Fucking [M]y married [F]riend and dealing with the consequences

This is a throwaway account. Some people I know in real life know my other account and if they read this it would make an already awkward situation a lot more complicated.

This happened just this Thursday. I’m still trying to get my head around it and what it means. Maybe writing it down will help. If not, somebody might at least enjoy reading about the most emotionally charged sex of my life.

I’m 37M and Laura is 34F. I first met her about 5 years ago. We’re both members of the same track and field club, so we both have fairly lean athletic builds. I’m 6’ 3” and 195lbs, Laura is 5’ 3” with long golden brown hair that she often wears in a pony tail or a bun. At first I didn’t find her attractive. There was no real logic to this, she had a nice figure and perky B-cup tits but for whatever reason it didn’t click for me and that was fine since she was married anyway.

We both started to get involved in the management of the club, which meant we would spend more time together and we became friends. Then one day, about two years after I first met her, something changed. I don’t know if she was wearing her hair differently or she looked at me in a different way but suddenly I realised “hang on, you’re actually pretty hot”. So I did what any man would do armed with this new perspective, I went home and jerked off while thinking about her. I came harder than I had for some time. It had taken me a while but I’d finally realised what an attractive woman she was. There was already a lot to like about her, but now I wanted her physically as well.

Of course, she showed no interest in me, but that’s to be expected from a happily married woman. It was just a fun fantasy, and fantasies are safer when there’s no chance of reality intruding. I continued to date over the next three years and had a couple of brief relationships but whenever I needed some inspiration in my alone time, my thoughts would return to Laura. Meanwhile we continued to be friends. We’d have a laugh and a joke when we were training or working on club things and we’d exchange WhatsApp messages during the week.

In all this time I never met her husband. I’d occasionally see him on the other side of the parking lot when he came to pick her up after training but I never spoke to him.

On Thursday we’d finished a meeting and were heading back to our cars. Laura asked what I was doing for dinner. I said I’d probably pick something up on the way home. She said that her husband was away and that she had left some chilli in the slow cooker but had prepared too much and if I liked I could eat at hers to avoid it going to waste. There was nothing untoward about this suggestion, it’s just the kind of person she is, always looking out for others and being kind. For me it was a win-win. Rather than go home to an empty house I could enjoy her company and get a free meal in to the bargain. I had no ulterior motives. I respected her too much to try anything and I knew that she would not be interested.

When we got to her place she directed me to the couch, turned on the TV and went to the kitchen to serve the food. After a few minutes she brought me a bowl of steaming hot chilli and some nachos. She sat beside me on the couch and we tucked in. It was delicious. I turned to compliment her on the food and, with her mouth full, she looked me in the eyes and gave me a closed-lip smile that melted me. It was no surprise she was married. She was fun, easy-going, sexy and a great cook. Who wouldn’t want to be married to her?

We finished off the food in silence while we watched the TV. Some detective show that didn’t make much sense to me but Laura seemed to enjoy it. After a while she rested her head on my shoulder. I wasn’t sure how appropriate this was but I enjoyed the feeling of being close to her, so I didn’t react. When the credits rolled she turned to me, put her hand on my thigh and asked with a suggestive smile “who wants ice cream?”. I must have briefly glanced down at her hand because she quickly withdrew it. I can only imagine that she momentarily forgot that I wasn’t her husband. At this point I had only one thought running through my mind – “don’t get hard!”. “Ooops!” she said and bit her bottom lip. Goddammit, that did for me and I popped an erection. I tried in vain to hide it as she giggled nervously. “You’re blushing” she said. I had no answer to that – I was blushing, and I was visibly aroused. I had no idea how to play this situation but then she did something I was not expecting at all. She cupped my face in her hands and planted a lingering kiss on my lips.

I was asking myself what the fuck just happened? “Er, you’re married…” I stammered. She didn’t respond for what seemed like an eternity. Then her lips began to quiver and her eyes moistened. “I know” she said as she broke down. “It’s OK” I tried to reassure her. “No it’s not” she replied. I put my arms around her while she had a big cry and told me how she and her husband had become distant in recent months. I guess it’s been a tough time for everybody. I’m not proud of it but something about her vulnerability made me even more turned on. Eventually I made some silly quip and she laughed. She dried her eyes with her sleeve, stared into my eyes and said “thank you”. Then she kissed me on the lips once more. It might have passed for a friendly peck but she lingered for just half a second too long. “You’re married” I reminded her. “I know” she said and then she kissed me properly. It was slow and passionate and intimate in a way that I’d never really experienced before.

I’ve never cheated on anyone and, until now, I’d never cheated with anyone but Laura needed me and I wanted her so badly, morality was not going to get in the way. She straddled my lap and removed her top then helped me to remove mine. OK, so we were definitely doing this. I fondled her breasts through her bra as she kissed me, caressing her hard nipples with my thumbs. I unbuttoned the top of her jeans and slid my hand inside her waistband. I rubbed the outside of her pussy through her sodden panties with my middle finger. She squirmed and kissed me harder.

I would have quite happily fucked her there on the couch but Laura insisted that we go to the bedroom. It’s one thing to fuck a man’s wife, it’s another level of wrong to do it in his bed, but I only had one thing on my mind. In the bedroom we both removed our jeans. We kissed standing up but the height difference meant it was easier for me to sit on the bed, open my legs and pull her into me. I unhooked her bra and kissed her perfect tits, teasing her nipples with my lips and tongue. This drove her wild. She slid her hand into my boxer briefs and grabbed my cock. I was already so worked up that if I’d let her continue we’d have been heading for a premature ending. So I took her hand away, stood up and pushed her backwards onto the bed. She was taken aback for a second but then seemed to enjoy me taking control. I removed her panties, spread her legs and got my first look at the pussy I’d been fantasizing about for years. It wasn’t clean shaven but she had a very neatly trimmed bush that glistened with her wetness. It was just about the most inviting pussy that I’d ever seen and I was keen to get a taste. I teased her by kissing slowly from her ankles, up to her knees and then onto her inner thighs. I lingered, denying her what was to come. Apparently in 8 years of marriage her husband had never once gone down on her. I was going to be the first man to taste this forbidden fruit. The thought made me even harder.

I licked gently along her pussy lips, teasing her with my tongue. Slowly I started to pay more attention to her clit. I tried to listen to her moans as she tried to stifle them, worried that the neighbors would hear. I slid a finger inside her and massaged her g-spot while my tongue teased her clit. My face was coated in her juices. She writhed as I found the perfect tempo and then kept at it until she came. Her attempts to keep quiet faltered as she let out a truncated half-moan-half-squeal that was the hottest thing I’ve ever heard. I kissed her belly button, then her tits as I made my way up her body as she laughed contentedly before I kissed her passionately giving her a taste of her own juices.

“I’m going to fuck you now” I whispered in her ear. She nodded eagerly. I spread her legs once more and slid my cock between her pussy lips. I’m only average size but she was pleasingly tight despite the wetness. She moaned as I pushed fully into her. She placed her hands either side of her head on the pillow and I took them in mine, sliding my fingers between hers. Laura looked longingly into my eyes, biting her bottom lip again. How had I ever not found her attractive? She was beautiful and I was balls deep inside her. It took all my self control not to come there and then. I tried to think of anything else as I started thrusting into her, gently at first, trying to angle my hips to find her g-spot. I kissed her – on the lips, on her neck, on her ears. I tried to block out her heavy breathing and her quiet moans, desperately trying to last a respectable length of time. I thought I was losing the battle but to my surprise Laura came first. She was still so worked up from the oral that it hadn’t taken much to make her come again. Feeling her pussy twitch on my cock and hearing her moan my name as she came sent me over the edge and I emptied myself into her. I came hard with a very unsexy grunt that gave Laura the giggles.

We shared a slow, satisfied kiss and then laid there for a while in each others arms. As we came down from the high the regrets started to intrude. Fuck, I’d just fucked her without a condom. I was never usually so careless. I had one in my wallet. What if I’d got her pregnant? Laura reassured me that she was on the pill. I said something stupid like “phew, we wouldn’t want to have to explain that to your husband” and with that the moment was gone. The mention of him brought her back to reality and I could see that she was conflicted about what we’d done. This had much bigger implications for her than it did for me.

We got cleaned up and I took a shower before getting dressed. We didn’t say much to each other but Laura gave me a goodbye peck on the lips as I left. I went home to try and process what had just happened.

That was Thursday and I haven’t seen her since. Her husband’s back now and I’m not sure how that will play out. Will she tell him? Will she try to forget it happened and try to rekindle their marriage? I’ve no idea. I sent her a WhatsApp message to ask if she was OK. I didn’t mention what happened in case her husband saw it. She just replied “Yes, fine. We’ll talk soon.”. I’ll probably see her at training tomorrow, unless she skips it to avoid me, but I don’t know if we’ll get a chance to talk privately.

This has really scrambled my head. I don’t even know what I want to happen next. I don’t know her husband but I’ve got no ill-feeling towards him. I can’t stop thinking about her. I really enjoy her company and I want her but maybe it’s best if we go back to how things were? Then again I’ve never had an intimate emotional connection like that with anybody else.

Perhaps this is better suited to /r/relationships but then I don’t have a relationship with her. She has a relationship with her husband and until she figures out what she wants to do with that I’m in limbo.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/jj5wzh/fucking_my_married_friend_and_dealing_with_the


  1. She’s going to invite you to a threesome with her and her husband. Those are the best. This is exactly how I started my relationship with a couple

  2. you will end up married to her, or in a terrible fucking roller coaster of emotions… uggh… so fucked, sorry. Strap in for the ride.

  3. I did this, we fell in love, couldn’t put the breaks on the affair. Now I’m pregnant, be careful with this, you may end up deeper than you think. Still married, husband forgave me.

  4. Forget this ever happened unless she makes it very clear that she wants you to remember.

  5. Well written. Enjoyed it on a lust level.

    Really not my place to say this, but this situation really hit me in the heart.

    Keep your door open to her but keep your pants on for her sake if you care about her as a person. Don’t destroy her mentally, she already knows she messed up.

  6. If you really like her, don’t fuck her again. If you really like her then tell her that you do, but just be there for her. She needs to work out how she feels about her husband and their life together.

    If you continue to have sex with her then she may never leave her husband because she might try to find a way to have her cake and eat it.

    Knowing that you like her and that you guy’s have chemistry will be the shining light that she walks away from him for.

    It might be that she has realised that actually she loves her husband and that it was a mistake, she may have really enjoyed the mistake, but not something she is willing to jeopardise her marriage for by repeating it.

    Either way, just be nice and supporting, as long as she knows where you stand then she can work out what she wants to do. Nothing more than a kiss or a cuddle.

    The key thing is though, if you want her, don’t fuck her again until she is free to be yours.

    Good luck! Let us know what happens!

  7. It sounds like you guys did have more of an emotional connection than purely physical. But cheating is complicated. It doesn’t always mean that the cheater wants to leave their partner. Sometimes it just means they’re hurting.

    I do think you need to talk to her about what happened because you’re all fucked up about it. But, unfortunately you might have to end your friendship if she decides to stay with her husband. It might hurt you too much.

    Keep us updated!

  8. Great story. The moral conflict definitely adds to it. You sound like a good person. Keep it up. But I agree with the top comment – pretend it ever happened unless she wants you to remember. Dont expect it to ever happen again.

  9. Beautifully written and conveyed! I love the chemistry you two have and forgetting the condom and going for it felt so right too. Hope you two will at least stay friends but I’m rooting for there to be more

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