My [F42] Relentlessly Horny Nephew [M19] Part two

My nephew Gregory spent most of the summer flirting with me. He’s 19 and still lives with his parents, in a small home 4 blocks from mine. He kept up the flirting and touching day after day for two reasons.

The first was that his mother, my older sister Amanda, encouraged him to do it. She hoped he would succeed in seducing me because she disliked my husband and me and wanted to see me shamed.

The second reason he persisted is that I not only failed to object, but actively flirted back, totally misunderstanding what was going on. I thought it was a goof, and that we were teasing my husband Don by acting like teenage lovers. Holding hands! Silliness, not to be taken seriously.

I won’t recapitulate here who did what when – you can find the story here


if you want.

But the Tl;dr is that I willingly let Gregory take me to bed at the end of the summer, on Labor Day weekend. And many days since; he is a vigorous lover, a powerhouse compared to Don. I have become a sex addict at the age of 42.

Gregory is a large, athletic young man, over 6 feet tall. He towers over 5″ 3″ me. I am very petite, 120 dripping wet, with almost no butt and small, B-cup breasts. He’s got a lot of muscle, wide shoulders, must be over 200 pounds. Runs, works out.

I really like standing close to him, looking up. Greg’s a man and a half; when I stand close and crane my neck up to kiss him my vagina lubricates. I’m aroused by a man’s height and muscles. It is hard to stand next to him and not want to give myself to him.

On my part, I’m no beauty. I’ve always been small, thin, and plain. Not homely, but always one of the last girls at the party to get hooked up. I have small breasts and no ass. My big sister Amanda got all the male attention, taller, curvier, stacked with D- cup breasts.

Labor Day weekend everything came together. It was their year to host the family barbeque. The husbands had a bit of a beer contest. Don drank more than anyone and ended up asleep in a hammock. My brother-in-law, Thomas, drank alone until he, too, was soon napping in the shade.

They slept about an hour, during which my sister stood guard, while Greg took me to bed and turned my vagina inside out. “I’ll warn you if the men wake up,” she told him as his cock first entered me. Then, as she left, she turned to him and said “Do her twice if you can,” and closed the door.

I won’t exaggerate and say I had two dozen orgasms, or that I passed out, but I have never, in 23 years of sex, had orgasms like the three I had that afternoon. My legs cramped and even the next day I had uterine pain like a period. By the time he ran out of time I was a drooling, babbling puppet. Drooling at both ends.


The next week started normally, which was itself upsetting. People are often struck by how you can experience something life-altering and the world goes on around you the day after. You want to stand in the road, stop traffic, and scream “What’s wrong with you people? My father died last night / my husband left me yesterday / I have cancer – and you all act like nothing has changed!”

Because my whole life had changed. A faithful wife for two decades, I was now a cheater. No, far worse, I had incestuous sex with my nephew. My sister watched her boy take me, inseminate me. I cuckolded my husband. How could everyone around me Tuesday act so freakin’ normal?

Monday night I went to bed alone because Don wasn’t sleepy. My husband wasn’t sleepy because he snoozed mid-afternoon. And while he snoozed, he lost his wife perhaps forever to a 19-year-old kid with a really big dick. Last night I was deep in sleep, exhausted, all fucked out when Don eventually came to bed. But tonight we would have to go to bed normally, together. How could I look him in the eye, tell him I adored him, and kiss him sweetly with the lips that had kissed his nephew?

Well, I did. After a quiet weekday at home, alone with our children, we snuggled and kissed in the calm of our own bed. I even fondled his cute little penis for a while, which he always enjoys. I tugged and stroked and told him I adored him and he got almost fully hard in my hand. Feeling very guilty I reached for the lotion and slathered it generously in my hands. He loved it best with lots of lotion and I worked Little Don harder than usual.

This was our most common sexual activity these days. Age and ED meant we rarely had intercourse, so we had made a bit of a ritual out of masturbating him to climax. As if we were a normal couple having normal sex, we kissed and said things like “You’re so hard,” and “your hand feels so tight,” and “don’t cum too soon.”

It was never our habit to talk much during sex, so we relaxed and enjoyed our sensations.

“You’re making me so hard tonight.”

“Something must be making you excited. You remembering Amanda’s breasts in her suit yesterday?” He groaned, which gave me my first clue. Maybe tonight we would talk. I prepared my words carefully while he replied.

“You’re the pretty one, Rebecca. Thomas can’t keep his eyes off of you.”

“Greg’s the one who pays me so much attention dear. You have noticed that, haven’t you, when you’re not too busy perving on my big sister. It’s so sweet that you don’t mind him hugging me.”

“He has quite a crush on his Aunt Rebecca, doesn’t he? You’re the sweet one, letting him pretend he has a girlfriend. He’s started to call me Aunt Becky.”

“I thought you hated that nickname.”

“I do, mostly. But somehow it’s OK for him to do it.”

I prepared my first probe: “He’s such a big boy, Don. When he towers over me, looks down at me, I kind of feel more like a young Becky than an old Aunt Rebecca.” It worked – his cock twitched in my hand.

“He’s the big strong high School senior, Captain of the football team. I’m just his girl. I mean all make-believe of course.”

“Make believe girl,” he echoed.

“And he’s my make-believe jock. You must have known boys like him when you were in school, right dear?”

“Yeah, I guess. I didn’t pay much attention to sports.”

“No, and studying turned out in real life to be more important. Look at you now, a successful business man. You were right to ignore sports. But the jocks did rule the school, right honey? They did at my school, too.”

“I’ll bet they all wanted you, Rebecca.” He was throbbing now, close to his release.

“No, the girls like Amanda got all the jocks. Girls with sexy bodies. I looked more like a pre-teen, even in college. I sat home my last year, no date for the Homecoming Dance or the Prom.”

“Poor Rebecca, never got a hot jock, really?”

“Not until now,” I whispered, and he came in my hand, flat on his back, whimpering like a boy, as I tugged his dick to extract his semen and bring him relief.

As his excitement waned and his cock softened, he asked “Tell me the truth, Rebecca. Do you ever wish I had a bigger penis?”

“I adore you, Donald, but maybe just once in a blue moon, I kinda do.” I then stunned him, raising my hand and making a show of licking his jizz off of my hand. Yes, the lotion ruined the taste, but I was putting on a performance.

I interrupted my snack. “I sometimes wonder what a bigger penis would be like.”

I used the silence and then delivered my final lines. “Maybe that’s why way deep down inside I like the game our nephew is playing. He’s the jock I never had when I was young. You’re going to let us keep playing our game, aren’t you, honey?”

My husband’s cock twitched hard, but his balls were empty. He had never cum twice the same day, but he was improbably now the hardest I could remember. I was tugging him again, and used my other hand to stretch and pull on his balls.

“You think he’s big?” he managed, still breathing hard. Wow, I thought, he was not only enjoying this, he was getting out in front of me.

“Amanda says so, told me he’s even bigger than his father.”

“Thomas is big?” Gasping for air now, this was going to be amazing. Choose your words carefully, Rebecca, I cautioned myself.

“Well, I’ve never seen him hard like this,” and I nodded to his groin. “But dancing, or the bathing suit, yeah honey, your brother-in-law is much bigger than you.”

So close now. I poured on more lotion.

“I mean, Amanda had her pick, right, with that body of hers? The men were always lined up for her. Why would she pick a man with a small cock?”

Left unsaid was that I had picked a man with a small cock. Closer now!

“When we’ve danced, and Thomas has ground on me? He must be 7 or 8 inches.”

Both my hands were in his junk now, making a serious effort to get him off. We both knew he was less than 5 inches when erect, like he was now.

“Your sister says he’s bigger?”

“That’s what she said. Bigger even than Thomas.”

I kissed my husband hard, out tongues wrestling for control. “Please, dear?”

“Please what?”

“Can I find out? Will you let me and Greg continue our game?”

“Oh, God, Rebecca.”

“There’s no real Homecoming Dance this year. School’s virtual. They’re going to have a ‘Zoom dance party’. I want to be Gregory’s make-believe date to the make-believe dance. Can we?”

Silence was assent. Now for the win: “And after the dance? When Gregory takes his girl home, maybe he’ll get lucky?”

Don’s second orgasm was a delight to watch, his face twisted almost in pain as an empty prostate gland tried nevertheless to squirt something, anything.

I leaned close, nibbled his ear, and said “Maybe Becky will tell you after how big Greg is.”

My husband’s silence was all the answer I needed.


Early the next morning, at breakfast, my husband squirmed in his chair. That meant he wanted to say something but wasn’t sure how, or when. I made it easy for him. “Last night was kind of crazy, huh? I mean, twice?”

He looked relieved. Maybe I could say most of it for him. I reached across the table and held his hand.

“Thanks for letting me play the Becky game. It was fun for me to pretend to be a sexpot.”

“You were pretty sexy last night. We got a little crazy, huh?”

“I kind of like crazy Don. Hope I see him in bed again soon.”

“I’m not usually that aroused. Might have been a one-time thing, Rebecca.”

“For Rebecca, maybe. Not for Becky. She’s here to stay now darling.”

I stared hard into his darting, uncertain eyes. “Becky’s my new thing now. You are so going to love being in bed with the new me. Love watching me play the Becky game. Love sleeping with her at night.”

He swallowed nervously. I wasn’t sure he got it so I spelled it out for him.

“Greg’s going to keep pretending I’m his girl, OK? And I’m going to keep pretending too. Give Mandy and Tom some laughs. Just a really hot sexy game. But you have to say now that it’s OK, that you like the game. That you want to sleep with Becky at night instead of Rebecca.”

We looked silently into each other’s eyes. I briefly wondered how hard it would be to shut the game down if he declined.

“God, I love you so much,” he said. “Becky.”


Thursday morning I got the call. Amanda asked me to come over after lunch “to give her a hand with a project.” I was pretty sure I was her project, and this time I was nicely trimmed and groomed when I got to her house.

“Greg needs you,” she said without a hint of a smile, and pointed towards the stairs. I would love to tell you that I only reluctantly dragged myself up the stairs to the bedrooms, but that would be a lie. Greg was going to have Becky again, and I was pleased he hadn’t waited another day. By Friday I probably would have called him. I wanted to be fucked, and I wanted to tell him my Homecoming plans, and then I wanted to be fucked again.

His door was open and he was naked in his chair in front of his computer. He had some porn thing playing and was erect. As I went to stand next to him I noticed Pre-cum glistened on the glans. We were both silent, each waiting for the other to go first. His hard cock twitched and swayed, and more pre-cum spilled out and down the shaft. I sensed motion behind me and realized my sister was in the doorway, her hand in her yoga pants, apparently rubbing herself while she watched us. Gregory’s dick throbbed, Amanda’s hand rubbed, and I battled to restrain myself,

I failed. “Amanda, may I please suck Gregory’s cock?”

“Of course, Becky. Gregory, Becky wants dick, son. Be an angel and feed her yours, OK?”

Gregory was as hard as stone. I could really only fit the crown in my mouth, so I did, and pursed my lips behind the head. I lashed him with my tongue and nibbled with my lips and then decided I was ready. I don’t actually like a cock in my mouth, certainly not a big, man-size cock. Nine inches for sure, this beauty.

The shaft of my nephew’s dick was wider at the base than at the top. It looked like a wedge, perfectly designed to force open a tight pussy like mine. Greg had a fat wide head on the end, and his fat glans on the thinner shaft reminded me of a lollipop.

He soon fell into a rhythm I adored – rapidly inserting and withdrawing just the first 3 inches or so, that big wide crown banging my labia aside, dragging my clitoris down, then popping back out again. Using that glans to pleasure the front half of my pussy. I tried and failed to wrap my legs around his plundering hips. His hips were simply too wide – for him to screw me properly my thighs needed to be so far open that my knees were in adjacent zip codes.

Then, after almost a dozen pops, he slammed the whole 9 inches in and I saw angels. Some love at last for the back half of my steaming vagina. His giant girth at the base forcing me wider than any other lover ever had. Then some more popping, and some more slamming, and I screamed as my young lover inseminated me again high in my cunt.

My sister had sat in his chair, fully dressed, and masturbated while she watched us. After our climaxes she told him to go to the shower. Alone together, I tried to find words to thank her for what she had done.

“I didn’t do it for you, Becky. I did it for Gregory. Well, and for myself, of course. Mostly for myself, to be honest. I’ve waited 25 years to see your whore come out.”

Cum was seeping from my crotch. Mandy stared at her son’s semen as it ran out of her sister’s vagina.

“I had to see it with my own eyes, Little Sister. You even trimmed your pubes for him. 42 year old wife and mother of 3 clipping her cunt hair for her 19-year-old lover. You were truly born to fuck. I’ve never seen anything like you with a dick in you. Born. To. Fuck. No tits, no ass, you’re just a hot cunt on short legs.”

After all our decades of sibling rivalry, it was one of the nicest things Amanda had ever said to me. While her son washed me off of his body in the shower, those short legs dangled from his bed and that hot cunt leaked his ejaculation all over his bedlinen.

I explained to my big sister my plans for the Homecoming Dance. She loved the whole thing, especially the part where she and her husband would “double-date” with me and Greg. We would have my husband watch us all make out as Thomas and Greg tried to “seduce” their dates after the dance.

As I made my exit downstairs, Thomas yelled goodbye from the den. I’d not known he was home. “You’re a loud one, Rebecca. Mandy hasn’t screamed like that in years.”

Oh shit.



  1. Becky, I’m glad I’m the first to comment here. I had to add the “2” to the end of my Reddit ID.

    What a wonderful Aunt and slut you are – I mean that in the kindest way. You are taking care of young Greg, and your Hubby, and you are not lying to either of them. You are loving the loving you are getting and you are starting to use coarser words like cunt. Your hubby may not be able to get it up any more – without help – but he definitely responds to Becky’s stories.

    It sounds like you are really enjoying your new lifestyle, and will have a wonderful post-prom fuck or two.

    I really enjoy the emotion in your writing, and look forward to every new chapter in your story. Please keep writing….

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