Allie’s Eighteenth Birthday Party [MF] [Age Gap] [Friend’s Daughter]

Mike and I had known each other for a few years now from work. We didn’t grow up with each other, but we already felt as if we did within the first year. Being guys in our early 30’s, we found every opportunity we could to get away from the stress of life and just sit back and have a few beers.

My name is Jake. lived alone, a few minutes from Mike’s house. Four years prior to this event I had a divorce and had to move into an apartment to save money. Mike lived with his wife (although they fought) and daughter, who was turning 18.

Mike’s daughter, Allie, was having a party thrown, because why wouldn’t she? It was in the month of June, roughly six weeks before she would leave for her freshman year of college. The arrangement was made that Thursday night Mike and I would get off our shift a little earlier to help set up at his house.

Allie wasn’t exactly a quiet kid in school, so she had a good handful of people coming over. Mike had two rules in place. One, they can bring alcohol, but if there’s police- he has no clue where it came from. Two, everyone must be gone by midnight because it’s a Thursday. Allie was so insistent to make it Thursday instead of Friday because Thursday was the day of her birthday. Everyone thought this was dumb, but it was her decision after all.

Mike and I made sure our manager kept to his promise and we got off just in time. We drove out to his house as planned and arrived within the usual ten minutes.

It was a nice house. Four bedrooms, bricked, two stories, with a backyard pool and garage. Although, no one could ever park in the garage. Mike had a pool table along with various other things taking up all the space, which was one of the many reasons he and his wife fought.

We parked behind Mike’s wife and Allie and proceeded to bring everything inside. Mike pre-purchased the beer for the two of us about a day in advance.


“Finally, you’re home,” Allie said to her father as we walked through the door.

“A hello would’ve sufficed,” Mike grunted.

“I have best friends coming over *too*, y’know,” she looked over at me.

“Keep it up and we’ll turn this into a guys night,” I jabbed.

“Well I hope you’re ready for the opposite,” she responded, looking at her phone. “I have maybe two or three guys visiting.”

“Just keep it down, your mom is finishing some work upstairs,” Mike called to Allie as he walked into the kitchen.

“Yeah, sure,” Allie agreed, nose in her phone.

“Happy birthday,” I teased at her, knowing she didn’t like the formalities.

Allie turned around to me and gave me an odd smirk before turning the corner and heading up the stairs. She had a cute smile that I was kind of dumbfounded by. Before I could think too much about it I walked into the kitchen to join Mike.

We spent roughly half an hour setting things up. Mike wasn’t tolerating a big party with loud music, or streamers or anything like that though, so all we really had to do was take care of some condiments and place some towels by the pool. The house was already relatively clean, I’m guessing done by Mike’s wife. She was a schoolteacher who was barricaded in her study upstairs for the night.


By 7:00pm, Allie’s first guest parked outside as we were getting ready to head into the garage.

“Looks like it’s our time,” I said to Mike.

“Yeah, apparently we’re too ugly to be seen.”

We got our things and proceeded out of the kitchen and to the garage door. As Mike opened it I heard Allie rush downstairs and to the front door to let her friend inside.

The plan was to entertain ourselves for the next five hours in the garage. This sounds antagonistic to Mike and I at first, but it isn’t really a terrible idea. The garage was stuffed with many different thing aside from the pool table. There was also a flatscreen T.V., an old sofa, a few chairs and a badminton table. This wasn’t counting Mike’s golf gear, baseballs, bats, gloves, fishing supplies and woodwork.

We would only leave the garage under three conditions. One, the party was too loud. Two, we needed some things from the kitchen. Three, Allie just flat out asked us to for whatever reason.

“Up for some really long games of pool?” Mike asked, turning on the lights.

“Guess we have no choice,” I answered, shutting the door behind us.

“When we get too bored we’ll watch a movie or two.”

“You’re on,” I said, grabbing a beer as we approached the pool table.

Over the course of an hour Allie’s guests finally all arrived. They weren’t being too loud but it was clear there was around fifteen people in the house from the chatter. Mike wasn’t the type of dad to be irritated at anything so he was doing alright for the moment. Our games were coming to a close so gradually moved over to the couch. By now, we were about four cans into our beer.

Later in the night, at about 8:30, we got kind of hungry.

“How the hell did we forget to get dinner?” Mike sighed, pausing the movie.

“I guess we were so obsessed with working out this party.”

“Well, I suppose.”

“You want to just order a pizza?”

“Nah, I think we’ve got some spaghetti in the fridge if you’re into that.”

“Well,” I laughed. “I guess that’ll work.”

Mike sat back, rubbing his eyes. “You want to head into the war zone, or do you want me to do it?”

Admittedly I didn’t want to, but I don’t think Mike wanted to either. He was already so comfortable where he sat, so I made my decision in about twenty seconds of thought. I gave him a thumbs up and walked towards the door.

I couldn’t hear anything on the other side anymore, so this was a good sign. *Maybe they’re at the pool,* I thought to myself as I opened the door. Seeing their things all sprawled out across the carpet in the living room I assumed I was correct.

The kitchen was ransacked of the goodies we left out for the guests. Chip bags were almost empty, cups were in the sink and the cake was half cut. There was a window that peeked into the backyard so I decided to look at the scene. Correct in my assumption, I saw the crowd happily jumping in the pool.

Searching in the fridge I found the spaghetti in just a few seconds. I set out the container on the counter and looked for two plates. As I did this I heard three voices enter the room. One belonged to Allie so I didn’t completely tense up.

“So anyways, I saw him again last summer, but he was still-“ Allie stopped, seeing me at the counter. “You’re breaking violations!” She half joked at me.

“Don’t arrest me, we were hungry,” I nervously laughed, not wanting the herd to come inside.

“I guess I can let it slide,” Allie said, reaching into the fridge. One of her friends, a girl gave her an odd expression. I’m assuming, curious about how she was so friendly with some “random” middle-aged man. The other kid was a guy that looked like he was a little too interested in Allie. As she dug through the fridge I caught him catching glimpses of Allie’s ass.

Finishing up and just wanting to get out of there, I passed the spaghetti container to Allie. She took it and placed it back into the fridge, still busy looking for drinks for her two friends. As I left the kitchen I caught one more glance at the scene. Allie was preoccupied in the fridge while her girl friend was busy in her phone and her other friend was transfixed on her body. I shouldn’t have, but I shot my eyes over at Allie as well just out of curiosity.

Allie was wearing a pair of shorts that stopped right at her thighs. They were borderline booty shorts. She worse a loose tank top that revealed her bikini top pretty easily and flip flops on her feet. I had seen Allie for many years but I never really took notice of her hourglass figure from the back. This kid knew what he was eyeing. Allie’s ass rounded below her waist, begging to burst out of her shorts. It was one of the sexiest sights I’d ever seen. I could feel myself slightly get an erection, so I quickly left out of shame.

Mike and I sat back on the couch and watched our movie but I couldn’t quite get the imagery out of my head. I needed to stop but Allie really was just so cute, and now 18, so it wasn’t like it was illegal. She had brown, wavy hair that fell over her shoulders. Freckles, tanned skin and a soothing voice too. Now that I was thinking about it, a rack as well.

It was probably just the alcohol. I forced myself to focus on the movie for a bit and after a while I noticed Mike had fallen asleep. The night was pretty uneventful for the following hours, which was nice because we didn’t have to police anything.


At 11:40pm, I nudged Mike awake.

“It’s twenty minutes until,” I said to him.

“Ah, shit,” he yawned, stretching his arms.

“They’ve been pretty quiet, should we go check it out?”

“That’s certainly a better idea then this damn couch.”

I thought Mike was pretty sober at this point considering the small amount of beers with the added nap. I wasn’t drunk, but I had about six beers. He led the way and walked back into the living room. To our surprise, we only found Allie and two other guests sitting on one of the couches. Neither of them were the persons I saw earlier.

“Well I guess that’s our cue,” Allie said. They were all looking at their phones.

“Everyone quit on you?” Mike asked Allie.

“Nothing was happening so they left a little early.”

Mike and I looked around the living room. It wasn’t very messy but there was still little scraps of trash here and there. We got a head start on tomorrow morning and grabbed what was in sight on our way to the kitchen to put our plates from the spaghetti in the sink.

“They left their drinks in the backyard,” Allie called to the kitchen as Mike turned on the sink. He tossed our plates and any dish ware sitting around inside as well.

“So they’re all mine?” Mike responded.

“Yeah I guess!”

As Mike washed these few dishes Allie and her two remaining friends got off the couch and whispered to each other. Allie lead them to the front door to see them out.

“Thanks for having us Allie’s *dad*,” one of them slurred, trying to keep their balance.

Mike just looked over at them and rolled his eyes.

Allie closed the door behind them as they walked outside. “Don’t be rude,” Allie giggled at her father, obviously kind of sloshed as well.

“How was your party?” He asked her and she wrapped her arms around him. I stood at the other side of the kitchen, watching the last car drive away.

“It was nice, thank you daddy,” she moved him left and right, trying to dance.

“I’m gonna go piss,” I said to them, leaving the room. Allie looked over at me and laughed. While I did my business in their downstairs bathroom they chatted amongst theirselves about the night. When I got back, Mike and Allie were walking out of the kitchen.

“Well I’m going to sleep,” Mike said, locking the front door. “Jake, you sleep wherever the hell you want.”

“Yeah alright,” I called to him as he sauntered upstairs. Allie turned to me.

“Goodnight,” she said, still upholding that same drunken grin.

“Goodnight,” I responded.

Allie’s bedroom was downstairs. Instead of going into her room, however, she went into the bathroom. I thought about sleeping on the couch, but then I got another idea.

Instead of going to sleep now what if I just swam in the pool for a bit? I deserved it after all, having just baby sat for a few hours. It really wasn’t a bad idea.

The outside air was cool. I made sure to quietly shut the back door behind me as I crept outside. As I assumed there would be, I found a pile of extra unused towels. I made sure to wear trunks underneath my clothes just in case this would happen so I didn’t have to worry about that either.

I took off my clothes until I was just in those trunks. No time was waisted as I made my way to the pool, eager to relax. I stepped into the shallow end slowly so my body could regulate with the temperature. The only noise that echoed was the waves splashing around me and the crickets singing in the night.

Fifteen minutes passed as I was watching the night sky. I counted the stars, thinking about my life. My divorce seemed like it was only yesterday. I got to wondering how I ended up where I was now, relaxing in a pool at midnight after a party.

“*Hey*,” a voice called to me. It scared me coming from nowhere so I shot up and looked around, it was Allie.

“What the hell are you doing out here?”

“Before I went to sleep I saw you out here from my window, so I came to say hey.”

“Alright, you did it,” I said, looking back up at the sky. “So go to sleep.”

“Wait,” Allie said, speaking up. “Can I join you?”

My eyes squinted as I looked back at her, taken aback by the sudden request. “What? Why?”

“I just want to,” she giggled. She was still drunk.

“And what if I said no?”

“Come *on*, it’s my birthday,” she begged.

I sighed. Truthfully I did want to be out there alone but it wouldn’t hurt anything, right?

“Okay. Fine,” I gave in, lying back once again.

Quickly, Allie slid her flip flops back off. I made sure not to watch her creepily as she threw her tank top over her head and pulled her shorts off, revealing her bikini. My memory deemed correct as her breasts dropped as her tank top rode up her chest. Since she couldn’t see, I at least saw them jiggle. I averted my eyes, not wanting to get too carried away.

Allie crept into the pool a few feet away from me. She relaxed as well, watching the sky.

“So how have you been?” She asked me.

“I could be better,” I answered honesty. “Better than you.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” She laughed.

“How much did you drink?”

“You can’t answer a question with a question.”


“I had maybe, hmm…” she thought to herself. “I think five shots of vodka? Three cans of beer? A mixture as well.”

I looked over at the chairs behind us. The boxes of alcohol shone in the moonlight. I couldn’t believe I didn’t notice it before.

“Well, no more for tonight.”

“Well obviously,” she looked over at me. “You should’ve been there, it would’ve been fun.”

“No, I’m boring,” I laughed at her. “I can’t be at a high school party.”

“**College** party,” she pushed.

“You’re not in college yet.”

“Shut up,” she jabbed. “I’ll be out of state soon.”

“Besides, your guest list looked as welcoming as is.”

She gave me a confused sort of look. “Sure?”

“That guy in the kitchen seemed pretty interested in you, who is he?”

Allie laughed, punching my shoulder. “Logan? He’s a fucking idiot.”

“Watch your mouth, you dumbass.”

“He’s only into me because of this stupid rumor flying around school-“ she caught herself, and stopped. “Shit, forget I said that.”

“Uh, okay?” I said, turning to her. “You alright?”

“Yeah, I’m fine, it’s just stupid.”

Our eyes caught each other in a trance. Her crystal blue eyes gleamed illuminated by the moon, her lips parted from her shallow breathing.

“Well, you know you can talk to me about anything,” I said, turning away.

“Yeah I guess…” she trailed off.

The two of us sat in silence for a few minutes.

“Okay, fine,” Allie spoke up again. “Since you’re so pushy.”

“Well okay,” I sighed. “What is it?”

“You can’t tell dad.”

“Yeah okay, what?”

“There’s this *stupid* rumor going around, that I, well…” she paused. “That I’m good at giving head.” She laughed pretty hard as she finished this sentence, unable to control herself.

“What?” I chocked, not expecting this at all. “What the fuck?”

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that,” she was crying of laughter.

“No, it’s just…” I swallowed. “Not what I was expecting you to say.”

“Well there it is,” she said, trying to catch her breath.

“How does that even come up? What did you do?” I asked her.

“To be honest,” she raised her eyebrows. “I’m kind of a slut.”

“Don’t say that about yourself,” I laughed. Admittedly I felt myself harden.

“No it’s true,” she finally calmed down. “The rumor is that I’ve sucked like six dicks in a month.”

“That’s a high toll,” my heart beat steadily at the tone of the conversation. “But it’s not true, so don’t worry about it.”

Allie put her hand over her mouth, giggling. Her face was beat red. I realized what this meant and decided to parent her.

“What are you trying to do? Catch some fucking diseases?”

“I’m sorry, okay?”

“Sorry won’t work in the hospital, Allie. Jesus Christ, why six?”

Allie rolled her eyes back into her head, her grin still present. “We should probably stop talking about this, I’m drunk.”

“You may be right,” I admitted, reality smacking me in the face. “I’m kind of pushing it too, but I’m not as drunk as you are. I’m supposed to be the adult.”

“We’re both adults now,” she said, locking eyes with me again. We held a glance for a few seconds. The moment was so intense, I knew I needed to back off.

“Yeah, I guess we are,” I moved to get up. I stopped myself, however, realizing I shouldn’t. My erection was rock solid. My tent in my trunks was very prevalent and if I stood up Allie would surely notice. I was stuck.

“I just, I don’t know…” she stretched, looking back at the stars. “I know it’s dumb. I shouldn’t do that.”

“Yeah, so don’t.”

“Can I be more honest with you?”

“Sure,” I answered, nervous.

“I keep doing it, well, because I like the taste. Is that weird?”

“I don’t know, Allie,” I sighed. “We shouldn’t talk about this.”

“I know, but *fuck*,” Allie moaned. “I’m gonna have a hangover tomorrow.”

We sat watching the stars in silence for a few more minutes. It became clear to me Allie wasn’t gonna continue the conversation seeing as her conversation skills weren’t in tact. I needed to get out of that pool and away from Allie because I was honestly getting turned on from talking about this with her. I couldn’t leave, though, because she was causing a tent in my trunks.

*Its been years since a woman turned me on this much*, I thought to myself. My mind went back to my ex wife. The last time we had sex was a few months before the divorce. It was just odd now that Mike’s daughter was the girl giving me a hard on. I could masturbate in the bathroom when I got inside and just forget this night ever happened.

Then I thought about Allie. I shouldn’t have, but she did have such a nice figure. Her ass from the scene from earlier was so inviting, and I began to wonder what bra size she might be. Age play was a kink that some people were into, I just never considered it before. At that second, fantasies about fucking Allie in her bed flew into my head, and my heart sank. It was a sight I knew I shouldn’t be having but I honestly didn’t hate.

“What about the…” I gasped for air. “What about the taste do you like?”

“Huh?” Allie said, not paying attention.

“You said you like the taste,” my heart raced. “Why?”

“You sure you want to know?” She spoke softly. She was still drunk but this question sort of stabilized her brain.

“I asked.”

“Well…” she cleared her throat and readjusted her seating position. “The skin of it has a weird taste to it if I suck at it, I like it. The length tastes different from the head, and the… the balls.”

“Oh, I n-never knew,” I stuttered. The conversation was getting us pretty heated.

“I like kissing the tip,” she said. “But it’s not my favorite.”

“Then what is?” I turned to her again, my breathing staggering.

“I really like…” she took a breath of air. “I really like sucking the balls. I like rinsing them around my cheeks, and sucking them dry.”

My erection was hurting, trying desperately to shoot out of my trunks. I forgot about trying not to fuck her and threw all of my cares away. This was too hot.

“You’re not uncomfortable, are you?” I asked her.

Allie’s face was a deep shade of red from talking about this. “No, I don’t mind,” I said softly. “Do you?”

I nodded a no to let her know I was okay. I didn’t push the topic, though, I didn’t want to cross the line. Allie, however, was eager to keep it going.

“The thicker they are, the better. I like to fit as much as I can in my throat.”

“You *are* a slut,” I told her. I felt I was going to pass out.

“When’s the last time you had one? Your ex wife?”

I struggled to answer the question. “Yeah, it’s been a while.”

“Do you like it?”

“Yeah, of course I do.”

“What specifically?”

It was my turn to speak up, I could tell she was wanting some validation. This should’ve stopped a while ago but I just kept going.

“I liked her tongue flicking on my tip. She would take my whole length in her throat and then I’d fuck her roughly, the way she liked it.”

“Wow,” she gasped.

“She didn’t really suck on my balls though, that’s not very common.”

“Well I like doing that, so it can’t be that uncommon.”

“Yeah I guess,” we locked eyes again for a few seconds.

“And the taste of cum…” Allie spoke. “Don’t get me started on that.”

The last bit of reality I had in me hit and I stood up suddenly. I had to get out of there. This had gone too far, and I feared it could get worse. My body was hot with excitement that I knew would later turn to shame.

That’s when I looked down and realized what I had done. As I stood before Allie, my cock pointed against my trunks, forming a very obvious boner. It wasn’t down my leg or stifled up, but pointed directly in front of me like a spear. Allie’s eyes were locked right on the zone, there was no mistaking it.

“Fuck,” was all I could say. “I’m sorry. Shit.”

“No, it’s okay,” she chocked, still staring. “I didn’t know I was exciting you.”

“God damn it,” I cursed myself. I was frozen solid, hands over my face out of shame. I looked back at Allie after a few seconds to see her still staring at my erection. Her eyes hadn’t moved at all.

I wanted to move my legs but something in me couldn’t. Right now, Allie was openly staring at my erection. I didn’t tell her to stop and I didn’t move.

“How big are you?” Allie whispered.


“I’m sorry, should I not ask that?” She finally looked up at me.

I looked around, and swallowed. “Seven inches.”

“Longest I’ve had is six,” Allie said, looking back at my tent.

This was now the breaking moment and I knew it. I could either leave now and pretend this never happened or this situation could go south quickly. I thought about my ex wife, Allie, Mike and his family. This was wrong but my hormones were taking control of me like a teenager. All I could think about is Allie’s body and her interest in my erection.

“Would you want to…” I trailed off. Allie looked at me, focusing her attention on my words. “Would you want to see seven?”

Allie froze, her mouth open in awe. Her breathing intensified. “I… well, is that really okay?”

“I don’t know, but I’m asking you now,” I chocked up. “Do you want to see it?”

Allie looked back at my tent, then back at my eyes again. She was intoxicated but still unsure of the situation. Her tongue moved across her lips, wetting them from dryness. Watching her do that was so sexy. Finally, she nodded her head in approval.

Allie was seated three feet away from me. I was standing, my waist at level with her head. I reached my hands down in front of me and took hold of my waist band. I took in a deep breath as I slid my trunks off completely, my cock springing to attention. Allie gasped, placing her hand over her mouth.

My dick was displayed right in front of her. My sack was as well, it hang low. She looked all around, moving her head at different angles. We didn’t say anything for a whole minute.

“Okay, that’s good enough,” I said, grabbing my trunks at my knees.

“No, stop,” Allie chocked up. “Just let me stare at it.”

“I don’t know-“

“It’s so fat,” she exhaled. “Your veins are so hot. You’re trimmed too, and circumcised.”

She knew exactly what she was doing. I dropped my trunks again and didn’t move.

“And your balls, too,” Allie said. “I like them.”

At this moment, I used my right hand and grabbed hold of my length. Allie carefully watched as I gently squeezed, my veins puffing out more. I slowly rubbed up and down, stroking myself for her viewing pleasure. My breathing sharpened more and more with each stroke. Allie watched with heavy anticipation.

After a minute, pre-cum leaked out of me. I pulled my skin back and watched as it trailed from the tip of my cock down into the pool like a strand of saliva. We were both quiet.

Then, Allie made eye contact with me. She opened her mouth and dared to bring her face a few inches closer to my body. I knew what she was implying but I couldn’t bring myself to tell her yes or no. I could only watch her cute face begging to taste my cock in her mouth.

She couldn’t resist any longer. Without waiting for my permission, Allie lunged forward, and kissed the tip of my cock, the pre-cum trailing on her lips. I shuddered at the feel of her and instead of pushing her away, I grabbed the back of her head. Allie opened her mouth wide as I shoved her head towards me, causing her to swallow my cock whole. She gagged after taking a few inches in and I let go, letting her do the work.

Allie bobbed up and down my length, using her free hands to grab my thighs. It already felt amazing in comparison to what I remember what my ex wife could do. Her tongue swirled around me and her saliva dripped between her lips and down my shaft.

“Fuck,” I moaned, my eyes now transfixed on her cleavage as she blew me. Her boobs were now my point of interest.

“You taste great,” Allie said, plopping my cock out of her mouth.

“I got to sit down,” I begged Allie as she grabbed my shaft with her left hand. She looked into my eyes and noticed my gaze was fixed on her breasts.

“If it’ll help you,” she muttered to herself. Allie left go of me and reached behind her. I realized what she was doing just as she untied her bikini top. I gasped, seeing her top fall to the pool and her tits drop before me.

Allie had to have had C or D cups. Her skin lightened around her boobs, having not tanned there. Her nipples were hardened, pointing in my direction. I wanted to grope them and suck them between my lips but I knew that might be taking it too far.

I sat on the edge of the pool and leaned back, spreading my legs so Allie had more room. She swam in front of me and grabbed my cock with both hands. Without me needing to even ask she leaned forward and hugged her breasts around my cock. I twitched, feeling her stomach push against me and her boobs rest tightly against my dick.

My hips thrusted up and down, fucking Allie’s tits. She spat on my tip, her saliva being splattered across and between her cleavage from my cock. Allie’s hands squeezed at her boobs, her fingers pinching at her areola. We continued this for several minutes.

Once my hips grew too tired I stopped. As if on queue Allie maneuvered around and positioned her head below my cock and right at my balls. She pumped my shaft with her right hand and rested the left on my thigh. Almost immediately I felt her hot tongue begin lapping at my sack.

The feeling was indescribable. After she got a sense of the taste Allie moved in and sucked one of my testicles into her mouth. Honestly, it hurt for a few seconds, but then it felt *so* hot. The suction I felt forcing one of my testicles further down her tongue was amazing. I let her keep swirling it around in her mouth.

To step it up, she found my other testicle and invited it inside as well. She now had both of my balls suctioned violently between her tongue and the roof of her mouth. All while she did this she stroked my cock, it almost resting on her face.

Allie knew what she was doing. The rumors she told me were true. After this moment I knew I needed to regularly have my balls sucked whenever so received a blowjob from someone. She swirled them around in her mouth like how you suck on a peppermint.

My ejaculation was now pretty close. I couldn’t hold back anymore because of what she was doing to my nuts so I used my hands to pull her back up to my cock, shoving it back in her mouth. I was dead set that she was going to swallow my seed wether she wanted to or not. I think she realized what was happening because she closed her eyes and pumped the length of my shaft that wasn’t in her mouth, gently squeezing my balls with her free hand. Her boobs jiggled up and down, following the rhythm of her head.

If my cock wasn’t down her throat I’m sure I would’ve shot some fat ropes across her face. She felt my semen enter her mouth and froze just as I had. My cock kept firing load after load into her cheeks, surely supplying her with more than either of us could of expected. Still, she gently squeezed and stroked upward to catch every drop.


Once I was sure she had milked me dry I pulled my dick out from her lips. Allie hadn’t swallowed, but was rinsing my cum in her mouth. I stared at her tits and back up at her face as I breathed heavily.

“Show me,” I demanded of her. Allie grinned before opening her mouth, displaying my strands of cum slathered across her tongue and her teeth, almost dripping down her chin. “Now swallow.”

She did exactly that. Allie closed her lips and gulped, keeping eye contact with me. Her devilish smile stuck into my soul, watching her have my cum enter her digestive track. We stared at each other like this for another minute.

“Thank you,” Allie said, now groping her boobs. I wasn’t sure if it was to be sexy or cover them from the nippy air. “I wanted exactly that.”



  1. Well written. Very entertaining and enjoyable.

    I prefer a bit more inner turmoil and danger of being discovered – but this story had a nice amount.

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