Nautica Erotica [M/F] [Merpeople]

Even down here the sun could still be seen, it’s light manipulated and shifting from the surface of the water far above. Lacitan watched the shimmering light play on his webbed fingers. He could sense he was moving, gently carried away by the current that moved just above his village. His home was below, a collection sleek naked bodies swimming around and inside their tall rectangular shelter that rose out of the sea floor. There where many homes just like it, they where evenly spaced around but most where far too ruined to live in safely. His village lay at the base of a mountain that rose all the way to the surface of the water, Lacitan wished he where brave enough to see what lay at the summit. Nobody ever went above. Open water was the least safe place to be, even an adventurous soul like Lacitan knew that. There was far less larger creatures down on the sea bed, and even when they did show at least he knew the direction they would come from. One day he might out smart those terrible things and make it to the surface, but today he was heading further down instead.

Not far from his village where the tall ruined homes stopped was a scar in the sea floor. As the current sped him along he could see it now, a black line in the ground. He kicked his large and flat fins at the ends of his legs as he exited the moving stream of water. The water grew colder but it wasn’t something that bothered him overmuch, curiosity was a warm companion. Lacitan was at the edge of the trench but still could not see the bottom. He plunger deeper into the dark to see if he could find it. The explorer swam deeper and the water grew more cold and dark as the light from the surface faded. There was a light however. A small luminous ball just to his right. He couldn’t see anything in the dark but that. Maybe it tasted good. He reached out for it and it moved away. Lacitan grabbed for it again. This time he caught it and saw that it was attached to something he yanked on it and gave the ball a lick just as a jaw of needle like teeth opened in front of his face, the mouth let out a moan.

“Oh fuck, not my lamp,” She groaned, and it was a woman for sure. Her hair danced around her beautiful face as if it had a mind of its own. Her eyes where squeezed shut as he played with the light. Lacitan couldn’t stop staring. Her pale features where illuminated by the bulb he was holding, he released it once he understood it was attached to her. This was the first time he ever saw a person like this. She was extremely pale, almost translucent, the blue veins on her breasts where plainly visible. Her legs lacked the broad fins and muscular thighs of the women from his village, but something about her demeanor enticed him more than even the best set of legs could. The way her eyes lingered on things, contemplating them and squeezing every drop of knowledge from what she saw. She was a fellow explorer without a doubt and she was looking at him the same way he gazed at the surface, the same way he looked at her now. He deeply wanted to explore this new person. She dangled her light closer to him, it was connected to the front of her head just inside her hair line.

“That’s amazing. How do you light that thing up,” he asked, consumed by inquisitive thoughts about her.

She blinked at him and squinted her eyes to see him better,” My lamp? It just lights up when I’m hungry or… Hey, where’s yours?”

He ran a hand through his hair and leaned forward to show her, “Don’t have one, nobody where I’m from does. I’ll admit, I wish I did now.”

She tilted her head,” How do you catch your food then? Does something else light up,” she asked looking his body over with an unblinking gaze.

Lacitan shrugged,” I see it and I go catch it.”

“You must be fast,” she inquired, she drifted towards him looking his body over more closely.

He enjoyed her inspection, it wasn’t often he found somebody as inquisitive as himself. Lacitan lifted one of his flippers for her to see.

She blushed with a small gasp, “They’re so big! No wonder you’re fast.”

He sniffed with a small air of pride, “I’m a little over average. I’m Lacitan by the way.”

She reached for his flipper,” Neby. May I?”

He tried not to agree too quickly, “Yes, ple- Um, yes.”

Her slender fingers pressed into his rubbery flipper flesh, tingles of pleasure traveled up his legs. There where small claws at her finger tips and they tickled as she massaged the flesh in her hands.

“It’s so hard,” she murmured.

Lacitan tried his best not to moan,” It’s because that feels so good.”

“Your flippers get hard when I touch them?”

He realized he had misunderstood her,” Oh! No, they’re always like that. I thought… Never mind.”

She winked at him and her lamp grew a little brighter. He smiled back and shook his head when he realized she was teasing him. Her dark eyes where smiling and playful. She looked back down to her inspection of his flipper.

“Does it feel good, what my fingers are doing,” she asked coyly, shooting a glance between his legs.

“What do you think? Do the men from where you’re from look different then this,” Lacitan jabbed with a grin as she stared at his cock.

She raised her eyebrows and squeezed his flipper harder,” Very different.”

He pulled his flipper out of her hand because she was turning him upside-down.

“Hey, I wasn’t done,” she protested.

“You’re flipping me,” he laughed as he righted himself. “Besides, it’s my turn now.”

She placed her hands behind her back,” I wonder what a strange creature like you will touch first. Are you going to probe my- Wait not that!”

She moaned again as he snatched her lamp into his hand again. She squirmed as he ran his thumb over the luminous bulb.

“Should I stop,” he said with a mischievous smirk.

“Yes,” she earnestly agreed. She spoke again but far more softly, “But before you do, will you tug on it again?”

He gripped it firmly at the stem and gave it a pull, she shivered. Neby said something too quiet to hear.

“What was that,” Lacitan asked as he gave her a soft tug.

She dug her fingers into his arms and whispered louder this time,” Harder.”

He squeezed it tighter and her gave quivering lamp a good hard pull.

“Fuck yes,” she cried out.

Lacitan pulled on it again but this time he pulled her until her breasts where touching his chest.

“What are you doing,” she mumbled while squirming a little.

“I’m grabbing on you’re slutty little lamp like you asked,” Lacitan said while pulling her head back by her stem, exposing her throat to himself.

“It’s not slutty! It’s like a muscle stretch,” she said in mock defense.

“Have it your way then,” he chuckled.
“Is there some other muscle you need me to stretch for you,” he whispered into her neck as he planted sensual kisses on her throat.

Nebby’s fingers encircled his hard girth and her voice buzzed his lips as she spoke, “I can think of a few.”

He nibbled on her chin and her fingers tightened around his cock. Her mouth was wide open as he held her head back by her lamp stem. Inside her mouth where spiky little teeth. He sucked on her bottom lip and she groaned into his face. She had a long thin tongue that twitched as he started making out with her bottom lip. She tried to lick at his lips. Lacitan figured he had teased her enough and released her stem, allowing her to control her own head again. She glued her mouth to his, her tongue greedily seeking his own. They sank further down into the dark, neither of them caring to keep themselves buoyant any more as they held each other. Only her small light illuminated their bodies as they intertwined.

Neby wrapped her legs around his waist and released his cock from her grasp, he took that to mean she wanted him to put it somewhere else, so he did. Neby’s mouth opened wide as he pushed his way inside of her. Neby made a content moan as he slid every last inch insider her, her body was welcoming and warm in contrast to the cold lonely depths of the trench. She lifted her chin and Lacitan nibbled and sucked at her neck while he fucked her. She buried her fingers into the hair on the back of his head, her legs squeezed him every time he thrust into her pussy. Neby seemed to be perfectly in tune with his body despite their differences and had his orgasm building almost immediately. Lacitan tried to stop moving before he came but Neby just fucked him instead. He wanted this moment last longer. There was no way out of her legs, he tried to wriggle free but it only made her fuck him faster. Through the quite water he could hear Neby’s heart beating, it grew faster by the second. Nebby’s lamp began to flicker and her head lulled back, a silent moan on her lips. Just the sight of her enjoying his cock so much sent him over the edge. There was no turning back now, if he was going to cum early he would do it hard and deep. Lacitan took both of her ass cheeks in his hands and roughly pressed himself all the way inside as he pumped her full of his cum. Her eyes lidded over as he throbbed away in her pussy. Lacitan’s cock grew soft but it stayed inside her, he made no attempt at all to remove it.

She nestled her head on his shoulder and spoke softly to him,” Do you think you could show me where you’re from someday? I’m trying to explore more.”

Those words where like music to his ears, “Yeah, how about right now?”
