The Assistant 8 [affair]

Kylie sat at her desk getting caught up with emails when Anthony came in the next morning. She brought him his coffee without saying a word. They didn’t speak until Anthony’s wife came in. Kylie recognized her from the photos in his office.

“Hello Mrs. Lawson,” Kylie greeted. Anthony popped out of his office and saw his wife.

“Hey,” he said. “What are you doing here?”

“I thought maybe we could go to lunch,” she said and she kissed him. Kylie looked away and returned to her work.

“Sure,” he said.

“Ms. Stephens, this is my wife Audrey,” Anthony introduced. Kylie extended her hand and shook Audrey’s.

“Pleasure to meet you,” she said.

“Pleasure to meet you too,” Audrey said. “I had to meet you after Tony told me what happened at the conference with Seth.”

“Oh,” Kylie said, her face turning red.

“Oh honey, nothing to be embarrassed about,” Audrey reassured. “I could not stop laughing. Someone finally put him in his place.”

Kylie forced a smile.

“Well, we should go get some lunch,” Anthony said and he ushered his wife toward the hall.

“You have an appointment at one. Don’t be late,” Kylie called after him. He waved to let her know he heard her. Kylie sighed and put her head in her hands. Her stomach churned.

Kylie didn’t see Anthony again until two-thirty.

“So, I got a phone call from our competitor informing me that my personal assistant broke one of their employee’s noses,” he said. “How hard did you hit him?”

“Apparently pretty hard,” Kylie said, not looking up. “Or maybe at the right angle.”

“Look at me,” Anthony said. Kylie turned her attention to him and he studied her face. “Audrey was right. You do have a bump.”

“Do I need to be worried about repercussions?” Kylie asked.

“No,” Anthony said. “They tried to say they would sue but I asked them if Mr. Moorton also explained that he was trying to assault you which is why he got the broken nose in the first place.”

“Thank you,” Kylie said. Anthony studied her.

“Are you ok?” he asked.

“Yeah,” Kylie replied. Anthony studied her a moment more before he went to his office.

The next morning Anthony went to his monthly sales executive meeting, jotting down notes and leading discussion as needed. At the end of the meeting one of the sales executives asked, “So rumor has it your assistant broke Moorton’s nose.”

“Might do you good to not pay attention to rumors, Briggs,” Anthony said. The man’s smile immediately left his face. Anthony smirked. “But rumor is true.”

“What happened?” asked another and the room broke out into conversation amongst themselves.

“Gentlemen,” Anthony commanded. The room fell silent. “I recommend you use your time more wisely than paying attention to and spreading rumors around the workplace. I expect better of you. If you must know, Moorton got handsy, not once but twice. Ms. Stephens gave him exactly what he deserved. A lesson all of you should get if you ever follow his example.”

Anthony left the silent room and went back to his office where Kylie was on the phone. She finished her conversation as he got to her.

“You have earned yourself a reputation,” he said. Kylie looked at him with raised eyebrows. “Word of the conference has gotten around already.”

“Christ,” Kylie said and she turned to her computer. “So my reputation is what? Whore?”

Anthony hated that she used that word to describe herself. His grip on his binder tightened.

“Ms. Stephens, it is not wise to use that language at work,” Anthony said sternly. Kylie turned to him.

“I’m simply asking a question,” Kylie said. “Being you’ve been so vague on what my reputation is that I’ve earned I have to assume Mr. Moorton twisted the events to his favor which would place me in an undesirable position.”

Anthony thought a moment and could see the logic.

“Touche,” he replied. “However incorrect. I believe the reputation you may have earned is…bad ass.”

Anthony returned to his desk and Kylie rolled her eyes, not believing a word he said.

The following weeks, Kylie and Anthony returned to their usual professional relationship and Kylie **hated** it. She didn’t want to hate it. She didn’t want to want him at all, but he unleashed something inside her that she enjoyed too much.

Monday morning Anthony was in before Kylie which surprised her. She smirked when she saw his door open.

*This will be fun. He gets to see all of what he’s decided he doesn’t want any more.*

She strutted over to her desk in tight light grey dress pants, pumps, and white ruffled dress shirt. She went about her normal routine and ignored the fact that he was watching her. She wiggled her hips and danced to her music as she waited for the coffee to brew. She brought Anthony his cup and turned to leave.

“Stephens,” he said, but she didn’t hear him. “Stephens!”

She took her ear buds out and set her phone down. She went back to his office.

“I’d appreciate it if you didn’t listen to music while at work,” he said.

“Well it’s technically before eight and this is my morning routine, so,” Kylie said. Anthony looked at her. She gave him a little smile and went back to her desk.

The next day she pushed it further and wore a tight yet professional dress and showed a little cleavage. She knew Wednesday was his late day so she wore a skirt that was just a little shorter and a shirt that would show just a little more cleavage than usual.

Kylie went about her day but noticed Anthony didn’t leave his office much, which was unusual. She decided to check in on him.

“You need anything?” she asked.

*Yes. You bent over my fucking desk right now,* he thought. He looked at the clock and noticed it was close to lunch time.

“Lunch would be good,” he said.

“Sure. Any requests?”

“Pasta sounds good.”

Kylie tried to hide her smile but he saw it. She ran out to get lunch and dropped his off for him. By the end of the day, Kylie was filing some papers in a filing cabinet that was near his door. She bent down, exposing her bare ass. Anthony clenched his jaw. His cock ached and he could hardly breath. His heart pounded.

She returned to her desk and Anthony got up to close the blinds on the office window. He readjusted himself when he sat down and had to stop himself from feeling more. Kylie walked into his office to file a couple papers which were also in a bottom drawer. This time he got a much better view.

Anthony gripped his cock, hard. He looked at the time it was nearly six so most people would have been gone from the office.

“Ms. Stephens, can I see you a minute,” he managed to get out.

Kylie’s heart pounded but she went into his office.

“Close the door and have a seat,” Anthony said, willing himself to calm down. Kylie did as she was asked and waited patiently as Anthony studied her. “You’ve been giving me quite the show this week.”

Kylie smirked. She shrugged and said, “Just making sure you’ve still got blood pumping since you decided on one and done.”

Anthony ran his hand over his mouth and rubbed his chin.

“Are you going to scold me about my work attire?” she sassed. Anthony chuckled.

“It has made this week a challenge. Today especially,” he said.

“Well, you just let me know what’s inappropriate and I’ll adjust,” Kylie said.

“Kylie…” Anthony started.

“What? You don’t want to fuck me any more?” she poked. Anthony leaned forward, resting his elbows on his desk.

“I do,” he said.

“So, what’s the problem?” she asked. Anthony let out a breath. Kylie got up to leave.

“Freeze,” he said. Kylie turned around and Anthony walked over to her.

“Not here,” he said.

“If it’s not here, then it’s never,” Kylie said.

“It’s too risky,” Anthony said.

“Then you don’t really want it,” Kylie said quietly and she tried to turn to leave.

“Damnit Kylie I’ve wanted to bend you over my desk all fucking week,” Anthony said. “But I have rules.”

“Rules you apparently broke for me,” Kylie said. “Or is that what you tell all the girls.”

Anthony pressed her against the door and smashed his lips against hers, locking the door to be safe.

“One time,” he said. “But I can’t keep breaking my rules.”

Kylie pulled a condom out of the waist of her skirt and held it up.

“You were prepared,” Anthony said.

“I hoped.”


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