[mf] Handjob/fingering on the bus with the shy girl. [public]

I want to preface this story with a disclaimer to all the young people reading this. WHAT I DID HERE IS NOT WHAT GOOD PEOPLE DO. Do not take this as something to aspire to. This story is very real and at the time I didn’t think I was a shitty person but I realize now that I was.

On to the story – I’ll try to keep it short.

In the summer of 2004 I was 19 (freshman year of college over)and I was asked by my mother to “chaperone” on a church youth group trip. You read that right – this was a church thing. Mom was short a male chaperone and since she was the leader and I knew all the guys in the group she thought it was a good idea. It was a free trip for me so accepted. The worst part of this trip was going to be 20 hour coach bus ride down.

We paired with another church for this to fill the bus and since I was not around when they were planning this I quickly found out that I did not have a partner to sit with. Initially I assumed I could have a seat pair to myself but then realized that only the old chaperones got those. I knew I was getting a partner when Tabitha walked up and asked if she could sit with me.

I knew Tabitha vaguely from prior church activities. She was from the other church though, so not well. I knew she was from a rural farm family and that she was homeschooled. This probably is why she was the odd girl out when it came to pairings. Tabitha was skinny, short, and pale with too long plain brown hair. She didn’t wear makeup from the look of it, but she had a very clear complexation except for some freckles. I cannot remember ever speaking to her previously because she always sorta faded into the background during previous events. She was homeschooled out in the country – what do you expect for social skill building? Honestly though, she was quite cute and had really come into her body since the last time I saw her (probably 1+ year prior?). Today she was wearing a cheap looking green cotton dress. It fit her well but her waifish body and boring dress was not going to turn heads.

I immediately was intrigued at sitting next to this girl for 20 hours. I had prior experience with getting girlfriends on bus trips. However, I realized that she was from another town even further away from my college, probably uber-religious, and I was in college while she was in high school. I did not want to start a relationship with this girl. Plus she seemed pretty shy and boring.

We started off with pleasantries and complained about how awful this bus ride was going to be. She planned on reading her book and I planned on listening to my CD player (it was a thing back then). However, as it turned out neither of us understood what 20 hours on a bus is like. I listened to like 6 albums and I think she finished her book and it was not even dark yet. We talked a bit here and there. Summer activities, things looked forward to at the church gathering, etc. Eventually we stopped reading/listening to music and were just chatting. She was a bit boring in her interests and a bad story teller when she told them. However, I am extremely adaptable and found common interest and, like, what else was I going to do.

Skip forward a bit to about midnight. We had made our last stop for the night and just about everyone was asleep or trying to be. Tabitha and I were still chatting a bit but she wanted to try to get some sleep and so was I. She asked if she could lay her pillow against me so she could put her legs into the aisle and I could stretch my legs into her footspace. This worked well but my right arm could not find a place to sit comfortably. She could sense it as well and grabbed my arm and laid it to rest on her shoulder and down her arm. It was a bit more intimate than I assumed but again – fucking bus.

I closed my eyes to sleep but after a bit found her hands resting on my arm. This was the point I should have probably realized what was going on and set the expectations. I did not. My spidey senses were on alert now. I suddenly realized that this could be interesting. No part of me was thinking – This girl is looking for a relationship and you aren’t. I decided to make a bit of a move. I moved my arm very innocently near her neck, down between her breasts with my arm on her thin stomach. Totally innocent. Her arm stayed on my arm and we laid like that for a time – I was not sure where this was going to go.

That is when she made the move. She straight up pick up my arm and sat it down on her left breast. Just like that. Picked it up and sat it down like it was in the way. Bad idea thoughts? Gone. Relationship worries? Gone. I had my hands on a young small maybe B cup breast and I was locked in. I could feel her hard nipple through the cotton bra she was wearing. She moved her blanket up to cover my hand placement. Everyone else around was had been asleep for a time now but this was a fucking church trip and people were no more than 5 feet in any direction. Once the blanket was in place I slid my and down the neck line of her dress and past her bra. Her firm small breasts were perked up and her body shuddered just a bit as I touched each of them. I managed to get both my hands on them. One was stuck above the dress while the other was below. Her left arm was on my leg (I was wearing shorts) and rubbing it above the knee. I knew touching her breasts was fun but I knew I needed to travel south. Our current position kept my arm no further than her belly button and we BOTH wanted it to go lower. I shifted lower in my seat and put her pillow further up my chest. My hand finally could creep down under her dress to her panties. I expected to find shorts or leggings underneath but I only found a pair of cotton panties. I slid my hand between her legs and found her underwear wet with anticipation. She reached one of her arms back to touch my head and her other was locked on my arm that was currently making her writhe with pleasure. If anyone was awake nearby they probably could have figured out what was going on. I looked down at her face and her eyes were squeezed shut and her mouth was pressed tight to keep from making any noise. I slid her panties to the side and began to run my finger up the wettest pussy I have ever felt. There was no need for licking fingers or priming her clit – it was soaking wet. I started rubbing her clit and she opened her eyes and looked at me with surprise and excitement and her mouth opened silently and mouthed something I couldnt make out – I don’t think it mattered. This was blowing her damn mind. Her grip on my arm was like a vise and I think it was the only thing keeping her quiet. It was clear she didn’t want me stopping.

Then I had to stop. Someone was coming up the aisle and she needed to move her feet. I pulled my hand out of her dress and put it above the blanket. The person passed by to head to the bathroom at the back.

Once they passed I assumed she would be dragging my hand back down to her nether regions but she instead shifted onto her side. Her right hand slid slowly up my shorts leg and found my cock hard as a rock down the leg of my boxers. I initially thought this would not work but by god it was working real well. Her warm hands touched slowly and softly and did well for a tight space in my shorts. This was not someone who had a knowledge for dicks to be sure. She would run her fingers up my shaft and give little squeezed to my head. It felt great but I was not going to get off on it. Some of it hurt as well. I had to wince once when she caught a nail on part of my skin and she looked up at me with such worried eyes. She whispered “Is this ok?” I nodded emphatically and mouthed “oh yeah, very good” and she laid her head back down on my chest. She whispered that her hip was hurting being turned so she flipped back to her back. Looks like it was her turn again. I slid my hand down her dress again and back to her still wet pussy. She was immediately back into it. Gripping my arm – urging it to continue. Her left arm tried to get up to my crotch but was not at the proper angle – I appreciated the effort.

This girl was not going to last long. I was not going to have to put my fingers inside her to get the results she was looking for. It did not take long before her hips started bucking into my fingers and her eyes were squeezed tight as she came and came and came for what seemed like minutes (mostly because I was worried she was going to give us away with all her wiggling.

Eventually she loosened the grip on my arm (she damn near dislocated it during her orgasm) and I slid my hand up and out. She laid sated for a beat and I thought maybe I was going to blue balls it and thought that maybe that was ok – my senses were returning a bit now. Then she turned over again, placed part of her blanket under her hip for padding and began to run her hand up my shorts again. Never mind – this train don’t stop – time to get mine.

I stopped her though after just a second and she looked at me for a que. I held up a finger ‘wait one second’ and I slid her pillow down over my crotch and laid her head on my chest. She got it. This was a privacy screen. She ran her hand under the pillow and started to unbutton my shorts. She got it done and went to reach in but I could tell she was going to hurt me trying to get it out.

I helped her by unbuttoning my boxers and reaching in and pulling out my rock hard dick. Not sure what was going on that night but in the moonlight it looked huge and her face was less than a foot from it. I wondered briefly if she would put her mouth on it but it was not to be. I think she was still wrapping her mind around it all. She grasped my member and started to sorta move it around like a joystick. She was slow and gentle but in no way sexy about this. Honestly it was just cute as fuck. I was pretty sure at this point it was her first handjob. She looked up at me with eyes that clearly needed approval. I mouthed “feels so good”. She smiled and laid back down. It felt ok at best but I had no where to go and nothing but time on my hands. She seemed to be enjoying herself as well. She would rub my balls and stoke my shaft lightly. I could tell she was feeling it all out.

Finally I decided I needed to get this to the finish line and her route was not taking me there. I closed my hand around hers and stoked my shaft like I was jerking off and writhed extra to show her it was the right away. She was a quick learner and gently stroked me. I managed to reach around and hold on to one of her breasts – it was helpful and I kept rubbing it over her dress as I got closer.

I could tell I was going to cum – and cum hard (it had been like a fucking hour since we started). I stopped her and gave her another ‘just wait finger’ I slowly slid my backpack out and reached for an extra T-shirt I had packed – this took a minute to do quietly and to her credit she never took her hand off my dick. I pulled out the shirt and had it in my non-breast feeling hand. I was ready to blow into this shirt. She looked at it very confused. She did not understand the purpose. I pulled her in close and kissed her then (probably a mistake) and we kissed for a bit while she continued to stroke my now throbbing-for-release-hard-on.
Then I moved my mouth to her ear – “You going to make me cum and I don’t want to make a mess. I am going to catch it with my shirt” I kissed her again – so sweet to taste – then she looked at me again – still a bit confused – and laid her head back down. Still staring at my cock – I think she was excited to see what the fuck was about to go down.

She kept going a good consistent pace just like I showed her and I was getting close. I had my hand on her breast – her nipples hard again. I felt the pain of needing to come so bad and it was all about to blow. My cum started shooting out before I was even fully into orgasm and I moved my shirt hand just over top my dick so I had clearance to shoot. Tabitha jerked in surprise but kept her strokes going and I was dying to just moan how good it felt to blow after so long. My hand was gripping her chest as I came and I held her tight to me as the ropes of cum shot out. The shirt was working to keep me from cumming on the seats and floor but it was mostly just coming right back down onto my shorts and boxers. My orgasm finally subsided and I started going limp. Tabitha continued to sorta stroke my dick but I think she understood it was over. I stopped her and cleaned off her hand which was just covered in semen and cleaned off my dick and boxers – so much for not making a mess. I watched her wipe off her cheeks with her hand – that initial blast must have got her a bit. I put my junk away and zipped up. Repositioned her pillow and her a little bit to make sure no one would think we were doing something bad. I am sure the smell would have given that away.

Now for the bad part.

We both fell asleep and woke up the next morning not far from the destination. The talk was awkward. Everyone was awake – its not like I could have been like “Hey great handjob last night, did you enjoy it as much as I did”. We said nothing about that and just kept it casual. Once at the gathering we were separated mostly (boys and girls – probably to keep the teen sex numbers down). But I am an asshole and when we were together I never went out of my way to talk to her. I never pulled her aside and made clear what the fuck that was all about. We were there a fucking week and I never cleared it up with here. Small talk at most. I avoided her when I could without raising a scene. I probably made her feel like shit. I know I would have felt like that. By the time we returned to the bus a week later to start the trip back up – it was too late to be a nice guy. We spent the whole 20 hours not really talking to each other. I could tell she was hurt and probably pissed but at the same time its not like we could have talked it out. We got home and I peace’d the fuck out of there – back to my apartment and this was before facebook – she didn’t have my number. So yeah. I’m an asshole. I realize that now.

Sorry if that harshed your jack/jill session.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/jcjjzg/mf_handjobfingering_on_the_bus_with_the_shy_girl

1 comment

  1. Honestly, I really liked this story. Not to fantasize the douche-ness of it but it was good in a cute kind of endearing way. 9/10 op

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