[MF] The time I (M20) fucked two women in two days

Since COVID started I’ve had plenty of time to think about fun experiences I’ve had, and I wanted to write about this one in particular.

I was home from college for winter break and a friend from high school was hosting a New Year’s party at his empty frat house at a nearby school. Normally I would be the last person to step inside a frat house for a party, but this was a very different occasion. Most of the people invited were close friends or friends of friends, that type of thing. Not a big event at all.

Well, the big night comes around and there’s a good amount of people. No strangers, just a lot of plus ones with plus ones. Everything is relatively normal, drinking, dancing, chatting, flirting. Lots and lots of flirting.

Despite my best efforts and good opportunities, I had never been the lucky recipient of a midnight kiss. I know, I’m quite the hopeless romantic. Minutes from midnight, I’m enjoying myself but seem to have run out of luck.

Suddenly, a beautiful girl appears in front of me out of thin air. Someone I went to high school, Maya, with had just shown up at the last minute with a group of 3 or 4 people, and she was one of them. On the edge of the ‘dance floor’ I ask how she knows Maya, and she tells me they’re in the same sorority at school, out of state.

She certainly looks like a sorority girl: blonde, tall, a lot of cleavage, and a tight black leather dress complete with matching heels.

She’s evidently on the same wavelength as I am, and pretty soon we’re dancing face to face but not leaving space. Let me just say, this is a situation where it’s better to be lucky than good. Anyway, someone starts the countdown, and we are immediately making out. We get so into our own little make out world that I totally miss the stroke of midnight. After maybe a minute, I look up and notice the room, dark, strobe lights pounding, is mostly empty. I later found out that some drunkenly ordered pizza had just arrived.

This girl and I, whose name I do not yet know, have no need for an audience, and we start going at it again. At this point, she is essentially sitting on against a large table that was hastily pushed against the wall to make room for dancing, and I notice that next to us is another couple of New Years lovebirds in the same position. Romantic.

Luckily, I’d been in this building before, so I knew that there were common areas upstairs, and I suggest that we move up there. She eagerly agrees, and I lead her to the second floor. As I open the door to a room with some nice couches and chairs, someone’s face appears in the darkness.

“Occupied,” they laugh as the door slams in my face. It seems the people who didn’t get pizza were a few steps ahead of me.

In desperation I lead the wonderful and patient sorority girl to a bathroom, and luckily it’s empty. On my way in the door I grab a folding chair leaned up against the wall outside. One half of the room is a large open shower area, totally dry since the house is empty for the holidays. I pop the chair open near the middle of the floor just to the side off the drain, although we don’t get to it for a few minutes.

We start making out, except now that we’re alone clothes are coming off or, in the case of her dress, getting pulled down and rolled up. Her cleavage has become full on nudity, and I grab a handful. She’s leaned up against the sturdy tile counter when I start fingering her and playing with her clit. She moans and kisses up and down my neck while my fingers move in and out, in and out.

After a few minutes she is really wet and I’m entranced. She moans something that sounds like an attempt at words, and I ask if she wants me to fuck her. She says yes. At this point I am as hard as can be, no help needed.

On my tiptoes I slide into her, her arms around my neck and long, gorgeous legs wrapping around my waist. I rest my head in the crook of her neck as I start to move back and forth, rhythmically fucking a girl I met not 30 minutes prior.

She implores, “Please fuck me,” and my breath grows more and more ragged. I’m not far from cumming when she asks if she can ride me, and I of course say yes.

We move over to the well planned chair before she mounts me, one hand holding up her leather dress and the other on my shoulders, wrapped around my neck. I position my cock and guide her onto it before letting her take over. I bar my arm across her waist and grab a handful of her bouncing ass as she starts to really get into riding me. The position we’re in is not the most comfortable, but it’s plenty enjoyable.

She knows what she’s doing, and I’m practically writhing at this point. We’re a crumpling pair of bodies, her head on my shoulder and mine on hers as we moan, “oh god,” “fuck,” “that feels so good.”

“Slap my ass baby,” and I happily oblige, giving her a pair of strikes as firm I can offer.

After a few more minutes of delight, I realize I’m going to cum. I manage to verbalize that I’m close, and I pull her off my cock with the arm I have around her waist. She drops to a low crouch and places her mouth open in front of the head of my cock, squeezing my balls with one hand and gripping my thigh with the other. With a few strokes from my right hand I’m cumming hard, and a fair amount lands on her face, in her mouth and on her dress, which it slides down before dripping onto the floor.

I watch her swallow before we both stand up, and my legs are more than a bit wobbly. We kiss deeply one last time. Before even getting the chance to clean herself up, she grabs her phone and sees a dozen texts from her friends saying that they’re leaving. At the same time, one of them yells from downstairs.

She quickly composes herself in the mirror, wiping the cum off her face and dress as best she can before running out the door. Even if she managed to get it all, I doubt her friends had trouble figuring out what happened. I never saw her again.

Less than 24 hours later, I was in an apartment building downtown fucking a girl I’d hooked up with all last summer. We had a strange relationship; she had actually done the same thing to me, but I didn’t mind.

This has gotten quite long, so I’ll save that story for another time.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/jiwqyt/mf_the_time_i_m20_fucked_two_women_in_two_days