Step Sister Corruption Part 17 – Day 2 Or is it big mother? (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)

I rushed into my parents room knowing I saw my parents laptop yesterday when I came in for my shower.

The whole day yesterday seemed like a blur but everything rang out in my head as I quickly found the laptop sitting right where I saw it….on their desk next to their dresser where their TV sat.

I opened the laptop praying that they didn’t password protect their accounts.

I silently cried a sweet tear as I opened the laptop to find I was logged into my mother’s account.


I opened the link that my mom had on her desktop that was labelled ‘Security Cameras’.  A webpage opened asking for login information and I quickly spoke out loud, ‘FUCK!!!”

A female voice spoke behind me, “Fuck what?”

I flinched as I turned around to see the girls behind me.  I let them look over my shoulder so they could see the login page and Kelly spoke, “Fuck.”

I watched Summer squint and said, “What’s that in the upper right hand corner?”

I quickly turned my head and looked in the upper right hand corner ‘Use Credentials?’

I clicked on the button and watched as the login credentials on the page filled and suddenly I was in the security system.

All of us cheered, “YAYYY!!!”

I quickly went to work.

I pulled up all the cameras and found all the cameras in the studio which both Kelly and I knew about. Then I pulled the outside cameras which we knew about.

Kelly even pointed out to Summer some of the holes and winked at Summer as she said, “Just in case you want to sneak in some time.”

I didn’t pay attention nor see if Summer registered any facial reactions.

I clicked on the House Tab and saw all the cameras.

My jaw dropped as I saw multiple cameras….way more than either of us found.

I heard Kelly’s voice, “Mother fucker!!!”

Summer, “How did we miss those?”

There were indeed multiple cameras.

2 in the entertainment room.  We fucking missed them.

I heard someone bolt out of the room and I watched as Kelly entered the Entertainment room and looked directly at the cameras.

The cameras in the Entertainment room were strategically placed.  One above the door and the other on the opposite side of the room in the corner.  Both were facing towards the TV and I could see everything.

I got up and ran into the Entertainment room and quickly found the cameras now that I knew where to fucking look.

The first above the door looked like a part of the speaker that was above the door frame.  And I looked on the other side and looked closely and found the camera was inside the speaker.

I had to admit that was fucking ingenuous.

I ran back into the bedroom and sat down at the laptop to see if there any more ‘uh oh’s that we missed.

Sure as shit there was a camera in the kitchen and multiples in the living room.


There were so many cameras all over the house that neither of us knew about or at least I didn’t know about.  I’m not sure if Kelly knew but judging by her reaction she was just as clueless as I was.  

There was a camera in our little hallway between our rooms facing the bathroom, but not one in either of our rooms nor in the bathroom.  Which is good.  Looks like our dad gave us our privacy….barely.  The one in the hall wall above the stairway was almost an intrusion.

There was cameras on each section of the stairway per floor.  

There was a couple of cameras in the basement along the hall, one in the laundry room, 2 in the entertainment room, 2 in dad’s office where he actually worked outside of the studio. 

A camera in their bathroom, I already found that one. But not one in their master bedroom which is good because if there was and dad saw what we were doing right now our names were deep and shit.

A camera in the hallway on the 2nd floor but not in the girls rooms or their bathroom.  Which like I said is good that he gave our sister’s their privacy as well.

At least 6 cameras in the main room on the main floor, 2 of which faced the entrances which we knew about, and 2 cameras in the kitchen.  

That was all inside and neither Kelly nor I knew about such cameras.

Dad must have had the cameras installed during one of our trips away and failed to notify us.

Must have been recently done too or dad, Kelly’s dad, would have caught Kelly on a couple of her sneak outs earlier.  That or he let it fall to the wayside without complaining too much, or mom kept him on a tight leash from blowing up on either of us….mainly Kelly.

Seeing all the camera’s creeped me out and at the same time made me count my lucky stars how much mom protected us.  Or at least protected Kelly.

I hardly brought girls home to bone and hardly snuck out compared to Kelly.  Not saying I haven’t done it but my track record was better than Kelly’s.  I usually stayed within the lines…for the most part at least.

I heard Summer speak snapping me out of my thoughts, “Can you pull up yesterday’s videos.”

I spoke, “What’s the point?  We’re already fucked.”  And even as I said that I kind of knew that was true because after what all we did I’m sure no matter how cool mom or dad was we were for the better sense fucked and grounded until we moved out.

Summer spoke, “Just do it.  Maybe your dad hasn’t watched them yet.”

She had a point.  If he did our phones would have blown the fuck up.

I clicked on the archive option.

Instantly we found multiple videos were locked.

Kelly instantly started to cry and started to freak out.

I was on the same side as Kelly.

I imagined we were so fucked.  We would be grounded, disowned, shunned, kicked out.  So many scenarios started playing out in my head.

Would my mom look at me the same?  Would my step dad, the only person who I considered to be an actual father, ever forgive me after seeing these videos?

Whatever I imagined Kelly was probably imagining worse.  I could see in the corner of my eye her going through her own personal hell of scenarios and I could only imagine what she was thinking.

I heard Summer speak, “What does that mean?”

I looked at Summer, “What does what mean?”

She pointed towards the screen, “That?”

I looked at what she was pointing at.  A series of videos in the archive that had a lock on various videos.

Great that just confirms that they had seen the videos.

Summer spoke, “No look to the side of the one you have selected.”

I had selected a video that was locked when I moved on to the archive option to confirm that my parents had indeed seen the videos.

But when I looked at the added info it read ‘LOCKED BY ADMIN USER SMichaels’.

SMICHAELS?  Wait what did I login as?

I know it was mom’s, her real name is Sarah, account.  But what has the user I logged into the security system as?

I looked in the upper right hand corner where there was a silhouette of a user.  I clicked on the user and found I was the user SMICHAELS.

Meaning my mom watched the videos…..Now I was really fucked.  But not as fucked as we all were thinking.

I clicked on the locked video again and looked at the information on the right.  I saw that it was locked by my mom’s account and it looks like it had an added password.

I double clicked the video and it immediately asked for a password to unlock and view the video.

I had no idea what the password was.

I tried to use the password saved in the system but to no avail.  It didn’t work.

I tried the only other password my mother would have used….my birthday….nope.

I tried their wedding anniversary….nope.

I tried the girl’s birthdays…..nope and nope.

After a few more attempts with the same result of ‘LOCKED’ it was safe to say that the videos were locked.

The only thing I saw in the videos details that was locked it told me the only user that viewed the video was SMICHAELS.

I wonder….I clicked on a video in the archive that wasn’t locked.  The video came up and started playing.

The video showed me watching tv in the entertainment room alone…..before Summer came down.  I looked at the right and saw that the following users watched the video ‘SMICHAELS’ and ‘JMICHAELS’.

That confirmed it.  SMICHAELS was my mother Sarah Michaels and JMICHAELS is my step dad Jason Michaels.

I fast forwarded the video and just before Summer walked in the video stops.

I clicked the next unlocked video.  In the kitchen me cooking.  

The next was me walking around in the living room naked in the morning….before I changed into normal clothes before the girls came home.

Each video and video I watched that was unlocked only showed the PG version of what transpired yesterday.  All the videos that were LOCKED must be when things went to adult quick.

Each locked video was locked by SMICHAELS.  And each unlocked video was viewed by SMICHAELS and JMICHAELS.

If I followed this logic meant that my mom saw the videos and immediately locked them from Jason.

So we could be in the clear……or at least our scenarios that we played in our heads could be a lot less than we originally thought.

I looked and saw Kelly had already traveled down the bad scenario rabbit hole a little too deeply.  I knew that because she was on her knees crying.

I spoke to both girls, “It probably isn’t as bad as we’re thinking.”

Kelly looked up at me crying so hard she had snot coming out of her nose.  She spoke in between gasps, “What….makes….you…..think…..that……Gabe?”

Each word so spoke another layer of snot came out of her nose.


Summer tried to comfort Kelly and was paying extra attention to me as I spoke.

I sighed and showed both Summer and Kelly my findings.  I showed them the videos that were unlocked and who, mainly mom and dad, watched the unlocked videos or the PG videos.  Then I showed them the locked videos, obviously the adult videos, all locked by one user SMICHAELS aka mom and was only seen by mom.  Not dad.

That information seemed to calm down Kelly.

For if there was one person who was open minded and fairly calm about most things it was my mom.

Once the information penetrated Kelly’s now nervous emotions she stopped crying but needed to do something about her now ruined makeup and snotty nose.

Kelly spoke, “How can you tell that only mom saw the videos and not dad?”

I picked up my phone and showed her the text that mom sent me.

I was sure that by now mom and dad were at the airport and possibly beginning their trek home but I had no idea….or did I?

I let Kelly re-read my text messages between myself and mom.  Summer looked also.

I read them to Kelly.

Mom:  heading back to airport now.  should be back late tonight early tomorrow morning.  just checking on you and kelly making sure you two are still alive.  text me to let me know you are ok ok honey.

I continued.

Mom:  that’s good honey.  your dad checked the security system to make sure you two weren’t throwing parties i had to do something about some of the videos.  but we should hang out and talk when we get back.  just you and me.

As I read those texts out loud to Kelly and Summer they kind of made more sense to me as mom was putting some secret texts in the text. 

The texts made me believe she definitely went in and locked some of the more risque videos before dad, Jason, could watch the videos.  Knowing mom she probably caught wind of the videos and immediately locked them and probably told our dad some obvious lie like we were naked and he shouldn’t see his daughter naked or something along those lines.

Kelly spoke, “So what’s your point?”

I spoke, “My point is Kelly that mom always has our backs.  After all the years how many times has mom protected your ass from something that dad should have killed you on?”

Kelly thought all the times she did something obviously stupid where her dad would have killed her.  Like bringing home one of her beau’s and fucking him on her bed and my mom ran interference with dad so Kelly could sneak dipshit out.  Or the time dad almost caught Kelly mid act and mom saved her ass.

Kelly mused over all the times and said, “Yeah you’re right Gabe.  Mom has done a lot to save my ass with dad.”

I continued, “So the mere fact we found all these videos locked and the only user being mom should be enough that we are safe from your dad’s wrath.”

Kelly mused it over more and nodded.

While we were talking, I pulled the locator app that all of our accounts were tied to to see where mom and dad were.  I looked at the app finding they were at the airport several states away and it wasn’t moving.

I showed them the app showing that mom and dad were at the airport or at least their phones were and were on.

Kelly decided to pull out her phone and did something.

I looked at Kelly, “What are you doing?”

Kelly whispered, “Testing the waters now hush.”

Her phone rang….and rang.  Then the other side picked up.  I saw on her phone that she had called her dad.

A deep male voice answered, “Hey honey what’s up?”

Kelly tried to seem composed but her voice was shaking, “Nothing much dad.  Just found out you were at the airport.”

Her dad chuckled, “Yeah we’re sitting here at the bar waiting for our flight to board but it’s delayed a couple of hours.”

Kelly, “That sucks.  How was your trip?”

Her dad spoke, “Not too bad.  Got a lot done.  And we have some fantastic news when we get home but that can wait until we get home. Your mom has some goodies for you guys.”

Kelly, “That’s good.  I look forward to hearing the news. So is everything ok?”

Her dad spoke, “Yeah it’s great.  Just wish we could have cut it shorter and done something else but everything we did helps the family so that’s a plus.”

Her dad was speaking like he was completely clueless as to what we did and hadn’t seen the videos.

We heard a female voice, “Is that the kids hun?”

Her dad spoke, “Yeah it’s Kelly for some odd reason.”

We heard mom speak, “Give me the phone.”

Mom spoke, “Hey Kelly.  Is my brat head near you?”

Kelly smiled, “Yeah he is.”

MOm spoke, “Ok honey.  Gabe we still on for a shopping trip?”

I winced because I knew what she was hinting at but was trying to be secretive in front of Jason, “Yeah mom.”

Mom spoke, “Good I’m looking forward to it.  You two are behaving, right?”

We both spoke, “Yeah mom.”

Mom spoke, “Uh huh.  I’m sure you are.”

Yeah that confirmed it.  She watched the videos but wasn’t making a big deal about it….yet.  She was in protection mode in front of Jason.

Kelly winced once she heard that.  We both got our confirmations.

Mom spoke, “Well.  I expect the house spotless from you two we all know how big of a slobs you can be.”

We looked at each other and nodded.  We now knew what to do.  If we wanted mom’s support was to completely clean the house.  That was her current price.

Mom continued to speak, “Well I’m going to keep your dad entertained he’s on cloud nine at the moment while we wait and possibly have another round.”

We heard Jason laugh and woo hoo-ed.

We both spoke, “Ok thanks mom.”

Mom showed her real voice, “Good kiddos that also includes laundry.  Have fun and see you when we get home.  Is Summer still there?”

Summer lightly spoke, “Hi Mrs. Michaels.”

Mom spoke, “My children treating you well?”

Summer looked at us but smiled putting on her best innocent voice, “Yes ma’am they’ve been good friends and perfect hosts.”

Mom laughed, “I doubt that.”  She spoke like she was speaking code that only we knew but was hiding it from the most temperamental of us all she spoke, “How’s the training going?”

Yeah she knew.  Summer gulped and was about to speak but mom cut her off as if sensing something, “Well we better let you go.  And Summer.”

Summer spoke, “Yes ma’am?”

Mom spoke, “If you could help them with their chores I’ll be greatly appreciated.”

Yep mom has dirt on Summer.

Summer gulped, “Yes ma’am I will.”

Mom sounded cheery, “Good.  Hopefully you’re there too when we get back?”

We heard dad speak, “Why so many questions?  What does training have to do with cleaning?  I thought we were going to drink?”

Mom, “Hush Jason.  I’m just making sure our devils are treating their friend nicely.”

We heard dad, “I still don’t get it.”

Mom spoke, “Almost done dear.”  Obviously cutting him off.

Mom spoke to us, “Anyways we’ll see you guys when we get home.  In the meantime be good and I expect the house spotless including laundry.”

All of us, “Yes ma’am.”

Mom spoke, “Good.  We’ll call once we land.  Bye.”

All of us, “Bye.”

Mom hung up.

All of us looked at each other forming our own thoughts of what had transpired.

Summer looked at us, “Yeah your mom knows everything.”

We both nodded.

Summer sighed, “Alright looks like we have some work on our hands.”

We both nodded again knowing exactly what we had to do.

Kelly spoke, “I’ll handle the laundry.”

I spoke, “Na I better handle that you don’t separate for shit.”

Summer spoke, “Actually I’ll give you a hand Gabe.”

I nodded.

Kelly spoke, “What should I do?”

I looked at Kelly, “Try to clean the kitchen and as soon as Summer and I are done we’ll be up to help.”

Kelly nodded.  She wasn’t complaining about cleaning the kitchen.  She wiped her nose and walked off.

Summer looked at me, “Good that gives us time to talk.”

I nodded, “Follow me.”

Off we go to the laundry room to do laundry.

Oh how I loved doing laundry and I get a talk…..GREAAAATTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!

Could this day get any worse?


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