This story is very long, sorry if that’s not your thing. Feel free to scroll down to the —— if you don’t care about the back story and want to get right into it.
I was very late for work. Speeding through traffic, flying through the parking lot, screaming about how there’s no spots remotely close to my work. I finally found one and started trotting across the parking lot towards the door, locking my car along the way. I swung open the door to find that the bar was relatively quiet for lunch today, thank god. I walked behind the bar, said hey to the bartender, Jason, and went into the kitchen to clock in. It was a small bar, but a community staple in this small college town. I grabbed the schedule hanging on the wall, just to see who else was working today during my shift. Jason was pulling a double, which wasn’t uncommon as he was one of only 3 managers. Poor guy. I saw that Lee had called in sick today, which was really unfortunate for me because he was supposed to help me in the kitchen during the dinner rush, and then relieve me after. Now I was going to have to not only work the dinner rush alone, but also close the kitchen by myself. Great.
The Hole was small bar, mostly staffed by college kids, other than the managers who were in their 30’s and were guilted by the owner into putting years of their lives into this place. I had just finished my junior year of college and opted out of summer classes to work and enjoy some free time. The best thing about The Hole was the waitresses, they were all pretty attractive sorority girls who worked here because the locals tipped better here than the college kids tipped at the college bars. Luckily, Cece was working with me today, coming in right before dinner. Cece was fairly new and I hadn’t gotten a chance to know her all that well yet. In a professional setting, I’m a firm believer of not sleeping where you eat. But this is a bar; my college job where I’m surrounded by local milfs looking to unwind, and hot sorority girls who love to drink after work. I was pretty fit, confident, and most important to sorority girls: over 6 feet tall. Even if I was only 6’1”, for some reason it made all the difference in the world with these girls.
But Cece was different. She wasn’t in a sorority and didn’t care about that normal college drama bullshit. She wasn’t my type exactly, but I found her oddly attractive. She hard very curly brown hair just past her shoulders, big beautiful brown eyes, and pale skin. She was into the underground electronic music scene, smoked a lot of pot, and had a unique type of clothing style. ‘Out there Los Angles’ is the only way I could describe it, and I know that’s a horrible description.
I put on my apron and cleaned up the kitchen a bit just so I was ready for the first order to come through. Truth be told, I hated working the kitchen. It was one of those bars that had way too many things on the menu, but since a lot of the staff had gone home for the summer, I was left filling the odd open jobs.
Things were pretty slow through lunch and into the afternoon. I made a few burgers and pizzas, but nothing too out there which left me a lot of time to jack around with Jason in the back, and “accidentally” fuck up an order to score some free lunch.
A while late, the kitchen door swung open, and in walked Cece. She was sporting a pair of tight black low wasted yoga pants that hugged all of her ass just right, and a white sweatshirt with the midriff cut off to reveal her pierced belly button. When she reached up to put her purse on the employee shelf that was above all of the pots and pans in the kitchen, I saw that she wasn’t wearing a bra and swore I saw that her nipples were pierced as well, but I couldn’t be sure.
“Hey man, what’s up?!” She said to me with a big smile. “How’s the day been?”
“Honestly, not too bad. Jason and I have just been fucking around back here most of the day” I said as I flipped a burger.
“Well not to be the bearer of bad news…” she started. I had a feeling I knew where this was going. “… but a 10 top just walked in.”
“Fuuuuck me” I groaned. 10 people isn’t the end of the world, but if they all ordered different things, I would would be running around like a chicken with his head cut off back here.
“Oh it won’t be so bad,” she said as she walked over to me. “You’ve got me here to keep you company all night!” As she said that, she gave me two pats on the shoulder, but left her hand there for a lingering moment. “Speaking of which, I’m going to try and go grab that table. I could use a big tip and it looked like they were all guys. My specialty!” She winked at me and headed out the door towards the table. Cece was a flirt, which mean she killed with older guys blowing off the last hour of work to grab a beer before heading home to their miserable lives. On a previous shift, we placed bets on how many guys she could get to leave their numbers on the receipts without her asking. I lost that bet.
Not 5 minutes later, the order ticket came through. Not only were they all ordering entree’s from every corner of the menu, but Cece convinced them to split 5 appetizers as well. ‘Fuck me is right’ I thought.
I spent the next 4 hours working the kitchen like a mad man as people just kept coming in. How we didn’t get any complaints about wait times was beyond me, but I was doing my best. ‘Fuck you, Lee’ was my mantra I repeated over and over again in my head.
Finally, it was time to close the kitchen and start cleaning up. The kitchen closed 2 hours before the the bar did, and it took me an hour and half to get everything the way it should be. I decided to have a beer or two before before heading home. I turned off the light in the kitchen and took a seat at the end of the bar, right by the waitress station, coincidentally. I was waiting for Jason to finish up making a round of shots for a group, when Cece appeared out of no where and started ringing in an order from one of her tables.
“Hey, how’d that 10 top pan out for you earlier?” She didn’t respond. She just clicked ‘whiskey shot’ 10 times and then turned with a big smile on her face.
“It is going great, actually! They’ve closed their tabs twice now, tipping me both times, before they change their minds and decide to do one more. These guys might pay my rent this month!” She gave the cutest chuckle at the end of that sentence. Then put her elbows on the bar and let her hands fall on to mine. “Can I get you a drink or are you just hanging out?”
“A beer would be nice, thanks.” I said. Her hands were extremely soft and to my surprise I felt my cock nudge against my shorts. ‘She just touched my hands, calm down’ I thought.
She hopped up and reached into the bottom of the cooler, putting her ass in those tight yoga pants on full display, and grabbed me a BudLight. “This ones on me, you were hustling back there. I thought about coming to hangout with you when I had a second but it looked like you were in the zone.”
“It was a rough one, but it’s over now, thank god.” I said before taking a drink.
Just then Jason pointed out a new table that just came in for her to go talk to. She nodded to him, and then looked back at me. “You doing anything after work? I just got some weed and I was thinking about having a movie night. I’m always wired after work and can’t sleep.”
“Yeah, that sounds great. Just shoot me a text when you get off and I’ll come over,” I said cooly, even though on the inside I was screaming with excitement.
It wasn’t uncommon for staff members to sleep with each other. It happened quite a bit actually. For the most part, we were all young and in the best shape of our lives, not to mention very horny late at night when we all got off. She may have invited me over to smoke and watch a movie, but I had an understanding that if I played my cards right, I would get to fuck her tonight.
I put my number in her phone and gave her a quick hug while telling her I’d see her later. She ran off to help the new table, and I slammed my beer and headed towards the parking lot. I needed to go home and shower.
She finally texted me around 1am asking if I was still awake and wanted to come over, little did she know I was wide awake basically staring at my phone waiting for this text.
“Yeah sure, send me your address, babe” I responded. ‘Smooth’ I thought.
She responded with her address and a smiley face and I headed over to her place. She must’ve waited to text me when she had gotten off work because when she answered the door her hair was wet from the shower. She was wearing a pink tank top that her nipples were just slightly poking through, allowing me to confirm my suspicion from earlier about the piercings. She had on short pink suede shorts, and a lace robe with matching lace socks. Remember that thing I said about her ‘out there’ style? Exactly.
She sat down next to me on the couch and pulled out a freshly packed bowl. She took a long hit and then passed it to me, to which I hit as well. She got up and grabbed us two beers, before joining me on the couch and hitting the bowl again. She then grabbed the remote, and leaned back to put her head on my shoulder while she sifted through Netlflix to find something to watch. It should be noted that I rarely smoke weed. I don’t have anything against it, it just wasn’t that prevalent in my friend group so I started feeling the effects pretty quickly as I melted into the couch. She put on a Planet Earth episode and I made a joke about how cliche it was to watch Planet Earth while high. She laughed and then wrapped her arms around my arm and put her head back on my shoulder. And this is how we sat for the next two episodes of Planet Earth, occasionally smoking the bowl and drinking beer.
Whenever I get my high, my skin gets ultra sensitive. She started gently running her nails up my forearm, and then back down to my hand, weaving them in and out of the spaces between my fingers. It was bliss. Immediately, I felt my cock twitch and start to get semi hard. I could see a bulge start to form in my sweat pants and started to pray she wouldn’t see it, but on the other hand maybe it would be a good thing if she did? I wrestled with that thought for half the second episode. When the episode ended, she sat up, and reached her arms as high as she could in the air to stretch. I marveled at how skinny her waist was and how big her ass looked in that moment. She turned towards me and my cock twitched hard when our eyes met.
“It’s like 3am and I think I’m going to go to bed. You can crash with me if you don’t want to drive so late.” I literally had to count a moment of silence before responding so it didn’t look like I was too eager. “Yeah, if you don’t mind.”
She reached out and grabbed my hand. “No not at all, wouldn’t want you to drive high anyway,” she said as she guided me through her dark house and into her bedroom. I figured she’d need to go get ready for bed and wash her face or whatever girls do at night and that would give me a few seconds to regain control of this massive erection I now had. But she didn’t even turn the lights on when she walked into her room, just lead me straight to the bed and climbed in. I kicked my shoes off and slid my sweat pants off so I could sleep in shorts. For whatever reason I wore nothing but a pair of shorts under my sweatpants pretty regularly, but hey college kids are weird.
She had her back facing me when I got in bed and when I got in she quickly backed up against me. I was pretty worried that she’d feel my cock pressed against her ass so I tried to leave optimal room in between my hips and hers. I guess that’s when she realized she had that lace robe on because she quickly sat up, removed the robe and threw it on the floor, before spinning around and rolling me on my back. She put her leg in between mine and threw my arm around her so that she was nestled up against my side. We lay motionless for a few moments.
I suddenly felt her hand pull up my shirt just enough for her to begin dragging her nails gently across my abdomen and upper torso. There’s no way she didn’t hear my heart trying to pound out of my chest. At this point my cock is rock hard, standing straight up in the air. Luckily, her leg was just below it so I wasn’t worried about her accidentally bumping into it. She tilted her head upwards and I began to feel her hot breath on my neck, her lips so incredibly close to my skin. The hair on my arms stood up. And then she kissed my neck with the softest, gentlest kiss. And another one. And another one. Several more. I was breathing hard at this point and her hand started dragging her nails just above my the top of my shorts as she took my ear love in her mouth. My body shook. She gave a faint chuckle as she raised her hand to my chin to pull our lips together. Her lips were the softest i’d ever felt and I was in heaven. The soft kisses turned into our tongues swirling around each other, growing more and more passionate. I felt her hand on my abdomen just briefly as she used her finger nails to slide under the waist ban and then drug them past my flag pole of a cock and down my thigh. I let out a soft moan in her mouth.
She pulled her nails back up my thigh, this time stopping to wrap her fingers around my cock. I wasn’t sure which I enjoyed more, kissing her soft lips, or feeling her size me up with her hands. During my debate, she released both her hand and her lips, and then lifted her hips and slid her shorts off before climbing on top of me and pulling my shorts off, letting my cock bounce free with anticipation. She straddled me now and put the middle of my shaft between her sweet pussy lips. Immediately, I could feel that she was soaked. She rocked back and forth, grinding the length of my cock against her clit, all while letting out the softest moans. This girl was wasting no time. I put my hands on her tiny waist and slid them under her tank top, which she then ripped off. I grabbed both of her B cup tits, feeling the cold barbell piercing against my palms. I love pierced tits. She moaned a little bit louder at this and leaned down so her hot breath was directly in my ear. I shuddered as she breathed, grinding her wet pussy against my cock.
“Are you ready?” She whispered as she lifted her hips just enough to slide her hand in between us. Her fingers wrapped around my now very wet cock, and put the tip at the her entrance. I almost came right there. But when she slowly pushed me inside of her, inch by inch, her breathing picking up pace and intensity in my ear, I tried my absolute best to hang on. Finally I felt her ass against my thighs, every inch of my cock now inside of her. She stayed there for a moment, getting used to my size, enjoying this new addition to her body before raising her ass until only my tip was left inside of her. Then she dropped her ass against my thighs again, this time much faster. My cock slammed into her pussy and she let out a yelp. She didn’t wait this time. She started riding me fast, taking all of me inside of her repeatedly. Between that and her moaning and breathing into my ear, I knew that I wouldn’t be able to make it much longer. I tried to think of anything that will prolong my finish so that she could hump me as long as her legs would allow, but then I hear her say the magic words. Every guys weakness.
“Oh fuck, I’m going to cum so hard.”
I felt her pussy tighten around me, which was shocking because she was so unbelievably tight already. Her abdomen started convulsing as her breathing became scattered and her moans turned into screams. I’m trying to count Mississippi’s in my head but I know I’ve only got seconds left.
“I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum” I warned her, expecting her to release my cock so that I could explode on my stomach, or best case scenario she’d take me right into her mouth and let me cum down her throat.
But she didn’t move. She kept thrusting our bodies together and I exploded into her pussy. I’m not sure if it was the weed or how little control I had over my body at this point, but as soon as I shot my first rope of cum inside of her, I reached up and grabbed her throat. This only lit a fire inside of her as she let out an animalistic moan and fucked me harder. Her tight pussy milking every drop of cum out of me and into her. I felt her pussy tense up again as her nails dug into the back of my neck as she practically shouted “IM CUMMING” into my ear. Her body convulsed on top of me and she moaned louder and my grip on her throat tightened. Her hips started to slow as she gave me an exhausted chuckle. I let go of her throat and she collapsed on top of me, my cum covered cock still deep inside of her. Neither of us moved for a minute, trying to catch our breath. Her hips started moving ever so slightly back and forth, almost as if she was purposely letting me feel all of the cum inside of her with my cock. Then in one motion, she rolled off of me and sat up, leaning all the way forward and put my tip into her mouth, sucking hard to get any final drops of cum out. She then released me and laid down beside me in bed, both of us on our backs, covered in sweat, bodily fluids, and panting heavily.
The lights her off in her room, but the moonlight shining through her window next to the bed allowed me to see her silhouette sit up and grab her shorts from the corner of the bed. She laid back down beside me, reached over and grabbed my hand that was on the opposite side as her, rolling me to my side. What she did next will stay be burned into my spank bank forever.
She took my middle finger and slid it into her warm, dripping wet pussy, before pulling it back out and bringing it up to her mouth, and sucking on it. My jaw dropped and body went limp.
She let my finger fall out of her mouth, lifted her hips up and put her shorts on and rolled over so her back was to me, and promptly scooted back against me. I wrapped my arm around her and took a deep breath.
“You taste good. I could get used to that” she whispered in the sexiest voice I’ve ever heard.
We both fell asleep.
I hope you have more stories of you with this hottie. She sounds like she really gets down.
Stories like this make me wish I’d worked the service industry for a bit when I was younger.
Is there more stories with her?
Change the title to “the time the new waitress fucked me” good story tho, amazing writing.
Wow, so so hot she kept you in her as you came. That must’ve felt so good to erupt in her bareback, and just as good for her! From her post sex comment i thought this would have become an ongoing thing