I [M] fucked my high school friend’s ex [F] while her college friends slept in the same bed

(This is my first time posting so I apologize if it’s rambling but would love feedback).

So Arnie and I were friends in high school. Not the closest of friends in our group. I never really hung out with his girlfriend Samantha one on one but always thought she was absolutely stunning. Anyway, Arnie and I’s friendship seemed destined to fade during college even though we were going to the same place. They were going to do long distance in college so even if I did see her, it would be to visit him.

As luck would have it, she went to college with my best friend Chris. By junior year, I finally made it out there to visit Chris and we were going to go on an adventure to do some acid in the woods at the cabin a friend of his had access to.

When I get to Chris’ house to meet the crew going with us, there is Samantha. The couple years of college had somehow made her more gorgeous. She still wore her jet black hair long, down to her perfect breasts. But they had gotten bigger and were definitely D’s by now, apparent even through her flowy People Tree attire. Everything else looked the same though, her athletic and toned ass immune from the calories from college level drinking. We laughed at the coincidence and hugged. Thankfully she didn’t press into me too tightly so I avoided her feeling the bulge in my pants as if I had stuffed the copious memories of watching her hands on Arnie into my underwear.

Chris told me “They broke up in September Dan and she said she was excited to see you when I told her you were rounding out the group today.” Arnie had apparently drunkenly hooked you with a girl at our school and called Sam crying to tell her. Suffice to say it was the final nail in the coffin.

Anyway, Sam and I were in the same car to this rural cabin and sat in the back seat catching up, smoking a joint, and marveling at the way the first snowfall of the year had dusted the mountains. We had to hike about a half mile to the cabin. It was getting kind of dark so we had to be careful walking. Suddenly, I realized our hands weren’t just touching for support but we were actually holding hands. With the group in front of us, I pulled her back and decided to go for broke. I gave her a quick kiss. I expected her, at best, to just kiss me back and then keep moving. Instead she bit my lip just short of making me bleed and moved my hand to her ass. It somehow was bigger than it looked but just as toned as I had imagined.

Now that we were finally at the cabin, I started scheming how I was going to get a bed with Sam. As luck would have it, we were going to sleep in the same bed. Unfortunately, we wouldn’t have any privacy. There was no central heating and only two beds total with a ton of blankets. Still, I wasn’t going to let Sam and that tight ass be anywhere but pressed up against my now constant erection.

Everyone was too stoned and tired from driving all day to do much besides collapse into their respective bed. Since I was on the edge, I made sure to remark loudly that they were pushing me off the bed as I thrusted into Sam gently but repeatedly. We could have been found out immediately from her gasp after a particularly hard thrust but she covered by complaining I was letting in the cold air.

She turned back towards me and smiled. Under the ocean of blankets, she found my hands. She guided my left to her right ass cheek and clamped my hand down so I knew I had to grab it to make up for the years of lost time. Once I made it clear my hand was going to squeeze every inch, she kissed me. Instead of pecks, they were long embraces. Our tongues wrestling while I pulled her into me, just feeling her wetness through my pajamas. We were dry humping like the teenagers we were when we first met.

Our companions continued silence and stillness was all the permission we needed to keep going. She unbuttoned my pajama bottoms while I finally let go of her ass and decided to see if she had been as aroused as I had been since seeing her. Sam’s sharp inhalation as my hand slid in the front on her bottoms seemed to transform my finger from my own appendage into he sex toy. I couldn’t help but let out a barely audible fuck as she pushed my palm against her clitoris and started to ride my hand. Effortlessly, she started stroking my cock in rhythm with her pussy on my hand.

By now I was trying to figure out how I could get to the condom(s) in my backpack but couldn’t imagine not feeling her wetness or her encouraging my hardness. As if she could read my mind, she kissed my neck and told me she wanted to feel me without “any fucking condom.” I mustered a “whatever you want Sam,” in response. She made it clear what she wanted; in a fluid motion she took my finger out and slid my cock in, all the way to the base. My balls were instantly drowning in her juices as I pumped into her ravenously forgoing any restraint on behalf of our sleeping bedmates.

Sam put my hand over her mouth to keep her quiet because it had become apparent to both of us she wasn’t going to be able to keep quiet for much longer. She turned around and started to nibble on my hand while I slowed into steady but deep thrusts. With my other hand leaving a mark on her ass, I whispered I was about to cum. She told me not to move, not with words but by wrapping her arm behind me and pushing me all the way in. Then she put her hand back on her clit and kept rubbing. That was enough to make me let loose with the most ferocious orgasm I’ve ever had. The following exhale of hot breath on my hand let me know she had cum too.

She slipped out to the bathroom and we fell asleep together. We didn’t get a chance to go a second round but I still rub one out to the messages we exchanged for the rest of college.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ja92on/i_m_fucked_my_high_school_friends_ex_f_while_her