The time i [F] peed in a guys mouth

I was conversing with this guy on a kink site. I had set my profile to a random city, I guess I did that because I was being cautious, didn’t want people to know where abouts I lived. So he says he lives near by and wonders if i’m into using him as a human toilet, says he’ll pay me. I wasn’t desperate for cash, but I was coincidently going through the area later that summer. So i just threw out a figure at him, £150. This guy really wanted to drink my piss for some reason, he didn’t try to haggle even. So I worked out my logistics, and set the date. I would be driving by myself, so I could just stop off at his place for half an hour, no one would ever know.

From where i was setting off, it was a five hour drive. I drank loads of water to make sure I would need to go when i got there.

This guy was really sub, all his kinks were sub type kinks, so I figured he wouldn’t do anything to me. I’d already decided I was going anyway. I met him outside and he lead me to his flat, gave me my money. His place was a bit of a dump, but i dont mind that. He had music instruments and records, and we talked about music and stuff a little. He was nervous about it but also very excited. He’d been dreaming about drinking piss from womans pussy for a long time. He’d been trying to make it happen for years, and kept being let down.

So he lays towels down, strips, and lies on top of them on his back. I strip also, and walk over to him and squat over his head, putting my pussy to his mouth.

Now, this was all a bit of a mind fuck for me, being in this unusual situation, and I was finding it difficult to pee. Even though i made sure i would need to go, and did need to when i arrived, I couldn’t. It didnt help that he kept licking my pussy, in fact that made it more difficult. I was trying to concentrate. And then after a while i was trying not to concentrate. I told him he should stop licking me, it was putting me off. My legs were killing and i had to keep switching to a different position. I was there for about 20 minutes trying to get myself to piss. I kept imagining waterfalls and drinks being poured.

Eventually I managed it. It was so weird. Such a strange thing to experience. He loved it, was gulping it down. Wasn’t long before it was over, but he was extremely happy with what i gave him and said it was well worth the money. He hoped i would come again sometime. I told him “Yeah, maybe”, then i left.

I was well chuffed with the money, not half bad for an hours work. I didnt find any of it remotely sexual.

By the time i got to where i was headed i was bursting for a piss, and almost peed myself getting to the toilet. I’d only been able to give him a fraction of what I had.


1 comment

  1. It sounds like it was pretty easy money, and he turned out to be safe.

    Have you considered doing it again? It seems like you’d have a pretty lucrative opportunity on your hands. Probably more than just that dude is craving swallowing some lady piss regularly.

    You’d probably get a lot more comfortable doing it with some practice, and you might even enjoy having your pussy licked as you’re releasing. You could pee and then cum. Win win haha.

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