East Flying West Chapter 3 (AMWF Story)

East Flying West Chapter 3 (Chapter 2&1 are on my profile)


Some time had passed. Ryan had signed in at reception and got all the introduction stuff out of the way. He got shown around the main buildings together with Zoe before being shown to their accommodations in which they were going to be living for the year.

He remembered some facts about the university. About 40,000 students, but not all were actually on campus, some were off campus or online students. Ryan’s dad was not wrong about it being popular for Chinese students, about 5,000 students were Chinese which was a significant amount.

He was residing in Snyder Quads flat D511-A. Zoe was going to be living nearby as their parents wanted them to be close to each other in case of emergencies. She opted for a regular flat with 5-7 people, all first year students. Since Ryan was not a first year student he had to choose somewhere further from university buildings, a studio on his own or a small flat for 2 people. He chose to live with someone else to know someone and because it was cheaper than a studio.

“What is your flat Zoe?”

“Uh… Ah it says here Snyder Quads A208-E.”

“Well I’m in Snyder Quads flat D511-A, which is this way. Will you be fine to find your flat yourself?”

“Yeah, no problem.”

Zoe walked off towards her flat, Ryan waited a second. Zoe’s ass looked quite nice he thought, tight jeans made her small ass look nice he thought. Shortly after Ryan walked off to find his own flat and room. D block, fifth floor, flat 11, room A. He kept following the sign around the area to get closer to his flat. It was going to be a flat with just 1 more student with which Ryan had to share kitchen and living room. Perhaps it would be one of those cute white girls he thought, but he didn’t mind if it was a guy.

It took a bit longer than expected but Ryan had found his flat. It said it right on the door D511. He opened the door to his flat. It felt cold inside. He walked into the flat and looked around, it looked empty. It had the basic furniture you expect from student Accommodation. The overall color of the flat was beige/grey themed. Mhm it probably meant he was here before his flatmate. Ryan opened the door to his room and started dragging his belongings into his room.

Slowly unpacking some of the things he thought he was going to need, while leaving some other boxes unopened for the time being. About half an hour after arriving himself, he heard the main door open. He kept unpacking for a little bit longer before opening his door to not seem to creepy in case it was a girl. He got out of his room and walked into the hallway, he couldn’t believe it. It was another Asian guy, what were the odds he thought.

“Hi, I’m Ryan, nice to meet you.”

“Hello, I’m Eric.”

Ryan talked back and forth a little with Eric, made some small talk about their trip to here and how old they were. Eric was 19 and starting his first year here as a engineering student. Eric was skinny looking, definitely not as buff as Ryan. Eric was about the same height, both of them were about 6” tall and Eric wore glasses. Eric was born in the UK, which was nice to know someone who at least knew the culture. Ryan helped Eric get his stuff inside the flat, it was quite a lot of stuff as it seemed like it was never ending.

“Thats a lot of stuff bro.”

“Sorry, my parents made me overpack, you know Asian parents thing.”

“You want to go eat somewhere after this? Kinda getting hungry and it is getting to dinner time.”

“Yes, you know any food places? I haven’t been anywhere here yet, by the way I got some snacks if you are really hungry.”

“No, I’m not that hungry. I’m new in this country, so i know even less places than you.” Ryan chuckles.

Ryan went out shortly after with Eric to find somewhere to eat. They walked around town for about 10 minutes before choosing a burger restaurant. It said homemade burgers on the signs outside. Ryan and Eric decided not to go for a chain restaurant to see what the local food is like. A waiter came by to collect their order. Eric ordered a chicken burger with chips. Ryan chose the house favorite which was a double beef burger with a secret sauce it said. He went for potato mash instead of chips for his side.

After about 15 minutes, the burgers arrived. Ryan was not focused on the burgers as the girl who served it had nice big breasts. She probably was about his age he thought. The top she wore was a low cut cleavage top, he was surprised they allowed her to wear that while on the job. When she put down the food he had the best angle to have a look at them. Never in Hong Kong had he ever seen an Asian girl who even came close to this size of boobs. White girls really came in all kinds of shapes and sizes. Ryan snapped out of it and saw that Eric was staring. The girl walked away. Ryan started a new conversation with Eric.

“You got a girlfriend Eric?”

“Yes, she actually is starting the year with me in engineering. We both come from Leicester.”

“Thats cool, I’m single right now haha. Whats your girlfriend like?”

“Her is name is Lisa, she is Korean. She studies hard and very nice. Oh I’m Chinese btw even though she is Korean we share a lot of interests.”

Ryan and Eric enjoy their meal, which came to £29.50 together. It was really good Ryan thought, he decided to leave a tip as he quite enjoyed it.

“I’ll pay for it if you pay for some drinks Eric.”

“Yeah, sure why not. You want to go to the uni bar?”

Ryan paid by card, but told them to take a £5 tip. After he paid he headed to the uni bar with Eric together. It was not too busy inside as uni did not start till next week officially so not everyone had moved in yet. They just ordered some Strongbow cider to start it off with.

Ryan asked why Eric decided to leave with less people to which Eric responded that his girlfriend did not want him to life with another girl. Eric filled in to live with guys when he signed up for accommodation. He explained that this wasn’t possibly with 5-7 room flats as it wasn’t popular enough for bigger flats. His girlfriend did the same, but for girls it was popular enough to work for regular flats. Eric asked Lisa if they could live together to make it easier, but Lisa’s and his parents thought it was too early to make such an commitment.

Ryan really enjoyed the company of Eric, so much that they kept ordering new drinks and just talk and laugh. The fourth round of drinks was going to be a pint of Thatchers Gold. It was about 9:47PM when a white guy came over. He looked like he was friendly. He told them how his friend wanted to hook up with one of the guys. He told Ryan that she did not mind which one of them went.

“I got a girlfriend, but Ryan is single.”

“Can you show me which girl it is?”

He pointed at a girl a few tables away. She looked cute Ryan thought. Cute smile, dirty blonde hair sweeped to the left side. She was wearing a white blouse and a red skirt. Ryan nodded to her and smiled. She started walking over and sat down with them and the white guy joined the table as well.

They ordered 2 more drinks and then she asked if Ryan could come with her to her flat. He said yes, Eric got ready to go back to his flat. Everyone got up and left. The white guy walked behind Ryan and the dirty blonde girl.

“Don’t worry, he lives in my flat. I’ve never had sex with an Asian guy and even better that you are fit.”

“You told use it could be either of us?”

“I wanted it to be you secretly, but don’t tell him. I told Colin that if he helps me hook up with an Asian guy, that I would help him hook up with an Asian girl.”

That sounds kind of weird but hot at the same time Ryan thought, having your friends help you have interracial sex. She opened the door to her flat and soon after the door to her room. Her bedroom was mostly purple colored, but as he looked around the room she pushed him on the bed. He was finally going to fuck his first white girl. Ryan looked forward to this ever since he that white girl winked at him at the restaurant.

“Oh my name is Ava btw.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/jit68x/east_flying_west_chapter_3_amwf_story