Having three guys cum on me, but is it art? (MMMF)

While I was at University I made friends with a particularly arty farty group of ‘creative’ people. Arty-farty in the literal sense as they were studying art in its many and various forms. One of these friends was working on a piece which examined the relationship between pornography and social media, holding a mirror up to society’s eagerness to shame sex scandals while simultaneously consuming porn at a tremendous rate behind closed doors.

It was a truly brilliant concept, and an excellent piece of work. It was provocative and intriguing, scandalous yet essential. It involved the use of some hardcore pornography, but it was entirely artistically justified.

But he ran into an issue because as part of his installation, he required a piece of intimate video. And due to copyright, intellectual property, and permissions etc, he wasn’t able to use any existing footage.

Which meant he needed to produce some himself.

Long story short, he needed someone willing to let three guys ejaculate over them on film as part of the project. Faces would be blurred to protect identifies, and there was no penetration or actual sex, it just needed to be ‘climax’ and the resultant mess.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, he wasn’t overrun with female volunteers. Lots of people had spent time telling him how important and significant the project was, but there wasn’t a single member of the group who was prepared to actually step up.

So I volunteered.

The filming was one of the most surreal things I’ve ever experienced. To try to stop it from being weird (impossible, but at least he tried!), I wasn’t there from the start. The guys had been ‘warming up’ for a while, and I was basically only supposed to be there for about 5mins of filming – they finish on me. Camera shows the mess. Job done.

Naturally, it didn’t work out that way. The guys were all apparently struggling to ‘get where they needed to be’ so I suggested half-jokingly that perhaps having me lying naked in front of them might be the inspiration they needed. (And this was a joke. I’m not suggesting I have the looks to make a guy cum on sight!). My friend figured this was worth a try, so I got naked and lay on the bed.

This was already odd, as I was now naked in front of a guy I’d been friends with for two years. And it was only about to get even stranger when the three guys come in, and I realise I know two of them too! Not anywhere near as well as the guy filming, but enough to make it a really fucking awkward ‘Oh, hi.’ as they approach me cocks in hand.

(To make it even, EVEN stranger they’d been told ahead of time who was going to be filming with them so they KNEW that they knew me, and decided to do it anyway. Whereas I didn’t think to ask, so it was a genuine surprise!)

So now I’m lying naked on a bed (on top of a load of old towels, because no one wanted to sleep in sheets that may get this messy) surrounded by three guys stroking their cocks, two of which I knew, while a fourth guy who I’m incredibly close friends with films.

I had three thoughts running through my head.

1. This had better be fucking worth it!
2. My friend had better be buying me every drink I ever want for the rest of my life.
3. Wow, [Guy2, who I vaguely knew] is hung!

It took nearly ten minutes, but finally the first of the three guys declared he was going to cum and promptly did so. My friend was mid-commenting how great the footage was when the second guy, clearly spurred on by the action of the first, exploded almost before he had time to say ‘I’m cumming’.

I was now a sticky mess and trying to lie still to stop it running further down me, figuring the third guy would be close too.

He was not.

After another 5mins or him furiously beating at his cock, he starts to look all apologetic. ‘This never happens. I think the situation is just a bit weird…’

My friend is trying to look supportive but I know is furious. There has to be three guys, it’s representative of three pillars of conviction (or something). Without one the whole piece is pointless. And to fake it ruins the integrity of doing it in the first place. ‘Keep trying. You’ve been going for ages, you must be close. I’ll look away if it helps, just give me enough warning so I can catch the shot’.

I’m also furious. I’m a mess and if this doesn’t happen, it’s all for nothing. So I ask him if maybe me ‘giving him a hand’ would help. He says he’s not sure, so I impatiently tell him we might as well try, and I start jerking him off.

Within 5 minutes, it’s all done. And I’m showering the most thorough shower I’ve ever had.

The art piece was underwhelming received, but he scraped through with his degree anyway. He still has to buy me drinks to this day.

Only four passing acquaintances felt they recognised me from the footage, despite my face being blurred. I denied it, but was secretly impressed they were able to spot me.

And yes, I still have a copy of the footage. And no I will under no circumstances ever share or post it.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/je66ms/having_three_guys_cum_on_me_but_is_it_art_mmmf