Stories from my youth – my young Swedish university flatmate [MF]

Remembering back on my year-long exchange in Sweden, it was one of the most transformative times of my young adult life. I was 27 at the time, facing down the barrel of 30 with the hopes of a career back home in the states in business analytics once I finished my masters degree at Lund University. I would be a son my mother could be proud of I thought.

I was a poor masters student, so I lived in student accommodation and got by with shopping at farmers markets and eating cheap. I couldn’t afford an apartment on my own, instead opting for the next best choice – a room to myself with a shared kitchen and bathroom with one other person. My first housemate was a nightmare, a lazy Swedish guy that never cleaned up after himself and made no effort to socialise with me in any way. To say I was releived when he moved out is an understatement. I didn’t have to wait very long for my new housemate to move in. I can still remember the first day we met, as she stood in the kitchen directing the moving company men around with all her belongings being brought into her bedroom. She was young, nearly ten years my junior at only 19 years old. She was a native Swede, but didn’t have the stereotypical blonde hair and blue eyes. She was about 5″5 with a gymnasts body, dark brown hair and matching eyes. She caught my attention immediately.

The age difference was noticeable from the very beginning. She was submissive around me and kept very much to herself. I was worried that perhaps I intimidated her a little, as I am above average height and have an outgoing personality, but I soon realised that she was just nervous about moving out of her family home and starting university, and in fact, I didn’t factor into her day-to-day much at all.

We would exchange pleasantries when we bumped into each other in the kitchen, but otherwise, we kept to ourselves and didn’t really interact much. We were both in relationships, with my girlfriend of five years back in the states waiting for me and her fresh-faced boyfriend of only a few months occasionally staying the night in our apartment once or twice a week. I can remember the first time I overheard them fooling around in the shower together. I guess they weren’t expecting me back home so soon, and as I opened the door to the apartment I could hear giggling voices coming from the bathroom, as the door to it was right there next to the front door. They were speaking in Swedish which I couldn’t understand, but I could hear what sounded like playful teasing as they shared the small cramped shower. I silently walked through the kitchen and opened the door to my bedroom, careful to close it behind me softly so as to not alert them to my presence and potentially make for an awkward morning breakfast the next day.

After a few months of living together she began to warm up to me a little, and we would sometimes share an interesting conversation in the kitchen about our studies or home lives. She came from a very small town up in the north of Sweden, with a tiny population and incredibly safe neighbourhoods. Her accent wasn’t particularly strong, especially compared to other Swedes I had met, and she had an adorable little giggle when she found something particularly funny. I found myself enjoying her company more and more, and I would often linger in the kitchen just long enough to say goodbye to her in the morning as she went to class. In the summer she began wearing these cute little summer dresses with floral patterns, paring them with leather sandals and sometimes a straw hat. Her sense of style was unique, but always impressive. She never wore much makeup yet always seemed to be well put together, as if she didn’t really need to try to look pretty. I finally mustered the courage one day to compliment her on her sense of style, and she responded with a big smile and a twirl of her cute dress as she walked out the door. She always managed to keep me at arm’s length, but at the same time, I felt like we were forming a connection of sorts.

On one particularly warm summers morning, I came out of my room and into the kitchen to make myself some waffles for breakfast. I must’ve caught her by surprise, as she was walking from the bathroom to her room. She was wearing a tight-fitting white t-shirt that barely reached her belly button and a pair of lacy black panties that hugged her surprisingly wide hips. Her dark brown nipples were ever so slightly visible through her shirt, and her panties formed a tight V-shape on her ass. We locked eyes and she turned bright red, clearly not expecting me awake so early on a Sunday morning. She muttered something I didn’t quite catch and half jogged the last few steps to her bedroom. Her little breasts bounced just a little with each step. I felt like I had just seen something I shouldn’t have. My heart started to race just a little, and I felt my cock twinge in pants. There was something so sexy about seeing her in her panties that made me feel a sense of raw sexual energy. I abandoned my plans to make waffles and withdrew back to my bedroom where I furiously masturbated to the images still fresh in my mind’s eye.

As expected, she never mentioned what had happened that morning, as I suspected she was deeply embarrassed. We continued making small talk in the kitchen every now and then, and her idiotic boyfriend continued to stay over once or twice a week.

It wasn’t until we both hit midterm exams that things started to feel different. We were equally stressed, as she was studying law and had a mountain of literature to read through in preparation for her midterms and I was swamped with a combination of academic papers and oral exams. Thankfully, with our study schedules as intense as they were, this meant her boyfriend wasn’t staying over anymore. She went over two weeks without seeing him, and she spent far more time in the apartment studying. We began to see a lot more of each other, often destressing by just complaining about our workload to each other in the kitchen. She began leaving her bedroom door open more and more, as she claimed she felt cramped with it shut. As I was making lunch in the kitchen one afternoon I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye coming from her open bedroom door. She was standing in the middle of her bedroom, facing away from me. She was clearly in a rush to get to her gymnastics class, as she was rushing around her bedroom trying to find her one-piece elastic workout clothes. She lifted some loose clothes on the floor and held the dark blue one-piece up, inspecting it. Still facing away from me, she bent over and within half a second had taken down her shorts and panties and stood bare-bummed in the middle of her bedroom. just as fast as the bottom half, she took off her t-shirt and unclipped her plain white bra. Once again I felt my heartbeat in my ears. I knew I should look away, that I was being a peeping tom, but my eyes were fixated on her perfectly shaped ass. Each cheek was so small and round, and they met at the top of her thighs to form adorable little creases. Her skin was milky white, with not a single imperfection to be seen. As she manoeuvred herself into her gymnastic outfit she bent forward, and for the briefest of moments, I caught a glimpse of her pussy – barely even half a second, but enough to make my cock pulsate in my pants and my balls ache with urgency. She slipped on her outfit, pulling it up between her perfect ass cheeks. Not wanting to alert her to my presence, I tiptoed towards my own bedroom door and painstakingly inched it shut, cringing at the loud clicking sound it made as it closed. Once again I lay in my bed and instinctively began masturbating to the split-second image of her dark pussy lips barely visible between her thighs while the memory was still fresh in my mind.

By the third week of exams, we were both feeling like caged up animals. I would hear her having heated phone calls to her boyfriend from the kitchen. My Swedish was poor, but I knew enough to gather that he was displeased at how little time they were spending together. She was trying to explain that there was nothing she could do about it and that in less than a week her exams would conclude and she would be able to see him more often. I tried my best not to eavesdrop, so I wore my headphones
around the house to make it easier. One evening, I head a loud crash come from her room, even through my headphones. I knocked on her door and asked if she was alright. She told me that everything was fine and she had just fallen backwards off her office chair and cracked the chairs backboard. The following day she came home in the afternoon with a large brown box from IKEA – she had gone and bought a new chair. We made brief small talk in the kitchen about her clumsiness and I left her to put the chair together in her room. Less than an hour later I could hear her frustratedly clanging an allen key, so I pried her bedroom door open to see if I could help. She looked up at me from the floor with a grin on her face. “Need some help?” I asked. She nodded and smiled, and I joined her on the floor next to the half-assembled office chair. She was wearing a loose fitting t-shirt and equally loose fitting gym shorts. The shorts looked an awful lot like they belonged to her boyfriend, as they were much too loose for her tight little thighs. As she sat cross-legged on the floor she was seemingly oblivious to the fact that her shorts were exposing almost all of her thighs, with less than an inch or so of fabric covering her crotch. As she moved to pass me another bolt the fabric around her crotch bunched up and briefly exposed her pale pink panties underneath. Once again, my heart began to race and my cock began to swell. For the next half hour or so, I would get her to pass me anything I could think of just to get her to move her legs apart long enough to catch a glimpse of those panties. They were as plain as panties can get – no frills or pattern on them. I was so close to her pussy at one point I swear I could smell the sweet aroma coming from between her legs. As she would reach across me to find different parts of the chair she would gently brush my arm or legs. Her skin felt impossibly soft, and her hair smelt like strawberries. I took every opportunity I could to be close to her and feel her body against mine, even if it was for the briefest of moments.

Finally, the chair was complete and she stood up to sit in it. “It’s so much comfier than my old chair!” she exclaimed.
“It does look comfier,” I said.
She got off the chair and stood up.
“Here, try it out yourself. You did just build the whole thing after all”.
Instinctively, I stood up to get in the chair. Before I had even begun to sit down I felt it. My cock had just spent the last forty minutes being teased with little flashes of panties and was standing at full mast. There was no hiding it, and my cheeks must’ve turned bright red with embarrassment. I sat down quickly and tried my best to play it off by asking her how much the chair cost. She stood next to me, a half-smile on her face and her arms by her sides.
“I wonder if this chair can handle two people on it at the same time?” She said with a twinkle in her eye. Before I had the chance to reply she had sat down on my lap, bracing herself with her arms on either armrest. “You’re even comfier than the chair” she laughed. There was no way she couldn’t feel my rock hard cock straining against my track pants. I began to feel something I hadn’t yet felt – guilt. I had a perfect, beautiful girlfriend back in Texas waiting for me. What the fuck was I doing? I tried to stand up, placing my hands on her hips and gently moving her off of me. She responded by wiggling her ass just a little more, ever so slightly grinding it against my cock. “Well” I said, “I think I better get back to studying. I’m jealous of your new comfy chair!” She stood up slowly in front of me, allowing me to get up also. My cock was straining against my pants like a dog at the gates, eager to be set loose. She glanced down at it, her eyes lingering. My cheeks went even redder and I pushed past her out of her room. As I walked across the kitchen my mind felt like it was underwater. I couldn’t think straight. I walked into my room, pulled the door shut and immediately took off my pants. I lay down on my bed and placed my hand on my cock. Just the feeling of my own hand sent a shiver down my spine. I could feel the tip slippery with precum and began to stroke it – starting slow but quickly speeding up. I had barely found my pace when I heard my door click and begin to open. My pants were in a heap on my floor, and I had nothing nearby to cover myself as the door swung open and she stood in my doorway. “I knew you were up to something,” she said with a slight smile. “You think I didn’t notice you staring at me the whole time we were in my bedroom?”
I couldn’t form words, let alone sentences. She took a step towards me and I finally found my voice. “I have a girlfriend you know,” I said with the conviction of a barn mouse.
“And I have a boyfriend,” she said nonchalantly. “What’s your point?”
I didn’t even have a good answer to that, and besides, every ounce of blood in my body was now throbbing thru my cock. She took another step towards me, her eyes firmly fixated on my cock. She didn’t say anything as she climbed onto my bed on all fours and inched closer to me. She pushed my legs apart and walked her hands up my inner thighs, my cock twinged with anticipation. As her head got closer and closer to my penis I once again felt a fresh wave of guilt wash over me. What the fuck was happening. I needed to put a stop to this before I did something I couldn’t take back. Before the words even formed in my throat, I felt her take my cock into her warm, wet mouth. She placed a hand gently around the base and began to slide her tongue around the tip, cleaning off my precum. My body shuddered with sheer pleasure, and I lay back, letting my head rest on my soft pillow. She continued to slide my cock in and out of her mouth without saying a word, as she ran her nails up and down my inner thighs. I began to subconsciously thrust my cock deeper into her mouth as her saliva began to drip down onto my balls. Just as quickly as she started, she stopped. She leaned back on her knees and got off the bed. I opened my eyes and looked at her. She stared straight at me as she slowly peeled off her shorts, revealing those pale pink panties I had been catching glimpses of for the last hour. They clung to her body close, forming a barely visible outline of her pussy lips. She then crossed her arms and pulled her shirt over her head, revealing her bare breasts. Her nipples were the size of a dime, a dark red colour that stood out from the rest of her milky white skin. Her breasts were a C cup at best but perfectly formed, with each nipple pointing slightly upwards. Lastly, she peeled off her underwear. She had clearly been focussed on her studies, as her pussy was covered in short, dark brown pubic hair – maybe a week or so old. Once again she slinked over to the bed and began towards me on all fours. She put her hands on either side of me and climbed over my body, her knees brushing against the outside of my thighs. She kept climbing over me until she had positioned her hips directly over my face. The sweet aroma of her pussy washed over me as I finally stared directly at her small round outer pussy lips. They were a slightly darker colour than the rest of her body, and she began to lower herself towards my face. Within moments her soft, warm pussy was smothering me. Her soft pubic hair tickled my nose as I breathed in her sweet-smelling aroma. I slid my tongue along the outside of her lips, tasting her juices, before finally tensing and sliding it deep inside her. She let out a high-pitched moan as my tongue fucked her dripping wet pussy. She started to grind up and down on my face, all the while getting wetter and wetter as her cum dripped down my chin. In her excitement, she slid slightly higher up my face than she intended, and my tongue slipped out of her pussy and along her asshole. She gasped, clearly not expecting my tongue to start rimming the outside of her asshole, gently probing inside with each lap. I could feel her thighs tense up around my face and she got closer to climax. Just as she began to shudder with pleasure I slid my tongue out of her ass and pushed her small body down off my face towards my cock. She looked down at my throbbing penis and said “where do you keep the condoms?” This would be a problem – I didn’t have any condoms in my room as I had no thought of getting laid while living here.
“I don’t have any” I said sheepishly. “Are you on birth control?”
She looked at me with this wicked look in her eye, and with one hand on my cock, guided me inside her.
“Nope” she said, as she took the last inch inside her and I felt the warmth of her pussy surround my cock. I should have pushed her off, but I didn’t. I should have stopped the whole thing right there, but I didn’t. The thought of my unprotected cock sliding deep inside her raw little cunt made me shiver with pleasure. She slid up and down on top of me, moaning with ecstasy. Eventually, I spun her around and she began to ride me in reverse cowgirl, each stroke up my cock revealing her tight little asshole. I spread her ass cheeks apart to stare at it in wonderment as her thick white pussy juices leaked down the base of my cock. I couldn’t help myself, and as she slid up my cock I ran my middle finger down her ass crack and over her asshole, before sliding it deep inside her ass. She let out a little squeal and began riding me faster and faster. “Fuck, I’m going to cum” I moaned. I knew I didn’t have long until my cock unloaded. “Slide off and I’ll cum on your face,” I said. To my utter disbelief, she looked back at me and said “I want you to fill me up with your cum”. With that, she began riding me even faster and I could feel her pussy begin to fill with her cum. Just as I was about to cum she beat me to it, letting out a little scream as her pussy overflowed with her cum ontop of me. I could feel her asshole tighten around my finger as she continued to cum, and as she did so I finally let myself go. My cock erupted deep inside her, filling every inch of her pussy with my thick cum. My orgasm spurred her into the second one of her own, as our cum mixed together inside her and she let out another scream. She continued to ride me for a little while longer before sliding off and laying next to me, trying to catch her breath. I watched my cum leak out of her little hairy pussy and onto my fresh bedsheets.

Luckily for me, she remained my roommate for another four months until I had to move out and head back to the states. I never did find out if she stayed with her boyfriend, but I’ve got quite a few more stories from my early sexual experiences I’ve been meaning to write out.



  1. Hot AND well written. There are some experiences I should go back and attempt to articulate this well. Some memories are burned in —down to the last detail.

  2. I understand Lund University is a reputed institution, but as a Hindi speaker, that’s like hearing an Englishman say they went to Cock University

    Now I can’t read this story for it’s intended purpose. Too busy laughing my ass off

  3. So so hot! Did you two do any more together?

    The best sex of my life also involved a girl who told me she was not on birth control but insisted going raw was ok (I didn’t need much convincing, and like you, sliding along and then inside her pussy felt so good). My SO was across the country at the time during our weeklong fling.

  4. Am I the only one who wants to know how you two went on for the remaining 4 months? Did anything else interesting happen??

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