A Birthday to Remember [Fiction}[18+][Cheating][Old Friends][Public]

So, I wrote this for a friend for her birthday. This is my first time writing in about 10 year or so. Also I tried a new style. Please let me know what you think. Sorry ahead of time for the length.


*Hey. What are you up to?*

*Getting ready for work. What’s up?*

*Not much. What time are you off?*

*Usually around 5.*

*Think you might be able to get off earlier?*

*Idk. I can try. Why?*

*Well I’m in town, I know your birthday is tomorrow so I figured we could celebrate.*

*Where’s your girl?*

*With her family. Told her I was coming to hang out with mine for the night*

*So can you or nah?*

*I’ll text you.*

*Lol. Okay but just so you know. I can’t promise I’ll be sober.*

*Anyways. If you decided to come through here’s the address.*

I saved his address then threw my phone on the bed. Looking in the mirror, I decided to change out the clothes I was planning on wearing for work. There was no way that I was going to pass on this opportunity. It had been too long since I’d last seen him.

What was it, almost seven years now? You know how life gets: Moving, family life, working. Now, that doesn’t mean that we didn’t keep in contact. We just have that kind of relationship where even if we don’t talk for months (sometimes years), when we do talk it’s like they had last seen each other the day before. Talking to him would bring me back to those nights when he was in Cali for the summer.

*God, why does he have to live so far now?!*

As I got ready, and made myself more presentable, I could feel my heart racing faster with each passing minute.

*I was finally going to get to see him….*

*To touch…*

*Hold him…*

Images quickly flooded my vision. The things I would think when talking to him or texting him hit me wave after wave. This feeling engulfed my entire body, and I could feel the heat of lust rising inside of me. He knew I wanted him, but I had to make sure to contain myself.

*Good things come to those who wait, right?*

I sent a message to my supervisor letting them know that I wasn’t going to be able to make it in. I told them that I wasn’t feeling well (which technically wasn’t a lie). Being that I still had 2 hours before having to clock in, I knew that they would be fine with me not coming in. After receiving the okay, I continued getting ready. Luckily, my husband wasn’t home at the time, so I wouldn’t have to explain who I was getting all prettied up for.

After a few hours, I decided it was a good time to head his way. I didn’t want to seem too eager, so I stopped by the gas station for a drink and gas. Walking in, the store clerk gave me a half-ass greeting. I waved my hand as I walked past, heading to the water. I paid for the water and gas, filled up the car, and headed on my way.

Finally, after about halfway there, I fished my phone from the nearby seat and told him I was on my way. The closer I got, the more anxious and excited I got. I know we have both changed over the years, but I wasn’t sure what to expect. How would he react after seeing me? What if he’s not even here? I wonder if his dick is still as big as last time.

I laughed to myself at the last statement as I turned down the street to my destination. I haven’t been on this side of L.A. mostly because I haven’t really had a reason to be. Thank God, it’s already night so no one can be nosey and see what’s going on. I messaged him that I was outside and started scrolling through social media to distract myself. Now that I was here, the amount of nervousness was beyond belief.

A sudden knock on the window, scaring the shit out of me, caused me to drop my phone in my lap.

“Fuck…” I mumbled under my breath, rolling down my window.

“Did I scare you?” said a warm voice, followed by a chuckle.

“Fuck, yeah you did” I said, slightly high-pitched, and laughing slightly.

“Well, you shouldn’t be doing something bad.”

Now, that my eyes had adjusted to the dark, I could see him clearer. I could tell that he had gained some weight since I had last seen him, but that didn’t take away from the good looks he always had. His eyes were still as warm and as kind as I remember, his smirk still melted my heart a bit. I’m personally not a fan of dreads but for him, they work. I reached out to touch his face and felt my body happily react instantly as he kissed the palm of my hand. What I loved about him were his lips.

God, those lips. The things those lips could possibly do…

“So, I’m done hanging out here. What do you say we head off somewhere?” he asked me.

“Like where?” I responded.

“My cousin told me about an abandoned warehouse that I’m curious to check out”

“Oh, hell no” I said quickly. I was not wearing the right kind of shoes to go walking around some abandoned building. If it really did come down to it, I could just use my gym shoes in the trunk.

“What? You don’t think it’ll be fun? You’re not scared, are you? Afraid you’ll break a nail?” he mocked me.

“Fuck it, I’m down”

“Not yet, but the way I’m feeling, you might end up being.”

I felt myself get wet when he said that. I watched him go around the back of the car and get in. He reached over and hugged me. I didn’t notice it before but now that he’s closer, I could smell the alcohol on him. It wasn’t strong, like the kind of smell that would make you never think about looking at another bottle. It was light and kind of sweet smelling, though I can tell that he was still feeling the effects.

“Give me your phone,” he ordered.

I did as he instructed and watched as he put in the address. He handed me back my phone and we were off. On the way, we talked about what was new in our lives. Where life had taken us. What plans we had coming up. The typical shit that people who haven’t seen each other for some time. To be honest, all that was on my mind was going through all that we talked about doing the next time we saw each other. I would look over to see if there was some sign of the same thing on his mind but under the passing streetlights, I couldn’t see anything that gave me a clue. Knowing him though, he was likely trying to think of a way to get things started.

*Tonight, I promise it won’t take much*.

After about 45 minutes, we turned through a broken-down gate. Being that this building was by a river, it reminded me of one of those warehouses that housed gangsters in movies and tv shows. It was a bit off-putting but exciting at the same time. It was out of town so the likelihood of someone coming around was very slim.

I pulled up to what looked to be the loading dock and got out, the rocks crunching beneath our feet. I went to put on my gym shoes and closed the trunk. Walking around to meet him, I forgot how short I was. I knew that he was going to pick about my height, but I was cool with it. Just meant I had less distance to travel when I go down right?

“Shall we go explore?” he asked, examining the building and wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

We walked up and checked the door. Locked.

“Well, fuck,” he grumbled, looking around. “Stay here. I’m gonna go see if I can find a way in”

After some time, he came back, shouldered slumped.

“Well, that sucks donkey dick” he chuckled. “Couldn’t find a way in that didn’t involve a bit of parkour. Let’s go back to the car.

Walking back to the car, I watched him pull something from his pocket, but I couldn’t make out what it was.

“What’s that?” I asked, inquiringly.

“Well, we are in Cali and, to me, Cali is like Rome. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”

He put it in his mouth and went back to a pocket again. Making a cup around his mouth to block any wind, I heard the flick of a lighter and knew what it as. I watched as he lit it and inhaled then exhaled. He held out his hand for me to take it.

“Oh, hell no. You got me fucked up,” I said, backing up

“Come on, just this once. Who knows when I’ll get to see you again?”

I just rolled my eyes. “Fine, but only because it’s you.”

I took a fast hit, exhaled and started coughing. He just laughed at me.

“Try it again” he coached. “But slower.”

The next few times, following his instructions, it became easier.

“Better, right?” he asked me.

“Yeah, I guess” I said, giving it back to him. “I still don’t know why you do this.”

“Because I enjoy the feeling” he answered, after exhaling his previous smoke.

“I know what I would enjoy feeling,” I said, with a laugh.

Before I could blink, I found myself against the car, him just an inch from my face.

“Oh, yeah? And what would that be?”

All I could do was bite my bottom lip. He always talked this way through text but seeing it in person was something completely different. Most men, including my husband, act scared when I want them to take charge. Like I would be upset if they roughed me up a bit. Not him. It was as if he enjoyed this bit of power play. Like he wanted to see exactly how far he could push it. How far he could push me. However, I wasn’t the type to back down from a challenge.

“Well, I know I wouldn’t mind feeling those li- “.

Before I could even finish, his lips met mine. It wasn’t one of those “oh hey I haven’t seen you in some days and I missed you” kind of kiss. No, it was a “it’s been seven years and you’re going to feel the extent of my frustration from not being able to see you for such a long time” kind of kiss. The kind that if your panties wasn’t wet before, well at that time, you’d have a flood. Like Niagara Falls ain’t got shit on what was happening in between my legs at that moment. I felt his tongue push against my lips and I happily took it into my mouth. It danced with mine, before he took mine and started sucking on it gently. God, those lips. We kissed for what seemed like hours then I could hear his phone vibrating in his pocket.

“Shit,” he mumbled. He pulled it, looked at it and motioned me to be quiet as he answered.

“Hey, babe” he said. “Yeah, no I’m not busy. What’s up?”

As he talked, I went to the backseat of my car and pulled out the blanket I had prepared for just in case.

*Since she messed up my kiss, I’m about to mess up her conversation.*

I walked back over to him, folding the blanket as I did. I placed it in front of him on the rocks and, looking up at him, winked and dropped down to my knees. I slowly ran my hands up his legs and thighs to his belt. I laughed as he tried to swat my hands away while still talking on the phone.

“Yeah, no everyone’s at the house. I walked down the street to get away from the noise.”


I pulled his pants down and rubbed my lips against the print of his dick in his underwear. I could feel my mouth start to water. I felt him grow against my lips and I started rubbing myself through my pants. Then, not being able to control myself any longer, I pulled down his boxers. He must’ve been extremely turned on, because as soon as it was free, it almost smacked me right in the face. Licking my hand and grabbing it, I slowly ran my tongue along the side to the head. I took the head between my lips and started sucking softly, looking up to see his reaction.

Feeling his dick twitch in my mouth in response to my movements excited me. Knowing that he was enjoying himself made me want to please him more. I took more of him in, feeling it stretch my mouth wide. Suddenly, I felt a push on the back of my head and soon felt the tip of his dick hit the back of my throat. I let out soft moans as he held me there with all of him in my mouth. This was heaven and I was planning on enjoying every moment.

Pulling him out halfway, I started stroking his dick while circling my tongue around the head of his dick, playfully. It was cute to watch him try to keep his moans in while on the phone. Pulling his dick out with a *POP*, I tugged on it to get his attention.

“Papi, fuck my mouth,” I whispered, loud enough for only him to hear.

He must’ve been waiting for me to say that because no sooner had I said the last word, his dick found its way into the back of my throat. His hand on the back of my head, gripping my hair tight, I knelt there as he pounded his dick repeatedly into my waiting mouth. I grabbed his balls and gave the squeeze, feeling his dick hit the roof of my mouth. He was having his way with my mouth and I wanted nothing different.

“Okay, babe,” I heard him say. “I’m going to go back and play another game.”

He threw his phone on the hood of the car and, with two hands behind my head, fucked my mouth like it was the last time his dick would be in one.

“You almost got me caught,” he growled. “For that, I’m going to use you the way I want.”

All I could do was moan, spit pooling from my mouth onto the shaft of his dick. I let him have his way with my face. I felt his balls hitting gently against my chin and I stuck out my tongue to have a lick as they do.

“Mm, fuck. You’re a dirty girl, aren’t you?” I heard him say. That got my mind going. Now my body was in autopilot. I absentmindedly nodded, my body heating up from his words.

*Why is he the only one that can get me like this?*

I suddenly felt an emptiness in my mouth, and I felt myself whine a little. I heard him laugh, knowing how much he has affected me. He pulled me up and, while kissing me, tossed me on the hood of the car. He worked his hands to my pants and in one smooth motion had them unbuttoned and pulled them off, leaving my underwear in place. I felt him press the palm of his hand against my already soaking panties. I felt him smile, please with my body’s reaction. He pressed harder, forcing a moan among our kisses.

Breaking the kiss, I took his hand and slid his fingers in my mouth. I pulled my panties to the side as I glided his hand down, longing for his touch. I felt him spread the lips with his ring and pointer finger as he slowly circled my clit with his middle finger. God, those years in band really paid off for him. He knew his way around. I could feel myself melting in his hand. I almost didn’t feel as he slid his other hand up my shirt. Since I was wearing a jacket, I had decided against putting on a bra.

“Oh, came prepared, didn’t we?” he asked, slyly.

“Shut up, no. I just didn’t want to be bothered with it. It’s not like I expected us to be doing this” I lied.

He lifted my shirt and the cold air hit my nipples, causing them to get hard. He kissed on my neck, twirling his tongue in circles getting me worked up. It took everything in me to not force his head between my legs. He made his way lower, and with his tongue, slurped one of my nipples into his mouth. The warmness of his mouth mixed with the coolness of the night air sent a shock all the way down to my nether region. It sent my mind of a fritz and I let out a moan.

“Mm, yes. Just like that. Suck my nipples while you play with your pussy”

Fuck, I can’t believe that slipped out. I waited for him to have a smart-ass comment, but he just continued sucking, tugging at my nipples from time to time with his teeth. Fuck, he was driving me crazy. I felt his hand on my chest, pressing against me, signaling me to lay back. I did as instructed and held in my breath as he kissed her way down slowly, exploring every inch of my body. He finally made his way in between my legs. I spread them wide, half expecting and half hoping he would just dive head first into the pool that had formed.

Instead, he just kissed along my inner thighs. He would kiss up one side, let his tongue barely touch the lips before making his way down my other thigh. It was driving me insane. I felt my hips involuntarily raising each time trying to get him where I wanted him but he never gave him. I had just about given up, getting frustrated, when he took my entire pussy in his mouth without warning. I felt a mix of a gasp and moan get caught in my throat.

“F-F-Fuuucckkk” was all I had managed to get out as his tongue explored every inch between my lips. He drew various shapes around and across my clit with no time for me to register what it was before moving on the next. I couldn’t think. I didn’t want to think. I just knew I didn’t want him to stop. I felt his hand grab at my breasts, taking my nipples in between two of his fingers, tugging lightly. This caused me to arch my back, pressing his face harder against me.

I reached down and felt the back of his head and pulled it closer to me, his tongue pushing even deeper into me.

“Oh, fuck, Papi. Eat this fuckin’ pussy!”

I felt his hands spread my legs apart as he pushed himself in deeper, sucking on my pussy at the same time.

“Oh, fuck yes.” I moaned.

I started rotating my hips, grinding my pussy against his face. The feel of his fingers curled up in me with him sucking on my clit was enough to drive me over the edge.

“Mm, fuck. Just like that! You’re going to make me cum! I’m going to cum!”

No sooner had I said that he stopped. I was right at the edge and he just stopped. Panting, I glared at him.

“Why the fuck did you stop?!”

He gave me that annoying grin. “Because I told you. I was going to pay you back for what you did while I was on the phone. You can only come when I tell you to. Only after I feel like you deserve it.”

Obviously frustrated, I slid off the hood of the car. Trying to regain control of the situation, I went to go pick up my pants. I felt his hand clamp against my throat, stopping my breath in its tracks.

“I’m not done with you,” he growled lowly, as in almost a whisper. I felt the control through his grip and gave in completely. I would be lying if I said it wasn’t what I wanted.

Turning me around, he bent me over, pushing my face onto the cold metal of the hood. Luckily, my car had been washed but at that moment, I didn’t care. He was giving me what I wanted.

What I needed.

I wanted more. I needed more. I wasn’t done with him. This was my night as I was going to use it the way I wanted.

He pulled my underwear down and I kicked them off. I couldn’t see him, but I soon felt the sting across my left ass cheek. I let out a yelp as it was unexpected but greatly enjoyed. I felt a stronger sting on my right ass cheek.

This time, a moan slipped out.

He must’ve enjoyed the response because it was soon met with another, harder slap on my ass.

Then another. And another.

I started losing count because my mind started going blank in anticipation and want.

I must’ve been really out of it because I suddenly felt something making my pussy even more wet. The swollen head of his cock slid between my pussy lips, the tip hitting my clit. I pushed back against him, trying to work him inside me. The anticipation was too much, and I felt my knees buckle slightly under me as I experienced, what I was sure would be one of many, orgasms take over my body.

“Already? You weren’t supposed to cum yet. Tsk Tsk.” I heard him say. I could hear the smirk in his tone.

He didn’t give me a chance to answer because as soon as I opened my mouth, I felt him push in slowly, stretching the walls of my pussy to fit around his dick. All I could let out was a loud moan.

“Fuck…It looks like this pussy was waiting for me. It welcomed me with no restrictions.”

I pushed back against him, wanting to feel all of him in me. This drove him deeper inside me.

“Of course. It’s been waiting for you for how long now?” I cooed.

I don’t know why I was like this with him. I felt his hands grip my waist as he continued to drive in and out of me in a slow rhythm. He dropped his hips, and I felt the head of his dick push against the roof of my pussy. It rubbed me in such a raw way, I almost gave in to another orgasm, but I managed to hold that one back. He took at fistful of my hair and pulled, causing my eyes to meet his.

“Whose pussy is it?” he asked.

I fought back my answer, my eyes rolling back slightly as he penetrated me. I felt his slowly start to pull out and that was the last thing that I wanted.

“Fuck, I hate you. Don’t take it out please. Alright, it’s yours. It’s yours. This pussy is yours. Now, please put it back in me.

“Beg me” he said in a low growl

Fuck, I came on the spot.

“Please. Please fuck this pussy. It needs to be fuck by you. Plea- “

He shoved it in all the way to the base. I scratched at the car but could grab on to nothing as he drove into me with such passion. Such force. It was as if all time stood still and the only thing was the sounds of our bodies hitting against each other. I reached down and started playing with myself as he pounded me, my mind completely blank. I felt myself reaching the end again and before I could ask, he whispers in my ear: “Cum all over my fuckin’ dick”. Wave after wave of energy leaves me as I feel my orgasm hit harder than ever before. If he had not have held my waist, I would’ve fallen right there on the rocks. I let out a moan that seemed to transgress into some sort of howl that came from nowhere.

As I came down, I noticed that he hadn’t stop driving into but did slow his pace so I could recover. After hearing my breath slow, he started picking up his pace. He was back to driving into me with the same passion and force as before. It wasn’t too much longer that I could feel his cock swelling inside me. I reached under and felt that his balls had become tight and I knew that he was close. I did my best to help push him over the edge, wanting to finally become one after all this time.

“MM, Fuck! Cum in me! Please! Please let me feel you fill up my tight pussy! Please! Please papi, cum in this pussy. Claim it. It’s yours. Please, I’m begging you. I want to feel you explode in me! I need it! I need it more than you can imagine!”

I felt his dick swell and him push deep as string after string of his hot cum filled me. I pushed back against him taking him as deep as he would go so that I would get the very last drop of him. He twitched as more of his cum shot into me. I wanted to live in the moment forever. I couldn’t think of a time where I was happier.

Still in me, he grabbed the back of my head, pulling it up so I could meet his gaze. He leaned down to my ear and in a deep voice, he whispered:

“Feliz cumpleaños, mami”

Yep, I just came again.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ja6xa8/a_birthday_to_remember_fiction18cheatingold