The girl in the pink collar. [Mf] [humiliation][slave][degradation]

Inspired by a sight seen on a train platform. Fictional otherwise.

Megan shivered as the wind gusts fluttered her skirt. She was standing on the train platform dressed exactly as she had been told by her master. Black heels, black stockings, black mini skirt, no panties underneath, sheer black top over a black lace push up bra. For warmth she was permitted to wear her jacket, though it stopped at her waist. Fortunately the popped collar of the jacket and her long back hair which today she was wearing down to help hide what she wore around her neck. The wind blowing her hair would reveal the pink leather collar with heavy D hooks encircling her neck. The collar was high and uncomfortable, limiting her head movement so she struggled to tilt her head forward or up, and to either side.

An old man caught a flash of the pink around her neck and his confusion turned quickly to awkwardness as he attempted to avoid staring. She saw his reaction and felt embarrassed. She was fighting a losing battle between trying to hide the collar and keep her skirt from flirting up exposing her ass and more under the sheer stockings. Her face flushed red. Megan was a pretty 19 year old, slightly chubby, shorter than most girls, busty and curvy. She could be mistaken for appearing sweet and innocent, if she weren’t currently dressed so slutty. Her master chose her outfits though and this entire appearance pleased him. London is a cold place in Autumn, windy and wet, it was no accident that her master had selected this outfit, it played into his plans and also served to purposefully humiliate her in public. Master would meet her on the approaching train and they would travel together out of the city for the weekend. Even the fact they were travelling by train was designed as a humiliation, exposing her to the public. He had not allowed her to bring any luggage, an odd request considering they would be away for 3 nights.

Mercifully the train arrived on time and she boarded, thankful to be out of the wind and cold. The train seating was arranged in pods of four seats, facing each other and an aisle down the centre to another pod of four seats. Megan saw her master and approached, but her assigned seat number was not next to him, it was across the aisle diagonally from his seat. She made to greet him, intending to point out what must have been a mistake by her master, surely they would be seated together, but before she could say a word her master put his finger to his lips to silence her and gestures for her to sit at the assigned seat. Although confused, she complied. Her master had a sly grin on his face as he directed her to remove her jacket and hang it on the coat hook. Her only shield removed, her face flushed red with shame again.

Megan knew this was all to embarrass her further, to expose this slutty outfit to all the passengers on the train. Her breasts bulged in the push up bra, her pink collar was like a beacon for any eyes in the entire carriage. The seat selected by her master exposed her, gave the impression she was alone and that she chose to appear this way. The humiliation burned her cheeks. There was no hiding.

The humiliating display reached the intended maximum level as the train filled and three middle aged men made an embarrassed fuss over seating arrangements. Megan did not look at them, seeking refuge by stating resolutely out the window. The men however, could not resist taking peeks out the corner of their eyes at the spectacle. Now matter how small she tried to maker herself, the man across from her seemed to suspiciously alternate his crossed legs too often, each time brushing her legs.

Megan and her masters intended destination was an hour away, a small town north of the city. Her master only carried a small suitcase, and she was sure there were not many clothes if any intended for her to change into.

Arriving at the cottage outside the small village brought an end to her public display, but her masters plans would not end her humiliation for the weekend. The cottage was warm and comforting inside to Megan’s relief as there was indeed no clothes for Megan in the suitcase. There was however some items intended for Megan and he wasted no time in showing her the first item on arrival. To match Megan’s pink collar was a pink leather leash.

“You will be an obedient little slave this weekend.” Megan grew uneasy. Her master took pleasure in her debasement and knew this weekend was to be difficult.
“On the floor.”. She wasted no time in dropping to her knees. That was not good enough for him however, he pushed her roughly so she fell forward on her hands .” He was stern. She realised her error. This would not be an easy weekend.
“You’ll have to earn your clothes if you wish to wear anything on our return to London. Take it all off.”
Without leaving her place on the floor at her masters feet, Megan began removing all her clothes starting with her heels. Naked on the wooden floor, the fire was crackling fortunately, she looked up at her master expectantly. He attached the leash to a D ring on the back of her collar and tested the securing with a sharp pull. It hurt and she spluttered. He just smiled.
“Let’s go for a walk” another sharp pull and she was led down the hall away from the warmth of the fireplace, she was scrambling on her hands and knees as he moved quickly to a door leading outside. “Surely not,” she thought to herself, but her fear was realised when he opened the door, stride through it half dragging her out onto the cold wet grass. Her master was dressed to stay warm, but the wet grass and mud was like ice to Megan’s exposed skin.
He took much delight in leading round the paddock, and with a smile dragged through a mud patch. He played with her in this way until she was shivering uncontrollably from both cold and adrenaline. Her torment was not over as he lead her back to the house however, with a malicious smile he said “we can’t have a dirty bitch like you messing the nice house” and reached for the hose. Despite her cries, he turned the hose on full and with one hand holding her leash, hosed her down with a jet of icy water until she was beyond freezing.

Removing her leash from the collar, he passed her a towel, “dry off and meet me by the fire. Do not get any water on the floor.” He added threateningly. She knew that meant there would be a punishment if she failed.

To be continued.



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