Brotherly Love [M/F, Incest, Drunk Rape, Revenge]

If there was one thing that ruined a party—at least as far as Jack was concerned—it was his sister.

It wasn’t that it was a bad party. One of the perks of living in a college town was the wild parties thrown for every conceivable excuse, fueled by regular trips to the liquor store and the adventurous impulses of students enjoying their first years away from home. Jack liked to avoid the more extreme ones—being 28, he’d already learned that it wasn’t the booze or the hangover that made a party great—but that still left him plenty of options for more relaxed, more mature get-togethers among the grad students and other alumni.

And who didn’t enjoy a good Halloween party? He’d pass on the costumes and prank wars, but it was still one of his favorite holidays. There was just something about it that helped people relax, as if by being given the chance to be someone else, they could really be themselves. So of course he’d accepted when his old roommate Sam reached out with an invitation. He’d been looking forward to the party all week.

But then there was his sister.

Dana was three years the younger sibling, but it was clear to anyone that’d spent a few minutes in a room with her that she thought she was the greatest thing since sliced bread. She’d found out about the party at the last minute and had taken the liberty of inviting herself, ignoring all of Jack’s careful hints that actually nobody had invited her, and maybe she’d have more fun hanging out with a younger crowd, maybe at one of the frat parties on campus? Every word had gone over her head, and once she texted the host and got the address—he was one of those “family is family” types—there was no avoiding it. She was coming, and that meant Jack had to babysit.

So there he was, waiting patiently at the home bar set up in the kitchen, resigned to his fate.

“Aw, c’mon, man. Perk up, huh?” Sam—playing the roles of both host and bartender—gave him an encouraging smile as he mixed a couple drinks. “You can’t let her ruin the party for you.”

“She’s already ruined the party for me,” Jack said, sticking his straw in his mouth and taking a sip. “Just being in the same house is enough.”

“Well she’ll leave soon enough, right?” Sam suggested. “Look at her. She’s all over those guys.”

They were both watching as Dana let herself get sandwiched between a pair of male partygoers, arms high to reveal her features as all three bounced along to the music. This was about what Jack expected of her; she liked to wear revealing clothes and lead men on with coy looks, rubbing herself all over them to get them excited just so she could reject their advances at the end of the night.

He couldn’t recall any time she’d actually gone home with a guy. She saw them all as beneath her, really, and Jack had developed a theory long ago that she got off on the power rush of toying with handsome men. It was easy for her, really. What unknowing man could resist a young, thin, mocha-skinned girl like her coming onto them, revealing so much flesh and hiding her few blemishes under a generous helping of makeup?

She wasn’t even wearing a bra tonight; her nipples were clearly visible past her tight black crop top, and she’d picked one short enough to show her abs—as well as a flash of underboob when she got particularly energetic. If it wasn’t for the thin black strips of her thong riding up around her hips, just a couple inches above her skinny jeans, he’d have doubted if she wore any underwear at all.

Jack just shook his head. “Nah, trust me. She’s just toying with them. Say, how much longer on that drink?”

“Why, you got a hot date?” Sam grinned as he finally poured a colorful liquid from his shaker into an equally colorful cocktail glass. A single ice cube and a lemon completed the concoction. “There. If she bugs you so much, why have me make her favorite drink? I’d think you’d want to serve her iced piss, the way you talk.”

Jack shrugged as he grabbed the glass, leaving his own drink on the bar. “Because if I can get her drunk enough quick enough, she’ll let me take her home, and maybe I’ll have some time left to actually enjoy myself.” He smirked as another thought came to him. “And as an added bonus, I might get a humiliating story to tease her with afterwards.”

Sam laughed, shaking his head. “Man, talk like that makes me glad I’m an only child.”

Jack smirked, raising the cocktail in salute before sliding off the barstool and making towards the dance floor. The crowd parted easily before him, as crowds tend to do when one is six feet tall, and he caught Dana’s eye with a wave and a wan smile.

“Hey, Jack! Welcome to the party, dork!” Dana laughed that too-loud, aggressive laugh of hers that grated at his ears in all the wrong ways, giving each of her dance partners playful smiles before stepping away. She grinned as she spotted the drink in his hands, revealing the crooked teeth set into her otherwise perfect face. “Oh my gosh, you got me my favorite drink? That’s so sweet of you!”

“Just for you, sis,” He said. She snatched it out of her hands, tossing her head to get her raven-black hair—its silver and blue highlights recently redone—out of her face. “I’m friends with the host, so it wasn’t much trouble.”

“Wow, really, just friends? I thought you were here to take over his shift, dressed like that.” She winked, reaching out to tug at the collar of his polo. “You could be a bit more professional, though. The jeans are fine if you stay behind the bar, but that scraggly beard? That’s gotta go, bro!”

Jack took a deep breath through his nose and forced a smile. He’d lived with Dana most of his life, and though he truly knew how annoying she was better than anyone, he’d also learned how to cope. Not like he had any choice. “Right. Well, you look like you’re enjoying your dance, so I’ll leave you to it, get back to my ‘shift’ and everything.”

“No, wait, hang on a sec!” She held up a finger as she lifted the glass to her lips and tossed the whole drink back in one go. She stuck her breasts out as she did it, drawing several eyes as her top clung to her form and outlined them in full, and Jack looked away with a roll of his eyes. She smacked her lips as she finally finished, holding the glass back out for him. “Here, get me another. And make sure he replaces the lemon, or I’m sending it back! Whoo!”

Jack took the glass, frowning at her back as she strutted back to her grinning dance partners, popping her hips out with every step. Sure, getting her drunk as quick as possible was his plan, but he hadn’t expected her to play into it so easily.

Then again, annoying as she was, she’d never been particularly clever.

He turned back to the bar with a shrug. If she wanted more drinks, he’d get her more drinks. Even if he had to mix them himself.


About an hour later, his patience paid off.

He’d lost count of how many fancy cocktails Dana had thrown back—or to be more accurate, he hadn’t really been paying much attention in the first place—and in the moment, he couldn’t care less. He smirked as he watched her throw herself at a wide-eyed grad student that looked like he wasn’t quite sure if he was interested or repulsed, her arms trapping him against the wall as she rubbed her tits against his chest. Her words came out in a thick slur as she ordered him to tell her what he wanted to do to her, and then she lost her balance, tripping sideways.

She would’ve fallen, too, if he hadn’t caught her. She fixed him with a lopsided grin, and there was a brief pause before he drew back with a shout, letting her thump to the floor.

“Eugh!” He stepped back, a fresh stain dripping down the legs of his slacks. “She pissed on me!”

A few snickers passed around the surrounding partygoers as she laid limply on her back, a puddle of urine collecting between the curves of her ass. A few guests stepped up to take pictures, and Jack made a mental note to get some sent to him. She probably wouldn’t remember anything in the morning, so it would be good to have photo evidence of her humiliation for later.

Still, as big a bitch as his sister was, he wasn’t a cruel guy. After a couple minutes of letting her groan and roll around on the floor—and letting everyone get as much footage of the drunk hottie as they wanted—he made himself known.

“Alright, settle down, everyone!” he said, shooing them away as he approached with a roll of paper towels. “She’s had a bit too much to drink is all. I’ll take care of it.”

The crowd lost interest quickly—drunk party girls were a weekly sight around the university anyways—so he was able to clean her up in peace. She showed little reaction as he picked her ass up off the floor so he could wipe up the strong-smelling pee beneath, and only mumbled something under her breath when he wiped vigorously at her crotch, doing what he could to rub the liquid off her jeans. He disposed of the soiled paper towels before hefting her up onto his shoulder, carrying her towards the door like a sack of potatoes.

Sam approached him as he reached the door, brow furrowed. “Hey, man, is she okay?”

Jack nodded, waving him off. “She just needs some rest. Don’t worry, this is pretty normal for her.”

“Well, alright. Are you gonna come back?”

“You know it.” Jack grinned, holding out his fist. “I *do* want to have some fun tonight.”

“Right on.” Sam grinned back as he completed the fist bump. “Don’t take too long, now. The night won’t last forever!”

It was a short drive to his sister’s apartment complex. She had a simple studio on the third floor, and after a bit of fishing he managed to get her keys out of the ridiculously small pockets that hugged her ass. The door swung open with a quiet complaint.

“Alright, here we go.” Jack grunted as he kicked the door shut behind them, flicked the light on, and tossed her onto her bed. She groaned, raising an arm and draping it limply over her face. “You think the light’s bad now? Just wait till the sun comes up.”

She didn’t laugh.

He smirked, pausing to get himself a glass of water from the kitchenette. Her apartment wasn’t much to write home about; the bed in the corner was nice, weighed down by an excessive collection of pillows and sheets, but everything else was by the numbers. TV opposite the bed, a desk for her laptop next to that, and a couple small doors that led off to her bathroom and closet. Maybe that was why she never invited men over.

Nah. It was definitely because she was a stuck-up bitch.

Unfortunately, Jack’s good nature wouldn’t let him go home just yet. He sighed as he slipped her shoes off, unbuckled her belt, and began to tug her jeans off, grunting with the effort of getting it past her buttocks. She mumbled something he didn’t pay attention to as he dragged her jeans down past her feet, baring her long, slender legs.

He couldn’t help but get a good look at her groin while he was it. Instead of the clean-shaven look that most thong-wearing women sported, Dana had an unruly bush of thick black pubes between her legs. Jack snorted as he tossed the soiled jeans into her hamper. “Too good to shave, huh?” he asked. “I guess you wouldn’t care if some poor guy has to swallow down your cunt hair for your pleasure.”

Next came her top. It was far easier to remove, though he did have to wrestle with her a bit as she made a petulant effort to keep her arms down. Her petite breasts bounced once as he bared them, her nipples hardening against the exposed air as the sheen of sweat on her skin gleamed in the light.

He stepped back to admire his work, and it was only then that he realized what he was looking at.

There she was, a gorgeous woman splayed out on her bed in front of him, completely nude but for the ghostly thin triangle of cotton over her sex. He took her in from head to toe, starting with the gentle curve of her jaw and the full redness of her lips. Her breasts—just as tan as the rest of her from long days on the beach—were small but pert, goosebumps sprouting up in the chill air, almost begging to fill his hands. Her waist was slender and smooth, small enough that he imagined he could wrap her completely between the fingers and thumbs of both hands, and the skin was tight around her legs, outlining the delicate bones of her wide hips and the toned muscle of her calves.

When she wasn’t in the middle of some dumb joke, or out trying to lead men on for her own sick pleasure, or loudly regaling him with a tale he neither believed in or cared about… well, his sister was an attractive woman.

He felt a pressure on his groin, and blinked as he realized he was growing hard. His first reaction was guilt, but then he wondered, why should he be guilty? There was no shame in admiring her as any man would, and it wasn’t like she’d mind. Really she should thank him, considering all he’d done after she crashed a party he’d been looking forwards to. He could’ve left her there if he’d wanted to. It was probably even what she deserved after so much cruel teasing, to be dragged off to some bedroom upstairs and used by the men that she so loved to toy with. Maybe it’d teach her a lesson. Teach her some humility.

Then again, he was right here, wasn’t he? If someone was going to fuck a lesson into her, surely it should be him, the one that had been forced to deal with her antics for longer than anyone else. How much bullshit had he put up with over the years, never confronting her, always covering for her when she went too far? And did he ever get a single thanks? No, of course not.

He deserved it. He reached a hand down to stroke at his length through his jeans, biting his lip. If it wasn’t for her, he might’ve already found a nice girl at the party to have some fun with. Just another way that she’d fucked him over.

Enough, he decided. It was her turn to get fucked.

He undressed quickly, spurred on by the tingle in his balls and her quiet, feminine moans. He spent a minute at the side of the bed, pants around his ankles, tending to himself with long, slow strokes, and then reached out to squeeze at the soft flesh of her waist. His hand slid lower, down to her hips, and snaked down under her ass, his fingertips kneading at her tight rear.

He grunted as he rolled her over onto her belly, leaving her ass exposed, and climbed onto the bed. He continued to squeeze and knead at it, watching how it sprung back up whenever he let go. How much time did she spend exercising, making herself beautiful just so she could dangle herself in front of innocent men? Well, it didn’t matter now. Whatever she’d had in mind the last time she went to the gym, a man was finally going to use her body the way it was meant to be used.

He raised his hand, bringing it back down against her ass with a sharp smack. She yelped, head shooting up, and looked around in confusion, mumbling something too quiet to hear. She crawled weakly towards the head of the bed, away from him.

“Oh, no, you don’t.” He grabbed her by the waist, pulling it roughly towards him. “You don’t get to crawl away now. Not when you spent all night acting like a complete slut.”

She moaned plaintively, leg jerking beneath him in what he thought to be a pitiful effort at a kick, but all she managed to do was rub his balls with the arch of her foot. It felt good, so instead of stopping her, he grabbed her other foot, overpowering her attempts to jerk it back as he pulled it up to his mouth. He planted a kiss against her big toe and then worked his way down, feeling the soft sole of her foot with his lips. He groaned as he licked up from her heel to her toes before pulling her middle toe into his mouth, licking and sucking all around it.

As he sucked on one foot, he laid his cock out across the other, pressing it against him and pumping against it. He knew his sister hated having her feet touched. Good. Fuck her.

His eyes fell on a bottle of lube resting sideways on her dresser. He grinned, tossing her foot aside and reaching to snatch the bottle up. “Wanna get fucked in the ass, whore?” He pulled one of her buttocks back with one hand, treating himself to a view of her puckered backdoor past the dainty string of her thong. “Not like what you want matters.”

She tensed up as the cold lube dripped down the crack of her ass, and she groaned as he slid forwards, pulled her thong aside, and pressed the head of his cock against her asshole. The lube grew warmer as he gradually worked his tip against her, heated by her body, inviting him inside.

“C’mon.” He pushed a hand down against the small of her back, holding her still as he leaned forwards, lending his weight to the effort. She was so tight he wondered if she was clenching in some vain attempt to keep him out, but even if she was it was just a matter of time. He was stronger than her, bigger, and she was just some drunk bitch pinned beneath him. “Open up, slut.”

Finally she gave way. He barely heard her whimper as his head sunk into her ass and was instantly enveloped in a tight, volcanic heat. He moaned, mouth hanging open, and began to slowly work his hips, slipping a little deeper with every motion. Her body squeezed and clenched around him, whether to drag him deeper inside or attempt to push him out he didn’t know, muscles rippling across his length and sending little twinges of pleasure up his spine. He grinned as he saw her fingers clenching around the bedsheets, and he leaned over her to whisper into her ear.

“What’s the matter, cunt?” he teased. “Never been fucked in the ass before?”

Whatever her answer was, it was too slurred and quiet to make out. He held her head down with one hand as he wrapped the other around her waist and, with one last, grunting jerk, hilted inside her.

He paused, relishing the sensation of her body pleasuring every inch of his cock and the base of his shaft cradled between her asscheeks. She shivered beneath him, shaking her head weakly, and then relaxed.

He groaned as her ass released its vice-grip on his girth. “There we go. That’s better, isn’t it?” He pulled his hips back, leaving only his head inside, and then slammed back inside her with a fierce growl, the slap of their flesh echoing around the room.

Before he knew it he was pistoning in and out, pressing her harder into the bed with every thrust as she mewled limply beneath him. “Not so cocky now, huh?” Her ass flexed around him as his balls slapped against her cunt, begging him for more, and he obliged with growing ferocity. “This is where you belong, you know! On a bed with your ass in the air, getting raped cause you’re too dumb and drunk to fight back!” She whined, her legs jerking under him as if to try and push him off.

“What’s wrong?” he asked mockingly. “Does it hurt, having a dick shoved up your ass? I hope it does, you fucking bitch!”

He’d never realized just how much he wanted this until now. Finally, he could take out all the rage he’d been holding in, get her back for all the little snipes at his lifestyle and every time she’d cost him with her petty games! He slid his fingers into her carefully dyed hair and jerked her head around, slamming it into the bed. At the same time he forced her ass up into the air, giving him more leverage and letting him pound her with all his strength. And all she could do was lie there and take it, groan and twitch like the helpless cumdump she was, her rippling asscheeks turning red with the force of the fucking as the sheets under her face grew wet with tears.

Jack grit his teeth as the lube began to dry out, turning each thrust into a struggle. He persisted for a minute longer, more out of a wish to punish her for her behavior than any personal pleasure, until eventually the chafing became too much for him. Finally he pulled out with a grunt, shoving her roughly into the bed and leaning back onto the balls of his feet.

He panted, sweat dripping over his muscles, and watched Dana shiver on the bed beneath him, pulling her knees up to her chest.

“Fuck!” He still hadn’t cum! Now he’d have to go back home and finish things himself. He smacked a hand against her ass, making her jerk. “Useless slut!”

She rolled onto her back, lip quivering as a hand flinched down to grab at her sore rear, and at the same time inadvertently revealed her pussy to him, the swollen lips visible past her dislodged thong. He focused in on it, breathing hard, and reached out to drag her closer once more.

“Still want more, huh?” Her thin panties snapped easily in his grip, and he ripped the now-useless cloth away to give him a better look at her cunt. The lips were already somewhat parted, revealing the hot pink flesh inside, glistening with arousal. “Are you getting off on this? You’re even more of a whore than I thought.”

She put up a bit more of a struggle this time, but he brushed it aside with little effort, easily parting her thighs to give himself access to her honeypot. He held her legs open with one hand and lined himself up, lip curling back as he impaled her in a single, vicious thrust.

Dana cried out, louder than ever before, her sobs beginning to come in earnest, but the sound only drove him on. He grunted with each pump of his hips, smacking against her cunt and pressing up hard against her, pushing her across the bed in a wild, hungry effort to get himself as far inside her as he could. Her pussy convulsed around him, the soft, wet velvet of her insides sending waves of ecstasy through his body. He could feel sweat and other fluids splattering between them with each thrust, feel her nectar being pushed out to drip down onto his swaying balls.

“P-please.” She whimpered beneath him, finally able to get her mind together enough to beg, even as she struggled to focus her eyes. “Please s-stop.”

“Fuck you!” Jack spat back. He leaned over her, sliding one arm under her to hold her tight against his chest, feeling the pounding of her heart and the heave of her breasts against his skin. “This is what you deserve, you stupid, arrogant slut!”

“N-no, please, I—” She moaned, eyes fluttering, and he grinned as he felt her pussy clench down around him.

“Are you cumming?” He slowed his thrusts as he taunted her, grunting with the effort of forcing himself past her convulsing cunt. “You are, aren’t you? Cumming on your rapist’s cock!”

“No, p-please. Please!”

“Beg as much as you want, cunt!” His jaw clenched as the pressure in his balls tightened, building up with every pump, every quivering flex of her body beneath him. “You’re getting what you deserve tonight!”

She blinked, going strangely silent for a moment, and then her eyes shot wide open as his cock began to swell inside her. “No, w-wait! Pull out! Please, n-not inside!”

He barely even heard her. He wrapped his hand in her hair, jerking her head around so he could look her in the eyes, and slammed inside her with a final, body-shaking thrust. She screamed, a shrill, shuddering moan caught halfway between lust and despair, body jerking in his grip either in the throes of bliss or a desperate bid for escape.

Jack groaned as he pumped the first shot of seed into his sister’s pussy, and he squeezed her tight against him as he clenched up, filling her with a second and third. He lost track after that; his eyes unfocused and his thoughts grew hazy. All he could think about was the look of despair in Dana’s eyes, the sound of her sobs in his ears, the swallowing of her cunt around his cock. He could feel the pressure building inside her as his cum filled her entirely, and then the warm trickle of the excess spurting out from between them and dripping down her shivering asscheeks to pool on the bed.

When he finally came down from his orgasm, Dana had fallen silent. She had her eyes shut tight and her face screwed up in pain, but was otherwise still. He breathed hard over her, twitching with gradually slowing aftershocks as his softening length began to retreat.

He huffed as he straightened up, pulling his limp dick out of her cunt, and spent a few seconds just watching the cum drip from inside her. It was the most he’d ever cum in his life.

And he felt *amazing.*

A satisfied groan escaped him as he slid off the bed and stretched his cramped muscles, looking around and scratching at his chest. She’d seemed almost lucid at the end there, but he wasn’t too concerned. With how much booze she’d gulped down that night, he doubted she’d remember a thing, adrenaline rush or not. He walked back to the bed and grabbed her head, dragging it closer.

She was completely passed out, so it was an easy feat to open her mouth and slip his slickened cock past her lips. He gave it a few lazy thrusts at first, idly cleaning himself off, and then finished with a couple hard pumps into the back of her mouth, watching how her throat swelled with his girth and listening to her quiet gagging.

But he wasn’t really interested in a second round, and he did have a party to get back to. He dressed with a smile on his face, leaving her splayed out on the bed, covered in sweat and drooling cum.

He left the apartment door open behind him, hoping maybe she’d take this lesson to heart. Either way, she’d never know what had happened tonight, and that was just how he liked it.


Written for an anonymous patron. DM me if you’re interested in your own commission!


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