Cousin Katy’s Anal Fantasy [MF] [Incest] [Rimming] [Anal] (2/2)

An hour and a half in and it felt I was there for three days. The T.V. illuminated the room with various colors that came from the frame of the movie along with a slightly muffled sound emitted from the old thing. Honestly I wasn’t even watching it- I was scrolling through pornography on my phone. Now was as good a time as any.

My brain was definitely on track to getting baked. A part of me really want to just get this session over with before my eyes were too strained from the screen. I had an odd problem with this whenever I smoked for whatever reason. While I was searching through models I found someone who looked very similar to Katy.

All at once my mind was back to thinking about her again. It’s true I was being fucking weird, but as long as I kept it in this basement it was fine, right? Katy was my cousin but she was actually hot. It only didn’t feel so weird to me because I really didn’t know her. The interaction I had with her tonight was something I was obviously excited over.

Just then there was a knock at the door. Startled, I checked my phone for the time. 10:30pm. Grandma and Grandpa were surely asleep by now so who could it possibly be? Perhaps a ghost? It was annoying to have to post pone my masturbation session but I tucked myself back into my shorts and got off the couch.

I yawned as I opened the door and what I saw before me shocked me so much I froze. Katy was standing in the hallway ready to see me.

“Did I scare you?” Katy asked, sort of laughing.

“How the hell are you here?”

“I told mom and dad I wanted to stay here so they took Connor and left.”

I remembered in that moment that it never was confirmed or denied that Katy and Connor would be staying at the lodge with me. Dad really didn’t have an idea, why would he?

“Why did you stay?”

“Why would I want to go to a hotel? The lodge is cozy.”

“Yeah I guess,” I said, my words slurring. I had to rub my eyes in an attempt to slightly sober myself and to make sure I hadn’t fallen asleep. We kept an awkward silence for a few seconds. My first instinct was to break it by introducing myself.

“H-hi,” I stuttered. “I’m Peter.”

“I know,” she grinned, now resting against the wall. “You know me as Katy.”

“Yeah…” was all I could muster. Conversation really wasn’t my best attribute, especially when I was nervous.

“Do you want to hang or not?” Katy said impatiently.

When she said this excitement peaked in my chest. The night could turn from me being a lonely fuck and smoking weed to spending time with this girl I thought was *smoking* hot. It was kind of fucked up, sure, but again- as long as it stayed in the lodge, right? Or was it the basement that I decreed?

“Yeah I guess,” I slurred, trying to play it cool.

“Great,” Katy responded. Without asking she moved right around me and made her way down into the basement. I slightly panicked, but held myself back when I caught sight of her backside as she maneuvered down the stairs. My eyes fixated on her curves for a moment, I couldn’t help myself. It was like Katy was trying to tease me. She wore a loose t shirt and pajama pants with socks.

“Wait,” I called after her. She didn’t stop but just found herself at the bottom of the staircase. I turned around and at least closed the door so we wouldn’t wake up our grandparents. Quickly, I toppled down after her.

“What? Afraid I’m gonna find your stash?”

“What do you-“ My mind was racing, thinking of what she could mean. When finally, I realized she was probably just talking about my *stash*.

“Oh. Yeah, whatever.”

“Let me have some,” Katy asked, now looking around the room. “We can wind down.”

Now if anyone in the world would’ve asked me this I would’ve said no. It was my responsibility to make sure my weed lasted me for this entire trip. However, these odds were weighted. Katy was my cousin, but she was without a doubt making me kind of horny. Any sane man would’ve stopped here and let it go but seeing as this was my first college break and I really was acquainted with Katy well it didn’t feel all that wrong. Maybe I was insane, but half of me really did want to just stay around her to allow her to keep teasing me. Then again, she may not have even known the power she possessed.

“You know what, fine,” I said, moving some sheets from the couch. “But just know you’re lucky.”

“Awe, thanks,” Katy said, taking a seat on the other end of the couch. “It’s crucial, you’re awkward.”

“The fuck?”

“You’re so concealed, just sit down.”

I was slightly offended. Katy said this and relaxed, stretching her arms out. All I could think about was the possibility of me being similar to my father.

“*Okay*”, I mumbled, finally locating the bag. As I prepared her dosage I stole glances at her. Katy was lying back on the couch, watching the T.V., with her arms stretched out. I could very easily see a faint outline of her breasts and I could make out they were probably a D or and E size. If she weren’t wearing a bra I could’ve probably seen her nipples, her shirt was a lighter cyan…

In about twenty minutes we found ourselves both lounging on the couch staring at the screen. We were both getting high, not speaking. It was more of a vibe situation rather then a meet and greet.

“Okay so let’s actually get to know each other,” Katy spoke up, turning to me. “Or are you still being weird?”

“I’m not being weird,” I sat up to face her. “What do you want to do?”

“Sorry for being mean,” Katy giggled. “It’s just boring here.”

“I could not agree with you more,” I sighed. “This is where I retreat to every time we come here.

“This is the first time in a while I’ve step foot in this lodge. Mom can’t stand your parents for whatever reason.”

“Yeah, I’m aware.”

“Why do they argue so much?”

“I don’t know, I think it’s some feud they’ve had for hundreds of years now. Could be anything.”

“Yeah, I guess…”

The movie we were watching was coming to an end. The quality wasn’t great, so it was really more background noise.

“Where do you go to college?” I asked her, looking to forward the conversation off of our family.

“Salt Lake City, Utah. I’m *smart*.”

“Hilarious,” I said silently as she laughed at herself.

“What about you?” She asked after relaxing again.


“Oh, so you’re much closer to home.”

“Yeah, you’re pretty far. We may not see each other for another ten years after this.”


“What are you studying?”

“Nursing, they make hella bank.”

“I suppose you’re right,” I said, thinking aloud. “I’m a rad-tech major.”

“Fancy,” she teased me. “Why that field?”

“I don’t know really. It just where I fit in.”

“I’m in a frat,” Katy said proudly.

“Of course you are,” I poked at her. “Wouldn’t expect anything less.”

“What’s that mean, you ass?” Katy laughed, throwing her hands up at me.

“You give off the vibe like you’re in one, sorry.”

“Well you give off the vibe like you’re an asshole,” she said, jokingly.

“Yeah, I do.”

We talked about all sorts of random things for half an hour. We bounced off of topics like school, graduation, our home life, dorms, what we want to do with our lives, etc. We still felt like we were just strangers meeting at a party, however, and the drugs were kicking in so I made a suggestion.

“Let’s grab some beers from the fridge,” I said, standing up. “Then we’ll play questions.”

“What’s that?” Katy asked, confused but excited for alcohol.

“You call yourself a frat girl.”

“Oh please,” she said, watching me walk to the fridge. “We don’t do dumb shit like this.”

“We both ask each other questions,” I explained, opening the fridge. “You have to answer whatever it is. We keep going until we’re bored and you take a drink after each question.”

“That’s simple,” Katy responded. “Sure.”

So it was settled. I grabbed the beers and tossed them on the couch we were lounging on. It was a six pack of ale so we each had three bottles. This game could either go really good or really bad.

“Okay,” I prepared myself, taking my seat and lying back again. “You first. Set the tone.”

“*Me*?” Katy laughed. “It’s your game, you do it.”

“Nah,” I said, cracking open my first bottle and handing her the opener. “I’ve played it too many times. It’s a good ice breaker at a party.”

“That’s a lame ice breaker.”

“What do you think is better? It’s pretty tame.”

“Okay, jeez,” she rubbed her eyes to think.

“How about…” I waited for her to speak in anticipation. “When was your first kiss?”

“Okay, that’s simple,” I took my first sip. The cold beer running down my throat satisfied me and kept me more in the moment. “Sixteen. Football game, girl I just met.”

“Wow, no need to flex,” she laughed.

“What about you?”

“Well,” Katy grabbed her beer, ready to sip. “Fifth grade. This boy liked me and asked me at recess.”

“That’s fucking funny,” I laughed as she took her drink. “You can’t make fun of me.”

“I sure as hell can,” she lowered her beer to her chest. “What now?”

“I don’t know, it’s you next.”

Katy thought to herself again. She took a few seconds before coming up with questions, it seemed.

“When was the last time you kissed someone?”

“Four months ago I think,” I explained. “Been out of a relationship since.”

“Four months is a while.”

“Maybe for you,” I took my drink. “I’ll step it up a little.”

“Ooh, how daring,” she teased. “Go ahead.”

“You a virgin?”

“Hahah, absolutely not,” Katy giggled. “Are you?”

“Nah,” we took our drinks. “When did you lose it?”

“Freshman year of high school. My boyfriend fucked me in my dad’s bed.”

“I didn’t ask for a story,” I laughed. Truthfully, it was kind of hot hearing that from her. “That’s fucked up.”

“Well, you wanted us to go deeper, so we are.”

“Yeah okay. Keep going.” I didn’t know exactly how far I wanted to take this but we were both enjoying ourselves.

“I know you keep catching stares at me,” Katy confessed. I could feel my face boil instantly and instead of denying it I just fell silent. “Why? Am I hot to you?”

I didn’t dare answer her. I only fidgeted my thumbs and shot my eyes around the room at anywhere else except for her. To say I was embarrassed was an understatement.

“Look it’s not a big deal,” she placed her hand on my arm. “It’s natural. We don’t know each other.”

Her touch comforted me. I wasn’t instantly cured of my embarrassment or anything but it help. I turned to face her, my face still flushed. “*O-Okay*,” I sighed. “Fine. Yeah, I find you attractive.”

“I’m not weirded out, it’s okay. Really. No one can resist me, it’s expected.”

“It’s dumb, I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be over dramatic,” she laughed. “If it makes you feel any better, I think you’re kind of hot too.”

I was more confused now. How could she possibly find me admirable? So far, the only thing Katy has witnessed about me is that I’m an awkward pot head. I didn’t ugly as shit, sure but still.

“Thanks?” I said. “I wasn’t expecting that.”

“Look. I don’t care if you keep looking at me every now and then,” she explained. “Just don’t be so damn obvious, you’re a train wreck.”

“Yeah, shit,” I just sighed. “I’m a mess.”

“Don’t sit in your pity party, let’s continue,” she punched my arm.

“I’m gonna get back at you,” I said. I was now determined to even the field. “What’s your favorite position?”

“*Well*…” Katy trailed off. Her eyes rolled back and she bit her lip nervously, it was cute.

“You have to keep it between us,” she whispered.

“Who am I going to tell? We already know we’re barely gonna see each other after this trip.”

“Yeah I guess.”

She fidgeted, laughed at herself, swallowed and prepared to speak. “Okay, so, I…”


“Don’t think I’m weird, please. It’s just uncommon.”

“Just say it.”

“I’m really into *anal*.”

She said it very softly but I heard it well enough. I didn’t laugh, I didn’t make a face, I was emotionless. Inside my head I was thinking about Katy possibly being into anal. She was right, it was very rare that girls even minded it- let alone favored it.

“How…” my mouth was dry. “How can you be into that?”

“I just like how it feels,” she chugged her beer instead of sipping it. I didn’t tell her not to. “I’m kind of addicted to it.”

“It’s not what I was expecting,” I said. “But okay. It’s your world.”

“Well thanks,” Katy exhaled after finishing her second bottle. “I’m definitely not sober anymore, which explains how I said that.”

“That makes two of us.”

We each had one bottle left. I cracked mine open first, and handed her the bottle opener. She cracked hers open and we clanked the bottles together. “Cheers.”

“So, my turn,” Katy sat back. “You sure you wanna continue? There’s no going back after that last one.”

“I’m not gonna pussy out,” I laughed at her. “It’s too late.”

“Alright,” she swallowed. “How big are you? You know what I mean.”

“I’m, uh,” I looked up at the ceiling with a grin on my face. I wasn’t really that nervous anymore, I was kind of enjoying this.

“I’m seven inches long.”

Katy couldn’t hide her face from her shocked expression. She made a movement where her knuckles brushed against each other and her legs moved back and forth across the sheets. I’m no expert, but it appeared to me that she liked to hear that.

“I don’t know why but I thought you’d be smaller,” she nervously laughed. “I don’t know. Good for you.”

“That’s funny,” I laughed. “Good for me?”

“Shut up.”

We both drank from our bottles instead of sipping. When we stopped we were both around the halfway mark through the bottle.

“How about,” I coughed, “when was the last time you fucked?”

Katy’s expression dropped to a blank one. Apparently that wasn’t the best question to ask.

“About a month ago,” she said softly.

“I’m sorry,” I have her empathy. “Too far?”

“No, I can’t be a pussy.”

“We can talk about it if you want?”

She took a breather. Then, without asking, she finished the rest of her drink. Katy fixated herself back on the couch, lying down a few feet away from me.

“He was an asshole. Dated him for a few months and apparently I fucked things up.”

“How is it your fault?”

“I just…” she stopped. She wasn’t about to cry, she was just frustrated. “If I tell you, it stays here.”

“Well duh, we already said that.”

“Okay, well,” Katy looked over at me. “I wanted to try something in the bedroom with him. He knew how much I liked anal, so I didn’t think he’d be so distraught by it, but he was. He made fun of me and just left like that.”

“Surely it couldn’t be that bad,” I tried comforting her. “What did you ask him?”

Katy rubbed her face with her hands and leaned back against the couch again. She opened her mouth to speak, couldn’t, and closed it again. I waited a few more seconds for her to clear her throat and she finally brought the courage to herself.

“I wanted him to try eating my ass.”

My heart sank as she finished her sentence. Not out of pity or disgust, but because it turned me on. In the few hours I’ve known Katy she has opened up to me and turned out to be an anal whore. She was a dirty bitch and really didn’t know how much I was into her exposing herself like this to me.

My imagination went to fantasies about Katy getting fucked from behind and licked simultaneously. The part of me that knew it was wrong wasn’t really there anymore. Katy was a hottie that had been in my grill since dinner. She had nice breasts, an hourglass figure and what I would assume to be a fat ass. I really didn’t get a good look as I was only really paying attention to her waist and the lighting in the staircase was pretty dim.

“I don’t think…” I cleared my throat. “I don’t think you’re weird for that.”

“Well, thanks,” she said, equally as awkward as I was being.

“Everyone has their own kinks. I think it’s admirable you’re into that type of stuff.”

“*Admirable*? How?” She said in shock.

“Like you said, most girls aren’t into that. On the other hand, guys are open to a lot of things. Honestly I’m kind of surprised he turned you down.”

“You don’t think it’s gross?”

“No, everyone has their kinks, like I said.”

“Well sure, but that doesn’t validate your opinion.”

Katy was looking at me with a changed expression in her eyes. Truthfully I think she was enjoying this conversation as much as I was.

“What about *you*? Do you like that?” She asked me.

“Well, I’ve never eaten ass,” I nervously chuckled to her.

“But be honest, would you?”

It was clear there was a heavy tension in the room now. The game had been tossed aside completely with the change of topic. My heart rate had sped up slightly from her asking me these questions. Nevertheless, I wanted to keep going.

“Honestly I would,” I confessed. “If any girl asked me to and I was into her.”

“See,” she said almost angrily, throwing her arms into the air. “I wish he was like you. I wish more guys were like you.”

“It’s not as rare as you think, your boyfriend was just an odd case.”

“I’m just frustrated,” she sighed. “I really just want to try it. I want *someone* to do it.”

“Well, you’ll experience it eventually, I’m sure.”

“Can we watch another movie?” Katy asked. I hadn’t noticed, but the T.V. was now off from inactivity. She stood up and walked over to it, kneeling down to sort through the DVD’s.

This had to have been on purpose. Katy was positioned so that while she was searching through movies her backside was facing me perfectly. I wasn’t sure if she was teasing me earlier but now I knew she had to have been. Her ass wiggled in full view from me and wow was I right. Katy’s cheeks looked like they would clap loudly if I fucked her hard. My mind was racing into scenarios again as I thought about it, watching her move.

“Hah,” Katy suddenly said, her head turned to me. I hadn’t realized it but she turned around, catching me dead in my tracks. “I knew you’d look.”

I was caught like a deer in headlights. I wanted to say something but I couldn’t. I now held me gaze upon her eyes and just swallowed, keeping a steady pulse.

“So just be honest,” she slurred, walking back to the couch as the movie came on. “Do you like it?”

Katy’s eyes were red and she wasn’t able to walk correctly. I had a choice now to let this die and go to sleep or carry it further but surely there was no coming back. I could only think about the fantasies I was having about Katy in this moment.

“Fine,” I said, “yeah. It’s nice.”

“I know,” Katy bounced onto the couch back into her spot. “I do squats. I gotta have a butt if I want to do stuff with it.”

“Yeah I guess,” I mumbled, still not totally there. “I still don’t know why he wouldn’t do it.”

“Me neither, he missed out,” Katy said, now staring at me intently. My heart hammered in my chest.

My next choice of words came out of pure courage and stupidity. She was looking at me with her hungry eyes, lying down close to me in her loose clothing. It wasn’t completely sane but it was all in the heat of the moment.

“Well for the record,” I said softly, “I would’ve.”

Katy looked at me with her eyes wide. Her jaw dropped and her hands fidgeted. It appears she knew the moment was getting heated but didn’t think I would’ve been so assertive. She didn’t respond for ten seconds and just held her frozen frame.

“Really? You would have?”

“Yeah, I would’ve taken the chance.”

She only moved her body very slightly closer to mine. She didn’t say anything else, only intensely stared at me. Her eyelids fell slowly, giving me a sort of sexy expression telling me she was in the mood. She tried to speak, but couldn’t. I knew she wanted to take this further just like I did but didn’t have the guts to initiate it. So, I did it for her.

“In fact…” I said very slowly. “I’ll do it now if you want me to.”

Katy laughed aloud, her facial expression twisting her face. There wasn’t anger or fear or any form of distress- it looked like she was having an internal conflict with herself. She didn’t move any closer or father from me. Katy lightly bit her bottom lip before speaking.

“You don’t mean that,” she said. “Right? You’re not serious.”

“No,” I spoke abruptly. I placed my hand on her arm. “I will.”

Katy shot her eyes at my hand I held her arm with, then back at my eyes. There was such a mix of satisfaction and confusion in her. The room was silent and our drinks were now empty.

“Are you sure about this?” She asked, her breathing intense.

“Dead serious,” I said, my heart sinking at the sentence. “Go clean up and I will.”

“*Fuck*,” Katy said to herself, finally moving to sit back and settle her breathing. “Is that really okay?” Katy almost struggled for words. “I was fucking with you, but I…”

“I won’t tell if you won’t,” I interjected.

“But Peter, we’re-“

“I know, you don’t have to say it.”

Katy and I were staring at each other. I was surprised she so suddenly dropped her sexy facade to a concerned one.

“Don’t worry so much. We don’t know each other, and we both know we’re rarely going to see each other in the future. Besides, it’s not like I’m fucking you.”

Katy twiddled her fingers, staring down at her feet. She was having to put a lot of thought into it now that I was opening myself up to her. But this was okay, I wanted her consent after all.

“Well, I,” Katy cleared her throat to speak better. “I don’t have to clean up. That shower I took earlier was a clean up, I was playing with myself before I came down here.”

“Really?” I asked, surprised and aroused by this confession.

“I told you I’m addicted. I clean down there almost daily because I like to stuff myself.”

“Okay then,” I said. “All you have to do is turn around.”

My confidence in the situation really did come out of nowhere. We had taken such a sharp turn in just a few minutes and it was looking like my fantasy was about to come true. My cock stirred in my pants, Katy held me in a sexy trance. This was easily the hottest moment in my life.

Katy, without saying anything, turned herself on the couch so that she was looking opposite from me. She adjusted herself so that her knees dug into the couch and she was on all fours. Her legs moved back towards me and slowly she worked herself up to my chest. It was now my time to move.

Using my shaking hands, I grabbed Katy’s waist just in front of me as I lied on my back. I pulled her even close to me so that her butt was just above my face, as if she was about to sit on me. My heart raced as I grabbed at her night pants and pulled them down, revealing her black lace panties covering her cheeks.

“You really are gonna do it,” Katy moaned. “Okay then.”

Katy reached behind her and yanked her panties down to her knees. Just in front of me I grabbed Katy’s ass and spread her cheeks apart. Her sweetness was exposed to me in full. Her pussy dripped, her asshole winked at me in excitement. The musk hit me almost immediately and it only made me even harder. It looked so tasty- I couldn’t stare at for long.

I pulled Katy’s ass to my face and stuck my tongue out. Katy let out an exaggerated moan as I slowly made contact with her. My tongue hit the area between her asshole and her vagina and worked up slowly to my meal. She winced and struggled as I made circles around her. My saliva traced between her cheeks and joined her pussy juices as they dropped down onto my chest.

After teasing her for a minute or two I sloppily licked at her butthole. Katy pushed back against my head as I did this, almost suffocating me. “Fuck, yes Peter,” she cried. I did the same motion again. I honestly grew to like the taste of it.

This turned into me lapping at her asshole so sloppily I swear I could accidentally taste her pussy juices here and there. She loved every second of it and so did I. Katy couldn’t hold herself up any more and just reseted on my chest. Her legs hung behind my head as her ass was held at my face. I ate it like I was starving.

As she rested on me, however, my erection twitched under her chest. She had to have felt it, there was no denying that. Katy didn’t make a comment on it but instead wiggled her body above it, teasing me more. In response, I jammed my tongue *inside* of her ass. Katy let out a loud moan, unable to handle it, and tried to pull away from me. Instead, I grabbed her thighs tightly and pulled her ass back to my face, thrusting my tongue inside.

“I can’t stand it, it’s so fucking good!” Katy moaned, her asshole tightening around my tongue. I slurped at it to no end. My lips kissed at her entrance as my tongue swirled inside. I enjoyed her like this for a good fifteen minutes before I finally got too tired and just had to stop. I fell backboard, her butt resting on my neck.

“I can’t fucking take it anymore,” Katy gasped for air. “Do you want to fuck it too?”

“Say no m-more,” I said, also struggling to breathe. Sweat ran down my forehead and she got off the couch to take my shorts off. I watched as Katy undid my bottoms and removed my boxers and gasped in awe as my cock plopped out before her. Katy took no hesitation to squeeze it before turning to me.

“Last chance,” she squeezed tighter. “You sure?”

“Shut up and shove it in,” I told her. “Before I change my mind.”

Katy shot me an evil smirk and climbed back on top of me. In a reverse cowgirl position Katy reached behind her and guided my cock to her ass crack. I then began jumping up and down, watching my cock slip up and down, in and out of her cheeks. She whined from the teasing I was giving her but I just wanted to save the moment. My pre cum trailed down her crack and I knew I needed to go ahead and nail her in. Slowly, I pushed my tip inside of her asshole.

Katy jumped and yelped quietly. She tightened up again, making it slightly more difficult for me. But surely, I slid in inch by inch. Our only lubricant was a mix of my saliva and her juices so I honestly was surprised she could take this much. She did claim she did this often, though. Still, just to be safe, I conveniently *for the sake of plot* had a bottle of lotion placed on the nightstand next to the couch, so I reached over and drizzled it over my cock as it slid in her.

I thrusted myself in and out of Katy. Slowly at first, but after seeing she could take it I increased my speed. She bounced on me, her cheeks clapping against my pelvis. Watching my cock disappear and reappear in and out of her brought me closer and closer to climax. I noticed as I was doing this Katy was rubbing at her clit vigorously.

“I’ve been wanting to do this,” I grunted. My cock still pumped in and out of her- she was consuming all seven inches.

“I’d be lying if I said I didn’t,” Katy chocked out. “God damn it, I loved it!”

Katy had to grab the other end of the couch as she continued to bounce her ass up and down on my dick. By this time my genitals were drenched in her juices. If she wasn’t my cousin I’d probably have some for desert. I felt okay fucking her ass now because although I was fucking her, it wasn’t her *virginity.*

Ten minutes later and I was about to erupt. I stopped thrusting into Katy for just a moment to ask her the big question.

“Can I finish inside you?” I asked her. I only felt safe doing it now because you didn’t have to pull out with anal.

“Fill me up,” Katy said with the sexiest tone she could suffice. “Fill my ass up, *please*.”

And so, it was decided. I grabbed her waist with both hands and pumped her against me furiously. My cock pounced in and out of her as she moaned from the pleasure I couldn’t imagine she could still be having. I felt my muscles go numb and all at once- it happened. I froze from the euphoria as my seed drained into Katy’s colon.

Katy responded by slowly guiding her ass down and sucking it all inside of her again. We lied like that for a good minute or two. I felt my erection very slowly die down inside of her. Once we had rested up I slid myself out of her and a glob of my semen dripped from her asshole.

“We have…” Katy panted. “We have this *entire* trip.”

“Well,” I said. “I guess you’re right.”

**Thanks for reading! This one took a few days to put together but I like how it turned out. Stay tuned for more stories later.**



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