[M4F] ?? Happy Halloween: Spooky Story Grab Bag ??

**CAUTION:** The stories below may include themes of Sexy Monster Girls, Spookified Celebs, Haunting Stories, Hung Serial Fillers and the General Spirit of Halloween laced into the plots. All characters are +18 in these stories you ghoulish deviants. You have been warned.

# Intro

Greetings Ghouls and Girls to this year’s ? Happy Halloween: Spooky Story Grab Bag ?**â„¢.** While I normally write long posts with lots of fun details, Halloween is kind of a big deal for me and my imagination kicks into overdrive filling my head with lewd plots. So instead of dozens of individual posts, I am going to give you a list of sexy prompts for you to read through and maybe excite your own imagination. As always I am looking for Creative, Geeky, and Perverted Females to write these, so if you happen to check those three boxes feel free to PM me with your naughty ideas. Just keep in mind some stories are short one-offs while others a larger complex multicharacter roleplays.


**Deviant Daddy**

# Stories

**The Addams Family Desires** – Let’s be clear the number one reason Addams Family is on the list is Morticia Addams and that lovely photoshop pic of Christina Ricci dressed as Morticia. An what monster family would be more likely to enjoy sex then perhaps the Munsters themselves.

? *Wednesday (Adult) and Morticia x A Lucky/Unlucky Husband*

**Among Us: Imposters** – A roleplay that has some strong game mechanics. You will play **Red** and will get to randomly guess which of the two crew members are secretly tentacle monsters in suits. If you get it wrong and vote off a human, you will enjoy a small scene where that person is picked off and breed. If you get it right (twice), you win the game

? *Red x Crewmembers x Imposters*

**Bone** – A hyper curvy werewolf girl who less feral beast when she turns and more like an insatiable furry slut. She might grow out of her clothes when she starts to change, break the bed frame, and crack the floorboards when she walks but the sex is incredible so who am I to complain?

? *Amazonian Werewolf Girlfriend x ‘Dominant’ Shorter Male*

**Candyman** – Say his name three times into a mirror with no lights on and you will summon the supernatural specter that is the Candyman. The price of summoning the large shadow in a black coat? Your juicy little ass. Be careful.

? *Girls Playing Stupid Games x Spirit That Delivers Stupid Prizes*

**CoC: Witch Hunters Fall** – A Corruption of Champions plot where a hero, noble and true, gets in over his head against a covenant of Witches and Monster Girls. Instead of killing him or letting him go after defeat, they decide to warp him into a massive stud to use for their own delights.

? *Faithful Witch Hunter x Lewd Covenant of Witches*

**Containment Breach!** – An underground lab doing special experiments holds creatures of interest in special containment cells so they can’t escape into the general public. A careless lab assistant drops a large glass container holding a sealed cylinder of black goo. Before she could hit the alarm it latches itself onto her body turning her into her its first host. It’s time to meet the rest of the staff.

? *Alien Symbiote x Scientists (and the Public eventually)*

**The Cummining** – A man cursed by angered gypse (after banging her daughter) finds himself with a growing need to climax all the time. Each release makes his balls tingle with more and more seed. Can he find the woman who cursed him in time to have her lift the curse or will he regress to a massive cum blasting deviant who strokes off 24/7.

? *Guy Who Had It Coming x Women Trying To Help Him*

**Cryptozoology Society** – A secret society sworn to protect rare species across the world. We hunt them down, tag them, and protect them against their worst enemy… Mankind. We are the Cryptozoology Society.

? *Cryptozoologist x Cryptozoologist (it gets lonely in the van)*

**A Darkness Lingers** – Small fishing villages off the Atlantic Coast and ritual sex cults who wear yellow robes and pray to the old gods. A Lovecraftian setting with various plot ideas to choose from. Please only ask if you have some experience with Lovecraft fiction.

? *Men With No Clue x Madness and Women*

**Dawn of the Breasts** – A zombie epidemic only this time instead of undead monsters its a virus that turns people into bimbos or studs. Saliva takes days to infect the host, breast milk takes hours, and cum will turn a person in minutes even seconds! It’s the end of the world and it never looked so good with naked women running down the street and tackling people to their front lawns to infect them.

? Zombimbos/Abrominations x Survivors

**Draw A Card** – A magical card game on Halloween were drawing a card has magical consequences to the person who draws it. It could alter their mind, body, or reality in some way and the only way to get back to normal is for someone… anyone to finish the game. Basically, it’s Halloween Jumanji.

? Players x Players x the Cards

**End Of All Things** – It’s the end of the world. Demons have climbed from burning cracks from the ground and Angels have flown down with flaming blades to smight them. Humanity is stuck between two warring armies who could care less if they live or die.

? Incubus or Angel x Women Stuck on Earth

**The Evil Head** – Ash decides to take his girlfriend up to the mountains for a quiet time. Leaving her alone for just a moment she finds a book below the floorboards made of a soft smooth leather and with lewd pictures drawn upon the pages. Flipping through them she finds words written in Latin and reads them allowed. She is awakening the ancient ones. Sex spirits who want to be apart of our world. She is reading from the Lustonomicon!

? *Possessed Girlfriend x A Hero With A Big Boom Stick*

**Familiar** – It’s common for Witches to have familiars. Spirits who stay with them acting as guardians and pets fulfilling various needs when they come up. In order to create a familiar, a Witch must sit with two sisters and use their magic to pull their familiar from the void and form them to their heart’s desires.

? *Witches x Summoned Anthro Beasts to Serve Them*

**Frankenstud** – He was crafted with care and consideration with women in mind; right brain of a nice guy with all the emotions that makes for a good boyfriend but the left brain of a deviant dom calculating his next move to tame whoever he fucks. Muscules of bodybuilders, cock of a former porn star, and height of NBA player. Frankenstud is built for one thing… fucking.

? *Frankenstud x Dr Patrica Frankstien*

**Ghostbusters 2020** – A New Team. A New Era. Extra Horny Ghosts. I really don’t know what else to say on this plot for now.

? *Ghosbusters x Ghosts Who Need To Busted*

**Gotham: All Hallows Eve** – The criminals of Gotham City are always out on Halloween. It’s one of Batman’s busiest nights of the year. This year is no different as the villains of Gotham put Batman to the test and inject him with a unstable chemical that would end him if he doesn’t find the cure in time to stop his changes.

? *Batman x Gotham’s Rogue Gallery*

**Her Wicked Intentions** – Witches are at FULL POWER during Halloween and this lucky guy happens to be living with a subby nympho witch who wants to make all his dreams come true. Even if that means going out together and making a harem of willing and unwilling babes with a twitch of her wrist and sway of her wand.

? Man and his Witchy Lover x Anyone They Fucking Want

**Hogwarts Harlots** – Reimagining Hogwarts as an all-girls school for girls 18 and up. A place where Witches can learn to cast more mature spells and have older male teachers give them the one on one teaching the deserve. Doesnt that sound wholesome?

? *College Witches x Male Professor*

**House on the Hill** – A house at the top of the hill. Decrepit. Broken Down. Terrible. It’s the sort of house that kids throw rocks at with the hope of cracking a window. It also happens to be the best place to make a triple dog dare to make someone spend the night and not be scared out by the old creeky house. The perfect place for three brave 18 year old girls to spend the night for their web show only to find something still lives in inside the house and won’t let them leave.

? *That Thing That Goes Bump x Youtube Girls*

**Invasion of the Body Crafters** – Do not fall asleep. Do not fall asleep! Soon as you go to sleep they come. Alien Body Crafters with tickling roots that will steal your likeness and grow your clone inside pod. You will awaken inside as part of their hive. Your mind focused on reproduction, your body twisted into perfection, and the sex is unworldly. Wait… go to sleep. Go to sleep!

? *Pod People x Very Sleep Citizens*

**The Invisible Dom** – No matter you do he always finds you. A man not a spirit. Light bends around his body making I’m completely invisible to the human eye but there are ways to see him; the rain on his shoulders, the steps on your carpet, the steam whisping past him when you take your shower. You are his no matter what you do and you love it.

? *Invisible Man x A Beautiful Woman*

**Jack O’Slammer** – A magical spirit who arrives only to slam the spirit of Halloween into the non-believes of the world. In one night he can visit dozens of people seeking them out, slapping them with his seasonal cock and then making them scream out Happy Halloween as he pounds them like Porn Hub Pornstar Stud. Do you need some seasonal cheer slammed into you?

? *Jack O’Slammer x Seasonal Grinches*

**Lustgeist** – “They’re here….” She said as the 18-year-old pressed her tits into the TV and ghostly hands reached from the screen pulling through to the other side. Just a classic movie with lots more sex than any standard poltergeist. Basically a porn parody of the movie.

? *House x Family*

**Master PC (Halloween Edition)** – Our ‘Hero’ has the Master PC loaded onto their smartphone. What kind of fun can we get up to using the reality-altering app to twist people into various lewd parodies of what they were. ONLY FOR MASTER PC FANS.

? *Master PC User x Unsuspecting Victims*

**Mavis Sucks** – Just a character from Hotel Translyvania only instead of her ending up backpacker lets assume she meets a man who knows how to treat her right. A man who allows her to drink from him when she is hungry and gets fucked the way she deserves.

? *Mavis x Human Stud or Werewolf?*

**Mirror Mirror** – A magical mirror sits inside a Halloween store. Its effects are slow at first but long you look at the hypontic surface the more its magic turns the costume you wear into the real you! WARNING Wearing two costume ideas may create unique results.

? *Mirror x Girls in Costumes*

**My Daddy Is A Monster!** – Strange sounds coming from his bedroom at night. Ripped shirts in the garbage can. Coming back home at 3 in the morning. The claw marks on the basement walls. A young woman suspects (after all these years) her father may not be normal. Has he and her mother been hiding this truth all this time? What does it mean for her to know the truth about her Monster Daddy?

? *Mature Daughter x Monster Father*

**My Girlfriend The __________** – A long-running series I have of girlfriends (and/or boyfriends) who are monsters and the difficulty dating them IE vampires taking up fridge space with blood bags, good girls staining work shirts, building an extra-large shower for the centaur girlfriend, etc.

? *Human Male (usually) x Monster Girlfriend (human if only male is a monster)*

**Mr. Black** – College girls acting like they were still in high school play with magic way over their heads and open a demonic portal letting something very real into their world. A man now follows them at night stalking them one by one and using their darkest desires against them. His name is Mr Black and he is here for their mortal souls and lushes bodies.

? *The Devil x Coeds*

**Oakgrove Cheersquad vs The Werewolf** – A bus traveling down a secluded road in the middle of the woods has not one but flat tires. The College Cheerleaders inside are not stuck on the side of the road in the middle of the night and something appears to be watching them from the woods. Alpha Male Werewolf picking off Coeds to make into his pack of breeders.

? *Werewolf x Cheergirls (can be a different sport)*

**Only We Remain** – A alien fungal virus is turning humanity into undead monsters. All about 10% of men are immune to the spores, unlike women who are 100% immune but NO ONE is a immune to a bite. This is a proper zombie story with multiple character and deep complex plot but also a nice layer of sex to explore. Plays a lot like the Last of Us and the Walking Dead.

? *Survivors x Survivors*

**Perverted Adventures of Sabrina** – It’s Halloween in Greendale. Sabrina and her friends want to celebrate the holiday by dressing in costumes and enjoything themselves like any other Halloween. Little do they know something is coming fro them. Something wicked. Something sinister. Something… horny.

? Sabrina and Friends x Sex Demons

**The Pharoh Rises** – Just your standard mummy plot only this Mummy isnt so much rotting corpse as he is a barely wrapped stud with a royal cock and libido to boot. He will hunt down those who removed him from his tomb and make them his new queens or the very least harem girls.

? *Mummy x Researchers*

**The Pink Mist** – A strange pink mist swallows up a small town and soon the residents start feeling the strange effects. They see things, feel things, and crave things. The longer you breathe in the mist the longer it corrupts you, the more you want to live inside its warm embrace. Fair warning the mist might have more than just corrupted humans inside it, monsters may be inside.

? *Those Embracing The Mist x Those Locked In Inside ‘Safe’ Spaces*

**Please Hyde** – A college chemist taps into a new human growth gene and see’s the immediate effects making anyone go from wimp to stud in a few quick minutes. Little did he know the effects of such a drug also unleashed the id of peoples minds making them aggressive, dominant, and perverse. He’s the first test case and his new alter ego wants to use the student body for his own desires.

? *James Jekyll AKA Jason Hyde x His Classmates*

**Raven Manor** – A special manor with tall hedges and pointy cast-iron fences just outside civilization. The Manor is multiple victorian buildings housing what can be best described as a commune of monster girls. Living outside of the public eye is for their own safety and a single human caretaker fulfills all their needs so they can live a peaceful secluded life.

? *Human x Monster Girls*

**Raven Manor: One Night Out!** – Vampires and Witches can leave Raven Manor and still be considered normal but the others? They have a bit more trouble blending into normal society. That said there is one night a year where they get to stretch their supernatural ‘legs’ and see the outside world. Halloween Night is the one night where they get to pretend to be monsters while being themselves and collecting some sweet treats. What could go wrong?

? *Humans in Costume x Monster Girls in no Costumes*

**RDR Undead Nightmare** – Quite honestly one of the best zombie games ever made and it wasnt even a real zombie game. I would love to explore a Wild Western plot involving the undead and supernatural beings. If you know the game and want to explore some horseback riding and six-shooters to blast zombies this could be a fun long term plot.

? *Cowboy x Cowgirl v Zombies*

**The Ring** – A Haunted Video Tape. A Phone Call. A Staticy TV. She comes for her victims seeking to take some misguided vengeance upon them but what happens when someone notices the woman in the videotape is a curvy ghost girl with an ass to perhaps literally die for? They watch her tape of course and make a trap specifically designed to catch her between her world and ours before taking their desires out on her perfect bottom.

? *Samara x Her ‘Victim’*

**Scooby-Doo and the Big Dicked Creeps** – The usual goofy prompts for the Scooby Doo gang but with a twist of Velma losing her glasses and masked men (or monsters/ghosts) noticing the geeky girls thick bottom and deciding to blaster with their… ectoplasm. Of course, Daphne can be a target too.

? *Velma/Daphne/Marcie x Masked Men or Literal Monsters*

**SCP: Secure Collar Penetrate** – Ordinary everyday objects with extraordinary properties. The SCP seeks out these objects with the intent of containing them or the very least quarantining them if they are unable to be removed. We will follow a special team that focuses on SCP of the human variety and their task to keep these SCP’s secured collared and if need be penetrated.

? *SCP Recovery Team x Poor Girl With Emerging Abilities*

**Slip** – Meteor from Outerspace landing in a small rural community hatches a strange alien creature. The slimy tentacle fiend soon finds itself in the local lake before navigating up the pipes into the community. This curious and horny creature will ‘attack’ girls in locker rooms, girls in pools, hot tubs, by sinks, or even in their own personal showers. What fun.

? *Tentacle Monster in the Water x Women By Any Pipe/Water Source*

**Something Is In My Suit** – Space Marines. Broken Seals on Suits. Alien Symbiote taking a new host. A proper sci-fi horror plot with the slow corruption of a man as he becomes a hybrid breeder looking for female crew members to knock up with his alien babies.

? *Infested Marine x Female Crewmembers*

**Spells R Us** – A small unassuming shop that you could have sworn wasn’t there a second ago. Inside you will find various magical items that appear unassuming but you quickly realize are quite fun. The strange old shopkeeper appears to know you by name and has your order ready to take home. Do you take the bag of ‘magical’ gifts? He did say free of charge.

? *Sexually Cursed Objects x the Victim(s) who use them*

**The Splitter** – A bunch of college kids spending the weekend at a secluded cabin in the woods. Little do they know of the Splitter a 7’4 lumberjack with a broad shoulders, strong hands, and 13-inch cock. He will hunt down these teens with his axe and get them out of his woods. May include the murder of male characters, females may have semi-non con mind break scenes. Can always let the boys escape if you wanna leave the murder out.

? *The Splitter x College Girls*

**Spooky** – A lonely spirit stuck in the house they died in soon finds and sexy resident taking up their old apartment. Falling instantly in love with this new mortal, they decide to give them a cold (but sexy) welcome to their new home, if they want it or not.

? *Horny Spirit x Hot Mortal Resident*

**Summoning Gone Wrong** – Young College Witches decide to play with some magic that is over their heads. Little do they know they just summoned Ohcta Neephals, the god of wanton pleasures and are soon feeling his tentacle wrath upon their lovely bodies.

? *Tentacle Demon God x Witches (and More)*

**Supermassive** – Godzilla! King Kong! Staypuffet Marshmellow Man! Whatever your Kaiju, I want to explore a man and/or woman who is rapidly growing to a massive size. They can either be their normal human selves as tall as a building or turn into monsters… dragons? I don’t know. Its sexy growth plot.

? *Growing Lead Character x Unsuspecting City they live in.*

**Supernatural Activity** – Nightvision cameras set up through a family’s house start recording the strange happenings at night time. Watch these recovered records before their disappearance. WARNING: May contain disturbing images of fucking spirits.

? *Family x Possessed Family Members x Spirits*

**A Very Fertile Valley University Halloween** – Fertile Valley has always had a population with LARGE endowments be it super-sized cocks, massive tits, or perfect bubble butts. Tis the season to be spook and slutty. So let’s explore FV’s residents celebrating All Hallows Eve in their pervy costumes.

? *FV College Males x FV College Females (open to the larger community)*

**We Need You** – A young man coming to age soon finds he is far from an ordinary human. He is the great great grandson of Van Helsing. Only Helsing wasnt a monster hunter but a monster collector. Just after his 18th birthday strange girls start stalking him at night wanting to be close to the magically infused lad who is like a beacon in the night to the abnormal girls of the paranormal world.

? *Young Modern Helsing x Horny Monster Girls*

**Witch Mill Hill** – A good witch burned by an angry town nearly 300 years ago has finally returned under a blood moon. Using her magic she punishes the descendants of the original town people by using erotic spells to turn them into perverse versions of their costumes. Yes I am aware I keep on coming back to costume TF.

? *The Mill Hill Witch x The Mill Hill Residents*

**Wincestor House** – A family moves into the house of their dreams, little do they know the perverted history of the Wincestor House and the incestuous sex cult that once filled its walls. Now they will experience possession, dreams, and ghostly encounters slowly corrupting them into cult members themselves.

? *The Hearts Family X Perverted Spirits*

**Zaap! (Halloween Edition)** – A reality-altering raygun that requires a small pull of a trigger and a blinding green light will turn anyone into the shooter’s desires. Now imagine that little ray gun in the hand of a deviant during Halloween night. The fun we will have.

? *Shooter X Costume Wearing Vixens*

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/jiit9g/m4f_happy_halloween_spooky_story_grab_bag