[MF] First time and it didn’t go well. Any tips?

If you see this post and you have the time to read and write a response I could use some real help.

So backstory on this. My partner and I have been looking forward to sex for MY first time. I was out to go check up on her and see how she is. So we were cuddling at her house when we both got very horny. We didn’t have condoms so we went to a Walgreens and bought some. We come out and decide for some reason car sex is totally a great idea for my first time. So we drive to a very empty parking lot. We get all excited get into the back seats and undress. The thing is once we started it got a little rough and the condom tore (bad thing number one). We got rid of it and grabbed another this one thankfully did not break part way through. We went right back to it just not as rough. So to skip some details I fingered them a bit. The thing is that I noticed that when I looked at my hand it was slightly darker. We turned on the lights to find out she was bleeding (bad thing number 2). We cleaned up everything wiped off the windows and I dropped her back off at her house after some aftercare with eachother. I get home very upset with myself that maybe I fucked up in someway. We both discussed over text and call for a while like tips and tricks for next time. The entire time I had to really fight the urge to say sorry a million times.

It’s just that I felt like I fucked up and its been sticking with me for the past several hours. Anyone got tips to avoid the bleeding from happening?

P.S. they already had their period 2 weeks before this so that is ruled out as far as we know.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/jc3r9m/mf_first_time_and_it_didnt_go_well_any_tips


  1. bleeding is normal even if it’s not her first time, i wouldn’t worry too much about it. and just work with eachother to find what both of you like and what works for y’all, good luck!!

  2. Yes the condom breaking and bleeding are somewhat normal when losing virginity and rough sex and even more so in a car. It is not one person that caused it, that goes to the entire load of realities like being rough, in the car, first time, and all of that. The bleeding is just part of it all and cannot be avoided because the amount all depends on her biology and hymen. Nothing that you ever do can change that fact because nature makes that choice, yes she could use fingers or toys to work slowly up to the day the bleeding ends but that could take months.

    Next time have the condoms and even lubricant ready ahead of time because the fear of the first time can dry a vagina and require added lube for her comfort, just get one that is condom safe. Use dark colored towels just in case and have an enzyme treatment ready to soak the needed areas before they get washed in COLD WATER. Go slow and be gentle because there is a muscular ring that can be ripped beyond repair. But honestly relax and make sure that they are relaxed, the actual sex will be fast but the build up could take hours.

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