Daddy’s Girls – Chapter 23: Phase 2, continued. (Mf, inc)

Laurie shouted. “Hey!” She clapped her hands excitedly. “We’ve all done our own dads! Now we can implement Phase 2!”

Becky and Stacey both looked confused.

“What’s Phase 2?” Stacey asked.

Beth paused, then said, “You know. It was in one of those sex stories we passed around a while ago.”

“You remember!” Laurie added. “There was this collection of stories about girls sleeping with their dads, and then… swapping!”

Becky and Stacey just looked at one another.

“You two CAN’T be serious,” Stacey replied.

“Yeah, that was just a fantasy, right?” Becky asked.

“Maybe, maybe not,” Beth said. “Was what happened to each of us just a fantasy? I think we can pull it off.”

“Come on! You’re joking, right?” Stacey said, exasperated.

“Think about it.” Laurie sat up on her knees, and leaned in close. “We all know that our dads love to fuck, and that they’re all attracted to each one of us, ‘cause, y’know, we’re all, like, super-hot.”

“Plus, they’re GUYS,” Beth added. “All we have to do is set the right tone, and give them a little push.”

“Slow down!” Stacey said, holding up both hands to make them stop. “My dad and I just started being intimate with each other, and now you want me to SHARE him with you? He will TOTALLY freak out.”

“Maybe not…” Rebecca replied.

Stacey gasped in surprise. “WHAT? You’re okay with this crazy idea?”

“All I’m saying… is that I can see it happening.”

“Unbelievable.” Stacey sat back, shaking her head.

“Stacey… hear me out.” Becky sidled closer to her. “While I don’t necessarily share their enthusiasm, especially how easy they think it will be, I do see their point.”

“No way. This can’t be happening.” Stacey was shaking her head. “Becky, you lost your virginity EXACTLY two-and-a-half days ago, okay? And now YOU want to sleep with a BUNCH of other guys? Give me a break!”

“No, not other random guys, OUR guys; OUR dads.” Becky explained. “Men we’ve known for a long time. And c’mon, Stace, aren’t you at least a little bit curious?”

Beth tapped one of Stacey’s hands. “Stace; we’ve all caught our fathers looking at each one of us, so we know that they’ve all had at least a passing thought of getting in our panties.”

“AT LEAST.” Laurie emphasized.

“And in your case, the bra, too.” Beth motioned to Stacey’s chest, who had the largest boobs of the four of them.

“So think about it; after each of them has gotten their pricks into their own daughters’ pussies,” Laurie added, “Do you honestly think they would pass up the chance to fuck another willing teenage slut?”

Beth laughed. “And we’re just the sluts for the job!”

“But they fought with each of us about it!” Stacey exclaimed. “I know my dad’s still walking on eggshells. And Laurie, you just finished telling us how paranoid your father still is!”

“It doesn’t matter.” Laurie said, matter of factly. “You’re not his daughter. It isn’t incest, so he won’t be nearly as stubborn.”

“She’s right. Now that they’ve all already crossed that line with their own daughters,” Beth reasoned. “It’ll be nothing to convince them fuck another hot teenage girl.”

“Or THREE.” Laurie added.

“Yeah, right! They’ll all just jump at the opportunity to fuck one of us IN FRONT OF their own daughters?” Stacey exclaimed loudly. “You are ALL certifiably CRAZY.”

“And you’re not?” Becky said, “Stacey, be honest; I remember you telling me that those father-swapping stories were YOUR favorites.”

“But I know they were just fantasies!”

“So what if they were fantasies?” Elizabeth replied, “Each of us is living proof that sometimes… fantasies do come true.”

“Right on, sister!” Laurie exclaimed.

“I can’t fight all of you on this,” Stacey replied. “But you’re all NUTS. We’ve all PROMISED each of our dads that we’d keep our… trysts… a secret. Once we march into their bedrooms with ANOTHER… plaything…, well, they’ll know we blabbed, and frankly, they will FREAK.”

“Maybe not.” Rebecca shook her head. “They all know about the Circle.”

“That’s right!” Laurie exclaimed. “We just remind them that their secret is safe in the Circle.”

“Oh, c’mon! How can a secret be ‘safe’ if other people know it?” Stacey spat out.

“Not other people; US. Girls they’ve know for a long time. They know WE trust each other implicitly, and for good reason.” Becky reasoned.

“Wow, Becks,” Beth said, “Nice use of a vocab word there.”

“See? The smart girl agrees with us!” Laurie said, laughing.

“I… I don’t know, girls.” Stacey was wavering.

“Hold on; there’s no rush.” Elizabeth now moved over to hug her friend. “We won’t make you do anything you’re not comfortable with, okay? This is all supposed to be fun, remember? Sexy FUN.”

“She’s right, Stacey,” Becky added. “We don’t have to do this at all. And if we do, we don’t have to be in such a hurry about it.”

“Okay.” Stacey sighed. “It’s just… things are so good between each of us and our dads now. Can’t we all just take the time to enjoy this?”

“You’re right, of course.” Beth said.


“Becky… wait up!” Laurie chased after her down the hall, pulling her over to the side when she caught up with her.

“What’s up?” Becky replied.

“I want you to stay over my house tonight.”

“On a Monday?”

“Trust me; it’ll be worth it!”

“Wait a minute; you don’t mean…”

Laurie nodded. “I certainly do.” She leaned in close, and whispered, “Tonight, you get to sleep with my dad.”

“Seriously, Laurie? Didn’t we all just agree to wait?”

“Oh, please! So Stacey’s chicken! Big surprise! I know you don’t want to wait!” Laurie grinned and leaned in close. “Besides, I already know how much my dad wants to make it with you.”

“Really?” Becky sounded suspicious. “And how exactly to you KNOW this?”

Laurie smiled, “Because, Saturday night, while you were gettin’ FREAKY with your dad in the back seat, me and my dad were sitting on the couch watching TV, and we started playing around a little. You know; the tickle game. I should say, the NEW tickle game.” She winked.

Becky sighed, “I love the new tickle game.”

“Anyway,” Laurie continued, looking around to make sure no one was eavesdropping, then leaning in closer. “Soon, we were both naked, just touching each other. My dad was all hard, of course, and we were talking about, y’know, fantasies and sexy stuff. I was actually trying to see if there were any, like, costumes he would like me to wear, and I was just teasing his cock, making him really horny, and told him I could borrow your cheerleader outfit.”

Becky giggled, “I’m sure he would like that!”

“You know it! As soon as I brought it up, his cock twitched and started leaking like crazy, so I knew the idea turned him on.” Laurie paused, and leaned over to whisper to her right in her ear. “So, I’m licking his dick, while he’s fingering me, and I asked him if he ever fantasized about any of you guys. Of course, he denied it, but I was like, ‘C’mon, Dad. Tell the truth,’ as I, like, squeezed his balls. He moaned and said, ‘Okay. I think Rebecca is so adorable.’”

Becky gasped, “Shut up!”

“So I asked him, ‘Be honest, Dad. Do you really fantasize about having sex with her?’ as I’m stroking him. He gets even harder and says real quiet, ‘Yes, I have. She is just so cute and sexy.’”

“I… I don’t believe it!”

“Well, believe it. Just talking about you got him so worked up! So, I said, ‘I can arrange it for you, you know.’ He said, ‘Really?’, like he was seriously considering it! So I said, ‘Show me what you would do if it was you two naked and alone, and she was jerking you off right now.’ Well, he just rolled me over and totally attacked me, right there on the couch!”

“No way!” Rebecca was becoming more and more turned on by the prospect.

Laurie just nodded. “He was inside me in a flash, and knelt on the floor as he twisted me around on the couch! We wound up doggy-style, and Becky, he fucked me so hard I almost passed out! And when he came, I mean, he REALLY came. His cum was, like, dripping out of me ALL NIGHT.”

Becky’s eyes were wide as Laurie finished, “Wow.”

Laurie smiled reassuringly, “Trust me; my dad isn’t going to put up any fight at all.”

Becky considered this, then made up her mind. Just the thought of Laurie’s handsome father finding her sexy was making her weak in the knees. “Okay… I’m in.”

“AWESOME!” Laurie hugged her quickly. “This will be SO cool!” She let go of her and added, “Plus, It’ll be fun to finally beat Lizzie at her own game!”

“Now wait just a minute, girl.” Becky grabbed her wrist to keep her from walking away. “This is NOT a competition, get it? I am NOT doing this just so you can win this imaginary game you have going on in your head, okay?”

“I didn’t mean it like that, Beck. Honest.”

“So why the rush?”

Laurie fidgeted. “Honestly? I… I was so turned on by all of your stories about YOUR dads that… Truthfully? I can’t wait to be with EACH of them.”


“Honest! I guess I just wanted to get the ball rolling, y’know?” Laurie leaned close. “All I’m saying is that I KNOW my dad wants you BADLY, so what better place to start?”

“I really like your dad, too, and if he’s as hot for me as you say, then I’m willing to give it a shot.”

“Oh, he IS,” Laurie assured her. “And the sooner you get with him, the sooner I get to try out your dad’s big dick.”

“Hold your horses, girl; first things first.” Becky smiled, then sighed. “But what if my Dad says ’no’ to tonight? After all, it is a school night.”

“Easy,” Laurie leaned in close. “You just remind him… how grown up you are.”

Becky smiled. “I can do that.”


Becky put a coin in the payphone near the cafeteria, and dialed the number from memory.

“Service Department.”

Becky cleared her throat. “Yes, is Bill Sampson there?”

“Just a second.” She could hear the other phone being put down on the counter. “BOSS! Phone for you!”

Rebecca looked nervously around her. No one was using the other payphones in the hall; a reminder of how many of her classmates had cell phones, a luxury she and her dad couldn’t afford. Becky couldn’t help but feel self-conscious at the looks her schoolmates gave her as they passed by.

Over the phone, she heard the sounds of power tools and clinking metal in the garage her dad managed for a large car dealership, then the voice of the man who answered the phone in the distance, saying, ‘I dunno; a girl, and man, she sounded hot!’

“Bill Sampson,” her father’s found sounded authoritative over the phone. It gave her a shiver to hear him like this.

“Hi, Daddy.”

Bill held his hand over the mouthpiece, and shouted “It’s my daughter, asshole!” to whoever answered the phone, then removed his hand. “Give me a sec, honey.”

She heard the sounds of the garage suddenly cut out as she was placed on hold. Ten seconds later, the line picked up. She could tell he was in his office now, with his door closed. “What’s up, sweetie?”

“Laurie asked me to stay over her house tonight, Dad. We have to work on a project together.”

“What project?”

“It’s for Biology, Daddy.” Becky smiled at the secret meaning.

“Do… do you have to stay all night?” She could hear the disappointment in his voice.

“Awww…,” she couldn’t help teasing him. “Are you going to miss me?”

“Well, yeah, baby girl. Of course I’ll miss you.”

“That’s sweet, Papa. I’ll miss you, too. Especially…” She looked around, and satisfied no one would hear her in the din on the hallway, added, “…your big, hard cock.”

She heard him cough at her words. “Rebecca!”

“What will you miss more, Daddy? Your prick in my hot mouth, or my tight, wet pussy?”

“Sweetheart…, I… I can’t talk right now.”

“Dad, I know you’re in your office, all alone. If you wanted, you could whip out that beast right there.”


She giggled. “In fact, I’ll bet it’s good and hard right now, isn’t it, Papa?”

He paused before answering. “Yeah… it is.”

“Really?” Becky was grinning.

“It get’s hard every time I think of you, sweetie. And baby, I think about you all the time.”

“Oh, Daddy.”

“You know what I’ll miss the most?” he asked.



“Daddy! Tell me!”

“I’ll miss how awesome your warm, soft, naked body feels against mine.”

“Mmmm… I’ll miss that, too. What else?”

“I’ll miss the way your stiff nipples feel in my mouth, your moans as I suck your tits…”

“Mmmm, I do love that!”

“I know, baby. I know how much you like me squeezing your tits as you ride me.”

“Oooh…” Becky was almost panting. “What else?” she whispered.

“Lots of stuff… line the sweet tangy taste of your pussy, right after you cum on my tongue.”

“Oh, wow!” Becky was getting hot now. “Is that all?”

“Oh, no… I’ll miss the grunts you make as I plow into your tight, wet cunny from behind. And especially the way you scream as you orgasm with your Daddy’s dick buried deep inside you.”

“Oh, Dad.” Becky breathed, “Now you’re making ME hot!”

“I wasn’t finished, baby girl,” Bill whispered into the mouthpiece, “I’m REALLY gonna miss the way you suck your old man’s cock deep in that sweet mouth of yours.”

“Oh, Daddy, I’m gonna give you the best blowjob EVER the minute I see you again!”

“Then I better get my rest tonight, huh?”

“Don’t forget to eat your Wheaties,” she said as the coin dropped. She had 10 seconds left. “And someday REAL soon, …we’re gonna do ALL of that in your office, Papa.”

“Ooh, I think I’d like that.”

“I love you, Dad.”

“And I love you, sweetheart. See you soon.”


They took the bus to Becky’s house and packed her overnight bag. She left a note for her dad on his pillow; an extension of the conversation they had earlier. Laurie helped her write it a little bit, getting herself worked up in the process.

They walked the few blocks to Laurie’s house, and set up shop in her bedroom. Laurie mused aloud about how long it had been since she had slept there.

Together, the two girls did their homework in the kitchen while they cooked dinner for three. They half-jokingly considered looking up online what foods would be best for Paul’s libido, because they knew he was going to get a workout tonight. In the end, they settled on spaghetti and meatballs. After all, it’s what marathoners ate before a race.

Paul entered his home, and could smell the food cooking. He knew Rebecca was staying over, because Laurie had left him a message at his office to tell him as soon as she got home from school. Like Bill, he was disappointed that he wouldn’t get to sleep with his loving daughter tonight, but rationalized that keeping up appearances was more important. He couldn’t believe how used he had gotten to have her naked in his bed with him. One night without her wouldn’t kill him, but it would sure hurt like hell.

Dinner was wonderful, and he really enjoyed just watching these two hotties as they bantered to each other. Rebecca asked him a lot of questions about his work, and her interest only made him like her more.

After dinner, they watched TV together, then the girls took off to Laurie’s room. Paul switched over to a basketball game, but wasn’t really into it. At halftime, a long shot of the cheerleaders only reminded him that Rebecca was in the room down the hall, probably in some skimpy nightie. he shut off the television and walked down to his own room.

Outside Laurie’s door, he heard music playing and giggles, and knocked gently. “I’m going to bed, girls. Let’s not stay up too late, okay?”

“We won’t, Daddy!” Laurie shouted back, then the two of them laughed aloud at some inside joke.

He suddenly felt very lonely in that moment, a feeling only reinforced when he entered his own room, alone. He silently disrobed, and climbed into empty bed.


“So… how do we do this?” Laurie asked. She was rummaging through her drawers, looking for something sexy they could both wear, but all she found were girlish things that were too small for her now.

Laurie held up a pink sleep shirt with a faded unicorn on it. “This could work…” She held it to her body. What once went down to her knees now barely covered her hips.

“Laurie, we don’t need to do any of this.” Becky pulled the shirt from her and tossed it back into her messy drawer. “We get naked, and climb into his bed. Simple as that.”

“Just like that?” Laurie asked, incredulous. Here was the most timid one of the group, now the boldest.

Becky simply removed her clothes, standing naked before her friend in seconds. “How else do you do something like this?” Becky asked.

“I dunno… shouldn’t we at least be wearing something sexy?”

“Oh, Laurie, you always overthink things!” She bent down to pick up her clothes and place them on the bed. “If what you told me is true, about him wanting to fuck me, then the direct approach is best.” She placed her hands on her hips and shot Laurie a serious look. “You weren’t lying, were you?”

“Oh, God, NO, Beck!” Laurie replied, shaking her head vigorously. “I would NEVER lie about something like this.”

“Okay, then.” Becky nodded to her. “So get naked, bitch.” She grinned at Laurie’s shocked look. “For some reason, I’m extra horny tonight.”

