[MFF] College FWB relationship with 2 Brazilian roommates (part 3)

So it’s the second semester since transferring into the university. The girls and I now have our own apartment with our own bedrooms and everything is very chill and relaxed because it’s not as cramped as the dorms we were in. Once we moved out of the dorms and into the new apartment we spent a weekend unpacking, organizing, and setting things up. Basically the entire week we after we moved in we all had a few weeks off for the holidays so we had a ton of time to ourselves. Lots of interesting stuff happened between us sexually during that time period, but I feel the first night of it really kicked things off that set the tone of things.

As soon as our moving in was done, we all went out to eat and got to walk around our new area and enjoyed the Christmas stuff that was going on. They knew about how bad my home life was with my parents and openly supported me in staying at the apartment for the holidays, so there was no worry about that. Once we got back to the apartment we all hung out with both of them cuddled up beside me as we watched a movie. We all had our own little routines for getting ready for bed which really didn’t bother or interrupt each other which was nice, and we cleaned things up very quickly usually. We all usually take 2 showers each a day in the morning and at night which never usually lined up with each other, but more often one of them would join me or I would join one of them and we would wash each other. Sometimes sex was involved but it just became like a normal thing after awhile to save time and hang out.

The Sunday night the weekend we moved in I was was kinda restless and was listening to music in bed relaxing when the first girl came into my room in nothing but a robe. She came in shutting the door quietly before coming to my into my bed after letting the robe slip off her shoulders and breasts to the floor. She kneeled into my bed and gently pulled my shirt off me while I pulled off my boxers, and then laid on my side with her face buried into my chest to snuggle me. She put leg around mine under the covered and pressed her breasts against me while scratching the hair on my chest very lightly with her nails in a loving way. We just laid there talking for a long time, her rubbing my chest and me rubbing her back. Really enjoying the privacy we had together, it was the first times we had been able to sit together alone for a long time without anything to do. At this point I was saying I loved them to both and they knew it, so when I expressed it to her in the moment she smiled and said it back while kissing me. Then she slid her hand down to my cock and said, “I have proof right here” as she began playing with my balls and jerking me off under the covers slowly.

I tuned to her and we took our time kissing and caressing each other’s bodies in a way we hadn’t before this. Usually we would go at it as quickly as possible, but we were taking our time together this time. At one point she tried to make a move to kiss down my chest to give me a blowjob but I was hoping for this moment for a long time and decided to stop her by rolling on top of her to take the lead from her. This time I take my time on her breasts as I lay between her legs, teasing her and caressing her while avoiding the nipples with my lips as I kiss and lick them slightly. I know hers are very sensitive from the times I played with them during sex beforehand so I wanted to make the most out of it. She’s squirming underneath me, letting out soft moans and trying her bests to squirm her nipples into my mouth for me to stop teasing her. She starts asking me softly “please” before I give in and give her erect nipples the satisfaction they’ve been craving. While doing that I reposition myself and start caressing her legs crotch with my free hand, teasing her lower half as I satisfy her tits.

Once she was worked up enough I started kissing down her body while I slid a finger slowly in and out of her and teasing her clit with the base of my middle finger. I laid in between her legs and rotated between licked around her clit and eating her out until she was starting to get close to orgasm, then I stopped and licked back up to her lips as I slid 2 fingers inside her. After slowly fingering her while we made out I aimed my fingers up to apex that I knew she would enjoy while sucking on one of her nipples. I pulled upward gently, going faster and faster as she breathed deeper and deeper. She moaned louder as started twitching with her lower half raised up slightly as I continued faster and harder, tapping her clit with each motion inside her until she tightened up and spray orgasmed for the first time ever. I relaxed a little before continuing to do this a few more times to her until she was laying there with her legs shaking. I didn’t waste any time as I put her on her side, layer beside her,and pulled her butt toward me before inserting my cock inside her and immediately going to work on her. I didn’t let her get gain her composure at all as I wanted to fully take her this time. She weakly grabbed onto my arm as I squeezed her breast that I was holding. I kept going at a constant speed, listening to her moan and the wet little taps of my balls on her with each thrust. She was weakly shaking as another orgasm took her and she kept asking me in a soft voice to cum inside her. I worked her harder with a faster rhythm until I couldn’t take it anymore and finally burst inside her. We laid together like that until she finally had calmed down enough to kiss me, which we did for a long time afterwards while my dick slipped out of her and rested on her leg. This happened a lot over the summer and with her and the second girl the rest of the week was a constant wave of sex, with the rest of the winter break being just as fruitful.

We did our holiday stuff, worked on prepping for the next semester, and went all around the city doing a ton of stuff having a blast together as friends. Sometimes we would do stuff alone or with one of us hanging with another alone, and as friends we fully supported each other. We were all good together and 1 on 1 as friends, with them never feeling lonely as they had each other leaving me to go out when I needed to to visit friends and stuff. Several of my friends got introduced to the situation when they came over to game and go out to eat, where the girls had to go to campus to work and each separately came to me kissing my lips teasingly before leaving. Which quickly spread and turned into a firestorm of questions from my guy friends, and irritated questioning from friends that were girls. I ultimately ended up dropping some friends due to various reasons like being creepy around the girls, some guy and girl friends trying to encroach on them and some of the girls that were jealous on me. All my best friends just kinda ignored it beyond the base frustration of having to see them do random small thing for/to me, which led them to want to go elsewhere than my place the rest of the time we lived together.

This also leads into our fall semester as we are headed back to school full time again. We all had very few friends in the university, mostly just acquaintances we had classes who didn’t know about our relationship in any way. This semester was difficult for me as I was learning 3D modeling and animation to go along with sound design. Learning lots of technical stuff I barely had any knowledge up that required I spend a ridiculous amount of time doing. Luckily, I had built my own computer before I even transferred in so I could do a lot of the work at home. Once the girls and I got back into the swing of things again, sex was back to the way things were the last semester in terms of frequency. We were focused on our education and getting through the semester together while being happy and supportive to each other.

Over the course of this semester I kinda took everyone’s words to me at face value, either being oblivious to flirting or just ignoring it while I focused on learning. Art university there was kinda like a mix of everyone from everywhere mixed with stress, frustration, and sexual tension, so I’m guessing that when people saw me not exhibiting any of those issues I had accidentally created an image around myself that made people want to talk to me. This was kind of a double edge sword, because while I was not having those issues, everyone else was. One the good side people were friendly with me, on the other there was flirting from girls my way that went ignored by me and jealousy from guys that wanted to have sex. Eventually a few other girls in class that had enough of this were straightforward with me in private by trying to kiss me or say they liked me. I politely turned down each one that did that, always making sure to tell my girls at home what was going on and just go about my business. Eventually this also led to people thinking I was gay, which got spread around like wildfire.

Once everyone was solidly questioning my sexuality without me knowing, a guy in class decided to test the theory. This guy was slightly feminine, lacked no confidence, and was not afraid to push a little. So he ended up trying to talk me about class stuff before class and before long her was pushing himself into my person space slightly and saying we should hang out and party, which was asked flirtatiously. Told him I’m flattered but I’m not interested in partying and that I’m not gay after asking him to stop making me uncomfortable. Class was starting so we all took our seats, before it began I texted my girls that I wanted to have lunch with them and said I really need to get out of this class ASAP. Overall the class was easy as it was mostly review with us having time to work, I checked my phone and said they’ll meet me outside my class when it’s over. Knowing this class was really lax about lunch time when we had time to work I was starting to get anxious but hid it well by trying to work.

Soon enough people started making the rounds talking and students asking stuff about things class related to each other, I was pleased to actually be approached by a pretty Korean girl to break my anxiety asking me about something she didn’t understand and if I could help her. Ended up giving her a tutorial from my hard drive after I explained what I could, then she gave me this awkward hug and said, “we should go to lunch, I gotta thank you for helping me” while sliding her hands down my arm to try to hold my hand. I politely declined and said I had plans for lunch turning back to continue to work, but instead of it being a normal cut and dry conversation others started to ask why I wouldn’t take her to lunch including the gay guy who flirted with me earlier.

Pretty much they all felt I was telling them I didn’t like any of them and asked why I never wanted to hang out with anyone. I told them I’ve been asked out of dates that I politely declined but nobody as asked me to hang out with them, but if they did ask then I’d most likely hang out. The girl got defensive and asked why I thought it was a date, to which I responded by saying, “I’ve never pushed anyone into an awkward hug and asked them out to lunch while holding their hand just to hang out as friends”. All the guys around us were confused at this and started asking me questions related to why I wouldn’t go out with a pretty girl like her if she was interested in me figuring I wasn’t dating anyone as I never mentioned the girls to them or anyone that I rejected. Pretty much the whole conversation that followed was completely awkward as I just kept saying, “I don’t mind hanging out with anyone as friends but I’m just not interested in dating anyone at all right now” which got me nowhere each time I said it. I realized at that moment that I use to be just like them at some point, socially awkward and oblivious to a point where I’d ignore someone wanting privacy in an attempt to relieve my anxiety. All of them wanting to figure out why I was so calm and collected for a majority of the time we interacted, and how I was always helpful and nice without showing any sort of end game in why I was being nice.

They started to see cracks forming in that image they built up in their minds about me in the form of clear frustration and building anxiety while dealing with them. Before things go too out of hand with this makeshift interrogation, my girls come in the room walking over to me interrupt looking looking and sounding like sweet candy. They played things up like they were oblivious and asked if they were interrupting, to which I said “Te amo! Hey no we were just talking, it’s no problem”. They did this cute little shuffle and giggling asking if I was ready to go to lunch and helping me pack to get ready to go while separately giving me cute little greeting kisses on my cheeks. As soon as we turned to leave I came to eye level with half of my class, seeing girls with disgusted and angry faces, surprised guys including the gay guy, and a few people that were not paying attention earlier laughing quietly and giving me a thumbs up (all of which I ended up hanging out with from that class on a regular basis). Left the room quietly with them leading me as peppy as they could be before getting into the elevator together where we all laughed hysterically a few seconds after the door closed. We ate lunch and laughed about it and a joked about a bunch of other stuff guessing the outcome of all of this. The first girl had to rush back to class in another building soon after lunch but the 2nd was in the same building as me so she decided to walk me to the door of the class and give me a kiss before I entered my class again just to put an exclamation point on everything or everyone.

Pretty much everyone in the class stopped talking to me except the people who found it hilarious. So it was kinda liberating in a way, but there was a few problems once people started talking about us. The girls got approached by girls thinking they were bi and by guys thinking they had a chance, and I got ostracized by most of the women I met the rest of my time at that university. Other than dealing with idiots we actually were easily able to weed through the sea of fake people we had to deal with easier on a regular basis and got to know some pretty decent people we all became friends with. I also stopped going to the video game club and soccer club because it immediately stopped being fun, but I didn’t really care much at that point.

Once class got over for the day the 2nd girl and I went home together, where she told me to sit back and relax while she rode me to bang out a quick one before we cooked together waiting for the first girl to get home as she had a second class that day. She also later came into my room that night to snuggle with me naked to sleep and made sure to kiss me as I held her. In part 4 I’ll let you know what happened in our first summer together.

TL;DR: spend the holidays with 2 Brazilian girls as we move into an apartment together and convince my class that I’m not gay from rejecting other women.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/jf6lm7/mff_college_fwb_relationship_with_2_brazilian


  1. Wow, it is never easy to have something people want. They always go after you for their shortcomings.

  2. I really like your way of writing!

    Your history is very good, just read part 1 and 2 and went straight to part 3 hahaha

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Really nice story, I read the 3 parts in a row! Just out of curiosity, did you get to work as 3D artist (since you were studying 3D modeling)?

  4. Man, that sounds so amazing. Not so much the sex but the love and care. I would have loved something like this that. Not going to lie, I feel very envious!

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