Daddy’s Girls – Chapter 30: Shopping Spree (no sex)

The snowball rolling down the hill was gaining speed, and the Girls all decided they should perhaps cool things off for a bit. They didn’t want their dads getting suspicious about all the young, willing flesh parading through their bedrooms. At least, they reasoned, until every one of them had a turn with every father.

They had planned to wait a few days at least, but by the time Friday rolled around, this plan was starting to unravel. Laurie had spotted Elizabeth and her dad, Don, at the mall that evening, and ran over to say ‘hi’.

“Hey there, Beth!” Laurie shouted over the crowd noise, before almost tackling her friend in a bear hug. Elizabeth shrieked in surprise, then recovered to return the hug.

Laurie looked over at Don, and suddenly her competitive streak got the best of her. Laurie thought, ’How would Beth feel if I out-fucked her dad right in front of her?’ She smiled widely at him as the girls disengaged. “Hi, Mr. Kelly.”

Don smiled right back. Laurie was so pretty and lively that the thought of how she was in bed crossed his mind every time he saw her. “Hello, Laurie. Fancy meeting you here!”

“Yeah! Why didn’t you tell me you were going to the mall?” Beth asked, playfully slapping Laurie on the arm.

“I’m here with my dad; he’s shopping for a new tent.” She pointed down toward the large department store at the end of the mall. “Beth, want to do some real shopping with me?” Laurie nodded toward the lingerie store nearby. Elizabeth looked over, saw where she was thinking of, and before she could even say ‘yes’, Laurie took her by the arm, and pulled her that way.

“Uhh, Daddy, I’ll meet you at the food court!” Elizabeth shouted as she was being dragged away.

“If you see my dad, tell him to sit with you, and we’ll find you!” Laurie added. “Oooh… Mr Kelly! Remind him to pick up some Velcro from the craft store!”

Once in the store, Laurie led Beth past the colorful bras and panties, and went right to the sleepwear section.

“Geez, Laurie, what’s gotten into you?”

“Nothing. I could use your help, ‘cause I need a new nightie, and I didn’t want to shop alone, and I REALLY didn’t want my dad along, ‘cause, y’know,” Laurie looked around, then whispered, “I kinda want to surprise him.”

Lizzie saw the wisdom at that, and the two of them searched for the sexiest nighties they could find. Beth and Laurie even challenged each other to try a few on, to see which would best achieve the desired effect.

While trying on the lingerie in the dressing room together, they giggled conspiratorially, as they visualized their own father’s response to each outfit.

“Oh, Laurie, that one’s perfect!” She was wearing a wispy baby doll, light pink, held together below her breasts with a single satin tie, displaying plenty of cleavage above the bow, and exposing her cute belly button below. The matching panties hugged her hips and bum like a second skin. The fabric was so sheer that all of her charms were plainly visible, and so light that it swished and flared with the slightest movement.

Laurie smoothed her hands over the fabric, amazed at how sexy it made her feel, Her nipples looked so hard they threatened to cut the wispy material right open. “You think my dad will like it?”

“Absolutely. I wish I could see the look on his face when you wear it for him!”

“Hmmm… Do you think YOUR dad will like it?”

Lizzie looked at her quizzingly, and then she got what Laurie had in mind. Always the bold one, Beth smiled. “Why don’t we find out?” She held up the baby blue model of the same nightgown. “Now, the question is, should we match?”


The girls found their dads sitting together by the large floor-to-ceiling windows that flooded the food court with light. They were deep in conversation, and Laurie could see that her dad didn’t have the tent he came in for.

“Hi, Daddy!” Both girls exclaimed in unison, then took seats next to their respective fathers, giving each of them a quick peck on the cheek as they sat down. Both girls placed their bags below their chairs, hoping that their fathers wouldn’t ask to see what’s inside.

They needn’t have worried. Both Don and Paul saw the store name on the bags, and both of them knew that the contents would be on display to them very soon. And whatever they would be modeling, the men knew they wouldn’t be wearing it for long. Both of their pricks twitched at the thought, and they shifted in their seats, hoping the other father didn’t notice their sudden discomfort.

The girls noticed, however, and smiled widely to each other. Elizabeth slid her chair closer to her dad, and said, “What were you two talking about when we walked over?”

Laurie slid close to her dad, too, and asked, “Daddy, why didn’t you get the tent?” She was looking forward to a camping trip with her dad. It had been a regular thing for the two of them, out in the wilderness, becoming one with nature, and enjoying each other’s company. Now, with the recent developments in their relationship, Laurie was looking forward to this trip for other reasons altogether: being naked all the time, and screaming as loud as she wanted while she fucked her Daddy senseless in the woods.

If she could have read her dad’s mind, she would have known that he was thinking the same thing, albeit in a different way. Paul tried to clear his head of the impure thoughts he was having ever since he saw that shopping bag, and spoke up. “They didn’t carry the model I wanted, and then Don found me, and mentioned another possibility.”

Don explained. “My boss has a hunting cabin in the mountains, right on a lake and with plenty of beds. He’s already offered it to me anytime I wanted, and I figured we could enjoy the school vacation coming up.”

The girls lit up at the prospect. Lizzie squealed, “That’s a wonderful idea, Daddy!” and gave him a big hug, along with another quick peck on his cheek. “Is it big enough for all of us?”

“All of us? How many people do you want to bring?” Don asked.

Elizabeth looked at him lovingly, her arms still around his neck. “Just the Girls, Daddy. And their Daddies, of course.”

Paul laughed. “Of course! How could we forget the ‘Daddy’s Girls’?”

Don looked around sheepishly. “Of course, sweetie. It’s plenty large enough for all of us.” But inside, he was thinking how stiff his prick was going to be with all of these young gorgeous teens running around in their bathing suits. How was he going to get to screw Lizzie with all those people around?

Beth was thinking similar thoughts, but hers were not fearful at all. Although she had never been to the cabin before, she imagined finding a secluded spot on the lake to make love to her father. Now it was her turn to shift in her seat, and having horny thoughts only spurred her on to implement Laurie’s plan.

“Daddy, can Laurie stay over tonight? There’s a movie that we want to watch together.”

Laurie now hugged her dad’s neck, “You don’t mind, do you, dad?”

Paul tried to hide his disappointment, but resigned himself to the realization that he would just have to wait to find out what was in that bag of hers. “Of course not, honey. If it’s okay with Don, that is.”

Don was also disappointed, and for the same reason as Paul. But his love for his girl won out, and he said, “Absolutely. Laurie, you know you can stay over any time you want.”

“Thank you, Daddy!” Elizabeth quickly kissed him on the lips, which flabbergasted Don. He looked over at Paul, who thankfully hadn’t noticed the kiss, because Laurie was whispering something in his ear that made his eyes go wide.

“I promise to make it up to you later, Daddy,” Laurie whispered as she surreptitiously squeezed his dick through his jeans.


A quick ride back to Laurie’s to pick up her toothbrush and a change of clothes, and they were at Lizzie’s place in no time. The girls disappeared in her bedroom while Don showered and threw on some sleep pants and his robe.

He was in the kitchen pouring some juice for himself when he heard Elizabeth’s bedroom door open.

“Are you ready to watch the movie with us, Daddy?” Lizzie shouted from the living room, as she powered on the big-screen TV.

“I don’t want to be in the way of your fun, baby girl,” Don said as he put the bottle of juice back in the fridge.

“Are you kidding, Mr. Kelly?” He was startled to hear Laurie’s voice so close, and closed the door to see her standing right there. “I think having you watch it with us will be LOTS of fun.”

It was good thing he didn’t have the juice bottle in his hand at that moment, because he would have dropped it at the gorgeous vision before him. Laurie saw his eyes go wide, and smiled up at him.

Laurie looked like a goddess come to life right in front of him. The pink nightie hugged her perfect chest, and flared out as it moved about her body. It was so diaphanous that he could clearly see her pointy nipples and wispy pubic hair. His mouth hung open, stunned.

Laurie smiled, and stepped closer, lightly rubbing his arm. “Please, Don? I was looking forward to sitting next to you on the couch.” She licked her lips, and looked up in his eyes. “Please?”

Laurie’s touch was electrifying, her scent intoxicating. Don swallowed hard, his eyes drawn down to the valley between her perfect teenage breasts. Laurie noticed, of course, glad that her outfit had the desired effect. Don watched in amazement as her nipples hardened right in front of his eyes, as if his caressing gaze had the same stiffening effect as his fingers or his mouth would. He was seriously pondering grabbing her, pulling her body tightly against his, kissing her passionately, and taking her right there in the kitchen, when Elizabeth burst into the room.

“Laurie, get the drinks!” Beth opened a cupboard, stood on her tiptoes, reached up, and pulled out a bag of microwave popcorn. Don had just torn his gaze from Laurie when he beheld his little girl, wearing an equally see-through nightie, baby blue, and when she reached up into the cupboard, he got a great view of the sheer panties that hugged her perfect bottom.

“Elizabeth!” Don exclaimed. Laurie opened the refrigerator door, which nudged Don aside. She bent over to remove two cans of soda from the bottom shelf. Don now had an even better view of Laurie’s tight teenage ass encased in her sheer pink panties.

“Daddy,” Elizabeth was now standing right next to him. He turned to look at her, and immediately noticed her hard nipples poking through her semi-transparent top. “Please watch the movie with us.”

Don felt dizzy from the sudden onslaught to his senses. He was trying to make sense of the situation, but staring down at his lovely daughter, all but naked to his gaze, and he was a goner. Laurie closed the fridge and sashayed out of the kitchen. Don could not help but stare at her perfect teenage ass as she walked away.

Beth chose that moment to squeeze his stiffening boner through his robe and shorts. Don turned back to her, and she gave him a quick peck on the lips. “I want to snuggle up with you and watch the movie together.”

Don was stunned, but didn’t stop her from rubbing his prick to full hardness. “What…” he looked over at the doorway to make sure they weren’t being watched. “What about Laurie?” he whispered.

Lizzie smiled. She slid her hand under his robe and into his shorts to grope his hard, naked cock in her hot little hand. “She’ll never see a thing, as long as we stay under the blanket.”


She laughed at his discomfort. “I’m just teasing you, Daddy!” She removed her hand, and walked over to the microwave. She looked over her shoulder at him, knowing how much he was enjoying the view. “I’ll be good.”

Laurie shouted from the other room. “All set in here guys!”

Beth started cooking the popcorn, and shouted, “Be right there!” To her dad, she whispered, “Shouldn’t you be keeping our guest company?” Don still stood frozen to the spot in front of the fridge, until his daughter pushed him out the door.

He walked into the living room, and saw Laurie sitting on the couch, her legs covered by a large blanket. She was trying to look demure, which was difficult since her tits were plainly visible under the sheer fabric of her nightgown. She smiled at him, and lifted up the blanket, indicating she wanted him to sit next to her.

Don smiled back, and dutifully sat down. Laurie placed the blanket on his lap. “I’m so glad you decided to join us!”

“My pleasure.” Don noticed the screen was black. “What are we watching?” Laurie slid her hand under the blanket while he was looking away.

Laurie smiled, “It’s a surprise!” She snuggled close to him, and whispered “Beth’s absolutely sure you’re gonna love it!”

They could hear the first kernels of popcorn exploding in the microwave in the other room. Don was pondering the heat and pressure of his own situation, hoping he wouldn’t pop, when Laurie placed her hand on his thigh. Don stiffened, and whispered, “Laurie…”

“Shhh…” she replied. “Just relax.” She started rubbing his leg ever so slowly, getting closer and closer to his swollen tool.

Don wasn’t sure what was happening, but decided to try to cool things off. He moved his hand under the blanket, and pried Laurie’s hand off his leg. “We can’t do this.”

Laurie debated in her head whether to ignore him, but one look at his eyes told her not to push it. The night was young, and the movie she and Lizzie had prepared hadn’t even started yet. She could wait a little longer to get his prick in her hot little hands.

She smiled sheepishly. “I understand. Don’t be mad at me, please.” The popping sound was almost constant now.

Don saw that he had hurt her feelings, and quickly regretted his rebuke. “I’m not mad, Laurie, I’m… I’m flattered, really, but it just isn’t right. Understand?”

She decided to play this up, and added a catch to her voice. “I know, I know. It’s just…” Laurie leaned in closer to him, certainly aware that this pressed her breast into his arm. “I just got turned on, y’know, wearing this outfit, and seeing your reaction in the kitchen, I thought…”

“You look so beautiful, Laurie, it isn’t that.” He looked over his shoulder, since the popping sound had slowed. He couldn’t sincerely tell her she was too young for him, now could he? He decided to play the ‘best friend’ card. “How do you think Elizabeth would react if she saw something happen between us?”

Laurie smiled. This was going to be good! She let him have his way for the moment. “Of course, Mr. Kelly.” She snuggled into the crook of his arm, as Beth walked into the room with a steaming bowl of popcorn.

“Oh, good, you’re all ready for me!” Beth exclaimed, placing the bowl on her dad’s lap, then slid in under the blanket, snuggled up on the opposite side of her dad as Laurie. “Shall we begin?”

