The time I had a hot threesome with a sexy freshman and senior [MMF]

The story I am about to recount took place when I was much younger, when I was but a young man fresh out of high school. Back then I was less experienced in the art of intercourse; I had only had one girlfriend, and she was fairly vanilla. My penis had never experienced fellatio, my ass had never felt sodomy, my mouth had never performed cunnilingus. Frankly, when it came to sexual matters, I was absolutely fucking pathetic.

The first time I saw John was at a party where he was having sex with two freshman females. They were moaning and sobbing in a pornographic way, gripping at John’s greased muscle biceps as his erection drifted in and out of their vaginas and mouths. The first time we talked was two weeks after that first encounter when we were forced to make conversation for academic reasons. How it happened, I don’t remember very well, but somehow a sort of friendship blossomed between us and eventually we became inseparable, like the relationship between a small dog and its owner.

John was my complete opposite, in all ways but gender. Where I was weak, he was strong. Where I lacked, he gained. Where I failed, he succeeded. Where I prayed, he sinned. That was what I loved about John. He never took no for an answer, never allowed himself to be constrained by the rules of the system. Morality was but false lines printed in the sand, useless guidelines created by superstitious, long dead, sheepfuckers.

“You can’t do that,” screamed the pastor.

“You can’t do that,” screamed the dean.

“You can’t do that,” screamed the lawmaker.

“I don’t care,” was John’s reply. The words that I lived by.

Our relationship was special, at least to me, one that I have tried and failed to recreate countless times. We were not equals, far from it in fact. John got almost nothing out of our relationship, I was but another ear to talk to, another mouth to fuck. But to me, he was so much more. John was my world, my anchor upon which my new identity was founded. Looking at him from a conventional worldview, John was nothing but a bad influence. He caused my grades to drop, introduced me to sex, drugs, alcohol, all that one should avoid.

Yet, as my grades plummeted my knowledge increased. Knowledge about love, knowledge about truth, knowledge about existence, all found thanks to John’s corrupting influence. Life became less of a mystery, purpose was found, my continued existence became valuable to me. I realized that there was more to life than working and dying, pleasure could be found in this miserable world.

It was a night like any other, nothing was out of the ordinary. Sure, the party might have been a bit wilder than usual, but not by much. Not enough to make any real difference. John was out there in the middle of the crowd, having sex for all to see. This time a small redheaded freshman was lying down on the floor, her average-sized breasts bouncing lazily as John pounded her. I joined the group of people watching John and the freshman. Glancing at the group, it appeared to be composed of four males and one female. I knew at least one of the males, and the female looked familiar, but I could not place my finger on why I remembered her.

“Hey, want to join us?” John asked me between pained grunts. I smiled shyly at him and shook my head no. Even though John had greatly expanded my sexual knowledge, I was still too insecure about my body and performance to be able to perform in public.

John snorted at my answer and grabbed my arm forcing me towards him and the female. John pulled down my pants, revealing the erection that I had gained from watching him. Noticing me, the freshman opened her mouth. She looked at me with a bored expression, waiting for me to penetrate her. I clumsily slotted my cock into her throat. After gagging a bit, she started sucking on me, semi-successfully simulating me with her tongue. Across me, connected to me through the freshman, was John, looking at me as he groaned from the sexual stimulation of his cock in her young cunt. Pulling me in close he kissed me, his tongue swimming inside of my mouth, groping at the inside of my cheeks. Even if I wanted to, I was unable to move, trapped by John’s muscle. The touch of the female’s bright red lips made me feel like ejaculating. My penis controlled by the freshman. My body controlled by John. Bliss, I was in pure, sexual, bliss.

After a few minutes John’s penis had had enough of the female’s cunt, so he pulled out, spraying himself all over her back and my face. At that point, I was so close to climaxing that I could barely contain myself and my semen exploded inside of the freshman. John held me in his arms, rubbing my face as I shivered, done with sex, ready to fall asleep. I became conscious of the crowd that had been watching us. Two of the men had left already and were nowhere to be seen, but three of the originals were still there. Ready to leave, but still there and watching our every move. The freshmen disappeared into the crowd, off to clean herself off. John licked off his semen from me and smiled, carrying me off to his dorm room. That night I overslept and nearly missed my final.

That night was the best of my entire life. It was the last time I really interacted with John. The term ended and we all packed our bags, returning back to our childhood homes, leaving behind all that we had gained throughout the school year. John told me that he had graduated, that he would never return to this place, that he was unsure if we would ever meet again after school ended. I wanted to tell him that I wanted him to come with me, that I wanted us to be together, but I held back such thoughts as I knew that they were selfish and unreasonable. With John gone I felt hollow and empty, like an important part of me was missing.

It took me years to fully get over John, and even more to realize that no one else would ever make me as happy. It was too depressing to believe that my life had peaked with him, that my life would never again reach the same heights. The idea of peaking so young, when I was but a young man in his early twenties with his entire life ahead of him, made me feel anxious and afraid. I still hold on to the possibility that I might see John again, that I would finally become as happy as was back then. But he has never returned, all that John has left me is fading memories and the vague hope that he will bring purpose to my life once again.
