The lustful worm (soul draining, worm creature, succubus, titty fuck, blowjob) [NSFW]

(This is a story set in the same universe as my other stories about Theron and Althea. I hope you enjoy it and give me some feedback below ?.)

Jamie was woken up from his deep slumber by a pleasant wet slurping sound. He groaned and opened his eyes, pulling on his limbs as something warm and wet assaulted his throbbing member. The young man soon realized he could not sit up, and that his wrists and ankles were tied. His blurry vision swept across the bed he found himself on and spotted the source of the pleasure and sounds. Her hair was a fiery red, crowned with two ram horns. Her plump lips were covered in red lipstick which had left a ring around the base of his dick. Her large perky tits rested on his thighs as she continued her sinful work, her stiff nipples rubbing against his skin. He shuddered. Her green eyes stared deeply into his as she bobbed on his cock, the sloppy blowjob sending spit across his crotch and stomach. Jamie moaned thrust deeply into her mouth, sending his cock down the woman’s throat. No, not woman, succubus. The beauty before him was too fair and too good at what she was doing to be human. Jamie looked around him and found only darkness and the bed he was laying on. A spotlight shone down on him and the demoness, allowing him to see the silk bindings that held his limsp to each bedpost. The bed was red, pink flower petals scattered around it.   

“Where am I?…” He mumbled before closing his eyes. Jamie’s back arched and he gasped, thrusting into the velvet mouth of the succubus. 

The fire-maned succubus ignored his request and placed a delicate palm on his abdomen, pushing him down onto the bed again. She held out her other hand and with a puff of smoke and the smell of sulfur she manifested a bottle filled with a clear liquid. The demoness opened the bottle and poured the clear liquid over her breasts, rubbing it into her skin. Her oiled tits glistened in the light and the sight along with the sensation from her blowjob made him cry out. There was a knot forming in his stomach. She just giggled and pulled off his cock before enveloping it with her titflesh. Jamie panted and moaned as she began moving her tits up and down his member. Something was building, he could feel it. He gritted his teeth and his toes curled, he was tethering on the edge of something. She then stopped and removed her plentiful chest from his throbbing cock. “I am just warming you up, calm down~”

“For what? Where am I? Who are you?” Jamie shook, his heart beating hard. The pleasure and confusion slowly gave away to fear and panic. He pulled on his arms repeatedly and his breathing grew erratic. Slowly his hard prick softened.

“No no no, we can’t have that…” the succubus mumbled and stood up. 

Jamie stopped as he finally saw her in her full glory. Her tits were indeed large, large enough he might have thought her pregnant if not for her flat stomach. Her hips were wide, the kind any nobleman wished his wife had. Her thighs looked supple and sweet, making his mouth water and his eyes wideen. His prick throbbed and quickly regained its rigid shape, yet the succubus wasn’t satisfied. She climbed onto the bed and straddled him, pushing his erection right against her wet nether lips. Jamie grunted and thrust his hips, gaining only some stimulation. The demoness on the other hand sighed in bliss and ran her hands down his chest. She leaned down until she laid on top of him, her tits pressing against his chest. The young man looked at the display and gasped for air, making her giggle. His eyes were glued to her now exposed bubble butt, and he reached out to grasp it, but he was stopped by the restraints.  

“You need to be calm~ I won’t hurt you~ I will just give you plenty of pleasure tonight, alright?” she purred and kissed his neck.

Jamie was too focused on the sensation of her kisses and her warm pussy sliding across his cock. He barely listened but nodded and moaned. “I… I’m calm…”

She grinned and breathed into his ear before running her fangs over his neck. “Good boy~”

He cried out in pain as he felt something break his skin. He tried to pull away from her she bit into his neck, her green eyes staring into his. He felt something warm and strange enter the wound, and the succubus shuddered in pleasure. Soon the warmth began spreading from his neck down his chest, and from there to all his limbs. He whimpered and thrust his spit covered dick along her stomach. It was like his flesh was on fire. Jamie cried out his need and his cock throbbed even harder. When the warmth feeling spread to his cock his breath turned raspy and an unfamiliar sensation rose through his body. Was this what she was feeling? This heat? The craving, no, the need to be touched? He tongue hung out the side of his mouth and he drooled. More and more of the strange thing was pumped into his body until his balls ached. Jamie whimpered once again, this time at the discomfort. He was certain his balls were ready to burst open any second. She pulled away and kissed the two bleeding holes on his neck. She slowly licked her lips, making sure he saw the two fangs sticking out from her upper jaw. 

“Is my venom a bit too potent for you, prey?~” she purred and grasped his nipples. 

He wanted to ask her what she was doing, until she suddenly twisted them. Jamie cried out in pain and the weird sensation came back, only it seemed to be focused in his stomach. Something was rising through his cock. He gasped and thrust against her delicious body, making the succubus hum. 

“Calm down, you are going to need your vitality if you wish to feel more pleasure from me~” 

Jamie groaned in frustration as she got off him and walked into the darkness around the bed. His cock laid and flexed against his stomach, the head covered in a slick clear liquid. He had no idea what was happening or where he was. Why had this sinful creature picked him? He had prayed to the heavens before to keep such dark creatures away from his person, like the priesthood had ordered. Had his faith been impure? Was he being punished? He looked at his throbbing member and whimpered. He wanted to touch it, he needed to touch it. His crawny frame didn’t hold enough strength to undo the restraints, and his six inches had to lay there and suffer. It felt like a flame danced across his limbs, he gasped and thrust up into the air, moaning for the woman to come back. He didn’t even know her name, yet thought such impure thoughts about her. His golden hair was stuck to his face like it was glued and a thin layer of sweat had laid itself across his body. 

“I think our test subject is warmed up~” a female voice suddenly said. The sound echoed through the room, bouncing between walls he could not see. 

Jamie did not recognize the voice as that of the succubus’.


He hissed as light suddenly exploded around him and his eyes widened. He found himself in the middle of what looked like a theatre hall, with nice couches, chairs, and balconies propped around to allow its viewers to watch the display. Men and women dressed in fine clothes, finer than any nobles Jamie had ever seen, watched him through carnival masks. They were grinning, and it was a cold grin that made him shudder. Yet he remained yearning, his cock throbbing. He desperately looked around for the succubus, hoping to spot her. The young man didn’t even notice the finely dressed dark skinned woman until she grasped his cock with a silk covered hand. He leaned his head back onto the pillow and moaned as she gently pulled on his prick. She was dressed in a green form-fitting dress that only highlighted her curves and dark hair. She too wore a carnival mask, and she stared deeply into his eyes and licked her lips. She let go of his cock and turned to face the masses, holding out her arms as if she was presenting a great play. 

“Welcome, members of the inner circle! Tonight we have something special to showcase to you all! A product grown for all of your vitality gathering needs! Many warlocks struggle with extracting vitality cleanly without summoning a succubus or getting their hands dirty, but I have developed a method that will make such efforts easy and practical!” the dark-haired woman said. 

Jamie was confused, and scared. Warlocks? These men and women had sold their souls to the demon lords of the seven circles, they were evil. He shuddered and once again pulled on his restraints, but it served no use. “Let me go!”

The woman ignored him and waved forward the fire-maned succubus. She was holding what looked like a long worm in her hands, yet it was a strange creature. It was see through and slimy. It held lips more akin to a woman and a stream of clear liquid dripped onto the floor from its mouth. On both sides of its body there were twelve capsules that seemed to form chambers in its body, and its insides were covered in ridges and bumps. It trashed in the succubus’ hands, and thanks to its slippery nature it almost fell to the floor. 

“Easy to grow and use, these vitality catchers will help you collect all the necessary ingredients you need~” the dark-skinned woman purred. 

The succubus approached him with the worm. It shrieked and lashed out towards him, making Jamie cry out in fear. Yet it did not aim for his chest or face, but for his still throbbing member. A holy man should have been disgusted by the sight, yet as it suddenly shot out and pushed his cock into its slimy body Jamie could only moan. It felt so good, too good. He grunted as the creature wiggled and flexed. It was like a warm sheath, and he gasped for air. The succubus venom made every sensation feel tenfold. 

“As you can see even a supposed holy youth of the church can withstand its natural urge to suck men dry~ Hear his cries and look at his expression~” the woman in green giggled. 

The men and women in the audience watched with great interest as the young man writhed under the creature’s touch. It continued to wiggle before it began constricting and then releasing his cock. Jamie didn’t know what a woman’s sex felt like, but it had to be this. The warmth, the wetness, the pleasure. The knot in his stomach seemed to grow and breathed quickly. He kicked the sheaths of the bed and he tried to fight it. He had never felt anything like it before. He cried out and thrust against the worm, which made it purr. The purring seemed to vibrate throughout his body and he panted. Suddenly the succubus was by his side, kissing his neck and playing with his hair. She smiled at him, like he imagined Angels would. She placed a hand on his stomach and he grunted and wheezed. He looked into her eyes, pleading with her. 

She grinned. “Cum.”

Jamie’s back arched and he screamed. He watched as something white shot out from his abused prick and quickly began filling two of the chambers in the worm. The sight and sensations only made him cry out harder and soon a third chamber was filled. The young man fell back onto the bed, panting and gently thrusting against the creature. The succubus mumbled sweet nothings into his ear before her lips found his. Jamie’s eyes widened before he closed them and leaned into the kiss. Her tongue slipped into his mouth and he moaned, she tasted like cherries. The worm purred deeply as its body grew longer, the three chambers filled with seed now hanging down towards the bed while the rest of the worm’s body was attached to his dick. Jamie looked up at the succubus with a pant. She ran her fingers through his hair and smiled. 

“Good boy~”

The woman in green grasped the three filled chambers and held them up for the audience. “An easy way to extract vitality that requires no demon or magic! Now, let see if it can fill all the chambers~”

Many women in the audience had moved to sit in the lap of their partner, discreet movements and hidden groans echoing through the masses. Jamie looked to the woman before his eyes settled on the succubus. “All the chambers?…”

The worm shrieked and began widely constructing and retracting while simultaneously sliding up and down his cock. Jamie cried out  and thrust against the creature, which it purred at. Suddenly his world was involved by the succubus’ breasts, and her nipple found its way into his mouth. He sucked on it and moaned as warm milk flooded his mouth. As he swallowed it traveled down to his stomach and began a new fire in his limbs. Jamie panted and moaned as the creature sucked on his length, and not before long there was a new knot forming in his abdomen. The succubus pulled away to let him breathe, and as sweet oxygen filled his lungs Jamie cried out and filled three more chambers of the worm. The succubus once again ran her fingers through his hair and whispered encouraging words, which he barely heard. His soul sang and a tired grin was splayed across his face. Jamie looked down at himself for a second and was confused. It almost seemed like he had lost weight. 

“Ladies and gentlemen, we are halfway there!” the presenter called out. Her cheeks carried a deep flush and she eyed him with hunger. 

Jamie looked on as the succubus and woman both got down on the knees beside his cock. The dark haired woman freed her large bossom from her dress and blew him a kiss. His breathing rose rapidly and as the two wrapped their tits around his cock Jamie could only drool. The two began quickly sliding their tit flesh up and down his length all the while the moans around the room grew louder. People in the audience were pulling off their clothes and Jamie could see many men thrusting into their maiden of choice. The worm only seemed more excited and worked hard on his poor cock. Jamie screwed his eyes shut as the pleasure numbed his thoughts and the added pressure of the women’s breasts made him gasp. He groaned as he once again began building towards an edge. It was too fast. His stomach hurt and it felt weird. Yet the worm was unyielding and so was the succubus and presenter. It didn’t take long before he groaned loudly, so loudly the entire hall heard it, and emptied himself in three more chambers. Jamie groaned and tried to move, but his limbs cried out in pain. He looked at his skin and he was certain it had never hugged his bones like that before.

The woman in green crawled up to him and whispered into his ear. “The more sexual energy there is around it, the faster the worm sucks out your soul~”

Jamie’s eyes widened and he frantically pulled on the restraints. He cried out in pain. “Please stop! Please!”

The dark skinned woman just grinned and turned to the audience. “Would you, my honored guests be willing to stop your debauchery for this church boy?”

The answer was a man crying out as he filled his woman with seed. The men and women in the audience only sped up their fucking, and the worm began violentely trash on his cock. It felt like everything was streaming down towards his abdomen, his mind, his dreams, his desires, and his soul. Jamie whimpered and tried to hold back, yet he watched in horror as the succubus slowly began sliding her tongue up along the underside of his cock. Even with the worm pressed firmly around him her hellish tongue worked him like a fiddle. It was like everything slowly followed the tip of her tongue. He felt like his cock would burst as more and more filled it. Slowly the succubus’ tongue traveled up his cock. 

“Please…” he pleaded with her, staring into her green eyes.   

The demoness stopped, and stared deeply into his eyes. He breathed a sigh of relief until the succubus winked and licked the head of his cock. Jamie gurgled, thrust repeatedly into the worm, his eyes rolled back into his skull, and then he came. The worm almost lost its grip of his member as the juices jetonised out. The first chamber was filled in less of a second, and the other soon followed. As the third chamber began filling Jamie’s vision darkened and his limbs grew heavy. Slowly the worm was pulled off his cock, the creature sealing its lips tightly so as to not let any cum escape. The last thing he heard was the succubus’ voice. 

“Sleep well~”


Yadira looked at the filled worm with a smile before looking out over the audience. The warlocks sat and spoke of the entire event, some still buried inside their lovers. She grinned and looked at the paper she had been given with orders for the product. Yet again she would earn a good amount of money on her creation. For a second her eyes glanced back at the frail form on the bed. Ysiri sat next to him, her spaded tail playing with his nose. The youth’s chest rose steadily, while the succubus smiled warmly at him. Yadira just shrugged and left the demoness to untie the teen. If Ysiri wanted a pet and waste vitality on him then she wouldn’t intervene. She had a business to run after all. So slowly Yadira walked away from the scene, leaving the succubus with her sleeping church acolyte.
