An Ode to the Quiet and Shy Ones [MF] Chapter 2: Insatiable Needs

She’d gone back and forth for the past twenty minutes or so. Texting a few keys…only to again hit the back arrow. This rang of the obvious. She was being too transparent, she thought. Not to mention the butterflies kicking around. Was she a bit in over her head? She knew this was getting into something she might quickly lose control of. He was every bit mature but she knew from even just a bit of experience not one controlled by the same little tricks and tactics. She was opening a door that even just the *thought* of brought a flush of craven excitement and a pit of dread. The perfect roller coaster of emotion.

So she quickly finished and hit send. It was too late now. It was off and done. The text *itself* harmless. Simply reading, “You live close. Anyway you could stop by and help me with a problem?”

This being *just about as bold as she got.* Her fiancé often talked with her about the possibility of seeing her assertive side. The text almost immediately showed *read* and a good twenty two minutes passed without response. She’d been too forward. He tends to like women who show a bit more confidence and a bit more in general, she thought to herself. Quite ridiculous that she even thought to send it. It was even a bit open ended and a tad. What was she doing anyway. The dread started to overcome her when she looked back at her phone. Still nothing. Why was she still staring at it while she watched television. She put the phone beside her before then picking it back up again not even a minute or two later. Trying to keep busy she began working out a bit to pass the time. Slightly passively angry at herself. Why is she choosing *this* to pass the time? She say again after her shower and again picked up her phone. That’s when she saw the text bubble appear. What was his response going to be. Ugh. How will he react?

“Sure.” That was the response.

Starting to decide and nitpick the response. How could one word be broken down into this many thoughts?, she wondered. That’s when the next one came. “I can swing by for a bit. Why? What’s up?”

“I have a bees nest that’s incredibly out of my reach. lol. Help.”

A laughing emoji and a “I can be there in 15.” was sent back her way. She then completed getting dressed. Reached into her drawer and picked out a little lace thong. Again, slightly agitated but *definitely* not enough to stop her from putting it on.

He admitted to himself a couple times the intrigue he had. He couldn’t help but admire her assertive need. The hint, enough for him. He’d been around her *just enough* to appreciate the coy approach. A bit surprised, actually. He’d caught himself a few times in fantasy. Drifting off from the imagery from a post of her in tight jeans. Something about the fact that he read in her a knowing of just how sexy she was but yet not showing in all degrees everything she had. It only added to his intrigue. Yes, he caught himself a couple times in the office thinking about just how nice it would feel to have those butt cheeks firmly in his hand. Wondering and hoping he’d see more. Her modesty yet underlying slight hint of confidence with a *tiny* hint of showing off was alluring to him. He knew the trouble he could cause. As quite the level-headed instigator. He put a pair of jeans on and headed out the door.

Hearing the doorbell she approached and when she opened it he was standing there in just a fit black t-shirt and relaxed fit jeans. She’d always had a bit of a weak spot when she saw him in a nice fitted dress shirt and cute tie. That was actually the first thing that drew her attention before even becoming undone by his assertiveness. He created a conflict in her. Always back and forth she was going. He was so blunt and sometimes the slightly braggadocios behavior angered her…until it didn’t. The conflict almost *creating* the small obsessive nature of her thoughts, temporary as they may be. She could always write them off. That was until now.

He stood up on a ladder and reached up to spray the nest. “Now you *might* want to back away, silly.” His slight smile, playfully. Her eyes focused on his slightly raised shirt. The hip that turned into a crevice and v-line tracing a defined line down to his waistline and likely below. A tad more forceful this time. “Hello!”

His body wasn’t bulky and insanely muscular but at the same time for a man in his mid forties he by *no means had a “Dad bod.” Totally fit and defined. His broad shoulders and pecs showed through the fitted t-shirt. The size selection likely intentional.

She came to and backed away. Once he managed to get rid of the issue he climbed down. Slightly wincing he walked towards her. “Okay. Problem resolved.”

Seeing his hand go to his hip again she responds, “Thank you so much. I really appreciate it.”

“Of course it was worth the bit of pain. His hand touched her soft hand and his thumb grazed softly and slowly the back of them. Bringing it up to his hip. “See, right here.” She reflexively pulled back a bit. “What? Did you not want a feel for what you couldn’t take your eyes off of?” His hand placing hers on exposed, naked hip. “I *certainly* know you won’t take action. So I’ll just give you what you are craving. This *is* what you wanted, is it *not*? His index finger now just under her chin. Slightly lifting it to make eye contact. “Is it not why you called me over? Did you not get enough of my touch at the party. His thumb next to her lip. Go ahead, “Protest.”

She awoke out of her fog, lying in her bed. Her finger slowly running along her wet lips, thumb teasing her hard clit in a circular motion before pinching it between her fingers. Hands roaming up to her areoles and stiff nipples while she thought about what it would have been like to have gotten bold and reach for his bulge.

Then she thought about how he *really* got down from the ladder. Saying, “Anytime.” Followed by a “If you need my assistance to help with any other needs don’t hesitate.” With that he’d left. So why is it here she is in bed a couple nights later and thinking about his hand along her neck and her head slightly tilted. Hands running through her hair. She’d got caught away again in her need for his certain assertive ways.

So often irritated with it and yet suddenly finding herself insatiably craving it. Maybe she might need to call him again, soon.

**Feel free for feedback. Too short, too long? What should next chapter look like?**
