Bull Raising [M/F] (Incest, Mother/Son, Cuckold)

Jack lived at home on a farm with his sisters Maybelle and Petunia, and their parents Jay and Adeline. This Friday morning, started like any other one. Jack got up at 6 am, showered, changed, prayed, ate breakfast and went out to feed the cattle. Except, on his way to get the tools he’d need for his work that day, he noticed the shed by the barn already opened, and two men moving inside. As he got closer, his father Jay popped out as well. He was a short and stocky man, with bright red cheeks and a nose to match this early in the morning, underneath, his mustache was more white than grey nowadays.

“Mornin'” he said, flicking his cowboy hat up to show more of his face and tapping Jack in the arm.

“Mornin dad, who are these guys?”

Jay turned around to glance at the men, “oh, they’re new farm hands. Hehe, figured I’d finally shut you up and get them since I know how much you’ve been asking me for help around here.”

“Yeah, when I was 11. That was 8 years ago. I don’t need these guys anymore.”

Jay stopped counting his fingers and focused back on the conversation, “well whatever the case, they’re here to help, so just let em help. You’ve earned it, anyway. And besides, I thought we’d go out on a mornin’ ride like you always want to.”

“Alright, Pa. I’ll got saddle the horses.”

“I hear ya. I’ma go tell your mom not to set plates for us.” Some time later, Jay finally made his way to the stables. Jack saw him and led Kashmir to him, taking Mulberry for himself.

“Anywhere you wanna go?”

“You know, I’ve seen this whole place two times over, why don’t you show me what you see instead.”

“I know just the place. Come on.” Jack mounted Mulberry and chuckled as his stubby father struggled to hop on Kashmir. He circled around laughing and lined up with his dad to match his speed. On the road they talked about the land and what they remember from it, who they’ve met, and what they’ve done. Eventually, after riding steadily for almost about half an hour, they reached the woods. “We should take em by hand from here.” Jack climbed off and his father followed. Jack led the horses and him deeper in the woods until coming up to a small clearing. “Lightin’ or aliens knocked down these trees who knows how long ago.” Jack began undoing Mulberry’s gear, “the horses like it cause they can jump and run around.” Jack took everything off Mulberry and Jay copied him to let the horses run around. “These stumps are like seats if you wanna sit down. Maybelle and I brought some equipment here one day and smoothed them all out.

“Good because I’m tired of standing.”

“Haha, we just got here, old man. Damn, the farm really did a number on you, didn’t it?”

“Yeah, I’m getting a little rusty. About time too, I beat my father by 20 years, maybe you’ll beat me by 30.”


“Your mom’s still lively though, haha. I sure am glad she never had to work all this time.”

“Yeah she looks really good for her age.”

“You think so?”

Jack nodded yes. “I mean, my friend’s moms are all old and raggedy, short, wrinkled, sagging.”

“Oh, you mean it in that way.”

“Which way did you think?”

“You know, Jack,” said Jay, ignoring his question, “I’m getting real old. Have been, for a while now. Your mom, she’s agin’ but not with me, and that’s just the truth of the fact. I had to come to terms with that a long time ago, before you were born.”

“What’r you talking about?”

“What are we known for around the region, Jack?”

“Hmm…our breeding bulls?”

“Exactly. And I’m the best god damn bull breeder there is, isn’t that right?”

“Sure is. You got all those trophies and awards inside the house. I know how hard you work.”

“That’s right. And I stay being the top bull breeder in the country because I stay ahead of everybody. Not Tuner, not Oswald, Hicks, or Tory gonna ever be better than me. I got a prize winning bull they’ll never have.”

“You think Jaime’s that good? I always thought Alfonso was more sought after.”

“No not them. This bull ain’t gonna be seen by much people.” Jack stared at him with a puzzled look. “You’re it, Jacky. You’re the bull.”

“What? I don’t understand?”

“You were getting a little scrawny there, your mom wanted us to quit, but I told her with enough food and work, you’d spring up into what you are now. And 6’4 inches later, I was right.”

“How can I be the bull?”

“I’m getting old, son. Come on. And your mom, she’s still got a lot of energy in her. That’s why you’re here and not at college hitting stadium vendors with footballs. All this freak, giant energy you got in you is gonna go directly into pleasing her.” Jay stood up and picked his teeth with a toothpick.

“But, I can’t do that.”

“You have to. You got no choice. Now, you’ll start today, so when you-”

“I said no! I won’t do it!”

Jay walked in front of Jack and bent over near his face. “Who the fuck do you think you’re talking back to? Huh? I’m your father and you gon respect me, got it? You’ll do as I say. Is that clear?”

“It’s disgusting.”

“Well you better grow to like it, and if not, I got enough of em little blue pills to kill Las Vegas and we’ll give you some of those.”

“You wouldn’t…”

“You wanna try me?” Jay stepped back and calmed down. “Relax. You got a pretty good deal. Your mom’s a hot fuck, she’s got a good body, it’s hard to find thick women like that that still look good. You’ll thank me eventually.”

“F-for how long w-”

“For as long as she wants. You’re hers now, just like Mulberry’s yours. And don’t take this as certain, but I’d say she’s got another 20 years in her so don’t make plans for anytime soon, hehe.”

“20 years? B-but I have dreams, as-”

“Well forget em! You’ve lived here for 19 years, what’s 19 more. And I don’t wanna hear a single peep outta you again. You’ll still live at home, except if she wants you in bed with her, that’s where you’ll go. When you get home today, tell her the new bull is ready, she’ll know what it means. You saw the new farm hands already, you can still help em to maintain appearances but you first answer to your mom. She calls, you run. Got it? Don’t start crying now boy, I told you this is a good deal. You don’t gotta work as much anymore, just dick down your old lady every once in a while, smooth sailing.”

“It’s the being prisoner part that bothers me.”

“Yeah well, sorry son. I raise bulls. It’s what I do. You’ll still go into town, I’ll even give ya more spending money. You can take one of the trucks as yours, take from the vault, do whatever you’d like to do.”

“Now I’d like to leave.”

“You can’t do that son. You won’t do that. I can see in your face you already accepted your new title, you’re just feeling bad over it. It’ll pass. And besides, your mom’s counting on you. You won’t let her down, will you?”

“No, sir.” Jack lowered his head.

“Cheer up, son. It won’t be that bad. You haven’t fucked yet, have you?” Jack shook his head no. “Perfect. You’ll love it, specially with your mom. She’s a good woman. You gotta treat her right. Grab her tight.”

“Do Maybelle and Petunia know?”

“No, just us three. And let’s keep it that way, alright? Last thing we need is an angry mob wanting to hand the bull freaks.” Jack nodded. “It’s gonna take me a while to put everything back on Kashmir, why don’t you saddle up Mulberry and run home. I’m sure a lovely lady would love to see you right now, hehe.”

“You’ll be fine out here?”

“I’ll manage. Go on now. Fulfill your duty.” Jack wiped his tears and wrangled in Mulberry. He put everything back on and walked out of the clearing into the forest, waving back at Jay on his way.

Jack made it out of the forest and put his hat on. He adjusted it and looked forward into the distance. “Just another job, you got this” he whispered to himself. He jumped on Mulberry and started riding quickly back to the farm. Outside, on the front porch, Jack’s mom Adeline and his sisters Maybelle and Petunia were sitting eating berries. They heard the galloping horse and turned their heads. Even from afar they could sense the speed and strength of the beast and the man mounting it. Jack rapidly approached before pulling the reigns back and bringing Mulberry to a stop. The horse’s hoofs stirred up dirt and formed a small cloud, Jack hopped off and stepped out of the cloud like an action hero. “Nice entrance” said Petunia. “Mom,” Jack turned to Adeline, “dad wanted me to tell you that the new bull is ready.” Adeline dropped the white bowl of berries on the light green painted floor, the red juices running down between the floorboards.

“Are you okay mama?” Asked Maybelle.

“Girls, go to town.” Adeline said in a quiet voice with her eyes closed.

“What?” Asked Petunia

“Go to town! Watch a movie! Go shopping! Do something!”

“Mom, what’s going on?” Pleaded Maybelle

“Ah, for fuck’s sake. Here. Go. Take a truck.” Adeline pulled wads of cash from her pocket and handed it to Maybelle. Maybelle and Petunia looked worried but followed her instructions all the same. They gave Jack a look on their way down but Jack played dumb and acted like he had no idea what was going on either. Both climbed into a 2 year old pick up truck and loudly drove off. Adeline opened her eyes and fanned herself, eventually looking at Jack and giggling. “Thought they’d never leave haha.” She got up and ran down porch steps to grab Jack by the hand. “Your dad always with his surprises, if I would’ve known he was going to tell you today, I would’ve dresses up for you. I hope jeans, boots, and a flannel are good enough, I know it’s no dress, heels, and garters.” Adeline happily led Jack into the house and and up into her room. They went inside and she slingshotted him on to the bed, she closed the door behind them and locked it, eagerly leaning against it with her legs crossed and a wide smile on her face. “First off” she said, kicking off her boots, “thank you so much for doing this, Jack. You have no idea how hard it’s been on your dad and I.”

Jack looked to the side, “no problem. I’m here to help, remember.”

“Oh, I do. I do.” Adeline walked over to him, undoing each button in her flannel. “Hope you don’t mind if I move things along quicker. To tell you the truth, you really caught me off guard and turned me on so much today. My panties are already wet, watch, I’ll show you right now.”

“So it’s all true.”

“Every bit, honey. Don’t undress yourself, let Mama do it.” Adeline took off her flannel and threw it up in the air. She stopped in front of him and unbuttoned her jeans but hesitated, “I know,” she said and turned around, showing him her ass, “like this,” Adeline spread her legs tiniest bit and rolled down her jeans. “Hehe, excuse me,” she said as she closed her legs together and bent down, throwing her ass in Jack’s face to pull jeans all the way down. “Do you mind honey?” Asked Adeline as she turned and grabbed on to Jack’s shoulders to step out of her jeans, “thanks. Much better. Mmm, now on to the new bull” she said with a wink. Adeline dropped to her knees and started rubbing Jack’s thighs. “Oof, so strong. Hope you don’t mind if I just dig in, you have no idea how turned on I am. Oh wait! I promised I’d show you my panties, look” Adeline stood up and threw her pussy in Jack’s face, “sorry, a little hairy hehe. Anyway, you see how that part of it is darker, that’s because of how wet I am already! Okay, enough, where were we? That’s right.” Adeline dropped down to her knees again bit her lip as she undid Jack’s pants. “I gotta be sure to get him Daddy’s buckle’s from the basement,” she thought to herself. She unzipped his jeans and smiled up at him while prying the waist apart from his legs. She rolled them down and took them off one pant leg at a time, giggling with each one. “Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!” She said, clapping while reaching for Jack’s cock. “Ooooh, it looks so good just through your undies like this. I hate that I’m going to make myself wait a little more. Let’s take the rest of this off already.” Adeline put her hands inside Jack’s button up and ripped it open, “don’t worry, we’ll buy you more, haha,” she yanked it off him and rubbed his torso over his undershirt, “god, you’re so muscular. You got no idea what you did to me everytime you showered outside after cleaning the animals. Arms up, come on,” Jack put his hands up and Adeline pulled his shirt off. “In our birthday suits, hahaha, I can’t believe it. Lay back baby, arms out.” Adeline smiled and ran her nails up and down Jack’s abdomen, then she climbed on him and rubbed her pussy on it. “Ooooh baby, momma likes that. Muscles are such a turn on for me. They have been for a while now, truth is I’ve been working out and trying to be healthier to fix my figure for just this day. I’m still not done but it all turned out to be more fun- I don’t wanna bore you. Let me just…” Slowly, Adeline began making her way up her son’s body, rubbing her panties and pussy on him as she went. When she reached his head, she climbed on farther so her pussy would be right over his mouth, “smell it. Yeah, it smells good? That’s yours now, son.”

Adeline climbed off and knelt between his legs. “Mmm, you got harder. Good to know you’re enjoying it too.” Adeline licked her lips and reached up one of his underwear legs, “Jesus Christ! Jack! This this is enormous, what the fuck. What the hell did we feed you? It’s making me horny though so I shouldn’t complain all that much,” Adeline let go of her son’s cock and rubbed her pussy a little. “Take em off, cowboy. Come on.” Jack stood up and took off his underwear then sat back down, his mom watched him while leaning back on one hand. “Holy moly that thing’s huge. Look at it, hanging, like sausage at the butchers.” Adeline leaned in and smelled her son’s cock, a few long whiffs later, she began kissing it up and down the shaft, “wakey, wakey” she giggle. “Whoa, there it goes. It’s starting to grow.” She reached out and grabbed it with both hands, “Jesus Christ it’s like a fucking baseball bat. Mmm so squishy. Now it’s getting harder, there we go.” Adeline knelt back and admired the size of it, continuing to stroke it in a corkscrew motion. “Oh my God Jacky, I don’t know where you hide this thing. Those poor horses. Alright, I said I was gonna dig in, so if you don’t mind.”

“Mom wait-”

Adeline ignored him and launched her mouth around his cock. She began going up and down and swirling her tongue around his head, “shit, even the head’s too big.” Jack gasped and looked away. Adeline deepthroated it as much as she could but gave up every quickly, she spit on his cock and stroked it again. “Sorry, still learning. I’ll get better, don’t worry. Let me try again,” she forced her head down his cock but failed again and came up teary eyed. “Shit,” she said gasping for air, “fuck my girls for a while, see how they handle it,” Adeline undid her bra and threw it aside then leaned forward to wrap her tits around her son’s cock. “Does this feel good?” She asked, opening her mouth and letting Jack’s tip get licked by her tongue. “I think it’s wet enough, I think I’m wet enough too hehe,” Adeline nudged Jack further back into the bed and herself climbed to lay down like she were getting ready to sleep. “I love you Jack,” she said before kissing him. Without stopping, she brought her legs up and took off her panties, almost like instinct, Jack noticed and held her legs open so he could climb in between them. “Mmm, about time you got used to the idea. I was afraid you were gonna be a stiff board for a while.”

“I don’t like it.”

“You will. But for now, you understanding and complying is enough. Now stick that tree trunk inside of me already, you’re making your momma so wet.”

“Okay, but I don’t like that either.”

“Well I do. It turns me on knowing you’re my son and this is what your life is going to be. You’re perfect for me, and I’m going to use you as much as a I well please. Got it big boy?” Jack quietly nodded. “Okay. Then don’t keep me waiting anymore.” Jack put one arm down, hard, next to Adeline’s head, “oooh, baby, so strong,” she rubbed his forearm and biceps. Jack used the other hand to guide his cock inside her pussy. Adeline trembled and jumped as Jack found his way in, “oh fuck, you’re barely tickling me and it feels amazing already.” Finally, Jack found it and slowly pushed himself in until he was hugging his mom. “Shit! I should’ve made you stop 4 inches ago. Pull it out slowly baby, mama needs a second.” Jack slowly pulled it out, Adeline’s leg quivering with every centimeter exiting her wet pussy, but before his head left, he started going back inside. Adeline laughed, “already liking it hahahaha, you young boys. Seriously baby, give me a second though.” Jack ignored her and continued to pull out and push in, slowly increasing his speed every time. Adeline scratched his back when she stopped whispering stop and started moaning when the scratches became hugs. She wrapped her legs around him, “okay fine,” she moaned, “you wanna act tough, then walk the walk: I’m ready for you, I’m warmed up now.” Jack buried his fists in the matress on either side of her head and fixed his leg posture to get good leverage, when he found his footing he began pounding her repeatedly with a steady hip motion. “Holy fuck!” Adeline screamed, “that’s it! Shit! Oh my God! I’m fucking glad we took you swimming in the lake all those times. Your form is amazing, haha.” Jack sat up and grabbed her by her thighs to get a better handle. He started fucking her harder and harder, lifting her ass up in the air and making it jiggle below. Her tits flopped up and down almost hitting her in the face. Soon, Adeline had enough and kicked him off. Quietly shaking and quivering until finally turning on her back and rubbing her pussy while gyrating her hips, “shit, shit, shit, that was good. Fuck, you made me cum! My son just made me cum!” She screamed. “How about you, champ? Are you still good to go?” Adeline looked up and saw his hard, throbbing cock, “mmm, that’s too sexy. I’m here to make you cum too, come on. How do you want me, where do you want me, if you’re gonna make me cum like that again, you have full say to do whatever you want.”

“I want you to ride me”

Adeline froze, surprised her son was getting very into it. “That’s hot baby, that’s right. It can be fun for both of us. Tell you what, get on the floor.” Jack laid down and Adeline climbed over him. She held his cock against her pelvis and pointed where she thought she could reach before it starts hurting. She climbed on top of it and guided it inside. “Slow and steady” she said, concentrating on her breathing as she stuffed herself. Once it was inside, Adeline leaned forward and rested on her son’s chest. She moved her hips up and down, slowly at first, then quicker and closed her eyes while she moaned and cried. Jack grabbed her ass tight and helped her fuck him, carrying her in the air while he pumped her at times. “Cum inside of me Jack, please,” she said in between breaths. Jack buried his face in her shoulders and held her down tigth as she came. She screamed and cried, regretting it almost immediately. “Fuck, that was wrong. Shit. Okay, not the end of the world,” she thought to herself. Jack hugged her tighter and continued fucking her. “Not now, J-J-….J…fuck, why does that feel so good the second time? Okay baby, just a few more seconds…”

After minutes of fucking, the door knob started turning and finally a keychain could be heard rattling outside. The door opened and Jay stepped in, Jack and Adeline took a break from kissing and greeted him. “Y’all been busy, haha. Did ya cum yet?”

“Yup. Both of us. Jack here’s unbelievable.” Adeline ran her nails down his torso.

“I just wanted to check up. One thing Jack, you gotta be careful inside your mama’s pussy. It’s gonna feel amazing, but you can’t cum inside. Got it?” Jack nodded and Adeline giggled.

“Hehe, anyway. Let’s go shower Jack, before girls get back.”

“Now, hold on. Where’s the condom? The cum?”

“Around here somewhere, I know that. Uhhh, come on Jack” she said, leading Jack by the hand to the master shower.

“Nah uh, not yet you two. It’s the first day, we gotta set some ground rules. Where do you two think you’re going?”

“God, Jay, don’t be such a square. Just be cool, okay?” Adeline led Jack inside the bathroom by his cock and kissed him in the mouth, “I’ll be inside soon” she mouthed at him. “Listen, Jay, we can talk about that stuff anytime.”


“You said he was mine! And I could use him whenever!”

Jay sighed, “alright, have it your way. But we’re talking later today.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/jl35li/bull_raising_mf_incest_motherson_cuckold

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