The Load Master (1)(MF) (Public) (Cum)

The Load Master (1)


His name is Martin O’Halloran but all of his friends and family call him Woody. He is good looking, about 5’ 11” tall, with a nice build. He has dark wavy hair and hazel eyes. He isn’t really into playing sports but loves to run, hike and bicycle, which keeps him in shape. Most of the friends he made after college had no idea how he got his nickname. In fact, most of his family didn’t know the real reason why his friends started calling him Woody.

It started in high school, when he regularly got random erections. Those are erections that just happen, without any physical or visual stimulation, nor even any thoughts of sex. It is as if his dick wakes up and decides, all on its own, to get fully erect and stay that way until it decides to go back to sleep. They are utterly uncontrollable. These erections usually only last for 5 to 10 minutes but, they can occur at any time, while he is doing anything. It could be a nice surprise in the right circumstances or it could be mortifyingly embarrassing, if it happens in a public place. Like the time it happened at his grandmother’s 70th birthday dinner, surrounded by family. His dick is large, 8 inches long and thick enough to impress. He likes his size and he is glad that it isn’t any bigger, like some of the porn stars he has seen on the internet. It is difficult enough to hide his boner, as it is. Anyway, in high school, people started noticing. The girls didn’t say anything but, he often saw them staring at his crotch, with varying expressions, from shock to lustful interest. The guys teased him and he would just laugh with them and say that he couldn’t help it. “The beast has a mind of its own!” He told his parents that his friends called him Woody because he was good in wood shop and he really was good in shop class. If his parents had noticed his random erections, they never said anything.

During college his unsolicited boners persisted. After college graduation, they finally became less frequent. He is 25 years old, now, and random erections still happen occasionally but, not as often. His regular or normal boners are persistent but, he is grateful that he has at least, some control over them. For instance, if his pants are rubbing him as he walks in a way that causes him to start getting hard, he can control it with some effort and make it subside. Or, if a nice looking girl crosses his path and he feels it stiffen, he can think about dead puppies to convince the beast to wait for a more appropriate time to rise up. Anyway, his random boners are why he is called Woody by almost everyone.

That isn’t the only thing that makes Woody different from most other guys. Besides the random erections, Woody has a condition called hyperspermia. That condition is not really a problem, per se. In fact, he found out that it is something that excites the ladies. Men who have hyperspermia basically, shoot immense loads. For Woody, It isn’t about supplements or doing anything extraordinary. It is just the way his loads are, naturally. He almost always spews 10 to 12 heavy ropes of cum, shooting 4 to 5 feet. The only factors that make any difference are the number of times he comes in one day, which lessens it slightly, the second, third or fourth times. Or, if he edges for a long time, his load is even bigger. When he was in an experimental mood, he inserted a dildo up his ass. After massaging his prostate for a while, his orgasm was so intense, he thought for an instant, that he might pass out and then, thought his orgasm would never end. The amount of cum he produced was extraordinary, even by hyperspermia standards.

As I said, women loved his big load. They usually believed that they had gotten him so sexually excited that they are the cause of his massive load. He is smart enough to let them believe that. It makes them feel sexy and good about themselves, thinking that they inspired him to sexual magnificence. Usually, the first time he had sex with a woman, he would fuck them until he was close. Then, he would pull out and shoot all over their stomach and tits. His loads surprised and thrilled them. Some of them giggled but all of them smiled and looked at him with expressions of astonishment, except one. Only once did he encounter a woman that didn’t like it. She actually refused to see him again. She said she just couldn’t handle all of that cum! Usually, after the first time he had sex with a woman, they made different requests of him. Some wanted it in their mouths, some on their faces, some all over their bodies, some wanted to be fucked doggie style, ending with their butts and backs covered with his cum. Some of them wanted to see him shoot but didn’t want it on them. For them, he shot on a towel. Although most wanted to see it, they sometimes just wanted him to spew inside them, to fill them with tons of his hot jism. So, with his ever ready boner and his incredible loads, he was very popular. They always wanted him again.

Woody enjoyed playing the field. There was a huge variety of woman and he saw no reason to settle down with one, until he met Linda. Linda was 24. She had long dark hair, deep blue eyes, a flawless complexion and beautiful breasts that she frequently showed off in a low cut dress or blouse. She was smart, funny, strong willed, a bit wild and sexually adventurous. In other words, she was perfect.

Woody was a residential real estate agent and Linda was an escrow officer. They were both young, eager and clever. Whenever Woody had control over which escrow agent to use for a deal, he chose her. It wasn’t only because he wanted to get to know her better but because she was good at her job. She had a quality that brought a sense of fun to the table. People liked working with her. She convinced them that they were having fun and they cooperated to get her projects done.

One early morning, Woody was on his way to meet with Linda at her office. They happened to pull into the parking lot at the same time. He was excited to have the opportunity to talk to her before they went into the office because he wanted to ask her out on a date. She pulled into the back section of the parking lot, as it was her custom, to leave spots closer to the building entrance open for clients. He pulled into the parking space to the left of hers, leaving as much space between their cars as possible. He sprung out of his car to open her car door for her, an old fashioned display of courting etiquette. She smiled, enjoying his attention. She got out of her car and they murmured their greetings.

Woody leaned back on his car to indicate to her that he wanted them to chat, before going into the building. She followed his lead and leaned back on her own car, facing him. As he finally confessed that he was interested in going out with her, the monster in his pants stirred. His cock was getting hard and quickly. She admitted that she felt an attraction for him but she also expressed a concern for the affect dating might have on their working relationship. Because of Woody’s girth, his boner was not only big, it vigorously fought to stand at its natural angle, which was jutting straight out from his groin. He couldn’t stop it. It was happening, with no consent from him. As his dick grew, he felt it escaping through the fly of his boxers. The head of his cock pressed against the fabric of his slacks. This was the worst possible scenario. He was beginning to tent. He thought to himself, “Dead puppies, dead puppies, DEAD PUPPIES!” The monster was unimpressed by Woody’s feeble attempt to control it. It was rock hard and struggling to escape its confinement. Woody resigned himself to accept that he would be fully erect for the next 5 to 10 minutes, at the very least. He tried to maintain eye contact with her, hoping she wouldn’t look down. He tempted her to a date him by offering to take her to a favorite Italian restaurant of hers that she had previously talked about.

He felt a flood of anxiety cover him as she broke eye contact and looked down. She gasped. Then, she hissed angrily, “Don’t even!” He took a step back from her and pleaded, “Give me a chance to explain. You are perfectly safe. I have absolutely no intention of forcing myself on you. You know me. You are safe with me. Please, please, let me explain.” She replied impatiently, ”Well?”

He told her of his history of random erections and that they were independent of sexual thoughts or intentions. He explained his total lack of control. He even explained how he got his nickname. He apologized profusely. Throughout his explanation, his slacks continued to tent, his dick striving for freedom. She calmed herself. She liked him and she believed his disclosure. She had always known him to be trustworthy. She knew that his integrity had cost him a couple of big commissions when he put his clients interests ahead of his own. He was a good guy.

Once she accepted the premise of random erections, she was intrigued by his boner. She stared at the tent with its fat round cock head peak. She told him that she needed to get inside and that he better stay outside, until he had himself under control. Before she left, she moved toward him, reached out and squeezed the head of his cock through his trousers. Then, she said softly, “You can tell me more about this at dinner on Friday. Pick me up at 7:00. I’ll make the reservation for 7:30 at the restaurant.” She went inside. Woody stood there, grinning ear to ear, waiting for the monster to sleep, although there was no sign yet, that it was weary. He thought, “Maybe, it was the monster itself that convinced Linda to go out with me. Maybe, this time, my random boner worked in my favor.” He got back in his car and read over a contract until he was soft again. Then, he went on with his work day. When he entered Linda’s office, she looked for the trouser tent and confirming that it was gone, she smiled at him. She was her normal self, conducting business cheerfully, as always.

Woody was excited that Friday night had arrived. He and Linda knew quite a lot about each other already, pretty much all about each other’s educational backgrounds and business lives. Tonight he hoped she would fill in the blanks, that they would share details about their personal histories. Linda had texted her address to Woody. He knocked on her door.

Woody was surprised when a guy opened the door. The guy said to him, “You must be Woody. I’m Jake, Linda’s roommate. Please, come in. She’ll be out in a minute or two.” Jake was handsome, friendly, polite and welcoming. Woody wondered if he and Linda were sexually involved or if they had a romantic history. Woody had hoped that he would be invited to spend the night. On a first date, he doubted that invitation would come but, he still hoped. How would that work with Jake being here? Linda came out of her bedroom looking gorgeous. She was exactly Woody’s type and he always found her cleavage mesmerizing. Tonight she was wearing an electric blue dress that perfectly showcased her luscious breasts. She suggested that they leave to make it there in time for their reservation. Jake told us to have a good time as we departed for the restaurant.

When they arrived at the restaurant, they were seated immediately at a circular booth with a high back that was designed for romance. In addition to the high backs, the booths had curtains, separating them from each other. The table was set with a a crisp white tablecloth, gleaming silverware and stemware. Soft music was playing in the background. They each slid into the booth on opposite sides and met at the back, positioning themselves close to each other. They ordered wine and toasted to their first date. The food was delicious and, as they each sipped on their third glass of wine, Woody asked about her relationship with Jake. She responded, “Jake is my best friend. Literally, from our first day of kindergarten, we have been there for each other. He knows me better than anyone and still loves me and I love him.” Woody was confused and asked, “He doesn’t mind you dating?” She clarified, “I’m sorry. I should have explained that he is gay. That’s not a problem for you, is it? Jake is a big part of my life. He’s like family to me.” Woody had gay acquaintances and he got along with them perfectly fine. He assured her that he was good with a gay friend. He was actually relieved that Jake was not romantic competition for Linda.

Linda took another sip of wine. The consumption of alcohol was tapping down her inhibitions. She leaned closer to him and lowered her voice, “Do you get those random erections very often? It must be difficult for you.” In contrast to her words, she sounded more like she was titillated, than sympathetic. He was thrilled that she wanted to direct the conversation to the subject of his dick. He thought that, when a woman he is dying to fuck wants to talk about his dick, it’s a good sign. He responded, “Well, it happens 2 or 3 times a week, now. When I was in high school it happened daily and sometimes twice a day. It can be very embarrassing, depending on where I am and what I’m wearing.” She asked, “Do you have any warning?” He laughed and answered, “I wish! I’d be able to get out of a public situation. No, unfortunately, it just happens.” Linda’s interest in his boners was turning him on and he was actually getting a boner. This one wasn’t a random erection. He could control this one if he made the effort. There was a napkin on his lap that hid any bulge or tent. It felt good to be close to her and to be hard at the same time. She confided that she is excited that he gets erections in public, that the thought of it makes her feel delightfully naughty.

He put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. He whispered, “With all this talk about my dick, I am rock hard….right now. Are you feeling delightfully naughty? I hope so.” She looked at his crotch. Then she pulled the napkin away to reveal his tented slacks. She smiled and she surprised him with a kiss on his cheek. She looked around the dining room to see if anyone was paying attention to them. No one was looking. She felt his firmness through the fabric of his pants. He sat back and spread his legs, welcoming her to touch him more. She took it a step farther and unzipped his pants. She reached in through the fly and pulled his thick cock out. She whispered, “Oh, my God, it’s incredible. You have a beautiful dick.” Women had told him before that he had a nice dick but, they weren’t this enthusiastic, nor were they Linda. He’d give Linda whatever she wanted. He’d fuck her on this table in front of everyone, if that’s what it took to satisfy her. They looked up at the same time to see the waiter approaching. They both sat up straight and Linda covered his dick with his napkin. The waiter asked if they would like to have dessert. Linda said that they would share a tiramisu. The waiter walked away and they laughed. She removed his napkin and took his cock back in her hand. A big glob of precum oozed out and dripped down his shaft. She used it as lubricant and stroked him, feeling his size and hardness and feeling delightfully naughty. Woody knew that if he shot a load with his usual mass quantity of cum, there would be no way to hide it. A couple of times he felt an orgasm nearing and grabbed her hand, holding it still until the feeling faded. She absolutely loved his dick and he was so happy. The waiter arrived with their dessert and caught them. They froze. The waiter was looking down at Woody’s hard cock with Linda’s hand wrapped around it. This could be bad. The waiter looked away and they could tell that he was considering how he should respond. He looked back down at Woody’s big fat boner. Woody and Linda were still frozen, like statues. He placed the tiramisu down on the table, as near to Woody’s cock head, as he possibly could, and asked, “Sir, will you require extra napkins?” He smiled, winked at them and walked away. With her right hand still firmly grasping his cock, she fed Woody a spoonful of dessert with her left. She gently stroked him as they ate the entire dessert. Linda was stunned by how turned on she was by the waiter seeing them. She signaled for the him. He came to the table and she continually stroked Woody’s cock in front of him. She asked for the bill. The waiter watched and asked, “Was everything to your liking?” He stared at her hand, caressing a perfectly beautiful cock. She said it was a great meal. The waiter left, returning with the bill. She continued stroking Woody. The waiter stared and said, “Your dessert is complimentary. I removed it from your bill. I hope to see you again soon. Please ask for one of my tables when you return. My name is Luca.” Woody paid with cash, leaving a 30% tip. They returned to Linda’s home.

Linda invited Woody in for a night cap, fully intending for him to stay the night. She was so hot from her first act of exhibitionism that she would have to use her vibrator, if she couldn’t get Woody to fuck her. Woody was so ready, though. All she needed to do was to let him know that she wanted him. Jake had already gone to bed. She poured them both a brandy. Then she smiled and announced, “Tonight, brandy is being served in the bedroom. Follow me, please.” He did not hesitate. He’d been dreaming of this night for months.

She entered her bedroom and put a brandy on each nightstand. Woody followed her into her room and closed the door. He took her in his arms and gently tasted her lips. She slipped her tongue into his mouth and groped him. She liked to call the shots in bed. She knew what she wanted and she was sexually aggressive. He wouldn’t be there if she didn’t want him. She wanted his submission to her will, his body, his cock and especially, his cum, the essence of his DNA, his manhood. She wanted to taste his semen, to make him cum, to control his orgasm. She planned to wring out every drop of his sexual energy, leaving him weak and exhausted. Their experience at the restaurant, the waiter watching them had gotten her so incredibly hot. She intended to make Woody feel that same frenzied passion that she was feeling.

She looked into his eyes and said, “Give yourself to me. Let me use your body to satisfy my hunger. Let me control you.” He’d never had a woman like her. His dick throbbed with excitement and anticipation. He responded, “I belong to you, tonight. Use me.”

He stood in front of her as she unbuttoned his shirt. The top 3 buttons undone, she kissed his neck, then she bit gently and licked. She sucked on his shoulder, adjacent to his neck, branding him with a hickey to mark him as hers. She finished unbuttoning his shirt and inspected his chest and stomach. He had a patch of hair between his pecs that she loved. She licked him there, feeling the hair on her face as she licked the skin beneath the fur. He smelled good and his scent increased her passion. He had a treasure trail that drove her crazy, a strip of hair that started at his navel and led down, disappearing into his pants. She wanted to savor his body, to move slowly. She licked his nipples, first one then the other. Then she sucked them. She kissed his neck and slowly gently kissed his mouth. She peeled his shirt from his body.

She knelt down in front of him. She probed his hairy navel with the tip of her tongue and follow the hair trail down to his belt buckle. She unbuckled his belt and rubbed her face and mouth on the bulge, made by his hard cock. His precum created a wet spot on his slacks that she sucked at it, tasting his sweet masculine juices, a sample of the cum she longed to swallow. She unfastened his pants, unzipped them and pulled them and his underwear down to his ankles. His fat rock hard cock was pointing directly at her face, precum dripping from its tip. She licked, barely touching the tip of his dick with her tongue, collecting another sample of Woody’s clear sparkling precum drip. She was even hotter than before, studying his phallus with admiration and raw lust.

Woody stood with his hands on his hips, looking down at Linda while she worshipped his cock. For the last 4 months, this was the woman he fantasized about as he jerked off. She was loving his body and cock. He wondered how she would react to his huge load that he knew he would spew. He considered warning her but, then decided she would enjoy the surprise. He hoped it would be especially big. He wanted her to have good memories of tonight. He wanted her to think he was sexually special. He wanted her to want a repeat of this night.

Linda, still on her knees and still not touching his cock with her hands, rubbed her face against his stiffness, trying to experience his cock and body in various ways that gave her pleasure. She licked his balls, sucking each into her mouth so he would feel her warmth, her tongue tickling his scrotum. She took his cock in her hand and thrilled to its size and firmness. She milked it in search of more precum and when it oozed out she caught it with her tongue and mouth tasting it. She took his head into her mouth exploring it’s contours with her lips. Woody moaned, a wordless plea for more. She began to move her lips up and down his shaft. He moaned again losing himself in the pleasure of her soft warmth. She made love to his cock for 5 minutes. Then she sat him on the bed, pulled off his shoes and trousers, leaving him naked. She knelt between his legs and sucked his cock again, for another 5 minutes, loving the feeling of it in her mouth.

Then she stood and unzipped her dress. She let it fall to the floor. He realized that she wasn’t wearing panties this whole night. He was excited by that discovery. Her bush was neat and trimmed. She reached between her legs with her finger tips and felt her wetness. Then she rubbed it on his lips. She removed her bra, put her hand behind his head and brought his face to her breasts. He moaned more loudly than when she was sucking his dick. He had fantasized so many times about kissing and licking her tits. It was every bit as wonderful as he imagined. She pushed him back on the bed. He scooted around until he was in the center of the mattress. She told him to put his hands behind his head and to leave them there until she told him he could move them. He did as instructed. She straddled him, facing him and placing a knee next to each of his hips. She leaned forward and kissed his mouth tenderly. She kissed his neck. Then, she licked his armpit and sucked on his nipples. Then, licked, bit and sucked his lats and down the sides of his torso. He squirmed with pleasure and because it tickled but he kept his hands behind his head. He had never had a woman taste his whole body. She was so oral.

Linda sat back and took Woody’s cock in her hand. She massaged her wet pussy with his cock head. She raised up on her knees, positioned his cock for entry and made eye contact with him. She wanted to see him react to his cock entering her body. She very very slowly lowered herself on to his beautifully hard cock. Woody’s breathing quickened and became audible. He felt himself sliding into warmth, slippery, softness. It felt incredible. She gave him instructions, “Don’t move. Let me use you. Tell me when you are getting close so I can pause. Do not come until I tell you I am ready.” She began to ride his cock, slowly at first, then faster, alternating the speed. He loved watching her beautiful tits bounce and sway as she rode him. He warned her 3 times that he was getting close and she stopped all stimulation. One of these times he thought he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from coming he was so damned close. He was barely able to hold off. She lifted herself up and off of his dick.

Then she laid down beside him and asked him to fuck her. He got on top of her and kissed her. He took a few minutes to bury his face in her tits, licked and sucked. Then he entered her and fucked. She said, “I want to see you shoot. I want you to shoot on my body.” He asked, “Are you sure?” She responded, “Yes. Definitely.” He thought that she didn’t know what she was asking for. He loved being inside her. He came close again and stopped, asking her not to move. After he recovered and began to fuck again she said, “I’m ready for you to give me your load. Give it to me when you are ready. He fucked her hard and she began to moan. He slowed and then, he fucked her hard again. Her moaning got louder, her breathing louder, her moaning even louder. The closer she got to coming, the closer he got. She came, breathing hard, moaning loudly, panting. Her orgasm was hard and intense. He felt himself reach the point of no return, he pulled out of her and knelt between her legs and stroked himself, giving her the best possible view of what was going to come at her. A thick rope of cum shot from his dick and splattered right between her beautiful tits, exactly where he was aiming. The second splat hit her right nipple. The third hit the bed next to her. By the fourth spurt of massive cum, she started saying, over and over, “Oh, my God!” The cum continued to splatter down on her body. She excitedly yelled, “Oh, my God! OH, MY GOD!” Woody’s load was magnificent. Even he was amazed by how big it was. By the ninth big spurt, she was rubbing his cum all over her stomach and tits in frenzied lust, loudly screaming with pleasure, “awww, awwww, AWWWW! AWWWWWWWW!” When he finally finished 12 spurts and the ending dribbles, he laid on top of her and slid around with his slippery load between them. She laughed hysterically. She was so thrilled.

Suddenly the door flew open and a naked Jake barged in. He flipped on the overhead light and yelled, “What’s wrong? Are you alright?” Linda exclaimed, “Yes! Yes! I’m alright! I’ve just had the best freakin sex of my life.” Linda and Woody were lying on their backs, side by side. Jake stood there staring at Woody’s still erect cock. Linda never moved to cover herself. She was strangely comfortable, being nude and covered in cum, in front of her roommate, who was nude and standing at the foot of her bed, staring at her new boyfriend’s dick. He was literally staring. Woody was uncomfortable and said to Jake, “Thank you for checking on us but we are fine.” Jake realized he was staring and gave them each an embarrassed smile. As he left the room he said to Linda, “Every detail! I will need to know every detail!” He closed the door behind him.

If you read my story and you are comfortable doing so, please leave a comment or send me a message to let me know what you think. Thank you.



  1. Oh my gosh, this was so freakin’ hot!!! I loved it! I sincerely hope they have a foursome in Part II!

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