[MF] sharing porn and discussing scenes with a friend

I had a non-platonic friend (we’ll call her Jane) who I used to share porn with and then talk about after. We met at a bar in Northern California and were attracted to one another, but we were each seeing other people. Over time, we both became single and started texting more sexually. (We’re both caucasian fyi).

One night, I had a dream where I got to witness my favorite porn scene being filmed. But instead of the female pornstar, Jane was the girl in the scene. I told her about this dream and she seemed turned on, so I asked if she wanted to watch the original scene. She said of course. I decided to send her time stamps of my favorite parts and how she behaved in my dream. She fucking loved it and sent me back time stamps as well.

Overtime, this turned into more scenes from the same website being shared because of how much she liked the first scene (blacked.com). She liked each and every single one of the scenes I showed her, and she confessed how much she wanted to be the girls in the scene. Jane would get really turned on after she watched the scene and she would say the dirtiest things. That website became a new fantasy for her. She admitted how she couldn’t get those scenes out of her head. Unfortunately we never got to do anything in person because of distance.

We eventually stopped when she got a boyfriend (I think they got back together while we were still sharing), but a part of me feels like she still fantasizes and watches those scenes. Message me if you want to know which scenes they were and some of the extremely dirty texts she sent about the scenes.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/jitkpx/mf_sharing_porn_and_discussing_scenes_with_a