[MF] [v] [bd] [sn] OPEN HOUSE – an erotic story or extreme revenge and retribution. Hell has no fury like a MAN scorned!

**You can view the illustrated version of OPEN HOUSE at** [**eroticprose.com**](https://eroticprose.com/)

Susan smiled when she thought about the day ahead of her. She was conducting an open house for a property well up in the hills outside of the city. Susan had only been selling real estate for a short time, but it

had already been clearly established that she was good at it – very good.

Today could be something very special; the property was worth well over a million, and even though the high-end of the market had been pretty cold of late, Susan figured she had at least a reasonable chance at landing a buyer with a minimum of effort.

She had never had any problems getting what she wanted in life. Her personality consisted of equal parts vivacity and energy, mixed with a degree of selfishness and self-absorption that was truly staggering to behold. Her looks helped, too: although she was short, she was both cute and sexy, with thick shoulder-length jet-black hair, dark brown eyes, olive complexion, and an incredible figure, highlighted by her impossibly perfect breasts that she always referred to as “her girls”.

The package that was Susan was perfect for this job. Her complete willingness to use flirtation and seduction to accomplish her goal meant she always attracted new clients, usually men. Not surprisingly, Susan wasn’t too popular with other women.

Despite her popularity with men, Susan had managed to stay single into her 30s. This was because, while she loved sex and being loved, she hated reciprocating that love. Thus, most of her relationships had lasted a matter of only months and followed the same pattern: Susan attracts guy, guy falls head over heels in love with Susan, sex is great, guy buys Susan everything she wants, guy wants to get closer, Susan pulls away.

#### Steve…

There had been one exception; Steve. He was a businessman who had made a killing in the stock market. Susan’s relationship with him not only lasted four years, it also included an engagement. Why it lasted so long is not totally clear: Steve was probably one of the nicer guys Susan had been with and he was certainly the richest, so that probably explains it.

At any rate, shortly after the engagement, Susan began treating him terribly, ignoring his needs and interests but always managing to satisfy her own. After much suffering and soul-searching, it was Steve who finally broke off the engagement.

Susan probably performed her finest acting job ever when he broke the news, behaving as if she had no idea why this was happening. While in reality she had spent most of the previous year sleeping with other men. It had been two years since then and as far as Susan knew, Steve had never found out about the other men.

But Susan was wrong, and not only had Steve found out about the other men, but he was going to do something about it…

Of course, Susan didn’t know this as she got ready to drive to the open house that morning. As usual, she took a long time getting dressed, making sure everything was perfect, starting with her red silk bra and matching panties.

#### Lady in red…

On this day, which was sunny but chilly, Susan chose to wear her bright red, rib-knit, turtleneck sweater, which had a very high collar and extra-long sleeves, and which was very tight-fitting. Susan loved this red turtleneck, and as she carefully folded the collar over just the way she liked it, covering her neck all the way to her chin, she felt sure this would be her day. For the rest, she chose an expensive pair of black slacks and a pair of black high heeled strappy sandals.

The night before, Susan had gotten a manicure and pedicure, and her fingernails and toenails were both painted bright red, matching her turtleneck. Susan looked at herself in her full-length mirror and was very pleased with what she saw. All that remained were her accessories: her two gold toe-rings, golden earrings, and her favorite item of all, a golden necklace that had a charm with “Susan” written in script dangling from its center. Susan put the necklace on last and smiled at the way the gold lettering glittered against the red rib-knit background of her turtleneck. Susan was ready to go.

Next came the tedious part of the job – placing the signs on the road to point the way to the open house. Because the house was located on a somewhat exclusive and isolated road, there were not that many signs to be placed, so Susan was able to accomplish the task in a relatively short time.

he finally arrived at the house, stopped her car out front, and tapped the last sign in place just beyond the driveway. The signs were fairly simple, just the words “OPEN HOUSE” and “Susan Rodriguez”, along with Susan’s company and phone number, but she enjoyed looking at them just the same.

#### A quiet day…

And so the day went by. Susan did not expect many prospects, but even fewer than that showed up, and those that did were not the types to make serious offers. Late in the afternoon, without any visitors for over 2 hours, Susan figured it was time to close up.

he was in the kitchen when she heard a strangely familiar voice. She came out to the front and there was Steve, standing there wearing an overcoat, gloves, and carrying a briefcase. Susan was genuinely surprised but didn’t show it. She and Steve exchanged “hello’s and then there was an awkward silence. Susan broke it by asking Steve if he had come to look at the house.

Steve hesitated, then said he had, that he had heard it was on the market, and that he hadn’t believed it when he saw her name on the signs up the hill. Susan told Steve she’d be delighted to show the house to him. As Susan took Steve around the house, she started thinking to herself that if Steve was in the financial position to afford this place, perhaps it wouldn’t be a bad idea to get back together with him.

Susan finished the tour and started the seduction. She sat with Steve on a sofa and told him she had always regretted their parting, and that while she never really understood what had gone wrong, she was very much interested in giving it a second chance. Steve smiled broadly at this, and Susan purred to herself, “Well, this “did” turn out to be a special day after all!”

#### Revenge…

Susan moved closer to Steve and started to kiss him. Steve kissed her back. After a few minutes, Susan pulled back and played with her turtleneck collar, smiled her wickedest smile, told Steve she was going into the kitchen to get them something to drink and said he should take off his coat and get comfortable.

Susan got up and walked into the kitchen, the high heels of her sandals tap-tapping on the floor. She called over her shoulder to Steve that she bet he’d missed playing with “the girls” and giggled. Because of this, Susan never heard Steve come up from behind, grab her by the neck, and slam her face into a cabinet.

Susan was knocked senseless, and Steve took the opportunity to unfold her red turtleneck collar and use it to gag her mouth. He then applied pressure to her neck and Susan slumped over, unconscious. Steve picked her up and brought her into the main room. He removed her collar from her mouth, then reached into his coat again, took out some rope, and tied Susan’s wrists and ankles.

Then he went to his briefcase and took out a bottle of expensive alcohol, opened Susan’s mouth, and poured just a bit inside. He repeated the process on her hands, her chin, and all over her chest, soaking the turtleneck sweater that was shielding “the girls”.

Steve walked outside to his car and came back in holding about a dozen “OPEN HOUSE” signs, all with the name “Susan Rodriguez” on them. He placed them on the floor next to Susan. Then he stepped back and looked. Susan was laying on her right side, unconscious, tied at the wrists and ankles, wearing her tight-fitting, bright red rib-knit turtleneck sweater, dressy black pants, and black high heeled sandals, glossy red toenails pointing the way to the kitchen.

Then his eye was caught by the gold around her neck, the name “Susan” shining enticingly on a background of red fabric. He walked over to her, bent down, and adjusted the collar of her red turtleneck the way she liked it. He leaned over and picked up one of the signs. Then he stood up and reached into his pocket for the matches…  

##### Written by Loony

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/je34tu/mf_v_bd_sn_open_house_an_erotic_story_or_extreme