Hot Tubs and Hornballs, or how a spontaneous wife swap occurred. [MF][MF]

If you need some descriptions of people in this story, you can find them on my [original post.]( You will want to read the first tale in order to better understand the debauchery that I will now share with you.

First of all, what is it about hot tubs that seem to get people all riled up? Aren’t hot tubs supposed to be a calming and relaxing experience?

Jim and Ann had a slightly ghetto, but certainly functional hot tub on the deck at their place. We live in the northern U.S., so many a fall, winter, and spring evening were spent sipping adult beverages while enjoying the warmth and bubbles. A few months had passed since the Mario Kart adventure, and apart from the occasional awkward/inappropriate/hilarious comment about our bedroom activities, nothing else had happened.

One October night, we were simmering in the hot tub, just talking and sipping robust quantities of margaritas, and relaxing. Since I know you people need some fap details…Jim and I were wearing basic board short swimming suits. Ann was wearing a straight forward black bikini with tie strings that held everything together at the hips on the bottom, and a tie at the back for the top. Typical coverage so nothing was spilling out over the sides. Kate had on a tankini that had a red top and blue hipster style bottoms that was also a modest cut.

I was sitting in a corner, with one of the big bubbler jets on my back which felt fantastic. Ann was seated to my right, almost in the corner, and about an arm’s length away. Kate was sitting across from Ann, and Jim was sitting across from me.

I don’t know about the rest of you guys who wear board shorts in a hot tub, but when I sit in front of the jets as I prefer to do, my suit kept inflating with air which caused the back to severely ride up my ass. I was having to burp my suit every few minutes, and it was getting annoying.

Normally, I am NOT an instigator, but between the annoyance of the repeating wedgies and the intake of much tequila, I decided I was going to remove my suit. My logic was that I was sitting in a hot tub, well disguised by bubbles, on a very dark night, with no lights on the deck and no underwater light in the tub. Nobody was going to be able to see anything, so why not go for it?

Without telling anyone what I was doing, I untied my suit, slipped it off, and tossed it on to the side of the hot tub for easy retrieval when I needed to put it back on.

“Sorry folks, but the bubble wedgies were driving me nuts. I’ll put it back on before I get out.”

Kate stared at me, “Oh my word OP, why didn’t you just move somewhere else away from the jet?”

I replied, “I would have to shift someone out of the way, and I didn’t want to force anyone out of their comfy seats.”

Kate rolled her eyes at me as only a wife can do. Jim looks across at me, nods his head, and says, “Whatever works for you!”

Ann glanced over with a smirk on her face but said nothing.

We continued chatting and drinking like nothing had happened for a little while. I was very much enjoying my unrestricted tub lounging. Everything floating freely and awash in bubbles and jets is a glorious feeling.

While we were sitting there, Jim hopped out to refill his drink. When he came back, he sat down between Ann and Kate. Once he had been sitting there for a few moments, he started jiggling in his seat a little. A moment later, his suit floated up in the bubbles and began slowly moving around the tub on the currents. Kate snorted at the sight, and Ann rolled her eyes…as only a wife can do.

“Damn it Jim, Stop!” was suddenly yelled by Ann. Clearly something was happening underwater that I couldn’t see.

“What?” Jim said with complete innocence.

“Stop touching me like that.”

Jim looked slightly offended. “But don’t you want to be free like the boys are?”

“Not at the moment.”

A moment or two went by, when suddenly Kate said, “I’m pretty sure that my husband doesn’t have a 5 foot long arm Jim. You can take your hand off my leg.”

Ann nearly gave herself whiplash turning her head. “Knock it off!”

“Yes dear.”

While all this is going on, I am sitting in my corner and watching the shenanigans unfold with a large grin on my face. I figured since Ann was pissed at Jim, I didn’t have anything to lose, so I reached over under the water, and put my hand on her thigh. There was a brief flinch from her leg, but that was all. She didn’t say a word. I was rewarded shortly thereafter when she put her hand on top of mine and gave it a squeeze.

I took this as a green light, and started caressing her outer thigh.

Jim had no idea this was going on, but was clearly not done harassing his wife. While I was caressing along the top and side of her thigh, I felt something graze my hand, and it felt some sort of string.

Ann turned towards Jim, gave him the stink eye and said, “That’s all you’re getting, now go sit on the other side so I know you can’t touch me.”

It dawned on me that Jim had managed to pull the string on Ann’s bikini bottoms loose on his side, and the strings were moving about in the jet current. Jim stood up, minus his suit, and stepped over to the other side of the hot tub. Ann and Kate saw nothing but his ass as he moved away, and I unwittingly got the full frontal show. Poor guy was totally limp after being shut down so completely.

Out of nowhere, Kate leans forward, and pulls her top off over her head. Since she is so short, the water came up to her neck, so nothing was visible. This was fairly disappointing to the male end of the hot tub.

“It does feel pretty nice to let them free” she said.

I was moving my hand up towards Ann’s hip, with the intention of pulling the other string for her bottoms, when she gently placed *her* hand on *my* leg, and slowly slid it up so that she could begin to caress my cock. Kate couldn’t see what was happening, and I didn’t want to give anything away, so I simply acted like nothing was out of the ordinary. While Ann was playing with my balls, I gently pulled the string loose on her bottoms. She was aware that I did it and was kind enough to lift her butt just enough for me to pull the entire thing off.

As I was deftly removing the bottoms of Ann’s bikini, I happened to glance across the tub at Jim and Kate. Jim’s arm was still under water, but I could clearly see it was sticking out at a strange angle towards Kate. Kate had her mouth slightly open, and her eyes closed, and was clearly being pleasured somewhere. I couldn’t tell if Jim was playing with her nipples, which are extremely sensitive, or if he had managed to wiggle her bottoms to the side and was playing with her pussy.

I slid my hand between Ann’s legs, and found a well-trimmed pussy waiting for me. I worked my way between her folds, first caressing her swollen clit, then teasing my way inside her. As I slid a finger in, I watched her eyes close, and a sigh escape her lips. As we were in a hot tub, it was difficult to tell if she was wet from just water or her own natural lubricant. Regardless, I didn’t have much resistance sliding a finger in and moving it around. Last time I had snuck a finger into her (I told you to read the previous story), Jim’s cock was also pounding away in there. This time there was nothing, and I noticed how her internal texture was different from Kates. She had more defined ridges over her g-spot, and her walls were slightly rougher.

Ann’s touches had brought me to full mast, and she was now stroking the full length of my cock. She was clearly a practiced hand at this in the hot tub, as she knew not to grip hard. (For those of you who haven’t messed around in a hot tub, hot water makes a crappy lube for both men and women.)

Across the hot tub, Kate stood up a little to remove her suit bottoms. Since this brought her nipples above the water line, Jim jumped right in and began to suck on them. Even over the noise of the jets, I clearly heard the moan escape Kate. By the look of things, Jim’s hand was working her bottom while his mouth was working her top. From the look of the ripples in the water around Kate’s arm, she was also jerking Jim while he worked.

I removed my hand from between Ann’s legs, and reached back to untie her top. This time there was no argument from her. I turned a little so that I could more easily use both hands to tweak both nipples to attention. “Mmmmmm…yesssss” was uttered by Ann. Her eyes were closed, and she began to bite her bottom lip while she continued to jerk me.

Ann had moved over much closer to me, and she leaned over and put her head on my shoulder, which made it pretty difficult to use both of my arms since her body was getting in the way.

“Should I shift a little?” She asked.

“Sure.” I replied.

She stood up, and rather than turn herself so she was facing me like I expected, moved to the side, and sat down on my lap facing away from me. This made it much more comfortable for me to use one hand to move between both of her tits, as well as slide a hand down between her legs again. She was sitting several inches higher in the water now that she was using me as a chair, and Kate could clearly see me working her nipples. Kate looked me in the eye with a look of pure lust and desire. She mouthed “I love you.” to me and continued jerking Jim’s cock. Jim was looking at Ann and me with a massive shit-eating grin on his face. He had gone from getting denied by his wife, to getting some action from my wife. The night had done a 180 for him, and he was loving it.

Ann was moaning on my lap. I had my hand between her legs to diddle her clit, and she was trying to get a hand between her legs down to reach my cock which was sticking out below her. This worked for a moment or two, but our arms and hands kept getting in each other’s way. She stood up, and I thought she was shifting her legs so that she could better play with my dick. She slowly sat back down and did some wiggling at the same time. It felt like she was using her hand to push my cock against her pussy to grind on it. Once she had completely sat down, and had begun to move up and down a little, it dawned on me that it wasn’t her hand offering the resistance…I was inside of her. As she bottomed out, I saw a small wince on her face. I am a little longer than Jim is, so I suspect it was a little uncomfortable at first. The wince was soon replaced by a lusty look of pleasure.

I slowly began to pump in and out of her, savoring the intimate contact with her body. I hadn’t been inside any woman except my wife for a long time, and it didn’t disappoint. Upon reflection, I would have liked to have had her facing me so I could suck on her lovely tits, and possibly kiss her. However, we remained in the sitting/spoon position, and we both took in the view across the hot tub.

Kate usually needs some sort lube or spit to get a cock inside her, and penetration really wasn’t going to be easy with Jim’s dick being under water, but that didn’t seem to stop her from trying. She had straddled him, and was clearly guiding his cock inside of herself as best she could. After a moment, they had obviously been successful as she began to work herself up and down his pole. It only took her a moment or two of slow riding before Jim started thrusting into her hard and fast.

“Oh shit!” he yelled. This was clear indication to everyone that he had buried his seed deep inside my wife. He then tipped his head forward on Kates shoulder and sat for a moment to collect himself. Kate soon hopped off and climbed to the edge of the hot tub where she sat out of the water. “I’m too hot to be in there now” she said. As she sat on the edge cooling down, I noticed 2 things: firstly, she had not had an orgasm. This wasn’t surprising considering the lack of lubrication, and the shortness of the act. Second, I could see the cum of my friend leaking out of my wife’s pussy.

I was still slowly pumping in and out of Ann while we both watched the finish of the act in front of us. Ann had a look on her face that suggested she was enjoying herself, but also due to hot water washing away personal lubrication, she was going to have a hard time cumming. I was nearing the point of no return, and I felt bad that I was going to get off, while Ann wasn’t. I continued to fuck her with the same speed and depth until I quietly shot my load deep inside her. I made no external indication that I had cum, but I certainly felt the pleasure of orgasm and delight of emptying my balls into another man’s wife. I knew she was on birth control, so I wasn’t worried about knocking her up.

I continued to fuck her for a short while longer, then slowly came to a stop. She took it as a hint that we were done, and she climbed off me and sat back in her spot.

All of us had smiles upon our faces as we climbed out of the hot tub, dried off, and went back inside the house to put clothing on. We chatted for a while as though nothing had happened, and eventually my margarita buzz wore off enough to drive home. Before we left, I pulled Ann aside, and apologized for not being able to give her an orgasm.

She smiled at me, and said, “I never can get off in the hot tub. It’s just not comfortable enough without proper lube. I think you have the same problem, but I hope you enjoyed it anyway.”

“I did enjoy it, thank you very much.” I replied with a smile.

Apparently, between the lack of lube, and my subtle orgasm, Ann couldn’t tell I had emptied my balls in her. (Ladies reading this will have to comment on their personal experiences with being able to feel a man cum inside while sitting in a hot tub.) Kate and I talked about the adventure on the way home, and decided that while it was fun, it probably didn’t need to happen again. After talking to Jim and Ann the next day, they had gone to bed, fucked like rabbits from the sex high that they were on, but also came to the same decision that we should probably not repeat the swapping.

This decision didn’t exactly end up going to plan. If this story is well received, I may take the time to enlighten everyone on the final chapter, painful as it was.



  1. From personal experience, I can see this going badly quickly but I’m definitely enjoying reading it.

  2. You guys should’ve both licked the ladies to orgasm when they hopped out of the tub. Fair’s fair.

  3. I think I know where this is going. Loved it so far. I’ll take the lesson from your last instalment.

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