The Adventures of Showing Off My (M43) Wife (F40), Part Six (of 7)

The Adventures of Showing Off My Wife, Part Six (of 7)

FORWARD – For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved showing off my wife. When we were younger she was must less reluctant than she is now, as weird as that may sound. Today, she’s 40 years old and as vibrant sexually as she’s ever been.

On a trip about seven years ago was when she first let me take a few photos of her in various forms of undress. It was a huge turn-on for me. It continued to expand some over the next few years.

Reading parts one through five are not necessary, but it helps with the build-up of the story.

***Part Six***

In the months following Ashley and I’s fun times on the lake and on vacation, not a whole lot happened. We were still quite hot for one another and having a lot of sex, but life sort of got in the way for a while. Between activities with the kids, our jobs and social events with friends we never really expanded our play….but I think it was still top of mind.

One night after a particularly hot sex session we laid in bed and just talked.

“I have to ask you something,” I told my wife.

“What is it?” she asked.

“Well, I’m just curious about a few things,” I said. “You’ve made some comments in recent months….after the time at the truck stop with that guy, when you flashed the complete stranger at the brewery, and then the time on the lake.”

“And what comments are those?” she asked.

“I think you know partly,” I replied, “but I’m guessing you’re going to make me ask you, so I will. Have you given any serious thought to being with another guy and letting me watch, or maybe even, for that matter, joining the two of you?”

I could tell I embarrassed her some by asking. Her face became flush and a certain quiet overcame her.

“So?” I implied.

“Will you be mad if I answer one way or the other?” she asked back.

“Why would I be mad? We’re just having a conversation,” I told her.

“Well, I guess I’d be lying if I told you I haven’t thought about it. The idea really turns me on, but I guess I’m not sure how something like that could even happen,” she said.

“I mean, where do we start? I’m not really comfortable with a stranger, and the thought of doing it with someone we know? No way.”

I just loved that she admitted it to me. I suspected it was something creeping into her mind more and more. And to be honest, while it’s something that’s always made me hot, it wasn’t something I ever thought I’d be able to do. Until recently.

A little over a year ago my best friend Mike and his wife separated. We hung out with them a lot so their breakup really rocked us. Ashley felt like she had lost a best friend with Mike’s wife Beth, and our regular travel companions on vacations and night’s out were gone.

I still played golf with Mike and the two of us would hang out quite a bit, but it was different without Beth around. Mike was a good-looking guy in his mid-40s. He kept himself in shape and I always knew Ashley found him attractive.

“I’m just throwing this out there,” I said to Ashley, “but what about Mike?”

“Seriously,” she asked.

“Yeah,” I continued. “I know you find him attractive. He’s a really good friend and right now he has nobody. Plus, you know he thinks you’re hot.”

“Mike has never given any kind of indication for me to think that,” she shot back.

“Maybe not,” I told her. “But guys talk. And I’ve seen the way he looks at you.”

“So you’d seriously be willing to let me sleep with Mike?” she asked.

“I think so,” I responded unconvincingly to both Ashley and myself. “I just think if this is something we want to seriously explore, and I think it is, then he makes the most sense.”

“I just don’t know. We’ve already lost Beth as a friend because of their separation. Are you prepared to lose Mike, too? Because it could happen,” she said.

“Well, I’m not sure it’s even something he’d be interested in,” I answered. “But what if I kind of did a little digging to see what I could get out of him?”

I could tell she wasn’t sure, but I also knew it had turned both of us on. My cock had grown in her hand and before long we were having sex a second time that evening.

A few weeks had went by before I was able to really talk to Mike about it. We met one night to watch a football game at a local bar. After a few drinks I thought there was no better time than to bring it up.

“So I have to ask you something,” I told Mike.

“What’s up?” Mike asked.

I explained to Mike that in recent months Ashley and I had really become more brazen in our sexual acts. I even included some details. Truth be told, we had shared some sex stories over the years with our wives, so this wasn’t incredibly uncommon.

“Wow,” he said almost exasperated. “I knew from past stories that you and Ashley liked to have fun in the bedroom, but I had no idea about this kind of stuff.”

“Yeah, it’s kind of crazy,” I told him. “For a long time I didn’t think she could keep up. Now it’s almost the other way around.”

“What do you mean?” he asked. “From everything you’ve told me in the past, I know you’re a pretty crazy guy,” he said as we both laughed.

“Well,” I said. “There’s something Ashley is interested in trying. And it’s something that’s always interested me too, but until now I always thought that was a pipedream.”

“What is that?” he asked, completely unaware of where I might be going with this.

“Hmmm,” I stammered. “Where do I start? Let’s just say that my ultimate fantasy is to watch her with another man and join in.”


“What do you say?” I asked.

“Really? You’re asking me?” he questioned in amazement. “I’m sorry bud, I love you, but not like that.”

“C’mon,” I said punching him in the shoulder. “This would be all about Ashley. I’m not touching you and you sure as hell better not touch me,” I said trying to reassure him.

We both laughed.

“And Ashley knows you’re having this conversation with me?” he asked.

I nodded.

“I’ve got to be honest with you, this is the last thing I thought you and I would be talking about tonight.”

“Listen, I’m asking you because you’re my best friend. I know the last year has sucked for you with the whole divorce and everything,” I told him.

“So this is pity,” he interrupted.

“Not at all,” I tried assuring him. “You’re my best friend. I know you think the world of Ashley. This is just me asking my best friend if he has any interest in helping us fulfill a fantasy. Trust me, it’s not easy for me to ask you this….but I’ll be honest, I’m not sure I’d be comfortable with anybody else.”

“I’m going to have to think about this, buddy,” he told me. “I’d hate for our friendship to be damaged.”

“I understand,” I told him. “But like I said, please know I wouldn’t have asked you if I didn’t think our friendship could handle it. Just take some time to think about it and let me know. Either way, I’m not going to be mad.”

That night I explanied in detail my conversation with Mike to Ashley. I could tell she was nervous, and honestly, I was too.

A few days later Mike called.

“I’m just not sure about this,” he told me. “But if you still want to try it I’d be down. I’ve done a lot of thinking and I know it took a lot for you two to ask me. What do we do next?”

“Well, first off, I’m glad you came to this conclusion,” I assured him. Let me talk to Ashley tonight and I’ll let you know the next step.”

Ashley and I talked at length and knew this was the moment of truth. We broached it with Mike, and while I think both of us were comfortable moving forward, we also knew there was going to be no turning back.

A couple weeks went by. On Saturday one of our kids was going to a sleepover at a friend’s while the other would be with grandparents for the weekend. So we invited Mike over.

It was a little uncomfortable at first for Ashley and I, to say the least. So I can’t imagine what Mike was feeling as the third wheel. After a couple drinks to loosen us all up, I suggested a dip in our hot tub.

Ashley went to get into one of her bikinis while Mike and I mixed another drink.

“I don’t have any trunks along,” Mike told me.

“You know what….I’m not sure we’ll be needing them,” I responded.

The two of us got into the hot tub and waited for Ashley. When she came out she looked spectacular. It was fall in the Midwest, so she didn’t do a lot of prancing around as the weather wasn’t the most comfortable for someone lightly dressed.

“Climb on in,” I encouraged her.

She sat down next to me and the three of us talked. We pretty much avoided the obvious mottza ball and made small talk, but I knew I was going to have to be the one to move things along.

“Come over here and sit between us,” I told my wife.

She was a little reluctant at first but settled in nicely.

“So what do we do now?” she asked.

“Maybe you should let your hands do a little wandering,” I suggested.

The look on her face when she realized both of us weren’t wearing trunks was priceless. I’m not sure she was expecting that. I could tell by Mike’s face that Ashley’s right hand had found his cock and was stroking him below the water, while she did the same to me with her left hand.

“What do they call this again?” she asked.

“Skiing,” I said, as Mike sat back quietly.

“Oh yeah, skiing. I’ve never been skiing like this before,” she said looking into my eyes and moving in for a kiss.

How had we got here? My wife stroking me and my best friend’s cock in our hot tub.

“You better kiss Mike, or he might feel left out,” I told her.

What a scene. While Ashley made out with Mike I loosened her bikini top and tossed it on the deck. Then I felt up her tits, telling Mike how spectacular they were. He joined me and kneaded her breasts and her hands continued to stroke our cocks.

“Do you want Mike’s cock in your mouth?” I asked Ashley.

She just nodded. Mike and I stood out of the water and it was the first real look she got at what she’d been feeling up the last few minutes. Mike sat on the edge of the hot tub and my wife bent over in front of me.

I peeled down the bottoms of her bikini as I watched in amazement my wife of 15 years take another man’s cock into her mouth. Without any stimulation I could feel my cock twitching. If there had been a time I was more turned on in my life I didn’t remember it.

Her ass backed up until it was pressing against my cock, her head bobbing up and down on our friend as I tried to position myself to enter her. With no resistance from Ashley, I pressed my cock forward and buried it into her hot pussy. Holy shit!

Within minutes I was pumping furiously into my wife as her moans were muffled by Mike’s cock in her mouth.

“I think I’m going to cum,” I announced.

And just like that I released stream after stream into Ashley, her pussy clutching my cock as her first orgasm overtook her.

When I finished I collapsed back in the water. Ashley took her mouth off Mike’s cock and had him sit back in the water. Without much warning, she climbed onto his lap and Mike’s stiff member made its way into Ashley. Here I was, sitting back in the hot tub and watching as my best friend fucked my wife.

I could feel my cock growing with the scene in front of me, so I stood on the bench and walked over to Mike and Ashley and fed my wife my cock. While Mike pounded her pussy she expertly sucked my growing member.

Judging by Mike’s grunts, I could tell he was closing in on an orgasm and so was my wife. I took my cock from her mouth and sat at the edge of the hot tub stroking myself and watched in pure satisfaction as Mike filled her with his cum and she came again, this time all over his cock.

Then I announced I was about to cum again. Ashley hopped off our friend’s cock and came over to me, taking every drip into her mouth and swallowing it all.

“I’m dizzy,” Ashley announced to the two of us. “Please tell me that’s not it though for the night.”

I looked at Mike, who hadn’t spoken a word in quite a while and we both shrugged.

“I think I have another time or two in me….how about you Mike?” I asked.

“I’m just getting started,” he said pulling my wife in for a passionate kiss.

The three of us took it inside for the rest of the night and did just about everything imaginable the next few hours.

I’m not sure how it could have went any better, but I don’t think we were prepared for what was still to come.


Please let us know what you think and if you’d like to hear more. We have one more ‘story’ in this series. We’d love to share it if you’re interested. And who knows? There might even be a picture of my wife included if you’re lucky.
