An Ode to the Quiet, Shy Ones..[MF] flirtations

**In my time and experience in my kink I’ve had a tremendous share of the women requesting my help and services. The ones who normally seek me out in my DM’s are normally those who are Professionally and Socially dominant. They usually are empowered with and; some would say burdened with much decision making. They come to me to help mitigate and take away that release. Even the “stay at home Mother often encounter the same thing. Either way, it would *only* make *perfect sense*, logically that a bolder woman would come to me.**

*So this, this is to that quiet one. The one that has the same cravings and needs but might have reasons to not vocalize it as well…..*

I always enjoy the minutia. Whether it’s the deep and yet vacant look in her eyes when you are holding it inside her, rock hard and throbbing. Eye contact. My wry smile a *small* threat that I could pull out my girth at any moment. Maybe it’s the small gasp as I go all the way to the edge, just my tip before slowly thrusting my hips and sliding back deeper inside. My enjoyment a bit too animalistic, perhaps.

It *could* just be the simple glance up of her big, brown doe-y eyes with such utter need. Maybe she thinks I’m not looking or perhaps it’s just too large of an impulsive tic to contain. A touch of her small, soft hand on my wrist when I’m talking to her. I’m sure she’s used to most men being oblivious to such small signs. Not eating up every little adorable mannerism.

I also know that she too much of an innocent young lady to let herself linger too much on the idea when she drifts off in fantasy. I also know that much of this isn’t because I’m just so devastatingly attractive. I’m aware that my age and stature play a big part in the allure.

So when the day came that I saw her at a mutual event she’d taken a couple of glances as I talked to a few friends. It was the lip bite between sips of her drink that I particularly noticed. The friend of mine and I jokingly discussed it for a few seconds before I kindly asked her if she minded me taking a moment or two away from *our* conversation. My friend chuckled and I made my way towards her confidently.

“I’m a bit surprised to see you here, I must admit.” Her cheeks were slightly flushed. Not sure if it was the drink or the fact that I’d suddenly initiated a conversation. “You don’t normally come to functions like this alone.” My finger extended to pick a bit of her brownish blonde hair gone astray on the fabric of her black shoulderless tiny social dress.

A bit of backstory and history to where this little infatuation of hers started. I could almost pin point it. See, as stern of a personality as I have, I rarely raise my voice. I find it’s a sure outward sign that one has lost control. A simple, firm statement should do. One that is properly backed up. Of course. Any, I digress you probably want me to get to the sexy stuff. We had been in the same room and I did *in fact* raise my voice the only time I usually find that I do. A group of us had been trying to get a guys attention who’d walked away. I’m usually quite mild-mannered and when I raised my voice I could see it in the corner of my eyes. That look. It was *all too familiar now.* Her eyes got big, voice got high and yet soft. “I didn’t know your voice could do that.”

From there she was hooked. I won’t lie. My prominent stature in my profession likely seemed to be a part of it. I’d laugh the few times she’d attempt to be off putting to me. Her way of telling herself there was no fantasy or urge there. That she was in control. Anyway, fast forwarding back to the present conversation I was just surprised that she’d have gone out with her fiancé being out of town. She normally wasn’t the go it alone, type. Her knee slightly bent forwards to me before straightening up again. “He’s, um…out of, he has a thing for work.”

Now call me the instigator but my words are usually not idol. My finger ran behind her ear, She momentarily jumped a bit but didn’t completely pull back when I brushed the back of my hand through her hair. My finger and thumb at the edges. Before pulling away, “Don’t want more hair getting on your pretty black dress.” Starting to backpedal. Drink in my hand. “Oh, and I like the new haircut.”

**Let me know if you are interested in more and I’ll finish it off….**



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