Step Sister Corruption Part 19 – Day 2 The big talk (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)

We got into my room.

The moment we were in my room Summer turned around closed my door and locked the door.

Great the door is locked. This can’t be good.

Summer turned and changed her demeanor. She had changed her face from all smiling and bubbly to complete blank. She didn’t look mad or pissed.

I’m nervous with how quickly Summer was about to change her demeanor.

Was she a psycho?

Had I stuck my dick in the crazy?

I’ve heard stories of girl’s who are cool and amazing in the public but behind closed doors it completely different.

Was Summer that girl?

Summer spoke, “Sit Gabe.”

I was afraid but tried to remain cool. I sat down like she asked trying to remain on her good side.

Summer sat down next to me and sighed, “So Gabe I’ve thought about us.”

I nodded. Let’s see where this goes.

I was ready to break everything with Jessica and possibly Summer more with everything just so I could be to myself. And maybe be safe.

Summer continued, “I tried to think of us trying to keep the whole no strings attached meaning no emotions. I really tried. But I honestly can’t think without using my emotions. That’s who I am.”

I nodded but she didn’t look at me.

I watched her look up and smiled, “If you were a normal guy I’d tell you to go fuck yourself and fuck your friends with benefits. Hell I’m still thinking that.”

A normal guy?

What the hell is she talking about? I am a normal guy. I’m the most normal guy you’ll ever meet…..I think.

Summer continued, “But in the last 24 hours you’ve shown me something I didn’t know I’d thought I’d like…..teaching or controlling your sister.”

I quickly added, “Step.”

She looked at me with a glare, “Whatever.” Then she smiled, “I thought about it. I’ve enjoyed controlling Kelly more than I ever thought I would and honestly I kind of want to travel down that road more and if that means dealing with a guy who I originally thought before I knew about your side piece was probably the best piece of dick I’ve ever had.”

I looked at her with my eyes raised, “Best piece of dick huh?”

She leaned into me with a genuine smile, “Don’t let that get to your head.”

I spoke, “No you said it. I want to know what you mean seeing how you’re sharing so much.”

She laughed and looked up, “God why did I say that?”

I looked at her, “No I want to know what you mean?”

She ran her hand through her hair, “Ok before I go into that. Let me ask you what you think of me?”

I looked at her, “Meaning you or your sexual performance?”

She looked at me, “Both.”

I knew at this moment I better say something fucking good or my ass was grass. Time to put on the charm and hope it gets me out of the fucking dog house.

This time it was my turn to run my hand through my hair and sigh, “I think you’re a gorgeous girl. And sexually you did some firsts that no one had ever done to me before. Like sucking my nuts that was a first. But over all I think you were hands down the best I’ve ever had to where I want to find out more about you on both fronts.”

I looked over and saw Summer had a tear forming in her eye with a smile on her face. She whispered, “You mean that?”

I nodded, “If you let me.”

The tear fell and her smile changed like that was what she was looking for.

I spoke, “Now you.”

Summer sniffed and spoke, “Frankly you’re the only guy who can take my mouth’s teasing without firing off too early which I love usually the guy’s I’ve been with only lasts seconds before they fire off.

When I’m blowing a guy I feel like I have so much control over their orgasm. It’s an honest rush and the longer I do it the more power I feel and the wetter it makes me. And when I drink and taste their cum it gives me such a rush it’s indescribable. It’s as if I taste their euphoria in their cum and it’s in my mouth. And the more tasty it seems to me and makes me more turned on.

Especially if their diet is just right to where their cum has all those right flavor notes. But if their jizz is too salty or their diet isn’t just right it just doesn’t taste right and the euphoria is over powered by their lack of them maintaining themselves.

But usually they cum all over me before I can wrap my mouth around them so I can enjoy it. Other times I can get my mouth over them when they fire off for me to experience with them their euphoria.

I pride myself in my mouth game. And having you not only resist from cumming too early you pushed me to further my experience which I fucking loved.

God did I fucking love it. And the power you gave me made me so unbelievably wet.

Then there was you tasting me. Usually I have to beg for a guy to go down on me after I’ve gone down on him. Not only did you do it willingly but you actually do it semi proficient to where I laid back and enjoyed myself.

And god can you tease too. I’ve never had a guy actually tease the inside of my thighs. Usually they just dive in without revving me up and don’t do it long enough to let me enjoy myself. So I was riding cloud nine when you actually did everything and brought me to multiple orgasms.

You left me wanting more and you didn’t disappoint.

Then there’s your actual performance and am happy you aren’t a two pump chump. I actually enjoyed myself and actually not only feel an orgasm but multiples.

Normally I get close. Sometimes I experience a small orgasm. Sometimes I might get the big O. But you actually made me experience multiples in one sitting.

You know how many guys who have been able to do that?”

I shook my head having no clue and wanting to tell her the truth that more than once I felt like I was going to cum just from the beginning but somehow pushed passed it. I’m going to say that all those supplements probably helped me last longer than I normally do. But I let her continue.

She laughed, “Only you. Usually I have to play edging games with my previous guys which I will admit it is fun but frustrating for me as well. I want to be pounded until I’m jelly from orgasms. I want to be used but at the same time cared for. As much as I enjoy controlling a guy’s orgasm I enjoy it more when they can bring me to orgasmville.”

I wanted to call horseshit on her admittance. I’m sure she’s been with a guy who could last longer than 8 seconds but I’ll let her think whatever she wants to think.

She chuckled, “If you didn’t perform so well and I wasn’t enjoying myself with not only you but with Kelly as well I’d probably tell you to go fuck yourself and tell everyone that you have been fucking your step sister calling you a incest cheating bigot.”

I looked at her, “You wouldn’t do that would you?”

She laughed, “God no because I love Kelly and don’t want to hurt her. But hurt you yes. That’s if you didn’t do so well.”

She sighed, “Which is why I’m going to continue being your friends with benefits and continue helping Kelly. I’m going to change our friends with benefits dynamic.”

I rose my eye brow, “Oh! How so?”

She looked at me, “I’m going to change it to an open friends with benefits dynamic. You can keep Jessica and only Jessica excluding Kelly because our previous agreement. As long as you come back to me and only if you perform like you have so far helping me push my boundaries. But there has to be some changes with some our current aspects.”

I liked where this was going. Summer was basically handing me an open invitation to fuck her whenever I felt like and continue fucking Jessica as long as I came back to Summer.

I could handle that. Though I was expecting an entirely different outcome.

I was expecting Summer to cut my dick off or beat the living shit out of me.

I looked at her, “Like?”

Summer looked at me, “First off I want you to keep Jessica in the dark for the time being. Until I decide other wise she is not to know about us or what we’re doing with Kelly. Same thing with Kelly she can’t know about Jessica being one of your friends with benefits. That will hurt her.”

I nodded.

She continued, “Who knows I might want to include her down the line if I find that being a…..what’s the term I’m looking for?”

I offered, “Dom?”

She snapped her fingers, “Dom. If I find that being a Dom is as pleasurable as I think it is. I might want to explore it more with others. But for now we’ll play it by ear.”

I nodded again.

She continued, “Another thing. Is as much as I enjoy what we’ve done seeing how we’re not in a real relationship I want you, Gabe, to take action every once in a while. While I’ll admit being a dom has been a huge turn on. I want to see what it feels like to be a sub but only to you. Usually when I’m in a relationship it’s give and take. This isn’t a relationship and shouldn’t be treated as such.”

I blinked completely shocked. This bitch was giving me free reign to use and abuse her without any consequences.

Here I was thinking she was going to create bodily harm to me. She does a fucking 180 and wants more of the same thing?

There has to be a catch.

She spoke, “Does that seem fair?”

The only thing I could do was nod.

She smiled, “Good. Mind you this is only because of the situation, how much I love Kelly, and how well you performed. If none of that happened I probably call you an asshole kick you in the dick tell Kelly everything and maybe spread rumors.”

I gulped knowing she wasn’t lying.

She got up, “Now let’s talk about your punishment.”

I groaned thinking I got out Scott free. Wasn’t it bad enough that my mom of all people seemed to know what we’re doing.

I was still scared shitless what my mom will do to me.

I shuddered at thinking what my mom was going to do to me. Whatever it was I’m sure Summer’s reaction would be a warm tropical breeze compared to my mom.

At least one crisis has been averted……at least my dick is in one piece.

I just looked at her, “Ok.”

She smiled, “Until you’re parents get home I’m going to tease the living shit out of you.” She leaned into me, “I’m going to make you edge until your dick is dripping nothing but cum. You’re going to beg me to let you orgasm.”


Anything but that.

I nodded accepted my fate it was only until my parents got home which was…..I looked at the clock. 3:47pm.

Double fuck!!!!

My parents were on their flight by now. If I was lucky they would land early and be home before……midnight I think.

So almost 8 hours of teasing.


Fuck my life.

I looked at her and nodded.

My only saving grace by her words is I performed so well that she didn’t kick me in the dick.

But was this any better?

She smiled, “Good. And to start it off right. You’re going to be taking some pills.”

She reached under grabbing my hidden container and pulling it out. She unzipped and opened the contents. She grabbed the bottles she wanted and poured out a fuck ton of pills before handing them to me.

She smiled with an evil smile, “Bottoms up.”

If I haven’t said it before. These supplements will be the death of me.



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