Professionalisms [Anticipation/Age Gap/Workplace/Secretive] (writer formerly OtherAioli) – Chapter One

An Audit – Chapter One

Preview: CEO Andrei Volkov, of boomingly successful WireCore, an advanced tech company with hands in many pockets, pays one of his logistics sites in rural Maine a visit to address safety and security concerns. While there, he interviews employee Rose Buchanan, who leaves quite an impression on the boss and challenges his ability to stay professional.

Author formerly known as OtherAioli. Took a break from writing erotic lit a few months ago and now I’m back and intend to stay :) expect regular updates and LGBTQA, bdsm and more kink inclusion in new stories

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It was on days like these that Andrei fantasized about a life in which he worked as a cog in the machine and lived modestly, scraping by but maybe more content. At the very least, with less obligation. Maybe as a cashier, or a bartender.

Instead, the man was sitting first class on a flight to Maine in a four thousand dollar suit, sifting through flag-raised audit reports on his laptop. He had a life that most people dreamed of, and that most people strived for but never obtained. In his case, truly, he’d just gotten lucky. He’d had the right idea at the right time, and from there his own wildest dreams had come true. Ten years prior, he was eating from a can of beans he’d gotten from the food bank. Today, he was eating some hundred dollar steak and listening to his assistant rattle off his schedule to him for the next month.

He’d be shocked if the site he was visiting wasn’t shitting their pants as he ate. They had had such a large breach in their online security it had flagged up to the company’s Security Breach department, and completely at the fault of one person not following protocol. They had also somehow managed to fail their safety audit and been unable to redeem themselves for the second, third and fourth re-audits. So now here Andrei was. Like a father going to discipline his children and clean up their mess. This site had caused a lot of grief for him, and had damn near taken down the entire company with the security breach. Luckily the staff in the Breach department had rectified things quickly before any irreversible damage was done.

But ever regardless, Andrei knew this wouldn’t be the last time a situation like this would happen. He was a big name on the Forbes list, and hated by many, for his… unorthodox ways of getting things done. For him, it had never mattered how he got results, only that he got them. Maybe something inherited from his Russian father, but it seemed the rest of the nation was disapproving of his moral code.

And so, when he landed and finally reached the site, he was met with both terrified and hateful glares alike. There always was something in him that secretly relished in the powerful feeling of being able to put the fear of god in others. Sometimes it was funny to him, because he knew he was just another person, and had the same emotions and experiences of most folks. He frequently felt stressed. He felt angry, sad, happy, proud, horny. Everything that made him human. So, sometimes it was funny to him to interact with his low level employees, though he’d never show it.

He maintained his composure well. Even when he was stared at, doe-eyed, by some exhilaratingly beautiful technician in a pencil skirt a bit too short for her ass. He might have been the owner of the company, but he also was a man at the end of the day. And it made his cock heavy to see beautiful women intimidated by him.

Though he was going to be evaluating and readjusting the entire site over the next month or longer, he decided to forgo settling in at home just yet and instead catch the staff off guard. From the notice he’d given them, they would have had one more day to prepare for his arrival. But it was more organic this way, to show up unexpectedly and catch them all red handed.

When the CEO walked into the building, it became silent. And then he was greeted by a security guard, who seemed unsure as he demanded ID from Andrei through plexiglass. As if maybe he shouldn’t dare to question the boss. But Andrei gave the guard a reassuring look and handed him his license.

“Alright, Mr. Volkov. Welcome to Maine!” the guard exclaimed, albeit a bit awkwardly. “Let me, uh, go get the GM for you.”

Andrei waited, flanked by his own personal guard and friend, in that order, Xander Williams. Until he was greeted with disingenuously ecstatic smiles and ushered in by the site’s senior staff. His GM made a passive aggressive comment about him being early. Bold of him, Andrei thought. Maybe he was the type to get aggressive and defensive when backed into a corner. Instead of calculating and rational, as Andrei preferred people to be. He would test the man, in due time.

The balding man gave him a tour of the building, since he had never actually stepped foot inside of it before. He had authorized the build, designated someone to oversee it, and got quarterly updates on its production. But never been inside or even met these employees. Another thing to him that was funny. He was the lifeline for everyone he interacted with today. Something that he might never get used to the feeling of.

As the tour came to an end, he and the assembly of senior staff congregated. After a short meeting explaining why he was here, how badly they had fucked up, and what his objectives were for the foreseeable future to prevent another fuck up, Andrei decided he was tired and it was time to get settled in to his new temporary home. It was a lakeside vacation home, rented out from some very shocked older couple who couldn’t believe their new tenant was the Andrei Volkov. They vowed to not bother him, and offered him use of their boat as some sort of VIP treatment. He would be comfortable for his stay, and probably have a bit more peace of mind being away from his bitch of a wife for so long. The man thought about how he would only miss the kids as his driver sped down a highway that led into the woods.


The following day brought with it rain, and the daunting task of spring cleaning. Maybe it was too harsh, but Andrei had always been a harsh kind of guy. Cutting ties where he needed them to be cut and not feeding into his empathetic impulses was exactly how he had reached his current level, and he wasn’t going soft.

Through the next week he was tasked with re-interviewing every single employee in the building to ensure they were up to his own standards, and if they weren’t, then to rehire people who were. Andrei was an incredibly perceptive man, and he could see right through even the most manipulative people. It was a gift that had brought him far in life, because to manipulate a manipulator, you had to know them. Truly know them, not just their facade. And that wasn’t something that could be asked for politely. It was something that needed to be coaxed out unbeknownst to them, and stay that way too. He was confident he’d be able to effectively weed out the people who were liabilities.

And so his interviews dragged on all morning, into the afternoon, and straight into the evening. 8:50pm to be specific. Which is exactly the time he decided he couldn’t put off a cup of coffee anymore. Rather than make someone run out to get him one, he decided a homemade pot could do. Besides, the only places open now would have been 24hr convenience stores and gas stations. He had only one more interview to get through for the day, and then he could sit in his boxers and watch Netflix.

The building was silent without any foot traffic. There were only a few people left in the entire building. Just himself, his interviewee, his guard, and the site security guard — who he spotted staring down at a game of Candy Crush on his phone. Who still plays that? he thought mindlessly, as he made his way into the common area where the promise of coffee and snacks awaited him.


He wasn’t sure where he expected the interviewee to be, but it sure as hell wasn’t in the common room. She was aware of her interview time, which was in less than 10 minutes. The fact that she wasn’t being punctual and waiting outside of his temporarily designated office would have rubbed him the wrong way, if walking in on her wasn’t something that stopped him in his tracks. Andrei stood silently, leaning against the doorway, because before him…. the doe-eyed technician from before, really did need a longer skirt.

The young woman, up close she looked to be no older than 25. She was extending her arm upwards, reaching for something from a cabinet but he wasn’t sure what. That’s not what he was focused on. As she reached, her other shoulder tipped a bit, and the strap of her bag was dragged down mid-bicep, the weight of it tipping her posture. In doing so, her skirt was pushed up, and she didn’t even realize — so innocently, there she was, completely exposed to her boss…

For a moment he wondered if maybe he should make it known that he was there, clear his throat or shuffle a bit louder. Be professional. But some sinister part of him indulged instead. Her ass, full and round, demandingly obtuse, protruded out from underneath that skirt. With just a tiny bit of white cotton scrunched into it to offer any reprieve. It just barely did the job. It rode up so deeply into her ass that he could see the outline of her pussy, and a tiny bit of it was exposed at the sides where the fabric ran out. Plump, but… tiny. Like a puffy little mound. This felt sinful, and he knew there could be huge backlash if she turned around and realized he was staring. And boy, was he staring. The man’s blue eyes were trained on her legs, toned but still somehow shapely and thick. His gaze traced up, drinking in the way her ass creased definingly into them. He indulged in the thought of walking up behind her and taking full handfuls of her ass, spreading it open… rubbing his cock up and down that puffy little mound.

The man inhaled deeply, his cock stiffening against his trousers. Silently, he unhinged his professionalism. And could anyone blame him? His wife hadn’t fucked him in so long he had chronic sexual frustration. Looking was all he did, and times like this, when he was already tired and horny, it was impossible to look away. His general rule was to stay faithful, and it felt like a waste. He wasn’t one to brag, and never had been, but he was very aware of how well endowed he was. And as he watched the young woman, no taller than 5”, struggle to reach the top cupboard, he couldn’t help but fantasize how vice-like tight her pussy might be. And how his cock, girthy and rigid, wouldn’t fit without having to make it fit. How she would struggle then, trying to take all of it. How her ass would pillow out against his pelvis once he stuffed it all inside her. The way she would gasp, as he stretched her open to fit him inside. He could feel the veins in his cock throbbing as she shifted onto the tips of her toes to try to reach even more. Her ass was dimpled with gentle cellulite and Andrei fought the urge to grab onto it.

He could have helped her easily, he was a foot and some change taller than her. But something deep within him loved watching her struggle, loved that mild frustration he saw in her posture, and loved staring at her pussy through her panties. The way her ass jiggled gently around it as she moved. He heard her sigh and mutter something in annoyance. Then she seemed to pause, and he stood up straight, ready to act like he had just walked in and saw nothing. But instead of turning around, she showed her determination.

She kicked off her heels, ankles slender, and she jumped. The soft soles of her feet left the ground for just a moment but her ass jiggled heavily with the impact, and the skirt rose up so high it pulled up to her lower back. Her panties had shifted a bit, and more of her plump pussy lips were exposed to him. He could see now that the cotton was damp… right where her hole must be. He could have groaned. Silently, he drank her in from the doorway, wishing she would jump again.

But the technician gasped as she realized the state of her attire and quickly yanked it back down, breathing as though she were relieved no one was around to see. He could have laughed if he wasn’t now incredibly hard. He’d seen it all.

Andrei’s cock was protruding and stiff, and he knew if she turned around now she would see it. There would be no hiding it. His big hand cupped around it to give it a generous squeeze, and he stepped forward to reach over her and open the cabinet. Trying his best to keep it away from her though a large part of him wanted to cave in and press it up into her back, let her arch into it. She was right before him, and when she felt the heat of someone behind her and realized who it was, she did a little jump of shock. Her ass smacked into his pelvis in the process, rubbing up on his erection. He inhaled deeply, waves of pleasure immediately shooting through him. It took everything to not grab her waist and make her do it again.

“Oh! Mr. Volkov!” she exclaimed, the terror in her voice was like she’d seen a ghost. The woman was even more beautiful up close. Being so tanned, he hadn’t expected her eyes to be light and hazel. And across her ethnic nose, she had a splay of freckles. Andrei’s eyes met hers for a moment, as he waited for her to tell him what she needed. But she didn’t. She stared stupidly at him. Then the woman’s cheeks reddened attractively with embarrassment and she quickly averted her gaze downward, tucking her ashy blonde hair behind her ears. “Um, I—I’m sorry, I um—“ she stammered, as if she’d just realized she was still barefoot. His mind wandered to her pressing her painted toes against his erection, and wondered if she’d even noticed it when she looked down. “I couldn’t really reach the cabinet so I had to take my shoes off so that I—“ she tried to explain herself she slipped back into her heels hastily. But Andrei cut her off.

“Calm down. It’s fine. What do you need from the cabinet?” his voice was gentle, but he was imagining himself bending her over the counter and opening her up, pounding into her, hearing her gasp out his name between thrusts.

Her plump lips bloomed with a nervous smile. “The, uh…. hot chocolate mixes.” Her voice faltered as if she was ashamed or embarrassed of herself.

Andrei chuckled and brought the box down to the counter, where she could reach them. “Hmm. Hot chocolate instead of coffee?” he inquired, amused now. What an impression. She’d already managed to give him a hardon and laugh. She’d definitely be keeping her job.

The young woman chewed on her lip, smiling to keep the peace with him probably, but she was shaking like a leaf. Something that drove him mad. He debated it for a moment, knowing it would be hard to keep his thoughts from wandering if he touched her, but he gave her a gentle squeeze on the shoulder. Something that seemed to arise something different in both of them. In her, relief apparently. In him, he fought the urge to grab her by the throat and show her exactly how hard his cock was. Andrei inhaled deeply, trying to get some sense in him through his painful arousal. He couldn’t jeopardize his position with sexual harassment allegations.

He gave her a smile, keeping himself composed otherwise was something he was a master at. If he kept her eyes up on his, she wouldn’t see his growing erection, even if he was painfully aware of how the veins were bulging from it and throbbing for her. “Calm down. Make your hot chocolate, then we’ll get this interview over with. I want to go home just as badly as you do.” Probably for different reasons.

He waited, observing her as she made the cup of cocoa. Something about it was cute. She was so nervous, but still following through with the hot chocolate, maybe just because he was expecting her to now. She didn’t speak as she waited for the water to heat up in the Keurig, and he focused on the way her blouse couldn’t quite contain her tits. The way they mounded out of it, cleavage heavy. Buttons threatening to burst.

“Your name?” Andrei asked, as she was finishing up.

“Um, Rose. Well—Awra, actually. But my middle name is Rose, and I… like to be called Rose.” She stammered, intimidated. Her fingers wrapped around the mug. She brought it up to her full lips and they pouted around the rim. Andrei imagined it was the head of his cock instead. It twitched in his pants. And now it’d drawn attention to itself. Rose noticed the movement and her gaze flickered down. She stared at it, realization dawning on her face. She seemed astonished even through all the blushing, and she quickly looked back up at him, eyes doe-like and wide, to find his. They looked at each other for a long moment, her big hazel eyes innocent but knowing.

“Are you ready for the interview?” he asked, measured, never breaking eye contact. His gaze daring her to comment on it.

She blinked, as though she’d expected him to address it now that she was in on the secret. And rather than do it herself, she responded, “Yes, sir.” His cock thickened and twitched again. She watched it twitch, releasing a soft gasp.

“Let’s go then.”

“I—“ she started, but then stopped when he looked at her again. She was staring very intently at his erection, and then looking back up to him, as if to make sure he knew she saw it. It just made it throb harder, grow a little bit more. He raised an eyebrow, feeling precum dew at its tip and soak into the fabric of his boxers. It was so stiff it hurt.


“I just… um… wanted to tell you thank you, for… getting the packets….” She seemed incredulous, but beneath her thin blouse he could see now her nipples puckered through the fabric. Her pouty lips hung open, almost as though she were in shock.

The two walked silently into his office, both painfully aware of his bulging cock, both refusing to address it. It was bulging out so heavily from his pants that it caught on the edge of his desk as he went to sit down. Rose was staring at it, her nipples now poking out hard.

“Okay, Miss… Buchanan. Correct? Awra Rose Buchanan?” he began, tone measured. He had her performance reports pulled up on his laptop before he’d left the office.

“Yes,” she whispered. When he glanced up from his laptop at her he realized she was staring… lustily, at him. Their eyes didn’t leave one another’s. He allowed his imagination to wander; how wet her pussy must be right now, and fought everything in him that wanted to pull up her skirt and touch it. His mind was running rampant now, imagining her rubbing her puffy pussy bare on his desk, dragging her wet arousal all over it. Moaning his name. Calling him sir.

He exhaled heavily, trying not to groan at the thought.

“Miss Buchanan, how long have you worked for WireCore?”

She blinked, then shifted in her seat. “I’m new. I’ve been here for three months now I think.” Rose caught her plump lower lip between her teeth and tugged, like she was in debate, or desire. Either way, he was getting frustrated now. He had a real problem between his legs.

Andrei couldn’t withstand how sore with arousal his rock hard cock was. He shifted in his own seat, and behind the cover of his desk, he used one hand to grasp onto it, shaking it heavily in his pants against his thigh, thudding noticeably with the impact. He was just to give himself even a tiny bit of relief. Trying to focus.

The woman across from him straightened her posture a bit, her eyelids hooded.

“What would you say your strengths are, as they pertain to your position here at WireCore?” He continued, without skipping a beat.

“I… I…” Rose was flustered. She arched her back, ever so slightly. She might not have thought he would notice. He noticed.

Andrei groaned amidst a sigh as he pushed back from his desk. His cock was too thick to be ignored. Even the biggest veins could be seen through the fabric. Rose’s eyes followed him as he walked over to the mini fridge in the room. “You?” he prompted, distracted, then cleared his throat and opened a water bottle. As he drank, he unashamedly gave his cock a rough series of squeezes. He exhaled gruffly. And then grabbed a second bottle and brought it over to her.

She said nothing, her big eyes were trained on his, her plump reddened lips slightly parted. Her cheeks were pink. She was breathing heavier. She suddenly caught her lip between her teeth, chewing in debate. Andrei watched her, expression falling into confusion before he realized what she was about to do.

And then she reached out, placing her soft hand on his cock.

Andrei reacted immediately, grabbing roughly onto her wrist. It was so small compared to his own hand. “Whoa! Miss Buchanan! What do you think you’re doing?” he reprimanded aggressively, but in the same moment he was guiding her hand up the length of his bulge, and then wrapping it around hers, to guide her hand into squeezing it — before he suddenly pulled her hand off of him, and gave it back to her. As if he hadn’t just helped her rub his cock.

“I-I…” she started, but couldn’t finish. She looked like a deer caught in headlights. He was all but gaslighting her at this point. But she had felt how hard it was underneath her own fingertips, so how could she doubt what she was seeing?

Andrei had resolve, though. “Behave yourself. Answer the question.” He demanded, leaning against his desk.

Rose seemed to be dumbfounded. Her trimmed eyebrows furrowed inward in confusion, and Andrei pushed the water across the desk towards her. “C-Can you ask the question again?”

Andrei sighed, feeling frustrated in more ways than one. “Miss Buchanan, do you want to keep your job?”

“Yes!” she answered immediately, then tried to catch herself — tried to catch her emotions. “Yes, sir, I do.”

For the first time in the night, Andrei faltered. He groaned amidst another sigh. “Ugh, don’t call me that.” He desperately wanted her naked.

“I-I’m sorry,” Rose promised, skin flushing with embarrassment. “I want to keep my job, Mr. Volkov. Just… just tell me what I have to do. If… if that’s what I have to do, I’ll—“

Andrei stopped her. “No. No, this is not a quid pro quo. Do you understand?” Rose nodded immediately, falling silent. “I need you to get your mind about you here, Rose. What would you say your strengths are?”

She inhaled deeply, keeping her eyes on his. “I am thorough. And I’m… professional,” but as she said it her voice faltered.

They both knew that what she had just done was not professional.

A long moment of silence fell over them, weighted. Before Andrei broke it, daring to ask what was clearly the focus on both of their minds. He was never one to play games. Maybe it would be a mistake, but the risk made him ache for it that much more.

He took a measured breath, then:

“Do you want to touch it?”

Another tempo’d moment, a soft inhale from her lips, and Rose nodded.

“Then go ahead and touch it.”


I hate to leave you guys on a cliff hanger buuuut I wanna reel you all back in lol definitely not my best work but I want to continue with this story long term just like I did with Satiated. Expect lots of anticipation and sexual frustration since I love teasing all of y’all ? If any of you want to be part of the process and vote on new plot lines, new story developments, new characters, see what’s next in store, get early access to new content ect please check out my Patreon tagged in the beginning of the post :) I’ll be updating it tonight with content since as of now it is empty

I’m really happy to be back and writing for all of you hornballs!!
