[MF] [teen] [sleep] SLEEPING NATASHA – an erotic story of shagging a bird when she is asleep. Natasha was also next to my mate Simon.

**You can view the illustrated version of SLEEPING NATASHA at** [https://eroticprose.com/](https://eroticprose.com/)

I only ever screwed Natasha once, but boy was it a doozy. She was 19, short, slim with strawberry blonde hair, a pretty face, not much in the chest area but an arse you could crack walnuts on. I got to know Natasha through mutual friends, and got along so well with her we became friends almost immediately.

She had a reputation as something of an ‘easy’ lay, but at the time I knew her, she had a serious boyfriend so had tempered her love of sex (or so I thought) – therefore I didn’t really contemplate making a move on her, although I certainly admired her body whenever she was around.

Nevertheless, there was always an element of sexual tension between us, (and between her and any other guy, for that matter.) lots of flirting and suggestive comments about us sleeping together or fooling around. I was quietly ruing the fact that she had a boyfriend, while she often implied that this fact was the only thing stopping her from fucking me senseless – or so I thought.

One night Natasha and a few friends came back to my place after a long drinking session. It all wound up about 3 a.m. with my offer of a bed for everyone present, however after all the spare beds, mattresses and quilts had been taken Natasha and another male friend, Simon, were still without a place to sleep.

Ever the optimist, I suggested that they could share my queen size bed, to which they agreed provided there was no hanky-panky!

#### Stripped down…

So we all stripped down to underwear and got into bed, Simon on the far side of Natasha. I was last in, and we were all still talking and saying our goodnights when I slipped under the covers. After a minute or two of silence, Natasha, who was lying on her side facing away from me, moved slightly and pressed her panty- covered bottom back into my groin – a come-on sign if ever there was one.

Not wanting to wake Simon, who by now was lightly snoring, with the minimal movement I moved my hand across so that it was resting on Natasha’s thigh. There I started to gently stroke the backs of her thighs with my fingers, from the backs of her knees right up to where her panties started under the cheeks of her hard little bottom.

This I did for an eternity, covering every inch of her legs and pretty much all of her butt. But soon I became tired of this, so I slid my hand along her side, over her underwear, and up underneath her T-shirt. There I started the same routine on the small of her back, then her tight belly and the undersides of her small but mouth-wateringly firm tits. This whole process took well over half an hour, beginning at 3:20 a.m., and it was past 4 on my bedside clock before I even contemplated touching her pussy…

At this stage, I was starting to wonder whether she was still awake, as her breath could be audibly heard even over the soft rustling of the sheets. However, I decided to proceed regardless, moving my hand down to the cheeks of her fabulous butt and slipping ever so carefully underneath the elastic at the back of her panties. I cupped her arse-cheek for a while, before slowly inching my long, middle finger down into the velvety valley formed by her inner thighs. The tip brushed against her light, downy pubes, and – this is a moment I remember vividly – when I applied pressure I found an absolute lake of moisture: she was wet for me!

Taking this as tacit approval for what I was doing, I started to move my finger all around her fantastic pussy, smearing her copious juices all over her mound, inner thighs and panties. She wasn’t as tight as many girls I’d fucked, but neither was she appallingly loose and I had great fun probing every inch of her exquisite cunt with the middle three fingers of my hand.

The best part was the minutes I spent lightly brushing her prominent clitoris, and I lay still breathless, listening for the changes in her breathing when I brushed over her button with my index finger. She was responding keenly, despite not a word passing between us, and I decided it was time to see how far she’d go…

Reaching down with my other hand I slowly and gently inched down her underwear so that they were down in the region of her knees – she was still on her side facing away from me, with legs together, but her pussy presented itself to me perfectly from side-on. Once her panties were out of the way, I inched down my own boxer shorts then moved in as close to her as I could get, using minimal movements so as not to wake our fellow bedmate.

#### Sprung cock…

My hard cock sprung up and prodded the back of her thighs, so I took it in my hand and gently started probing around the space between her upper thighs. My sensitive knob felt her cunt juices smearing all over it, and I spent a few minutes just rubbing her mound from behind with my helmet, the tip of my dick getting wetter and wetter. When satisfied, I started to apply pressure, and BINGO, my cock started to be engulfed by the soft, warm, wet ring of her vagina as I slid inside her.

She took it easily and without noise, and after a few seconds I had every inch inside her. My groin was pressed up against her tight little butt, my thighs against the back of her thighs, my right hand gripping her hip and my dick buried as far as it would go in her burning pussy.

After savoring the feel of her for a few moments I started to slowly withdraw and slide in again. I knew it would be a short fuck, as my orgasm started building only moments after I entered her, so I tried to prolong it as best I could. It became a slow, grinding screw, I put my hand across her body and fondled her hard tits as a jammed my cock into her slowly but surely. And she seemed to be enjoying it despite the lack of noise or movement, as a torrent of juices seeped out of her pussy and smeared all over my crotch and inner thighs.  After a couple of minutes, it became all too much for me – I grabbed her hips, pulled her hardback against me, and pumped her full of my semen.

We lay there for ages, me hoping to get hard again quickly so I could repeat the dose – however, the beer overtook me and I ended up falling asleep with my softening cock inside her.

When I awoke it had slipped out, so I dressed, pulled Natasha’s panties back up around her leaking gash, and rolled over for some kip.

The next morning nothing was said about the night before, prompting me to wonder whether she actually had been asleep; and in fact, nothing was ever said between us. I started to wonder if you could actually fuck a girl like this without waking her up, and to this day it’s a bit of a mystery in my sex life.

However regardless of whether she was asleep, or just feigned sleep so as not to feel guilty about cheating on her boyfriend, I don’t care – it was a great fuck, pure and simple, and I thank her for it.

I never got the opportunity to screw her again, and I regret this, although I did get to pork her friend Kate. The last I heard, she was engaged to another local man with, allegedly, a monster cock. And good luck to her.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/jj9bxq/mf_teen_sleep_sleeping_natasha_an_erotic_story_of