In Flight Delight [M/F] [blow job] [stranger encounter]

“You’ll need to hurry Sir, the gate is about to close”….grabbing your things off the security checkpoint, you run to the gate for your flight….the gate staff is flipping up the door stop just as you arrive. “Good timing…have a nice flight Sir..” As you hurry down the jetway, you’re taking mental inventory for the flight…it’s just over 6 hours, you’d like to get some work done and then nap if you can.

As you step on to the plane, the only seat open in first class must be yours….dropping your items into 3A, you quickly shove your bag into the overhead and sit down. The stewardess hands you a warm towel and assures you she’ll be back as soon as possible. Settling in, you get yourself situated and take a quick look around….not recognizing anyone you’ve seen before, you decide to focus on connecting to the WiFi once you’re airborne.

As the Captain turns off the seatbelt sign, your attention is drawn to the aisle….a petite brunette with long, dark hair down to her ass goes into the first class restroom. Your cock has an immediate reaction at the sight of her….”shit, it’s been way too long since I’ve gotten any” is your first thought…..pounding away on your keyboard, your attention is drawn back to her as she exits the bathroom headed back to her seat….”Holy shit! Gorgeous tits and pretty face!” are your next thoughts as your gaze follows her back to her seat in 2F…one row up and across the aisle from you. Trying to focus on your work, you hear a sweet, seductive voice “that would be lovely, thank you” and you realize it must belong to Ms Pretty Ass. As the flight attendant serves everyone, you hear her voice occasionally….and its tone and sweetness demand your attention each time.

After trying to focus on your work with little success, you realize your attention is drawn to the lovely creature in the next row up time and again. Observing her row-mate, you realize the elderly gentleman would like to sleep but his seat assignment precludes his ability to do so. Calling the flight attendant over, you suggest switching seats with him so he may rest comfortably for the remainder of the flight. He quickly accepts your generous offer, and once the swap is completed you settle into your new location with ease. Ms Pretty Ass’s eyes are closed, her air pods firmly in place. You’re hoping your maneuvering isn’t for naught.

Securing your earbuds, you focus on work and the next hour flies by without interruption. A hint of perfume catches your attention…looking over you realize your row-mate is awake and smiling at you. Hurriedly removing your earbuds, you smile back…”Hi…rest well?” you ask her. “Yes, thank you…I’m either dreaming or am in a time warp….you suddenly look 30 years younger than when we took off” she replies….laughing, you meet her gaze “I offered to switch, he obviously wanted to rest and is able to in my seat”….motioning with your head back to your original seat, you both observe the gentleman leaning against the window, sound asleep. “That was very kind of you…Deborah” she offers as her hand extends to meet yours…”no big deal, Keithq…” you reply, taking her hand in your own….as the flight attendant offers beverages and snacks you note she’s drinking vodka soda with extra limes….as the flight attendant freshens drinks, Deborah looks down at your hand…it’s still gently grasping hers….”I think I’ll need that later” she says with a warm, sexy smile as you realize you’ve been unconsciously holding her hand in yours for several minutes….”are you sure?” you ask her with a sly smile, “I’m sure another would come in handy!” as you both laugh at the inference.

Quietly sipping your drinks, you catch her looking at you out of the corner of your eye…”do I have mustard on my face…or maybe parsley in my teeth?” you ask quietly…smiling shyly she replies “no, I’d have definitely let you know if you did…you look like someone I once knew…a long time ago” she replies. “Oh? Did you want to kiss him or kill him?” you ask…laughing, she replies “well, that depended on the day! The brother of my first fiancé….I often wondered if I was dating the wrong brother” she says quietly, as if taking you into her deepest confidence. “I see….I bet both brothers were vying for your attention” you reply, holding her gaze. “He was like my little brother…most of the time…” she says, her words trailing off…”and the rest of the time?” you ask, still holding her gaze. “those times were filled with thoughts that were very un-sisterly!” she responds as her eyes drop, taking a small sip of her drink. “Hmmmm….why do I think there’s a lot more to that story…..?” you ask as she smiles shyly and looks over to meet your gaze…”intelligent, perceptive and handsome….a deadly combination” she responds as she replaces her air pods and slowly closes her eyes…indicating an end to your conversation. Smiling to yourself, you realize the seat swap was well worth any inconvenience.

Closing your laptop, you recline your seat slightly and relax your head as one of your favorite songs permeates your senses….”all done working?” you hear her ask as her fingertips lightly touch your arm…startled, you quickly reply “oh…yeah…done…enough…” perhaps louder than you should since your earbuds are in….”did you need to…”you start to ask, thinking perhaps she needs to use the restroom….”no…just curious what you’re in to” she replies with a smile that’s as open-ended as the question….returning her smile, you show her your phone “Whatever You Need…Meek…” you start to reply…”…Mill…” she finishes your thought…”one of my favs….Arms around You, XXXtentacion and…” ….”Lil Pump” you finish her sentence….you both smile widely at your shared appreciation of the same music…”I’d never have guessed th…..” you start to say… “that I get down?…” she finishes your thought with a sexy smile, “Travis Scott…” you start….”one of the best poets of our time….” she finishes your thought….smiling widely, you look at her directly and focus…”where did you grow up?” she asks and for the next hour you share your lives, thoughts, stories….

“You’re a really interesting cat” she says…with that wide-eyed look that already melts you from the inside out….”why’s that?” you ask. “Well….I just didn’t expect who you are…to be who you are…” she replies….”good thing, I’m guessing?” you ask, hoping you know the answer… “definitely” she says with a wide smile that melts your heart and pierces all the way down to your cock…. After the meal is served, Deborah pulls her blanket closer and shuts her eyes….watching her, you wish you were in that blanket next to her, arms around that gorgeous body….you’d kiss down her neck, tops of her full breasts, hand up her skirt until your fingers found her silkiness…as you picture how you’d like to fuck her, her eyes open and look at you directly…..”can’t sleep?” she asks.

“Lots on my mind” you reply, which isn’t a lie…but you’re pretty sure she doesn’t know you’re thinking about how hard you’d like to fuck her….sliding slowly across her seat, she rests her head on your shoulder, throws the blanket over you and drifts off again….gently resting your head on the top of hers, you doze…..waking slowly, her arm is around your waist…it’s comforting, natural…as if you’ve known one another forever. You cover her hand with your own and slowly drift off again. Awakening slowly again, you realize your combined hands are now resting on your fly….listening for just a moment, you realize she’s sound asleep. Not wanting to move a muscle for fear of disturbing your seat mate, you continue to gently grasp her hand and once again drift off.

Gently being shaken awake, you realize Deborah’s gently shaking you. She must need to use the restroom again. Pulling the blanket back, you stand and let her pass on the way to the facilities. As you settle back in your seat, you realize she’s making her way to the back of the plane as the first class bathroom is occupied. The first class bathroom empties and is used again….and then empties again and is used by someone else….you realize your seat mate has been in the back of the plane for quite some time. Making your way to the back of plane, you start to talk to the flight attendants when you realize that only one bathroom is occupied. Standing in front of the occupied door, you tap lightly and say “D…you ok?” and within seconds the door opens, her hand extends and pulls you in with her.
Her eyes never leave yours….”Hi….” she says….slight smile “need to pee?” she asks as if she already knows the answer. “No” you reply, “I was worried about you”….”I’m good” she replies “now that you’re here”….her eyes never leave yours as she pulls your body to hers….unzipping your pants, she winks at you….”seriously, is this chick for real?” you think as you watch her free your hardness from your pants….”mmmmmmm…..I need this in my mouth” you hear her quietly say as she looks at your cock like it’s the last meal she may ever enjoy and her gorgeous, full lips engulf you….as your cock disappears into her mouth you’re thinking “holy fuck, that feels sooooooo good” ……as your eyes close and your head relaxes back, you start to relish how good her lips and tongue and mouth feel as they suck and lick and tease your cock…. “mmmmmmmmm” you hear as you feel the vibrations around your hardness….”you taste so good” as she continues to lick and suck you….

“Oh….oh….my……Godddddddd…..” the words escape you and you know you should be quieter but you can’t help how fucking good it feels…..and as she moans again and again around your cock you know she loves having it in her mouth and the feeling on your body is extraordinary…..looking down, you meet her eyes…..and the little smile she has on her face….it’s that “damn you taste so good” mixed with “I know I can make you cum so hard whenever I want to!” look…the look coupled with the incredible sucking sensation around your cock has you quickly letting go as you pump her mouth full with thrust after thrust of your load…..and as she’s licking you clean she looks up and meets your gaze…. “mmmmmm…..that’s just what I wanted!” she says softly as if you’ve just met her every expectation…..

After licking you clean and zipping you up, she tells you to go back to your seat. “I’ll be there in a sec” she says and so you return to your seat. A few minutes later she’s back and as she settles in, she gives you that “damn baby!” look as she bites her lower lip and licks her lips. Pulling the blanket up over you both, you whisper “my turn” to her quietly as your hand softly caresses her nipple….head back, eyes closed you realize that your touch is just what this minx needs….as you roll her nipple between your fingers, your other hand slides down, lightly caressing up her thigh, she spreads her legs a little, allowing your hand to venture further up…as your fingertips touch her silky smooth mound you realize she’s not wearing panties… “God, that’s hot!” you think to yourself….your fingertips sink into her wet, hot silkiness….she spreads her legs wider and pushes into your hand….”ooooooooh” you hear so softly and you know she wants more of your touch…sliding your finger into her wetness, you can’t help but think how much you wish your finger was your cock….you’d like to be deep inside her right now, pounding her hard again and again….watching her face as she begs you to fuck her…tasting her lips as she asks you to fill her up….the look in her eyes as you thrust into her hard and deep as she pleads for more….and as she bites the blanket to muffle her cries of pleasure she bucks against your fingers again and again….and you smile to yourself, knowing you’ve just made her cum very hard.

As her body starts to relax, your touch is gentler…..she whispers “ who are you?” as if to say you’ve just played her body like a finely-tuned instrument…..”your master….and yet your slave” you whisper back softly into her cheek and you both smile simultaneously….”wow…….that was……..” she starts to say and you finish “amazing…….I know….” quietly……your eyes never leave hers as you straighten up slightly, reach for your drink and put the straw in her lips….after a sip, she reaches for your lips with hers….”I want so much more, you know that right?” she says…a statement more than a question….”as do I” you reply…but the look on her face says “of course you do”…..”where are you staying?” she asks softly as she moves your hand from her silkiness, filling it with her breast. “The Plaza” you reply as your fingers tweak her nipple and you know your lips are aching to suck it gently between them as soon as they possibly can…..”me too….I have a suite, cancel your reservation ” she whispers quietly back. “But…….” you start to reply, your protest stifled with her kiss as she tells you “cancel….it….I want you….with me…” she whispers as her body responds to yours. Drawing her lips to yours, you kiss her deeply, passionately….knowing that whatever plans you had for the week have just changed….this minx is going to be all that you think about….all that you want for the next few days….and that’s ok….



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