Cream & Coco, Chapter 6 [Fm] [Incest] [Mother/Son]

[Chapter 5](

My eyes opened slowly. How long had I been asleep? I bunched the blankets up and pulled them close to my chin.

Had I pulled the blankets over myself?

I turned my head and peered at my nightstand to check the time, and saw my bullet vibrator sitting there, clean as a whistle. Bolting upright, I broke into a cold sweat. I hadn’t ended the evening like this. Somebody had put me to bed. I jumped to my feet and almost exited my room when I heard multiple voices laughing. As quickly as I could, I changed into a silk robe and steeled myself before stepping out. The voices were coming from Drew’s room, and I knocked softly.

“Yeah,” called Drew, and I cracked the door open to stick my head in. Drew was sitting on his bed with Stefan, while Sabrina was leaned back in his desk chair. They all seemed at ease, as if the events of the past Thursday had never happened.

“Morning, mom,” Drew said, giving me a gentle smile. The twins each also greeted me, though with just a bit less confidence than Drew.

“Good morning, kids,” I replied. My gaze lingered ever so slightly on Stefan and Sabrina, trying to gauge my own feelings. Was I still angry at them for keeping Drew from me? Angry felt too strong an emotion. Upset would have to do. What should have been foremost in my thoughts was the fact that Drew had found me this morning in a most undignified position. He now knew his mother used sex toys at night, even if he hadn’t caught me in the act.

“Sorry, did we wake you up?” Drew asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. I could *feel* how hot my face was; I could hardly bear the image of how much I was blushing.

“Not at all. Thank you for letting me sleep in. Yesterday was… surprisingly tiring.” Drew’s face betrayed nothing, but he had to know the obvious part of what I was alluding to. “You three gonna be hanging out today?”

“Yeah,” Sabrina chimed in. “It’s too bad Lexi couldn’t make it.”

A slight frown crossed my face. If I didn’t know better, I’d think she was being insensitive, given that Drew and Stefan would have undoubtedly briefed her on how things stood. But I did know better. All three of them were too smart for that, so was she… trying to provoke me? It wasn’t going to work. Not because I refused to let her get a rise out of me, but because–

“That’s too bad,” I lamented. “I was kind of looking forward to finally meeting her. Putting a face to the name.” And seeing how she interacted with my Drew. “Maybe next time.” Frankly, I was curious to see what kind of girl she was. I knew next to nothing about her, though I wasn’t about to stoop to asking them. “You kids want some brunch?”

I was met with varying expressions of enthusiasm, and I told them I would get started as soon as I finished my morning routine. After washing up and getting dressed, I stowed the vibrator and went to the kitchen to begin cooking. A few minutes later, Stefan came out and began helping me slice potatoes for hash browns without a word. I had to presume he was waiting for me to lay into him about Thursday, and I sighed. They were just kids doing what they thought was right, and in the end they might have actually made a good call.

“I expect by now you have at least some idea of what happened that day,” I said quietly, keeping my eyes on the food. He grunted an affirmative, at least doing me the courtesy of not being obtuse. “I hope it goes without saying that you absolutely must keep this to yourself.” Another grunt. “Who knows?”

“Just us,” he answered. “Brie and I.”

“And Lexi?” I prompted.

“…Yes. But let me just say, she is the most discreet person I know. She won’t tell a soul.” This girl I’d never met was keeping our secret. It didn’t sit well with me, no matter who she was.

“Does she have feelings for my Drew?” I whispered.

Stefan looked at me, hesitating for a good while before answering, “I wouldn’t know anything about that.”

Damn it all, why did he have to answer like that? It seemed like such a calculated response. Because for some reason, despite everything, my intuition was telling me that it didn’t *seem* like a yes. So why hadn’t he said no? A lie and a truth, rolled into one.

“I’m sorry for yelling at you that night,” I sighed, deciding to press on with the rest of the conversation. “But I hope you understand my mental state at the time. Emotions were running high, naturally.”

“Drew’s my best friend, and you’ve been good to us. Practically watched up grow up. You have nothing to apologize for.” He watched me cook, leaning back against the counter. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to help him with this.”

I smiled gratefully before bringing the food to the dining table. Stefan went to fetch everybody, and we ate together as if nothing had changed. Well, except for the glances they exchanged every now and then, which I could understand given the circumstances.

“Are you three going to be okay by yourselves?” I asked as we were finishing up.

“You’re going out?” Drew inquired.

“Yes. I’m meeting a friend for coffee.”

He nodded as the twins took the dishes to the sink to rinse off. “Yeah, we should be fine. Um, mom,” he added when I turned to go to my room. “I was thinking we could… catch a movie tonight?”

Alarm bells went off in my head. Was he going to try something? “Netflix and chill,” as Jazz called it? I had to lead him away from any ideas like that.

“Sounds good,” I replied, trying to inject some geniality into my voice. “We haven’t gone out to a movie in forever!”

“That’s because of the grossly inflated prices,” he grumbled. “Bunch of rip-off artists. They always blame online piracy for the industry losing money, but seriously! Why are they paying these A-listers so much money?!”

His rant made me smile. I’d missed this. Before, he would go off on long-winded trains of thought like this on whatever topic that held his fancy at the time. Seeing this slight return to form was heartening.

“Sure, some people might say that the money they get needs to tide them over until their next role,” he went on, “but they’re buying *mansions!* What do they need to gouge us for? Get a two-bedroom like the rest of us!”

I chuckled. “I think we can indulge in ourselves every once in a while.” He harrumphed but nodded, a boyish smile eventually spreading across his face. “Did you have something in mind?”

“That’s alright, you pick. I just wanna… make up for lost time.” He stared at his feet. “What we watch doesn’t really matter.” No matter how big and tall he grew, he was adorable.

“I’ll have a look then.” When I reached up to kiss him, he leaned down to meet me. With a tip of his head, I placed a peck on his brow. “You three behave yourselves.” He nodded, a smirk hinting at barely-restrained mischief, making me laugh before I went to get ready for my usual coffee with Sasha.

“You are in good mood,” Sasha observed with a grin when I sat down, and I smiled widely.

“Privet, Sasha,” I said. She had already ordered our usuals, and when I took a sip I found she had added sugar for me like before.

“*Privet,* Coco,” she returned. “You give Drew kiss?” I giggled sheepishly and she gave me a tiny round of applause. “*Ura!* Very good. Now for next step.”

I stared at her blankly. “Next step?” I echoed.

“*Da.* You want to hold onto him, yes?” I nodded, and she wiggled her fingers back and forth. “Otherwise… horny boy slip through fingers. Like fresh snow.”

I couldn’t find a way to protest, to indicate that I didn’t have any romantic intentions. Then my libido spoke up and reminded me of who I’d masturbated to last night. Of whom I’d imagined sticking me to the hilt as I climaxed. I bit my lip. It was wrong. I couldn’t let Drew do what he wanted to me, or even what I wanted to do to him– Nope. No, I didn’t want it. But maybe… I could just think about it…? Every now and then?

*More like every night, you shameless woman.*

Oh shush. A little fantasy never hurt anybody. As long as I kept it to myself, perhaps I could imagine that Drew was the man I’d always wanted. One I imagined sharing the rest of my life with. I could sort of treat him like a husband until he… Wait, no. No, no, no! Do *not* sabotage his chances at a normal life. My first duty of protecting him included from my whims. Still… being a *little* more casual with him couldn’t hurt. That kiss last night felt *very* good…

Smiling shyly, I looked back up to see Sasha cocking her head, scrutinizing me. Oh God, I’d completely zoned out. Realizing I’d snapped out of it, Sasha grinned.

“You are back,” she noted, and I blushed. “You go to fun place?”


“Very fun place,” she chuckled. “So next step is you must choose activity to do together.”

“Actually, Drew and I are going to a movie tonight,” I supplied. She looked impressed.

“Well done!” she said, as if it were my idea and not Drew’s. “What kind of movie?”

“I hadn’t thought of it yet. I need to check what’s playing.”

“At least pick category.” Sasha paused, as if struggling to think of the right word.

“Genre?” I suggested, and she nodded.

“Can pick nice love story,” she recommended.

No, that would be disastrous. Yes, I’d only just decided to maybe explore something with Drew, but I still wanted to take it slow and not give him any ideas. It was also entirely possible he would be bored out of his mind. Romantic films were definitely out.

“Or something he will like,” Sasha continued. “Action? Boys like action movies. There is new action movie, Prodigal. Very popular.”

“Prodigal,” I mused. “Alright, I guess we’ll give that a try. Thanks for the suggestion.” She beamed, and my face fell. “Oh my God. I’m such a terrible friend. I haven’t asked a thing about you.”

She laughed it off. “Just visit friends. Their stories keep getting better and better.” She leaned across the table and whispered, “Family drama. Very exciting.”

“Haha, oh my! Well, I won’t pry. Far be it from me to be gossiping about them,” I reasoned, and she nodded knowingly. “But do you have a boy in your life?”

She paused, then cast her gaze down the road. “Long time ago,” she said distantly, and my thoughts were suddenly split. On one hand, I regretted bringing up painful memories. On the other, I wondered how long ago this was, if she was only eighteen. Though through the eyes of a teenager, even two years was a long time. “But my father forbid. I have never loved another.” And suddenly her eyes were filled with such sorrow that it scared me. The young and lively Sasha looked ancient, her grey eyes holding untold tragedy. “*Kak Romeo i Dzhul’yetta.*” Romeo and Juliet. Hopefully not as morbid.

“I’m sorry for bringing it up,” I murmured, taking her hands in mine. She swallowed and shook her head.

“*Net,* is in past now. ‘You can’t charge forward if you’re always looking back.’ So I charge forward now.”

I nodded sympathetically, and she abruptly changed the subject to a Korean soap opera. Apparently they were all the rage now, although she did warn me that it’s not for everyone. We laughed about how silly some of the premises were, and before I knew it, I had to be getting home for dinner. I told her I could meet her for a short chat after work during weekdays before hurrying back home.

Drew was on the couch, scrolling on his phone when I came back. “Hey mom,” he said. “Looks like a lot of the movie houses are pretty full up. Sunday and all that. Although, if we go while everybody’s at dinner, it’s showing that there are way more spaces. What do you think? We could grab hotdogs and eat there.”

“That would work,” I agreed, kissing him on the forehead as I passed. “You have school tomorrow anyway, so we don’t want to get home too late.”

“Have you picked out a movie?”

“I just got recommended Prodigal. Have you heard of it?” I dropped myself on the couch and crossed my legs. I saw him steal a glance, but otherwise he maintained his composure. I reminded myself that he was in a vulnerable state on Thursday, and that it wasn’t exactly something I needed to worry about all the time.

“Yeah. Up-and-coming lead actor. I’ve heard good things about him, and he does all kinds of genres.”

“Perfect. When’s the next viewing?”

He checked his phone again. “Soon. We better get going,” he laughed.

The movie was awful. Actually, it was a very good film, with great acting, action scenes, and effects. But I was livid.

The main character Hansel was on a warpath to avenge his father. He was an excellent swordsman of no equal, and had ingratiated himself with his target’s daughter in order to draw him out into the open and slay him. There was plenty of both action and intrigue, as well as a few romantic scenes between Hansel and his lover.

But what I couldn’t get past was Hansel’s mother Brunhilda. As I saw it, she was the one who forced this vendetta on her son, sending him off to claim her own vengeance. At one point Hansel, during one of his routine reports on his progress, told her that he had made his first friend. Having been trained for his mission since childhood, it had just been him and his mother. Instead of being happy for him, Brunhilda struck and chastised him, ordering him to stay focused on the mission. Her mission.

I was appalled. Hansel only succeeded and survived at the cost of his lover’s life, and Brunhilda seemingly vanished. She bore no responsibility for her son’s wellbeing. She was everything I despised in a mother, and I bristled at the thought that somebody would even write a character like this. The lights came on and Drew stood up with a sigh.

“Ready to go?” I asked as I rose as well, and it looked like he ground his teeth a bit before answering.

“Yeah,” he grunted.

Before we got back to the car, I threw my arms around him and squeezed tight. He seemed taken aback, but returned the hug.

“Everything okay, mom?”

“Of course. I hope you enjoyed the movie. But…” He looked down at me. “But that Brunhilda is such a dreadful character!”

He snorted, then couldn’t restrain his laughter, bursting out into body-shaking cackles that I couldn’t help but share. “You don’t approve as a mom?” he asked with a smirk.

“Absolutely not! How could she not only force her son to take on her hatred, but treat him like that? Not letting him have friends for the sake of the mission.” I suddenly hoped Drew didn’t feel I was doing the same with him and Lexi. Oh God, was I the same?

I pulled away hesitantly, and of course he noticed. After a moment of deliberation, he opened my car door for me, and I got in. After walking to his side and alighting, he said “Glad I wasn’t the only one angry at the movie.”

I began driving, looking over at him curiously.

“Well, not angry per se. I just couldn’t relate.”

“With Hansel?”

“Yeah.” He didn’t elaborate, looking out the window. I could guess at his meaning. His entire life, he’d expressed a hatred for his absentee father. Very early on, it was a sadness that he didn’t have a dad like everybody else. But starting from the age of eight, he was resentful on my behalf. I couldn’t even hint at Andras without him getting moody. Drew felt like Andras had wronged my by abandoning me, that he was a failure as a man to leave a woman to care for a child alone. It was endearing that Drew was so protective of me, but I had to wonder if carrying this with him was healthy.

Of course, that meant that Drew clashed with Hansel on a fundamental level. Seeking revenge in his father’s name? More than likely, Andras was himself the subject of Drew’s intended vengeance.

We chatted about other aspects of the movie on our way home, overall agreeing that despite our own problems with it, it was an enjoyable experience. After arriving and getting inside, I stretched as I looked at the time. Being a weeknight, it was about the right hour to get ready for bed. He needed time to do his homework, after all, and I needed to mentally prepare myself for work tomorrow. Jazz was bound to have questions.

As if reading my thoughts from earlier, Drew pulled me into another hug. “Y’know the one thing about Hansel that I agree with?” he asked, and I shook my head. “I would do anything for you too, without question.”

I could acutely feel how close we were, and suddenly my mouth went dry. Somehow I’d allowed us to stumble into this situation again. And apparently I was ready to let it play out. He looked down at me, then leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. My stupid woman brain immediately went into wife mode, marking Drew as my husband. I opened my mouth to him, tilting my head to a better angle. I could even feel he had a slight erection as we made out, and knew that the only reason he didn’t have a raging boner was because of his self-control.

This time I didn’t jerk back in shock, though I still looked slightly ashamed when we broke apart. “Goodnight, baby,” I murmured.

“Goodnight, mom.”

He let me slip out of his arms, and I rushed to have a very cold shower. I could hardly focus on my customary novel before bed, mind still on the kiss. Finding it hopeless, I snapped the book shut and placed it on the nightstand in favor of something better to relieve the frustration. Out came the bullet, and this time I kept my blanket on, lest Drew find me with my legs spread again.

The bullet buzzed against my clit, and this time I rubbed myself with my fingers as well. It felt like I was burning up, and for the whole evening my breasts had been feeling sore. I gave them each a rub, feeling them ache in a way they hadn’t in years. Odd. My hand returned to my sex, and I slipped the tip of one finger inside with a gasp.

*I would do anything for you, without question.*

My finger plunged inside, already soaked in wetness. The naughty notions I’d entertained that afternoon came rushing back. My boyfriend Drew taking me out on dates, making out passionately with me on the doorstep. My groom Drew spreading me apart on our wedding night, consummating our love over and over again. My husband Drew slipping inside me as he cradled my swollen belly.

My eyes scrunched up, mind warring against itself. Don’t be ridiculous, Coco. A baby?

Yes, a baby. The child of a man who truly loves you, who would do anything for you, without question. Somebody who returned your love unconditionally. A second finger entered my wetness, and I turned the bullet up a notch. I was crazy. I was going absolutely crazy for him.

I couldn’t. I shouldn’t. I wouldn’t. Would I?

I was sure Drew could hear me that night, as I came to the thought of a future with him.



  1. Uh oh, looks like Coco is giving in! How do you guys feel about the pacing so far?

  2. Oh, this is fantastic! I love the detail! The suspense! The tension!
    God, I want to read more!

  3. It’s really thought out. I like how you used the movie to show how drew and coco…are? Gives them more depth (I’m scrambling for words). In terms of sexiness, it’s a little low but I can’t imagine it being more because it’ll cross the fine line of being believable to a straight-up shallow and lust driven story. What you’re doing is great, keep it up!

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