Dark Damsel In Distress

I felt so alive, walking alongside you, Sir. As I walked slightly behind you, I couldn’t help but stare and smile at where I was and who I was with. You looked so good in the sunlight and so manly without even trying. You were so attractive with your assertiveness and firmness. You are the quiet type that only spoke when needed to. The kind of guy that doesn’t really smile but has all his sexy attributes on display. I found it so cute that even though you put on this mean, alpha male type of front, I still saw your soft plushy side and I loved it.

I stopped staring and smiling like a crazy girl before someone noticed how creepy I must have looked. I continued to face forward at the path ahead of us.

We were going camping in the woods!

We were with his friends, Sam and his girlfriend, Sarah. I know camping is scary sometimes but it looks like a lot of fun when your with other people, plus I felt pretty safe around him…

After only a few minutes at the start of the trip Sarah and I started chatting about girly stuff. We were talking about everything and anything from nails to hair, to even boys and giggled at the thought of you and Sam getting jealous overhearing our conversation.
I was so curious as to where she had gotten her top from and soon after she told me we shifted the conversation to how we can’t stand some type of girls. We could hear you and Sam sniggering at our conversation as they walked behind us but we didn’t care. We were on full blast girl talk now!

We reached our campsite and we were surrounded by trees but we had a wide area of nicely cut grass and it looked so beautiful at day time. But now that the sun had set and we started a fire it looked a lot more creepy. Me and Sarah decided to share a tent as we were becoming good friends and we had so much to talk and laugh about.

After eating, Sarah and I retreated back to our tent and left the guys to whatever boring things they were talking about or doing. Me and her lay on our backs beside each other and just started giggling from excitement. I raised my hands in the air and just looked at my nails and she did the same.

“So what’s with you and Jake hmm?” Sarah nudged me playfully. I blushed hard and just started laughing.

“What do you mean? Nothing..” I lied.

“You can tell me! I want to know! There’s something going on with you too and it’s so obvious with the way he looks at you.” she nagged.

I was so excited to be asked such a question.. but I was even more excited to hear that you look at me in such a way. I never knew this information! I was giddy because I couldn’t tell her the whole truth… How you are behind closed doors. How you are my Sir.. my Daddy… How you can be so sweet and gentle to me but so mean and cold at the same time sexually. How much you turn me on. I couldn’t tell her about most of our sex life, as it was too much of an extreme thing and I didn’t know where she was at BDSM wise.
To everyone, we were just friends. But we were so much more than that..

I wanted to tell her so bad.. to talk about it and gossip like a girl…

I sat up and looked at her with a sparkle in my eye and she knew it was time to listen. I told her what she could know but still leaving out a great deal. I told her about how you tie me up, how I answer you by Sir or Daddy at all times. I told her how much of a soft sadist you are… how you could make me feel good while pleasuring yourself using my body and mind but in a dark way.
As I looked at my fiddling fingers I told her how complicated things have been lately and that what we have going on is growing out of my control and how I didn’t know how to deal with it.

I turned to face her and the look of want in her eyes as I explained what was going on was such a good feeling, she almost looked jealous! I know that some girls would love to experience what I do but can’t.

“What?” I asked laughingly.

“You lucky bitch!!” She shouted.

“SHHHHH.. they might hear us,” I whispered still laughing.

She proceeded to tell me about her relationship with Sam and her sex life and how she has been wanting to spice things up a lot more but was too shy to bring it up.

“Sis… I feel you 100%.. I’ve been there.” I responded.

We just looked at each other and burst out laughing in a pile.
Just then we were interrupted by Sam. He looked amused and wanted to know what we were laughing about. We teased him and kept our mouths shut. As Sam came in I went out and stood to do a big stretch and yawn. As I turned around mid-stretch I was face to face with you… omg. I probably looked so unattractive at that moment.

I was embarrassed and I was still stretching so I just ended up running towards your smirk and turned the stretch into a big hug as a way to salvage my weirdness and laughed it off with my face buried in your chest. As you held me I felt so happy to be there in that moment and just… okay. I really was just okay. Nothing felt wrong.

“Are you okay baby girl?” You asked coincidently. I smiled and looked up. “Yes Sir… I am.”

You took my waist and guided me to a log and we sat around the fire. I tucked my hair behind my ear and rested my head on your shoulder as I looked up at the stars… They were so beautiful. Stars have always been my thing. Every clear night outside my window miles and miles from where we were tonight, there are 3 shining stars. I named them Tiana, Prince and Frog. It was a long time ago but the names stuck.

“Sir… the stars are so so beautiful and clear.” I said looking up. “ oouu can you see that one!” I said sitting up quickly to point at a big sparkling one. I turned to see you just staring at me smiling.

“You’re so cute and beautiful, you know that right?” You said grinning, “Right now I’m trying to figure out what I’m going with you tonight.”

I blushed all over again and plopped my head back onto your shoulder as I smiled to myself.

He’s everything… or am I just being a total girl and just falling for his sweet talk.. ugh… I guess I’ll never know until it’s too late. I’ll take the chance for him.

“I need to go to the bathroom Sir,” I proclaimed as I jumped up. “I won’t be long, I’ll be right back.”

“I’ll come with you, it’s dark and I don’t want you by yourself,” you offered sternly.

Eeeeeeeek!!! How perfect is he?? Oh my gosh I just can’t…

But I need to say no and let him feel some type of grown woman independence.. you know… make him want me even more… HA

“No Sir, I’m fine. I’ll take my phone with me and use it as a flashlight. I’ll be fine!”

You were hesitant but agreed. I quickly grabbed some tissue from the tent and I skipped away into the dark woods following the light before me. As I walked I couldn’t help but romanticize about Sir and how caring and kind he is. I still couldn’t believe I was on this trip! I’ve never slept outdoors in my 20 years of life before and to have my first experience with him was more than perfect. He’s done this many times before so I felt confident.

I just can’t believe it. I really cant. I’ve never felt so… free.. I’ve never felt so happy and like nothing was chasing me up.. like I’m supposed to be doing something or have a deadline.

Sarah seemed so jealous and happy for me. I would be too!

He even offered to come with me like a pure gentleman. WOW.
Would he come with me and just watch me? No he wouldn’t… he’ll obviously give me space but still be there.

Oh my.. what if he used the opportunity to get steamy with me… OMG, just imagine. I’m so sure that most likely would have happened. It’s like his biggest fantasy come true. Woods setting.. no one around…

Omg I need to stop I’m getting wet just thinking about it!

Sigh… I just wish it didn’t have to end..

Suddenly in my daze of thoughts I viciously bumped into someone. I heart drops in fear by the surprise of it.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry” he apologized. “I was just on my way back to my tent! I’m sorry.”

I looked back and realized how far I had walked. I couldn’t even see our fire anymore.


I turn back to the mysterious guy in the middle of the woods and eye him wearily.
“Um.. it’s okay” I reply as I begin to turn back and walk away.

“So are you staying around here? You seem a bit lost” he asked.

“Em, no… I mean yes.. I’m staying here.. em but no I’m not lost..” I look back at where I came from. “Yes.. I guess maybe I am…”

“Well there’s only one camp site that way, it’s quite a walk but I can guide you back.” he offered.

Before I could even answer the request he had already walked past and looked back at me waiting for me to follow. So I followed.
As we walked I remembered I still needed to use the toilet so I decided to wait until we were closer to the camp site and then thank him and quickly relieve myself.

As we walked, it seemed to get colder and more bushier than before. I wasn’t sure we were heading in the right direction anymore. Maybe he was leading me to the wrong campsite.

I started to get a bad feeling. I just realized that I’m just following some random guy into the woods and that really and truly… I couldn’t trust him. Sir warned me about being too nice… maybe this was the time to listen to that.

“Hey… thank you for leading me this way but I think I’ve got it from here.” I said as I started to turn around.

“Are you sure..” He called after me.

“Yes I’m sure. Thank you!” I said without even looking back.

Before I knew it, not even a minute later, I felt a cold hand clamp over my mouth and a strong hand around my waist. I tried to scream but there was no use. I thought quick and bit his finger and started to scream “Jake!” but I was cut off when this unknown man struck me in the stomach with his fist causing me to cry out. I started to cry as I was pinned to a tree and then all of a sudden he swung and pushed me violently to the ground. My head hit the ground hard.

“You slut,” He said. “What’s a pretty little thing like you doing out here all alone. ”

I groaned from the pain that was throbbing in my head and I felt like I couldn’t move. I was then grabbed by my leg and dragged towards him as I cried out for you again before being slapped silent.

At that moment I felt nothing. I felt as though there was nothing that could happen that would change my fate for that night. I deserved this. If I hadn’t have followed him.. if I hadn’t have gotten so fucking caught up in my feelings I wouldn’t have even wandered off so far just to use the freakin toilet in the first place! I wouldn’t be in this situation. It’s all my fault. I deserve this. I shouldn’t be disturbing you for something that I had caused for myself. All I could do now was look up at the stars and be in that single happy place that I made for myself. I was scared, cold and humiliated. I wanted nothing more than just to be back with you again.

I struggled against him as he began trying to undress me but it only made him restrain both of my hands with only one of his, leaving me practically defenseless against him. However I was able to slip one of my hands away from his grip and I hit him as hard as I could. But in my state that may not have been very hard at all.

I could see the anger in his eyes as he looked at me in amusing disbelief.
“You wanna play games huh slut? Then let’s play games.”
As he said this he forcefully ripped open my shirt exposing my breasts, took my nipple between his fingers and squeezed it. I squealed and begged for him to stop but he only laughed at my pain as he rubbed and caressed my breasts and then twisted my nipples again. The pain was unbearable. My mind couldn’t process it and I started to hyperventilate.

In the middle of my sobs and heavy breathing I silently cried out again for you, just hoping that you would sense something was wrong. But just after I managed to say your name he wrapped his hand around my throat

“Shut up whore and take it! You’re in the middle of nowhere. No one is coming for you. No one will even find your perfectly used and lifeless body. Just enjoy it while you still can.”

Just as he started to unzip himself, with my hands still held over my head, I heard my phone ring. It had been flung around 5 meters away from me when I was pushed down. We both froze and then he quickly sat up to examine our surroundings. I squirmed and struggled now that most of his weight was off me. I managed to shift his hand down from my mouth where he had just placed it.

“No! Please no, please just let me go! I’m begging you.. JAA-“ I shrieked before I was hit in the face brutally and my mouth was swiftly covered again. I felt a trickle of blood slide down my face and I felt sick.
His hands were glued to my mouth and this time he gave no care for my breathing. He spun me around on my stomach and forced my legs apart. He was in a rush now, like he knew he had limited time. I heard him finish undressing and then he slapped my ass hard and moaned. I resisted as much as he could but he would only hurt me by pinching, punching or slapping me to get his way and it worked every time.

“Just relax baby and I won’t have to hurt you.” He growled. I squirmed and struggled under him as hard as I could in an attempt to breathe. I was hyperventilating with no air. At that moment he lined up his cock at my entrance and began to rub it against my slit. He noticed that I completely dry as my body didn’t respond to anyone other than Sir and certainly not to him. He pulled his dick away and started rubbing my clit.

“Looks like we’re gonna have to prep you up slut. I like feeling how wet you are as I fuck you” he scoffed. At that his lined his fingers at my entrance and plunged them into me and I squealed into his palm in pain. I was able to steal a breathe of air as my wet face made as a little lubricant to slide his hand down from my mouth before I was covered again.

“That’s itt… get wet for me whore” he groaned into my ear as he thrust his three fingers into me painfully over and over again.

I listened to my phone ring as I cried uncontrollably..

‘I should have let Sir come with me. He going to be so mad with me. I’m sorry Sir’
Was all I could think.

As I was being tortured from behind, the overwhelming pain and my lack of air supply caused my vision to start going blurry. I could feel my body start to go limp as I tried to fight to stay awake with no oxygen. Not only the outside of my body felt pain but my lungs felt like they were on fire. I was suffocating in complete pain.

Just then I saw a light not too far in the distance while this man was disgustingly kissing my neck. The light was swinging… I thought I was seeing the light at the end of the tunnel that everyone talks about but then it shone on us briefly and then starting swinging towards us really fast. My body was completely limp and I couldn’t even move my head anymore. My vision had become pinpoint and was fading. My hearing had become extremely muffled. This man was talking to me, humiliating me, but I couldn’t hear his words anymore. I felt nothing anymore, I didn’t even feel what was happening to me. My body gave in. My lungs weren’t screaming for air anymore. My body was… silent.
As my vision faded out in that moment, I saw you behind the light… then nothing.


My eyes slowly opened as my brain gathered its pieces to reboot.

As I came around I shot up in complete shock and fear and scrambled to the corner of the tent I was now in. You followed me immediately and pulled me into you.

“Shh it’s just me baby girl, it’s just me..” You said as you stroked my hair softly.

“Sir!” I cried as I burst into tears and hugged you as hard as I could. You squeezed me back and allowed me to cry.

“How did you find me..” I spluttered.

“After you were gone for more than a few minutes than I expected I wandered a little into the woods to see if I could find you. That’s when I heard you cry out my name and it was clear you were cut off because you didn’t finish it. I was frantic after that. I ran back to grab my phone and try to call you but it wouldn’t ring.. making me even more worried. So I used the find my friends app and I tracked where you last had a connection. The trail stopped but I thought to call again and try to follow the sound of your phone and it worked. As I got closer I heard you whimpering and that’s when I saw you and that motherfucker on top of you.” You explained.

“I’m so sorry Sir… it’s all my fault.. its all my fau-“

You grabbed my head and looked at me. “Stop it. It’s nowhere near your fault. It was NOT your fault baby girl.” You took your hand away from my head and I saw your knuckles. It was bloodied and bruised. I leapt into you again and hugged you even more.

“What did he do to you…” you enquired wearily.

With my hands still around you I recounted the events to you and how he had only tried to get me wet by fingering me.

“I’m sorry I took so long baby gi-“

I turned on my knees and threw my arms around your neck.
“Thank you for saving me Jake. Thank you…”

“I’ll save you from everyone and everything… but me.” You whispered.

I couldn’t help but laugh. And I didn’t have to look at you to know you were smiling too.

You were my hero.

I was so happy to be in your arms. I was so happy you were in my presence again.. I was so happy to smell you, touch you, hug you.
You came for me. You came for me and saved me. You had even hurt your hands for me.
As much as I was upset and sore… your pussy got wet just thinking about it. Thinking about how you had wandered the woods on your own to look for your girl… which was ME.
I also thought about how your pussy refused to even get moist for that other guy but I’d be a waterfall for you even unintentionally.

Your delicate touch on my waist was sending shocks through my whole body and I could feel butterflies in my stomach. You no longer had your assertive, firm characteristics out.. you had your plushy soft side out on full display for me. I felt so loved and cared… and turned on.

Even in my distraught state my body still wanted you unconditionally.

I truly belonged to you. Now I know and there is no doubt that I am yours… and you can keep me for as long as you want.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/jfdp7x/dark_damsel_in_distress