Loosing [M]y virginity to a girl [F]rom church

I’ve been a lurker for quite a while on r/gonewildstories and I’ve had quite a lot of time on my hands the last few weeks ~~as I’m sure plenty of you have as well~~ so I’ve been reading a lot of stories from you all lately, and I think it’s about time I share some of mine! If you’re just here for *the good part* and don’t care about the backstory, look for the ******* above a paragraph, that’s the beginning.

Unfortunately there are a few bits of this particular story I don’t remember the details of, since it happened a while ago, so bear with me through those moments, but hopefully it’s an enjoyable read. For a bit of background, like I mentioned in the title, this story takes place between myself (19 at the time) and a girl (Kylie, who was 18) I used to go to church with. I lived with my parents at the time, and she lived with hers a few blocks away. We had hung out a few times before, usually in groups with other friends, and I thought she was super hot but she never really expressed interest in me in that way until…

I heard my phone buzz and the faint glow of the screen lit up my ceiling with a dim blue light. I set down my Game Boy ~~I had been playing through Pokémon again~~ and picked up my phone to a somewhat unexpected blue and white letter “F” logo and a name that was even more surprising, Kylie. I quickly unlocked the device and replied to her message ~~quickly forgetting about the gym leader I had been trying to beat~~

“Hey, you up?” was the message I had received.

“Yeah, why?” my naïve reply, having no idea where this was headed.

“We should hang out”

“Like, now?”

“Yeah, I’m bored and nobody else is up”

I’ll spare you all the details of the conversation, in part because I don’t remember exactly how it went and in part because *my god* was I an idiot back then. I had literally no idea why this girl was bothering me in the middle of the night on a Tuesday. Hell, I didn’t even think she really knew who I was up to that point. Anyway, she was persistent and knew *exactly* what she was trying to do, and eventually ended up turning the conversation sexual and convincing me to meet her at the park to have a little fun.

Now, at this point it was probably about 11:00PM or so and everyone in my house was asleep. This would be the first time I had ever snuck out of the house in my life. I was brought up in a pretty strict household and was pretty well behaved in general, until tonight. I changed out of my pajamas and put on some shorts and a t-shirt. I was so excited, this girl had been saying some of the dirtiest things to me I’d ever heard outside of the internet.

I spent what felt like an eternity quietly opening the door to my room, which was difficult because the hinges were old and always stuck a little just after opening it. Once it was open enough I slipped out and shut it behind me almost all the way. Thankfully I’ve always been a smaller guy so it didn’t need to open too far. I carefully went up the stairs to the main level, using the old walk-on-the-sides-not-the-middle trick so the stairs didn’t squeak. Once I was on the main floor I realized I didn’t know how I would get out. Our back door was a sliding glass door that was kinda falling off it’s track at this point, so it was *stupid* loud. The front door was a set of 2 doors and it always seemed to get caught on the rug on the way out so nobody ever used it.

As I was walking through the kitchen towards the garage door, my phone buzzed in my pocket and I nearly had a heart attack. It sounded *so fucking loud* in the dead quiet of the night. I checked and it was Kylie, asking if I was on my way yet. I quickly and quietly replied telling her I was almost out, which was a lie, and then turned the vibration on my phone off before proceeding into the garage. My saving grace for getting out of the house that night is the fact we had cats. My mom always left the garage door about a foot or so open at night so the cats could go in and out, and I, again always having been a smaller guy, was able to lie down on my stomach and shimmy out into the night.

You’d think me getting out of the house would’ve made me a little more relaxed but my heartrate just kept racing. It was so exciting! I was heading out to meet this girl, and had I known what was about to happen next, I probably would have about died from anticipation. Thankfully the park was next door to my house. It was a fairly large park, so it was still a decent walk, but when I got to the designated meeting place there she was, sitting on a bench waiting for me. She beckoned me over excitedly and I nervously sat down next to her.


My heart was racing and at this point the story gets a little blurry in memory, probably because I was so excited. I remember sitting on the bench with her, it being a little awkward at first, just making small talk and joking about the fact that she’d kissed my best friend a few weeks prior. Bringing up the kiss though I think was intentional on her part, because then she kissed me. It wasn’t my first kiss, I had made out with a girl or two before that point so I was comfortable with that. Things quickly went from a kiss and us sitting side-by-side to her climbing onto my lap on the bench and straddling me while we made out. This felt different than other girls… She was being aggressive, she was rocking her hips against me and running her hands through my hair and I was loving it.

After plenty of hot and heavy kissing, and me being as turned on as I had ever been to that point in my life, she did something I was not ready for. She broke the kiss, gave me the *naughtiest* smile, climbed off my lap, and started unbuttoning my shorts as she went down onto her knees in front of me. I’d watched porn before of course, but seeing it actually happening in real life, I was dumbstruck. I didn’t move, I just stared at her as she hungrily tugged at my waistband, pulling my shorts off and carefully doing the same with my boxers. I wasn’t shy, I was in shock, but I don’t think she was even paying attention to my face as she revealed my throbbing shaft.

She smiled up at me and took it in her hand. I was surprised by both how warm her hand was, and how genuine her smile was. She was having fun. She liked this. *I liked this…* I already felt like I could burst any second, this was the first time I’d ever felt anything like this and she was good. She spent a little time jerking me off and fondling my balls a little, but she wanted more. Her posture straightened up a little and she leaned forward, and the next thing I knew the head of my dick was pressed against the back of her throat. It was so tight, and hot, and wet, and soft. She started bobbing her head up and down, deepthroating me as my grip on the bench tightened. I’d lasted longer than I thought I would but she knew what she was doing and it didn’t take long at all before I was panting and groaning and telling her through gritted teeth how close I was.

She didn’t even react. I knew she heard me because I was louder than I wanted to be (remember we’re sitting in a public park on a bench. Or… I’m sitting…) In fact, maybe she even sped up a little. A few more strokes of her mouth around me and I was cumming into her mouth. She slowed down a little but didn’t stop, and her tongue swirled around the tip a few times which made me jerk a little involuntarily, waves of pleasure like nothing else I had ever felt just washing over me. After I was done, she slowly pulled away, leaving my cock twitching and covered in her drool, and maybe a little cum, but most of the cum was going down her throat as she swallowed and looked up at me with a big smile on her face.

“So, how was it?” she asked coyly.

— Part 2 coming soon

Thanks everyone for reading, hope you enjoyed the first bit of the story! Fortunately for me that amazing night didn’t end there, there’s still quite a bit of story left to tell but I didn’t think this would take this long ~~or be this fun actually~~ to write! It’s getting a bit late, so I can’t finish the story tonight, but I’ll definitely put part 2 together soon! Feel free to leave questions down below and I’ll do my best to answer them when I can, or in the next post.

Happy fapping,

– James

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/jfqnbj/loosing_my_virginity_to_a_girl_from_church


  1. I’ll be honest. If it wasn’t for the fact your story is posted in this thread and it’s you that’s posting, thought you were about to get sacrificed to some satanic shit. Story began exactly like those type of movies. It just turns out it’s another kind of movie ?

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