. Maybe this situation is stressing me out. That or the blood from my dick hasn’t fully returned to my head and I am in desperate need of all my blood in my brain to figure out a way out of this.

Just then something hit me. It felt like a person with triple my IQ at this moment head slapped me and told me, “You idiot they gave you your out. Now you just have to play your cards right. DOLT!!!”

An idea formulated in my head on how to get out of this without having to fuck any of the girls. But I was going to have to get information if the idea was going to work in my favor.

Time began to start flow like normal. I stopped my slow stride to Sara now being half in between the three blind folded bare chested girls and the two nude girls.

I turned around and looked at Jeanette, “What do you two mean my stamina is too much for you two?”

Jeanette rose her eyebrow, “Just as it sounds. You…are…out…fucking…us.” She paused with each word giving it more meaning as if sounding like she was explaining it to me for the five hundredth time and I’m just a moron or something.

I sighed, “No I get that. What I’m asking is you think these three,” waving my hand among the three bare chested blindfolded females, “will be able to prove a point?”

Jeanette thought about what I was trying to get to but Amanda spoke, “Baby we are just trying to make it more fun.”

Jeanette just focused on me as if trying to figure out my logic and plan a counter move. “Exactly. What are you trying to purpose?”

Ok…now I had to get some information. “Do these girls agree to our terms?”

Jeanette sighed, “Well girls.” I turned around to watch all three nod.

“What do you get out of this?”

I watched as Jeanette slowly smirked a very evil smile, “I get three slaves.”

I look at Amanda in which she blushed a little bit but giggled, “I get three new lovers.”
“All I have to do is agree?”

Jeanette smiled, “I get three new slaves regardless if you agree or not. Amanda gets three new lovers if you agree. IF you agree you get three new holes to play with.”

I let that information sink in. So Jeanette laid all the ground work on these girls. No matter what these three will be attached to Jeanette for her to test her boundaries on being a master. If I agree then I get three new lovers to add to my bed…a bed that was already cramped enough already as it is.

I tried to hide all my emotions and put on my best poker face as I spoke next, “Then how about we test how good my ‘stamina’,” I quoted the stamina part with my fingers, “as you so well put it.”

Amanda looked at Jeanette. Jeanette just stared intently at me even harder trying to figure out what I have up my sleeve.

This is where I knew I had to tread carefully because I don’t want Jeanette to guess that I don’t want this nor do I want to hint that no matter how I reason this out my libido probably won’t be able to handle a new addition. I just had to keep my poker face on and careful label out my plans without showing my hand too early and I should be good.

Jeanette stared at me for a while for what seemed like an eternity. Amanda looked like she was going to say something but Jeanette held up her hand and Amanda went back to being silent.

Jeanette stood up from the couch and stood up to me. She began pacing around me very slowly just looking me up and down. I don’t know what she was thinking or doing. Maybe she was carefully deciding what I might have up my sleeve or maybe seeing me in a new light for standing up for myself or maybe her being closer to me allowed her to get inside my head. Nonetheless I kept my eyes straight and held on to my poker face acting like she has always done this and it was nothing new.

She circled around me twice before finally stopping directly in front of me. She looked at me, “What sort of test did you have in mind?”


I cleared my throat. “How about we have a sex off? I fuck you until you can’t handle anymore, then Amanda until she can’t handle anymore. We go as many times as needed until I finally cum.”

I saw Jeanette smile as if she won. I quickly interjected, “However if I cum before I get done with you or Amanda we don’t add your little slaves.”

That statement quickly wiped the smile off her face. Amanda got up as if she were in distress about to protest but Jeanette again rose her hand and Amanda quickly sat back down and eased a little.

Jeanette walked around again and spoke, “And if we decline this offer?”

I smiled because Jeanette knew my ploy. By the time I get done with her and then move on to Amanda it will be a guarantee that I will cum. I simply stated, “Then no new lovers for me or Amanda. You still get to keep your slaves.”

Jeanette walked around me and I could tell she was in deep thought. “How about a different order?”

I smiled, “Fine. First Amanda then you before the new girls. It has to be you and Amanda first so I can see what you are talking about before moving on to the new selections.”

Jeanette paced around me a few times before speaking again, “What happens if you only get to one of the new girls? Does that mean you will accept all three of the girls into your bed or just that one?”

I thought about it. That was a damn good question but I was prepared for this. “If I only get to one then it will only be that one. None of the other ones unless she or you don’t want to be part of the rotation any more than the other two can gladly step in.”

Jeanette paced around a few more times before speaking again, “Ok I’ll agree if you agree to a few changes in your challenge.”

I rose my eyebrow but I expected at least one change or challenge or counter offer. “And those would be?”

She stopped behind me, “First you must agree to using three items of my choosing for your challenge no exceptions. Second if you go through all five of us once then that allows Amanda and I to find more girls to add to our relationship as long as they agree to our terms if we want to add them no arguments from you, you’ll just accept from here on out. Third, if you get to the second of the three girls then that automatically means you accept all three. Fourth, if all three do get added to your bed then you must fuck us all equally and as often as we want as long as your body is willing to satisfy us. And fifth, you participate in any game I desire for my slaves no fighting me.”
