Sex Education [college][SPH][humiliation][public][FMFFFM][creampie][cuck]

The fluorescent lights flickered overhead, and the bell rang to alert students that class was starting. The squeak of the marker against the whiteboard was drowned out by the chatter of students, and Miss Moore scribbled her name while the few people in class finished up their conversations.

“I’m so glad you all could join the sexual education class that the school has offered. I know this sort of topic isn’t normally discussed at your age, and it may seem a bit late in your development to be discussing sex, but trust me, there are always things you can still learn.” Miss Moore’s striking blue eyes darted towards Chris, who was seated in the front row, and her gaze seemed to let him know that she knew how inexperienced he was, though he thought it may have been all in his imagination.

Miss Moore sat on the edge of her desk, facing the class. Her button-up blouse was open at the top, showing off her cleavage, and her black pencil skirt hugged her curvaceous hips. Her scarlet hair was pinned up in a messy bun, and she lowered the glasses on the bridge of her nose as she addressed the class.

“I know there are only a few of you here today, but that will just mean we can get a bit more personal and interactive with our lesson.” Chris thought he saw a slight grin as the teacher spoke, and he looked around to see if anyone else had noticed.

Edward, Chris’ brother, sat next to him, and he was clearly staring at the teacher’s cleavage as she talked. He ran his hand through his short hair, and he shifted in his chair as he peered down Miss Moore’s top.

Coraline was sitting right behind Edward, her blond hair cascading over her shoulders as she chewed on her pen. Her athletic body was shown off in a pair of denim shorts and a tight white t-shirt, her purple thong peeking out of the top of her shorts.

Lilith was sitting on Coraline’s right side. Her yellow sundress looked slightly big on her slim build, and matched her yellow hair that was pulled into a ponytail high on her head with a white scrunchy. Lilith sat back in her chair, her white flats tapping against the floor in boredom.

Marcy, sitting directly behind Chris and to the left of Coraline, was leaning forward with her head in her hands propped up on her elbows on her desk. Her auburn hair was down and she was twisting strands of it around her fingers as she stared forward as if at nothing. She wore a pair of torn white jeans and a black tank top under a red plaid shirt hanging unbuttoned over her unbound C-cups.

Danika was sitting to Chris’s left, seemingly already uncomfortable with the topic of sex education. She had always been shy, and wasn’t one of the popular girls like the other three women in the class. She sat up straight in her chair, her fingers interlaced and her thumbs fidgeting as she paid close attention to the teacher. Her chestnut hair was tied into a neat bun, and her thin body was swimming in an oversized navy blue corduroy dress over a periwinkle coloured sweater.

Miss Moore began her presentation, referring to posters and textbooks as she showed the small class pictures and diagrams of the male anatomy. Chris squirmed in his seat, looking around at the girls in the class who appeared to smirk and shoot each other knowing looks, all except for Danika, who looked uncomfortable.

“Hm, these pictures are quite small aren’t they?” The teacher crossed her arms and tapped her stiletto heel as she thought for a moment. “You know, I think we need a more life sized model. Edward, perhaps you would be so kind?”

Without hesitation, Edward jumped from his seat and ran to the front of the class. Before Miss Moore could instruct him further, he was already pulling his shirt over his head and dropping his pants. Soon, he was completely naked, his full eight inch member already erect and standing straight up towards the ladies in the second row. Chris looked behind him momentarily to see Coraline, Lilith, and Marcy all biting their lower lips, suddenly intrigued by the interactive turn the lesson had taken.

“You see class, this is a true male specimen.” Miss Moore knelt down and used Edward as a model for her lesson. “See how thick his shaft is, and that perfect curve along his nice long cock? In fact, this may be a good time to compare male anatomy, since we have two capable boys in the class. Come on up here Chris.”

Chris’ face reddened, and his heart began to beat fast. He wanted to refuse, but the girls around him began to cheer and nudge him, encouraging the shy young man to join his brother and put himself on display. Chris reluctantly slipped out of his seat, the women in the class whooping and shouting for him to disrobe.

“Now now, ladies, these two brave gentlemen are brothers, so they are likely to be similar in size. But let’s take a look, shall we? Chris, go ahead.” Miss Moore patted Chris on the shoulder, her warm touch sending a nervous twitch into his crotch.

Chris took a deep breath, and he quickly pulled all of his clothes off just as Edward had done. The reaction to his nudity was not like it had been for Edward. The girls appeared to be stifling laughter, and Danika put her hand over her mouth, her eyes darting between each package that was presented to the class. The silence was finally broken by a loud scoff from Marcy, and Coraline and Lilith immediately began to giggle.

Miss Moore leaned forward to see what the issue was, and she was surprised to find Chris’ shockingly inadequate manhood hanging pathetically from his body.

“Oh.” She started, crossing her arms again. “Now, now, class. Don’t be cruel, this is really a wonderful opportunity for you to see the differences between men who are very luckily well endowed, and those who are a bit more…inferior. Everyone come to the front of the class and get a nice close look. Come on, all of you kneel in front of the boys to really experience the lesson.”

The girls hurried to the front of the class, kneeling on the ground to compare the brothers. Chris’ cheeks were red with embarrassment as his classmates admired his brother’s impressive manhood, and tittered at his own inferior member.

“Ha! Look at it! It’s barely even visible.”

“Man, we can see who got the better side of their DNA.”

Miss Moore stood between the boys, reaching between them to cup both packages.

“Now girls, I know it’s hard not to comment, but let’s remember that not everyone is as lucky as others. Now, obviously every woman would prefer to experience a man who can fill her up and give her a nice big load. We mustn’t be cruel, but clearly there is a winner and a loser in this situation.” The teacher snickered slightly, stroking Edward’s girthy shaft with one hand, and pinching Chris’ tiny nub between her thumb and index finger of the other. “I think it’s time I show you all the proper way to pleasure a woman, I need two of you ladies to be sexy little guinea pigs for the class. Lilith and Coraline, please come and sit on the edge of my desk and spread your legs.”

The girls immediately followed the teacher’s instructions. Coraline unbuttoned her shorts and dropped them to the floor, hopping up on the desk and pulling her thong to the side. Lilith positioned herself on the edge of the desk next to Coraline, pulling her dress up to reveal that she was wearing nothing underneath. Miss Moore dragged the boys in front of the desk, positioning Edward in front of Coraline, and Chris in front of Lilith.

Lilith’s intrigued expression shifted into one of disgust and disappointment. Chris’ already reddened face grew even hotter, and he looked down at his pathetic manhood. Coraline, however, was thrilled to see the meaty tool presented to her. Edward stroked his tubescent girth, pre um oozing from his tip as he stepped toward his giddy classmate.

“Go ahead boys, insert your penis into the vagina and show the class what a difference size truly makes.” Miss Moore instructed, sitting behind her desk and watching as the other classmates crowded around the display.

Edward reached out and caressed Coraline’s smooth, shaven mound, his fingers parting her moistened labia as he pressed his engorged tip against her inviting hole. Coraline groaned and giggled as the thick appendage penetrated her welcoming chasm, pushing deeper and deeper until she swallowed him completely with an exhilarated gasp. His full balls slapped against her ass with every thrust, and Edward grinned as he enjoyed his pretty young classmate’s clenching pussy while everyone watched eagerly.

Chris stared, dumbstruck by the noises of ecstasy that Coraline was making as his brother pounded her feminine cavern. He had never known a woman could enjoy sex the way Coraline was clearly enjoying her brother’s body. She clenched the edge of the desk, her knuckles white and her fingernails digging into the wood. Her head tilted back in pleasure, and she squealed with delight as Edward gripped her thighs and hammered into her with fierce intent.

Chris swallowed hard, looking back at Lilith and taking a step forward. As he approached his classmate, lustful hunger in his eyes, he attempted to thrust himself forward towards her damp opening. With one smooth motion, Lilith leaned back and away from him, reaching out and flicking his shrivelled knob as she recoiled.

Chris winced at the stinging pain of his classmate’s minor attack. He shrunk away from the vicious woman who laughed at his pain and humiliation. The other girls giggled as well, and even Miss Moore hid an amused smile behind her textbook.

“Now Lilith, at least let him enter you so everyone can see and compare how a woman feels experiencing different sizes.” Miss Moore suggested with an almost disinterested and understanding tone.

Lilith let out a frustrated groan, rolling her eyes and opening her legs again to reluctantly allow her poorly endowed classmate to enter her. Chris shyly approached once more, straining to position himself so that his tiny member could reach the velvety hole that he so desperately desired. Lilith leaned back on the desk, looking longingly at Edward and his turgent girth that pleasured her friend just inches away. Chris finally inserted himself inside the annoyed student, who looked down in confusion as he began to hump her and moan.

“Wait, are you even in? I can’t feel anything. Oh my God, you’re inside me aren’t you? I seriously can’t even fucking feel it!” Lilith’s voice shifted mid sentence, from shock and confusion to disgust and amusement. “Jesus Christ Chris, it’s like there’s nothing even down there. I want Edward too!”

As if responding to Lilith’s desperate proclamation, Edward let out a long, drawn out moan as he climaxed inside his eager lab partner. Coraline, too, gyrated and cried out with satisfaction as Edward’s thrusting manhood brought her to orgasm. The class applauded, including Miss Moore, and Edward pulled his glistening pole from Coraline’s womb.

“Perhaps the rest of the class should experience the true male form. Edward, go ahead and give a demonstration to Lilith as well. There’s no reason she should miss out on the lesson.” Miss Moore instructed, leaning back in her chair and shooting Chris a subtle, yet devilish grin.

Edward wasted no time, and pushed his brother to the side. Chris’ cock slipped out easily, having barely found its way inside the moist pussy of his classmate. Edward pressed his swollen tip to Lilith’s opening, pushing himself inside, and Chris watched as the once annoyed and reluctant girl was now groaning and whimpering with pleasure.

“Oh shit! Now that is a cock!” Lilith squealed in ecstasy. Her fingernails clawed at the surface of the desk, and Edward’s firm grasp on her hips pulled her closer as he thrust deep inside her longing chamber.

In his infinite shame, Chris looked away from his brother and around at the rest of the class. To his surprise, Marcy and Danika had begun to touch themselves as they watched the erotic display. Marcy was spread eagle on the surface of one of the desks, completely nude, her fingers hidden away in her dripping cunt. Danika was shyly straddling the corner of the teacher’s desk, desperately humping while staring at Coraline’s gushing creampie.

For a moment, Chris was glad that nobody was focussed on his humiliating ejection from the salacious lesson. Soon, however, the realization occurred to him that his presence was barely noticed at all. These women saw him as subhuman, a pitiful excuse for a man who has no purpose in any sexual situation. They looked to his brother Edward as the epitome of masculinity, and to them, Chris was merely an unwanted creature to be ignored and avoided.

The group writhed and grunted like a pack of wild animals in heat. Danika and Coraline groped at one another’s chests, touching themselves as they watched Edward bring Katrina to a mind shattering orgasm. Marcy joined the group, bending over the desk as Miss Moore massaged the girl’s breasts while Edward penetrated her from behind. The room echoed with wails and screams of pure gratification, the girl’s moaning seductively about how Edward’s sizable appendage was something they would never forget. They went on about his massive load, his perfect girth, his manly essence. Chris listened as the room full of women praised and worshipped his brother’s size, stamina and masculinity, when he realized that he was now furiously masturbating from the sidelines.

“Wow. Tiny, useless, and jerking off in the corner like a pathetic little virgin cuck. Ha!”

Suddenly, the intense praising stopped, and everyone turned their attention to Chris. The voice was that of Miss Moore, who had dropped the professional role, and was now shaming the poorly endowed student that was still jerking uncontrollably. The amused titters and disgusted gasps seemed to fuel his solitary lust, and Chris panted like a dog, whimpering with shame as he pleasured himself to the judging stares and taunts of his classmates.

“What a God damned loser, oh my God just look at him rubbing his sad little shrimp dick! Haha!”

“He wishes he could have his brother’s nice big piece of meat. What a fucking waste of life.”

“Oh my fucking God, you can’t even see it, it gets lost between his fingers! Hahaha! Fucking worthless piece of shit excuse for a man!”

“Holy shit! He’s going to cum! He loves it! Jesus, what a fucking pathetic virgin cuck! You might as well just kill yourself Chris, nobody is ever going to go near a sad little dickless fuck like you!”

The words cut into him like a hot knife through soft butter, and all the while Edward laughed and continued pounding away at Marcy’s round ass. The group laughed and jeered, pointing with judgmental fingers, sneering and cackling as Chris vigorously attended to himself. He couldn’t stop. The laughter and vicious mockery sunk into his mind, pushing him so close to the edge that he whimpered softly, inviting more and more comments from the crowd.

“Holy fucking God look at the little creep! He’s totally getting off on all of it!”

“What a pitiful waste of skin, I can’t believe your parents didn’t just dump you the second you were born when they saw what a no-dicked worthless little freak you would be!”

“That’s it, watch your big dicked brother pump a load in me! Something you’ll NEVER do to a woman, because you couldn’t even pay a woman enough to let that useless disgusting nub of a clit anywhere near them! That’s it, Edward, you perfect stud, empty one in my pussy while your baby dick brother watches all alone with his pathetic cock in his hand!”

Edward’s chuckle broke off into a long, drawn out moan, as he climaxed inside his classmate’s womb. And with that, Chris, too, released. The room roared with feminine laughter, as the young man steadied himself against a desk, a few lonely drops of cum dribbling from his two inch member and barely wetting his fingertips as he gave himself one final stroke.

The amused and revolted reaction of the class echoed in Chris’s mind, his limp, almost inverted manhood now shrivelled and hiding from the giggling crowd. He had learned so much about himself today, and he knew that no matter what diagrams and information he had been given at a young age, this was the real sex education.
