Off-duty officer pulls me over – CNC


***This is a fictional erotic story written by me, about me and from my point of view. You should not be reading this if you’re not of legal age, 18 in America, 21 in some other countries. This is my fantasy, be nice and enjoy. ☺️***

I have to be to work by seven in the morning, so I leave my house at 6am. In the winter especially compared the majority if not all of my drive is in the dark. I take backroads most of the way. This morning, I had my dress and boots on. I had my favorite playlist on and my coffee in a to-go cup. I was feeling pretty good, considering it was already Thursday. I got onto the backroad highway. I was happy to see no one was on the road, so I was able to enjoy the road all to myself.

I must have missed him, because suddenly there was a police officer behind me, blue lights blaring. I pulled over, unsure of what I had done. I didn’t think I had been speeding. I rolled down my window “good morning, ma’am. Do you know why I pulled you over?” I had been told in the past that telling the truth can get you out of a ticket so I really tried to think but I genuinely didn’t know. “I’m sorry sir, I don’t know.” He looked at me then down at my breasts. “Okay well, it’s because you have a broken tail light. Please let me see your license, registration and insurance.”

I had just had those changed last week, by the guys changing my oil. I remember this because my husband made fun of me for falling for their scheme to get me to spend more money. Either way, I knew they weren’t broken. “Officer, there is no way they are broken. I just had them changed.” He seemed surprised by my response. I couldn’t tell if it was because he was lying or if it was because they were broke. And he felt bad. “If you want to get out and look yourself, you’re welcome to do so.” I got out of the car and walked to the back of the car. Once I reached the back, I saw that the tail lights were fine.

The hair on my arms raised and I looked up at him, scared. He looked at me with a smug grin. “You’re not even a real officer are you? Are you going to kill me? What the fuck is going on?” He seemed to be letting me get out my pent up energy. When I finished screaming at him he said “I am a real officer. However, I am off the clock on my way home from my shift. I take the patrol car home sometimes. When I am going home, all the cameras are disabled because if I’m not on shift there isn’t a use for them. I have yet to get lucky enough to see a woman like you while I make this drive.” My brain panicked. I could fight or he could actually arrest me. Set me up. I didn’t know what to do and then he started to walk towards me. I was shaking in fear when he said “you look to me as though you’re intoxicated. I’m going to handcuff you, just to detain you. You are not under arrest.” I couldn’t even find the courage to struggle. He had all the power, my struggling can be classified as resisting arrest. There isn’t a way out of this that doesn’t end in me either doing what he wants or going to jail on a bogus charge. He put the handcuffs on me with my hands behind my back.

He led me to the hood of his car and had me sit on it. “We are going to do a couple standardized field sobriety tests, just to be sure.” “I’m not on anything, I’m on my way to work. This is fucking ridiculous.” He slapped me across the face. “No need to cuss, act like a lady.” Did he just fucking slap me? I kicked him in the shin. As he bent down in pain, I made a run for it. I’m not really sure what my plan was, it’s incredibly difficult to run in handcuffs and I wasn’t going to get anywhere from out here. Suddenly I feel a sharp pinch in my back and I can’t move my muscles. I fall face first into the ground as the shock from the taser immobilizes me. I feel him pick me up and take me back to the hood of his car.

I see a car slowing to the side “good morning officer, are you okay? I saw her kick you.” I was furious. “Well you missed the part where he slapped me, so call the police and tell them to come here.” I could visibly see the officers face twitch, he was pissed. The man waited and stared at the officer waiting for a response. “Everything is alright sir. She is currently intoxicated and I have already called for back up. I didn’t slap her, I’ve been trying to get her to relax on the hood until the female officer shows up. She’s been threatening to accuse me of abuse and rape. You’re welcome to stay until then if you would like.” The guy seemed to be thinking about the officers response. There was no way he would buy it. “I have to get to work. It seems like you have it under control, let me know if you need me to make a statement about her assault on you.” He sticks his hand out the window to hand the officer what looks like a business card. As the officer went to grab the card I said “That’s not-“
The man cut me off “just stop, if you just listen to what he’s asking, you won’t have to deal with all of this stuff.” I gave up, resigned.

Once the guy was out of view the officer returned to our regularly scheduled program. “I am going to do what we call a horizontal gaze nystagmus test.” He stood in front of me and pointed a finger in front of my face. I figured I would just get this over with, do the tests and be on my way. “Follow my finger, don’t move anything else.” He started to move it to the left. Then the right. Then up, down. Then he repeated but this time going too far out of my view to follow without moving my head. As the finger left my view, I moved my head. He slapped me “I told you not to move your head. Try again.” My face stung, especially after hitting the ground face first and my eyes begin to tear up. I started again, when his finger went out of my view he asked “how many fingers am I holding up?” I didn’t know how to respond to this, I could see them but I didn’t want to move my head to do so. “I don’t know, I can’t see them.” I said shakily. He slapped me again “I told you to keep your eye on my finger.” I quickly realized that it didn’t matter what I did, there wasn’t any winning. He was getting off on my pain, on his control.

“You didn’t pass. I’m going to have to hold you responsible for driving while intoxicated.” Tears were streaming down my red face. He had slapped me 6 times. He started to drag me into the ditch that was to the right of our parked cars. It was too deep to see from the road if you’re just driving by and add the cars, it’s completely out of view. I screamed “no please stop, please you don’t have to do this.”
I thought for sure he was going to kill me.

Im laying on the ground in the ditch while he kneels down next to me. He begins to take the straps of my dress and move them down my arm, keeping the dress on but revealing my small, 34B breasts. He pinched my nipples laughing when I writhe and cry in pain. He moves down to my legs, pulling them apart. I hold them tightly shut, not letting him do so. He puts his hand around my throat and begins squeezing. I am struggling to breathe. “Open your fucking legs or I will continue until you’re passed out.” I opens my legs and his grip loosened I coughed and tried to catch my breath as he moved back down. “You’re soaking wet. So you like this then? You’re enjoying my using and abusing you. You know you’re a cumdump and you get wet thinking about being used like one.” I didn’t know I was wet, I didn’t say anything at all. He crawled on top of me and held my legs apart while I struggle against him fucking me. I was way too physically weak though, the point was moot. He used me like I wasn’t a person, clawing my ass and choking me while he thrusted in and out. He thrusted in and then came hard – grunting and moaning. He pulled out and we both fell onto the back seat cushion, deflated.

He got up and pulled me out of the car. “You have two options. Either you can report me and I will charge you with assault on an officer using this gentleman’s recall to back me up. Then we both go down, but who is going to believe you over me? So maybe only you go down. The second option is I uncuff you and send you on your way. You keep your mouth shut, make up some story a about getting beat up when you pulled over for a flat tire or something. So what will it be?” I already knew from experience that I wouldn’t be believed over him. The man was right there when I said he slapped me and he didn’t do anything. If I went to the police about a police officer, I would just be a target. “I won’t say anything.” He smiled and said “right answer, had you decided on the other” he got in real close to my ear “I would have had to kill you.” I let out a choked cry as he unlocked my handcuffs. I started to walk back to my car, bruised and beaten. When I got back to my car, I opened the door and heard “don’t think that if you report later that I won’t have access to you. I know your full name, your address and I found your work ID going through your stuff so I know where you work.” I wasn’t going to report but my eyes widened. He knew everything, I wasn’t safe. “I said I won’t say anything.” I got in my car and drove home, I would be calling in today.

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  1. Great job. The fact that you made it so believable really excited my imagination.

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