Daddy Issues | [M/f] [Teen] [Barely Legal] [Rough] [Blowjob] [Degradation] [Creampie]

**Hey guys! This was a half finished story that I thought I’d lost but found it on an old USB stick, so I thought I’d complete it. I’m quite proud of how it’s turned out, and I think it’s pretty hot.**

**The main character, Freya, is based of the super hot** [Freya Allan](**!**

**Hope you enjoy it!**

The freezing winter climate wasn’t helping Freya’s nerves. The early December snow was up past her heels and walking the roads of suburbia was slow going. She’d had already tripped on the icy sidewalk and landed on her ass twice so far, leaving wet patches up the back of her tight leggings. Thankfully, no one had seen her embarrass herself. Not that anyone was out and about at this late hour. Why would they be? The weather was miserable, and it was getting close to midnight. What reason would someone, let alone an eighteen-year-old girl, have for walking around on a night like this?

*Because this is what you agreed to,* Freya thought, grabbing a lamppost to stop her from falling for the third time. *You agreed to meet at midnight on this day at this very spot.* She moved to the right, slightly walking in someone’s garden to get better footing, the white sprinkled grass crunching under her winter Ugg boot. *You agreed to meet. You said yes,* she kept telling herself, *so why are you so fucking nervous. You want this.*

The corner of Addington Road. That’s what he said. The corner of Addington road next to the off-licence, wait near the wall and he’ll park across the road in a dark blue Audi. That’s what Freya had been told, wait patiently for him near the wall next to the scary off-license where all the dope addicts like to hang out and get pissed.

‘Don’t hang ‘round there.’ Is what her mother always told her as a child, ‘Rough neighbourhood that. Lots of chavs and druggies.’

‘Okay, Mum. I won’t hang about with the chavs and the druggies.’ Little Freya told her.

Yet somehow here she was. In the so-called rough neighbourhood that her mother had warned her about. Thankfully, there were no visible dopeheads and druggies. In fact, the off-licence and the streets surrounding eerily lonely. The wall that he must have been talking about was waist high and constructed of brown brick; there was a thick layer of snow resting on top. She brushed some of it away with her woolly mitten sat down on it, crossing her legs. The white, fluorescent light from inside the shop seeped out, making the snow sparkle like a million flawed diamonds. She rubbed her arms and chest over the green parka. Despite the multiple layers covering her small frame, Freya felt as cold as death.

A shadow flickered across the snowy ground. She turned, a man was coming out from the shop carrying a bag of shopping in one hand and a six-pack of beer in the other. The lanky figure coughed and trod through the snow past Freya.

*Is this one of the dopeheads I was warned about.*

She dropped her gaze to the ground, avoiding the weirdo’s eye contact. He slowed as he left a trail of uneven footprints. Freya felt him examine her for a moment, then he hacked up another coarse cough and carried on down the road. A minute later he was out of her sight.

According to the clock on her phone, it was midnight. As she was shoving the phone back into the pocket of her parka, a car slowly turned around the corner to her left and rolled to a stop across the road from where she sat. A midnight blue Audi with darkened windows; the engine a quiet rumble spreading over the quiet silence of the night.

This was him. Freya’s stomach did an anxious flip and her mouth suddenly felt as dry as sandpaper. She wanted this. This was her doing. She agreed to this, and whatever happened next was no fault but her own.

*I agreed to it.*

The headlights flashed for a split moment. A signal. A beckon for her to come over and begin the filthy fantasy that she’d been craving for as long as she could remember. She stood up and began the short walk to the thing she’d been wanting for so long. Her eyes were so transfixed on the car that she nearly slipped on the icy surface of the road. She regained her composure and crept nearer.

The metallic *click* of the passenger side door unlocking made her jump, and for a split moment, she considered running away. Home was only a ten-minute walk away after all. She could sprint home and jump into bed, hide under the covers, and try to forget all about her indecent desires. It would be so easy to leave.

*This is what I want.*

As if an unseen puppet master was controlling her, she reached out and opened the door, spilling warm light over her and sealing her fate for the next hour.

‘Evening. You must be Freya.’ A voice from inside said. The way he spoke reminded Freya of a teacher she had had in school. Authoritative and calm, wouldn’t take no for an answer no matter the reason you were late or didn’t have your homework.

Freya climbed into the expensive leather seat. And for the first time got a look at the man she’d agreed to meet. Mid to late fifties. Short cropped hair, grey with hints of the black tone it used to be, same with the stubble on his cheeks and chin. He was built big, wide, and tall, and was probably in decent shape a few years ago. Time had done its work, however, giving him a slight belly and wrinkles beneath his eyes. He was dressed how a man who drove a car like this would dress. Smart white shirt, the cuffs rolled up. Dark grey suit pants above shiny black leather shoes. When Freya was in the city she’d see people like him on the street, talking important business on the phone, rushing to board meetings.

‘Hi.’ Freya said, her nerves as obvious as the blonde hair on her head. A moment passed and she could smell his expensive cologne. ‘So… what do you want me to call you? You never gave your name in the chat room.’

‘I did. My username was Daddy. And that’s what you’re gonna call me. Understand?’

She nodded, ‘Yes.’


‘Yes. Daddy.’

‘Good girl.’ Daddy put the car into gear and slowly drove away from the off-licence. ‘I know a spot where we can have some fun. I’ve taken other girls there before.’ They drove in silence for a few minutes. Out of the suburbs and onto the motorway. ‘So, you still want what you asked for?’ He said, changing the car up a gear ‘What we agreed to?’

‘Yes please, Daddy.’ It felt strange calling him that out loud. It was easy when they were just chatting over text, when this whole idea was just a fantasy. When it wasn’t actually about to happen, the felt alien to her.

‘Good.’ Daddy said. ‘And remember, I don’t do safe words. When we start, whatever happens, happens. I won’t be stopping, even if it hurts. You’re in my car now. I own you. Got it?

‘Okay, Daddy.’ Freya said, looking out the window. She had never been on the motorway when it was this empty before. It was kinda pretty. The yellow light bulbs from the lampposts going on for eternity ahead of them.

*Don’t be scared… You want this.*

‘Were you telling the truth? About your age?’ Daddy asked, ‘You’re actually eighteen?’

‘Yes, Daddy. My birthday was in November.’

He smiled. The idea of meeting with a barely legal teen was obviously pleasing to him. ‘Why older men?’ He asked, ‘I’m sure there’s a lot of eager guys your own age looking to fuck you.’

‘I guess I just prefer older guys.’

‘You a virgin?’

Freya hesitated, ‘Yeah.’

‘Then how do you know you prefer older guys?’

‘I don’t really know…’ Freya wasn’t expecting to be questioned.

‘I do.’ Daddy smiled, ‘You’ve got daddy issues.’

Silence as Freya pondered what to say next, but Daddy spoke first.

‘All the young sluts that I meet have them. Their Dads left them. Their Dads died. Their Dads abused them. Always something like that. Fucks them up in the head and they end up meeting guys like me. So, tell me, what’s your issue?’

‘Er…’ Freya looked away. ‘My Dad left when I was little. My Mum never remarried, and it’s just been me and her since.’

‘Ah, I see.’ He said, ‘The lack of a father figure in your life is why you’re here. You want an older guy to give you attention. Even if it’s fucked up attention.’ Freya saw him grin from the corner of her eye, ‘Don’t worry, I’ll be your new Daddy.’

They drove in silence for five minutes before stopping at a set of traffic lights. The car pulled up close underneath them, and the stoplight bathed them in red.

‘Take your mittens off.’ He said.

Freya did as she was told and slipped the purple mittens off her delicate hands. Daddy then firmly grabbed her wrist and pulled her arm over to his crotch. Through his grey suit pants she could feel his manhood slowly stiffening, she began to rub softly, and even now he felt massive. The lights turned green and the car accelerated. ‘We’re getting close to the spot now.’ He said, ‘Unzip me.’

Freya leant over as much as the seatbelt allowed her and started to fumble with the fly of his suit pants. When she had figured it out she moved on to his belt and unbuckled it. Daddy reached down pulled his cock through, and Freya gulped slightly when she saw the size. He’d told her quite crudely how big he was in one of their dirty exchanges online, but he hadn’t done it justice. It must have been close to nine inches in length, and it was thick too. Freya trembled in fearful delight, thinking what it was going to feel like inside her. It was the first cock she’d ever seen in real life and up close; she bit her lip as warm excitement danced down her spine and turned into an eager want in her pussy.

She wrapped her fingers around the broad shaft and began to move her arm up and down, stroking from the bottom up, then massaging her palm over the bulbous red tip. A small droplet of pre-cum oozed out and stuck to her skin, and as she continued to stroke his cock became slick and sticky.

Two minutes past as they drove, the only sound being the friction of Freya’s hand wiping Daddy’s cock up and down. They turned onto off-ramp and then again turned onto a smaller road. A minute or so later the car turned a final time onto a gravel road. They stopped soon after in a small clearing, a small circle of well-driven stones and gravel capped with thick snow, circled by the tall frost laden trees.

Continuing to stroke Daddy, Freya said ‘There’s another car over there.’ She pointed with her free hand across the other side of the clearing, where a small green hatchback was parked. It’s wheel arches were bouncing up and down slightly and the suspension squeaking.

‘Don’t worry about it.’ Daddy said, ‘Just some other people having a bit of fun. Like I said this is a good spot for our… *activities.*’ The other car’s engine coughed to life and the lights flickered on. ‘Looks like they’re done.’ Daddy smiled. ‘I’ve seen that car here a couple times before.’

The green hatchback did a J-turn, the back tires spewing up the snow. It slowly rolled past the blue Audi. A man very similar to Daddy was driving, fifties and greying. He gave Freya a knowing nod. In the passenger seat next to him was teen, no older than Freya. She had long red hair that was dishevelled and had red lipstick that had smudged over her face with another sticky substance. Her eyes were green and hollow. Freya looked into those deep eyes, still stroking Daddy’s cock.

*That’s gonna be me soon.*

The car drove off behind them and the lights faded into the dark. Daddy slowly turned the car around into the clearing and switched the engine off. Freya’s hand was still gripped around his throbbing dick. He pushed her away and then stroked himself. ‘Take the coat off.’ Freya undid her seatbelt and pulled down the zip on her parka and pulled it off. Underneath she was wearing a loose cardigan over a plain white tee shirt. ‘And the cardigan.’ He said, his eyes examining her with wicked intent. She slipped the cardigan over her arms and then chucked it and the parka behind her onto the back seat. Even inside the car, the freezing climate of the winter night that was howling outside shook Freya to the bone. Through the white fabric of her shirt, her nipples could be seen, reacting to the temperature.

Daddy undid his seatbelt. Still stroking his cock, he slid his other hand under her tee-shirt. His fingers sneaked up over the soft, perfect flesh of her belly, then clenched over her perky breast. He squeezed and played with her nipples, pinching them hard, getting a small wince from Freya.

‘You like that?’ He asked, his thumb and forefinger circling the pink flesh.


He pinched her nipple heavily, ‘Yes…?’ He didn’t release any pressure from his hand.

‘Yes, Daddy.’ Freya squirmed, and he let go. Her breast was sore, but the feeling between her legs was anything but.

He removed his hand. ‘Take the tee shirt off. Now.’ Freya followed her Daddy’s order and lifted the shirt above her head. The threw it in the back onto the rest of her clothes. Her petite frame shivered. Her skin was a gorgeous pale shade, apart from the red marks on her small breast where Daddy had groped her.

He caressed her cheek, then moved his hand to the back of her head. ‘You’re gonna suck my cock. Okay? You’re gonna suck it and take it all the way down that pretty throat of yours, just like you said you would. I’m gonna use and abuse that mouth and your face for as long as I want. I’m allowed to do whatever I want to you, ‘cos I own you now. That’s what you agreed to. Isn’t it, you little cunt.’ He roughly brought her closer to him, their faces mere inches away. ‘Tell me. Tell me that I own you.’

Freya’s voice was feeble. ‘You own me, Daddy. You can do whatever you want to me because I agreed to it.’

He smiled, ‘And what are you?’

‘A little cunt.’ Freya said, thinking that was the first time she’d ever said that word.

‘Good girl. Now suck Daddy’s cock.’ He clutched his hand, taking a handful of her delicate blonde hair and forcefully pulled her down.

*This what I agreed to,* she thought as she opened her mouth wide and let Daddy’s thick cock brush over her lips and across her tongue. *This is it. You’re giving your first blowjob.* She thought back to all the porn she watched in her life and attempted to imitate the girls in the videos by forcing as much of Daddy’s dick into her mouth as she could, but only getting five inches in before her gag reflex activated and she pulled away to get her breath back.

In a vicious sudden movement, Daddy pulled her up to face him and delivered a swift hard smack across her cheek. Then again, and again until her cheek was red with pain.

‘You said you wanted it in your throat. That’s what you told me in all your dirty messages.’ He slapped her again. ‘That’s what you said. Stop being a fucking bitch and take it. Even if you gag, even if you can’t breathe, keep my fucking dick in your mouth. Can you do that?’

Freya nodded quickly.

Daddy slapped her again. ‘I asked you a question. Answer me.’

‘Yes, Daddy. I can do it.’ Freya felt her eyes become warm and damp, that feeling that proceeds an outburst of tears.

Daddy grazed her cheek with his warm hand, then moved down, wrapping his fingers around her throat. His lightly tightened his hold. Freya felt fear when she saw the look of malevolence in his dark eyes. But it was a fear that felt good. A fear that made her pussy tingle in devilish glee.

This *is* what she had agreed to after all.

‘Now suck me off. Properly this time.’

Daddy forced her down. Again, Freya took his thick cock in her mouth. Taking it slower this time, moving her head up and down, each time letting him deeper into her throat. She got to about six inches when the gag returned. She coughed and spluttered, saliva seeping out from the corners of her mouth and dripping down his cock. Closing her eyes, she regained her focus and didn’t move away. She wanted to please him and she couldn’t bear another slap.

‘That’s it…’ Daddy said, gritting his teeth in pleasure. ‘You’re good little cocksucker, aren’t you?’ He placed his hand on the back of her head and applied some firm pressure, making sure she couldn’t get up. ‘Go on. All of it in your throat. That’s what you want isn’t it.’

Freya let out a sound in agreement, but it came out as an unintelligible gargle. It didn’t really matter though. Even if she did protest there was nothing she could do about it. It was as he had said: She belonged to him. His little slut.

Daddy’s hips started to thrust upwards, pushing himself in those three last inches. The gentle flesh of Freya’s neck began to bulge and move with every pump, and before she knew it, all of him was in her. ‘That’s it. Good girl. Hold it there.’ He moaned in bliss, using both hands like a vice to stop her from moving. A minute or so passed before her throat started to ache, as tears dripped down her cheeks, the lack of air making her head feel light and feint. Panic began to set in. She began to squirm and wriggle uncontrollably, convulsing and shaking as if she was having some sort of attack. Just as her vision blurred, Daddy pulled Freya up. His cock slid out and she gasped desperately for air, sucking in as much oxygen as her lungs could hold.

It hurt as he pulled her hair, making her face him. He slapped her, the hardest one yet, and roughly grabbed her chin. ‘You’re a stupid fucking whore. A useless cunt who can’t even deepthroat properly.’

Freya inhaled, sniffling. ‘I’m sorry… Daddy. I’ll do better.’ She coughed, tasting the bitter mix of saliva and pre-cum in her mouth. ‘I’ll suck your cock… really good. I promise-’ Her begging was interrupted with another wet slap.

‘No.’ Daddy said, ‘Take your leggings off.’ He pushed her back into her seat. ‘And fast.’ Freya looked down. The tight black leggings were tucked into her brown boots. She leant down and began to untie the laces, when Daddy said, ‘No. Just pull them down. You’re gonna want to keep your boots on.’


He raised his hand. Freya flinched but no slap came, instead Daddy grabbed her by the shoulder, his fingers indenting the skin. ‘Why? Because I fucking said so. That’s why.’ His grip was applying painful pressure to her collarbone. ‘When will you learn to just do as I fucking say? You’re nothing. You’re not a person. You’re a piece of warm meat. You’re a couple of walking holes that only exists so creeps and perverts like me can abuse you. You understand that? You don’t get to complain or ask questions. That mouth doesn’t open unless it’s to suck my cock. Now,’ He tilted closer, ‘Pull down your fucking leggings you dumb useless whore.’

He let go of her, and Freya resisted the urge to rub her pained shoulder. Quickly, she hooked her thumbs under the waist of her leggings and lifting herself up a few inches, pulled them down to her ankles. Beneath she was wearing pink panties, at least that’s the colour they were an hour ago. Her pussy was so wet she’d soaked through the fabric, turning the pink of the crotch a dark purple. Daddy sneered when he saw the mess she’d made.

‘See. You’re such a fucking a slut.’ He said, ‘You love being slapped and choked by me, don’t you? Makes you wet being told what you really are, doesn’t it?’

‘Yes, Daddy.’ Freya wept in agreement.

‘Yeah, it does. You don’t even know my fucking name. That’s how much of a cock hungry bitch you are. You met up with a guy who’s old enough to be your father without even getting his name. And now he’s gonna destroy your virgin pussy.’ He held her chin, forcing her to look into his face. ‘You’re pathetic. You know that?

Freya nodded. It was true. She was a pathetic cumdumpster whose only purpose in life was to please cocks. Once she accepted that brutal fact, it would be freeing. Being liberated from the prison of her mundane life.

‘I’m pathetic, Daddy. Your little pathetic whore.’

Daddy grinned. He pressed a button on the dash and the car unlocked. ‘Get out.’ He opened his door and stepped out into the freezing night. Freya followed, the sharp icy wind attacking her naked body from all directions. ‘Go to the bonnet.’ He spoke over the roof. The leggings around Freya’s ankles made walking next to impossible, forcing her to hobble across the snowy gravel. She tripped and Daddy caught her in his large arms.

‘Sorry, Daddy-’

He slapped her, the wintry weather making the side of her face sting from his hard clap, then grabbed her throat tightly. ‘Be fucking careful.’ He spun her around and bent her down on the Audi’s bonnet, the metal still warm from the engine underneath. This heat was pleasant on Freya’s cold belly and her squished tits.

Daddy posited himself behind her, using her feet to kick her legs apart. He put his hands down the back of her panties and ripped the fabric apart, tossing the tattered piece of cloth to the wind. The cold chill travelled over Freya’s ass and across her drenched pussy, where the juices had dripped down to her upper thighs. She felt the slick tip of Daddy’s cock brush against her leg, then the poke into her wet pussy. Keeping just the tip resting in her entrance, he moved his hand up her back and grabbed a handful of her hair, wrapping it around his wrist.

In a fierce, violent movement, he rammed all nine inches into her tight teen pussy, forcefully removing her virginity and making her howl in distress and pain. He pulled out, then plunged himself into her again. Each thrust stung more than the last, as Freya’s teen hole was stretched to fit Daddy’s thick cock. He yanked back on her hair, pulling her close so he could whisper in her ear, ‘This was what you were waiting for, wasn’t it?’ His brutal thrusts didn’t relent, ‘All those daddy issues and fucked up childhood memories… that crippling hole in your life. All it led to was this.’ He pushed her back down and sped up, his cock splitting in her in two.

*You agreed to this. This is what you wanted.* Her watery eyes covered her cheeks in tears. It hurt so bad. As if her insides were being tenderised by a fleshy hammer. Yet despite the immense pain, immeasurable orgasmic pleasure filled Freya’s groin, a boundless warmth of bliss was injected into her with each of Daddy’s savage thrusts. The agony she was feeling was good. A burning passion that made her feel complete.

Daddy pulled out, planted his hands on Freya’s hips and rolled her onto her back. He jolted her legs apart again, and continued the brutal process of defloration. His face was anger and hate in one. With each thrust, he’d grit his teeth and spittle would fly out of his mouth. He brought his hand down on her cheek, in time with each vicious movement of his hips. And each time his large hand connected with her red face, another convulsion of euphoria would shock wave through her body, like a lightning bolt hitting the top of a skyscraper in a storm.

Freya felt him twitch inside her. He stopped slapping her and wrapped his fingers around her billowing throat. The thrusts became quicker and shorter, his hand became clenched around her neck, constricting the flow in her windpipe. Daddy let out a loud animalistic growl, a wild primaeval sound, and exploded inside her. He maintained his violent rhythmic thrusting, pushing his warm sticky seed as deep into her newly ruined cunt as he could go. He came for what felt like an eternity, his thumping cock discharging the enormous load in his balls.

Daddy exhaled and went limp on top of her, his breathing coarse and heavy. Despite the cold, his sweat-covered cheek touched Freya’s face, his stubble rubbing roughly on her skin. He whispered softly in her ear. ‘Get dressed. It’s getting late.’ He stood up and pulled his trousers up, the bulge in his crotch softening. Freya lay on the bonnet, looked up at the night sky. It was clear and starry, snowflakes beginning to fall and land on her bare chest. She could feel his cum inside her… pushed deep into her womb. She felt like a piece of meat. Used and abused like cheap hooker picked up from the redlight district. She got to her feet and pulled the leggings up over her naked ass and pussy. Daddy had torn her panties and they’d blown somewhere out of sight. He was already sitting in back in the car, impatiently waiting.

Back in the car, Freya leant back into the back seat and got dressed. Daddy pulled the car out of the clearing and headed back to the motorway. They didn’t speak on the way back. He kept his eyes on the road and Freya curled up in a ball on the passenger’s seat, emptiness and something close to regret rushing through the stream of her mind.

He parked up where he had picked her up an hour or so ago. The off-license was closed now, the bright light from before switched off. She unbuckled her belt and opened the door when Daddy grabbed her wrist.

‘Aren’t you gonna kiss Daddy goodbye?’

Freya looked at the floor, then smiled dimly at him. She leaned in accepted his rough kiss, his tongue vying for control. His hand moved over her leggings and rubbed over her upper thigh. He forced her hand over to his crotch.

He was hard again. ‘Remember, you little slut,’ He said, ‘You’re pathetic cock sleave and you deserved everything that happened to you tonight.’ He kissed her hard again, then let go. ‘I’ll be seeing you again, soon.’

‘Goodbye, Daddy.’ Freya said, and stepped out of the car. As soon as she shut the door, the engine roared to life and the Audi hurried away. It turned a corner and vanished into the darkness.

Freya rushed home. When she arrived, she opened the front door as quietly as she could and tiptoed upstairs, not wanting to let her mother know she’d been out. She undressed in her bedroom and flung her phone onto the bed. She then went to the bathroom and stepped into the shower. She stood under the hot water for half an hour, letting the flow wash over her face, removing the stains where Daddy’s pre-cum had dried.

When she was done, she headed back to her room and looked in her tall mirror. Her cheeks were red from his slaps, and her throat showed signs of bruising. *What did I do… Oh, fuck oh fuck.* She looked down. His white cum was leaking down her thigh, a cream-white droplet trailing down and bouncing onto the carpet.

She had been degraded and abused like a fucktoy. A man old enough to be her dad had remorselessly fucked her, taking her virginity in the most savage and brutal of ways. He’d treated her like shit. He’d taken what he wanted from her, no matter how much it hurt or made her cry. Like he had said: *You’re a couple of walking holes that only exists so creeps and perverts like me can abuse you.*

A warm tear crossed down her cheek. His cum was still dripping down her thigh. She wiped at it with a finger, then lapped it up eagerly with her tongue, sucking on her forefinger. Sitting on the edge of the bed, so she could get a clear view of her physically abused reflection in the mirror, she moved her hand down between her thighs.

Freya thought of Daddy as she began to touch herself.

**THE END.**



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