The New King [MF] [Fantasy] [dragon] [preg] (my first ever erotic lit!)

Terryn Altan, the young king of Altania, sat on a throne he felt he did not deserve. His father was a great king, and a good man. Terryn felt dwarfed by the shadow he had been thrust into. A noble whelp, twenty-three summers old and unwed. The crown seemed to carry the weight of the sky on his head.

He looked around the throne room. Barren, save for the guards that stood at the doors and beneath the throne. The tapestries depicting his family’s glorious history hung stiff, as if frozen by the winter wind. It was eerily still, especially following the rush of his father’s death, and his coronation.

He was waiting. A powerful but anonymous individual had requested a private audience with him. He knew nothing about this person save that his vizier had warned him to accept the request immediately. Someone who was capable of putting such respect into a grouchy old man like him must be important.

Important as they were, they were late. So Terryn sat on the throne and watched the doors, impatient for them to open and reveal this mysterious guest. But the doors never opened. Not from the outside at least. As one, each of the guards in the room turned from their post and marched to the door. Terryn should be outraged by this. They are his servants, bound by oath to protect his life at all costs. The fact that they would simply walk away was a betrayal beyond reproach. He should draw the blade that rested against the throne and strike them all down.

Instead, he sat there. He found that despite his desire to throw himself from his seat, to bellow curses and insults at these cowards, he couldn’t move. It was as if his mind was disconnected from his limbs. He had to sit there and watch as his guardsmen left the room without a word. The door shut behind them, and he was left alone. Or so he thought.

“My apologies, your majesty,” a voice came from behind the throne. A woman’s voice, carried by a powerful rumbling. “But when I requested a private meeting between us, I meant truly private. Just you and I.” The spell holding him to the throne was broken. He leapt to his feet, grabbed his sword and turned to face the woman behind the throne.

He was not expecting to see a dragon. A great winged form covered in scarlet scales coiled behind the throne. Golden eyes with crocodilian slits watched him from behind an elongated jaw, filled with dagger-like teeth.

“Stay back, demon,” He gritted his teeth and raised his sword towards the beast.

“I do not wish to fight you, lord. Take a seat, and let us speak.” Her voice filled his mind. Soothing yet mighty, her words proved irresistible. The sword clattered to the ground, and he returned to the throne. The dragon’s great serpentine neck looped over his shoulder and brought her face-to-face with him. He felt her hot breath hit his skin. Cinnamon. She smelled like cinnamon and wood smoke.

“I have come to make you an offer.” Her eyes were hypnotic. They seemed to almost glow with a gentle, honey tinted light. “I have no desire so come into conflict with humans. I have lived in these lands peacefully for many years.”

“So you want protection,” Tarryn struggled to string together sentences with those piercing eyes so close to him. “Freedom to live in my lands without fear of hunters.”

“Yes.” she leaned in even closer. “That is what I want, King Altan.” Terryn recoiled as if struck. King Altan was his father’s name. A title he was not ready to take. She felt his apprehension.

“Your heart aches from loss. My apologies, your majesty.” A talon lifted his chin to meet her eyes again. “I don’t come to you without something to offer.”

The other talon moved, pressing him into the throne. Her lips pressed against his. He briefly struggled, but slumped back in bliss as her long tongue found its way into his mouth, wrapping around his. She didn’t just smell like cinnamon, she tasted like it too. Terryn leaned into her, letting his body fall into the coils of her serpentine neck. She pulled out of the kiss and looked down at him. A strand of sticky dragon-spit still connected their lips.

“There, isn’t that better?” she whispered. Terryn didn’t respond, only wrapping his arms around her and planting kisses on her neck. She let out a little laugh.

“Humans are so cute when they’re needy.” Terryn felt something move by his feet. Her tail had slithered up his legs and quickly undid his belt buckle. Then it popped a button, and his cock sprung free. She lowered herself. Bringing her head to only a few inches from it. Her tongue emerged from her mouth. It reached out to him, pressing against his balls. The heat was almost overwhelming. Agonisingly slowly she dragged her hot tongue upward from base to tip. As it reached the tip she wrapped it around him, then began to work her way back down. In a coiling motion she engulfed him. Wrapping round and round, becoming tighter with each loop. Until his member was locked in a hot, slippery, pink cocoon. He tried to buck his hips into her, desperate for more. But a talon pinned him to his seat, leaving him to whimper. She put her tongue to work on him. Not sliding it up and down, instead using a rippling motion that sent shockwaves of pleasure all through his body. She quickened her pace, never leaving any spot unattended for long. The squeezing, sucking, sliding sensation had Terryn gripping the arms of the throne, squirming against her. She continued like this until Terryn felt his climax building up. A rising wave of pleasure rushed through him, growing stronger and begging for release. He was at the brink, when she stopped. That wonderful, hot, sticky tongue pulled away. The cold air that was left in its place caused Terryn to let out a shocked gasp.

“Not yet.” She purred. “Not until I’ve had my fun.” She stood up, her great form towering over him. She turned around and took a few steps from the throne, before laying her forelimbs and front end on the ground. Her tail lifted, revealing her dripping, scaly pussy. Terryn stood and walked to her. She was directly at eye level with him. The smell was intoxicating. The same cinnamon-smoke of her breath, but with a distinct feminine musk. He placed a hand on each of her thighs and gave her a long lick. Starting at the bottom near her clit and reaching all the way to her asshole, which clenched in surprise as his tongue reached it. He planted a wet, sloppy kiss on it before moving back down to her soaked pussy.

He ran his tongue across her lips, savoring the taste before kissing her again on her clit. Her body shuddered as he pressed against it. He buried his face in her folds, alternating between gently sucking on her clit to eagerly lapping away at her drooling slit. The heat, the taste, and the smell filled his senses. Terryn felt like he could eat her out forever. While he was licking her his hands were busy as well. Grasping her ass, toying with her tailhole, and dipping into her pussy two-three fingers at a time while his mouth focused on her clit. He continued like this until he heard her breathing change. Her hips began to tremble, and her gentle moans turned into heavy panting. He brought his attention back on her clit and increased his pace. Moving with the rhythm of her heart.

“Faster, please,” she moaned breathily. He was more than happy to oblige. He increased his pace, alternating between grinding his tongue against her clit and delving deep into her folds, while wrapping his arms around her thighs to press himself deeper into her. Without warning, every muscle in her massive body tensed. Her muscular tail wrapped around Terryn’s chest, squeezing with enough power to force the air from his lungs. She let out an animalistic squeal of pleasure, and desperately scraped her talons against the stone floor.

After several seconds of orgasmic shaking she slumped to the floor, releasing Terryn. They both collapsed into a heap, his body was pressed against her ass. He could do nothing but catch his breath. She turned her head around to face him, and gently lapped her juices from his face.

“Mmm. You’re good,” She used her tail to help raise Terryn to his feet. “But now, we’re going to have some real fun.” She rolled onto her back, using her wings to prop her body upright. She spread her muscular legs wide and gave Terryn an inviting smile. He knew what to do. He stripped off his shirt and kneeled between her thighs. He lined himself up with her entrance, and paused to look up to see if she was ready. Her smile twisted into a mischievous grin. She gave him no signal, no warning. He was caught by surprise as her legs snapped around his waist and plunged him into her depths. He was once again shocked by her intense heat. He began to thrust into her. This time she didn’t hold him back. He had never felt anything like her before. His cock was gripped by a series of pulsing muscles, sucking him in as he thrust forward and dragging him back as he tried to pull out. She was hotter and tighter than any human could ever be.

“Come here,” she purred as she wrapped her arms around him. He didn’t resist, letting her press his naked chest against her scaly underbelly. The dragoness lifted her arms from his body and began to gently run her talons through his hair, cooing sweet whispers into his ear. He slowed down his frantic thrusting, and focused on grinding his hips as deeply into hers as he could. He was getting close. He felt the slow build up of a climax. She lifted his chin to look into his eyes.

“Don’t hold back.” That was all the instruction he needed. He fucked her with as much vigor as his body would allow. Their sweat-slicked bodies slapping against each other as he fed his own climax. He felt the point of no return and kept going, gathering his strength for one final plunge into her. Once again her lips met him, their tongues danced in each other’s mouths as he pumped his seed deep inside her womb. Terryn fell onto her, slumping forward even as his cock was still coating her inner walls. She was frozen in place, held in the grip of her second orgasm. Her pussy clamped down on him hard enough to force him out, a stream of steaming cum flowing after him. The two of them lay on the floor in bliss. She lazily extended a wing to scoop Terryn up and pull him close to her..

“So, your Majesty, have you decided on our agreement?” Those honeyed eyes locked onto his.

“Of course, of course! You may live here, you can stay in this castle if you want. You have my word that as long as I live no harm will come to you.”

She lifted herself back onto her feet. Terryn couldn’t help but notice the trail of cum running down her inner thighs.

“Castle life would stifle me, lord. But I’ll be sure to visit.” She leaned in for a quick, cinnamon flavored kiss before pulling away. “You’ll be wanting to meet your first-born, won’t you?”

“First-bo- What!?” Terryn shot up to his feet, only to be pressed back down into his throne by powerful claws. She ran her long tongue up the length of his body, sending shudders down his spine.

“I’ve reared many illegitimate royals in my time.” she purred. “Do be careful should you meet any half-dragons in your kingdom, they are likely your half-siblings.” Terryn struggled with the implications of her words. He tried to ask her more questions, but found his mind and tongue ensnared by the same spell that held him to his throne.

“Until we meet again, New King.” she turned to the door, giving Terryn one last glimpse of her swollen slit, still dripping with his seed as she left the throne room.

He couldn’t wait for her next visit.



  1. Captivating! How you describe the characters drew me in.

    Edit for punctuation.

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