I had an affair with my hot aunt [MF] our first time

I’m currently mid-30’s and I’ve had a lot of pretty wild experiences. This is probably one of the worst (and best) things I’ve ever done. So anyway, here it goes: Back in college, I had an affair with my hot aunt. For real. My uncle’s wife (she’s not my blood relative).

About me: I’m 5’10” with a lean build. I ran cross country in high school and I kept at it semi-regularly so I’ve always been in good shape. I’ve been called handsome more than once, but honestly I think women tend to like me simply because I can exude confidence and charm without coming off like a dick. I think I appear like a nice, button-up guy, but the truth is that I have always secretly harbored a voracious sexual appetite. To be honest, I’ve always struggled with this dual nature of my personality. I can be a good, caring, supportive husband, and then go secretly fuck my married co-worker in a hotel during lunch break. I enjoy my little adventures, but I do feel conflict and guilt about it quite often. Particularly this one.

Even though my aunt isn’t my blood relative, and I don’t think it’s “technically” incest, there was definitely a “forbidden” element to our relationship, and really I loved it. For obvious reasons I’m terrified of my family finding out, so I’ve never told anyone this before, not any of my girlfriends or my siblings. Even those that know me well would probably be like, dude, too much. But here it goes.

I have a big Italian family. I’ll skip a lot of details for the sake of anonymity, but my extended family is almost constantly fighting. Most of the time my mom and her siblings are flat out mean to each other. My uncle (my mom’s little brother) is sort of an exception. He’s quiet but cool. He works “in money” (rich as hell) and everybody loves him. When he was young he married my Aunt L (not her real name obv.). She was basically a hot trophy wife who turned out to be crazy. They married when I was young so I’ve known her my whole life.

Aunt L is also Italian (southern, so dark hair and olive complexion) and really she’s just as bad as my blood relatives, if not worse. She doesn’t shy away from “telling it how it is” or whatever. So she’ll call people out on shit in public and she never gives two fucks about whatever destruction she leaves in her wake. The truth is that she’s actually just like them, but for some reason they all loathe her. I think it has to do with the fact that my Uncle and Aunt L never had kids, and they resent her for it. But because she’s married to my uncle, who’s the baby of that generation, she’s always included in everything and she always shows up. It’s just how our family is.

Another thing about Aunt L: she’s fucking hot. She was a college cheerleader, so she’s short, about 5’0”, but toned and athletic. She’s got black hair, olive skin, hazel eyes, probably about 125ish lbs. She’s got a pretty face, full tits – at least DD, and a great plump ass. Her legs aren’t great because she’s so short, but she always worked out, so she’s got a flat stomach and fantastic hips. A short hourglass figure. She also has a mean smile.

So, when I was little, my siblings and I would go to my Uncle and Aunt’s house after school. My aunt didn’t work and my mom couldn’t pay for childcare. Whatever. It doesn’t matter. The point is that my siblings and I spent a lot of time at their house for a while. And for some reason, I was Aunt L’s favorite. I don’t know why, but I was her “little buddy.” Sometimes she’d take me to the movies, or we’d go to dinner without my siblings. She was maybe late 20s at the time and we just had a really good relationship. Obviously I had a mad crush on her back then, and something about her always stirred me up inside. But as I got older, I realized she was a lot to handle. She was just always angry about something and by the time I got to high school I basically only saw her at family events. I was always friendly with her, more so than the rest of my family, but we just sort of stopped talking when I went off to college.

Sidenote: our father bailed when we were little, and that made our uncle always feel bad for me and my siblings. He often tried to pick up the fatherly role when he could, so I have a lot of affection for him. He also paid for me and my siblings’ college educations. Nobody else in the family knows he did this for us, I don’t think. But since he and my Aunt were childless, I think he looked at us like we were his surrogate children, and he treated us like we were. So even though his wife is hot and crazy, he’s no Fredo.

So here’s how it all started.

In my early 20s I had to go home from college for my cousin’s weddings. My girlfriend was supposed to come with me, but she freaked out about some test she had to take and cancelled at the last minute. I was pretty annoyed about it, but whatever. I figured I could hook up with someone at the wedding, especially since we’d planned to have our own room at the hotel.

I like weddings and I like seeing my family. It’s a good time to dress up and drink and eat and celebrate. I really wanted to impress so I got this fantastic blue suit, tailored to fit me perfectly.

So I go to the wedding with my mom and my siblings and their dates. We’re not in the wedding, just spectators. It’s a long Catholic service. Afterwards we all hang out and joke around outside, take pictures, catch up with each other, etc. I got lots of compliments on my suit, which obviously I liked.

Later the reception was at this gorgeous hotel. I remember it had a waterfall inside that ran to a huge outdoor patio. Open bar. Great food. There were probably around 300 people there, maybe more. With that many people, it’s sort of easy to get lost. And I kind of like getting lost. I have a habit of wandering away from parties on my own to get fresh air or just observe from a distance, so that’s what I did.

It was dark by then. I was probably on my 3rd whiskey when I went outside to basically pose with my drink and look out at the rolling hills. I think it was a golf course. While I was standing there, my Aunt L and I spotted each other. I hadn’t realized it but she wasn’t at the wedding, she’d only made it to the reception. But there she was, looking glamorous. Early 40s. Wearing a slim purple dress that hugged her breasts and hips and fell down to her ankles. It was an iridescent silky fabric, with a plunging neckline to show off her amazing cleavage. She had medium heels on but she was still short. She also wore big gold earrings and a gaudy gold necklace. As she came up, I remember that she had that same mean smile. Her dark eyes squinting a little. She wore too much make up but her body looked amazing. She could’ve easily passed for a decade younger.

We said hello and I kissed her cheek. She accused me of hiding out from everyone and I said I just needed some air. She asked me where my “little girlfriend” was tonight and I said she couldn’t make it. Apparently my uncle couldn’t make it either (his work has him traveling a lot), so Aunt L was putting in an appearance for both of them (family obligations are important to us). She asked about college and what I was studying and whatever. When I asked what she was up to she just waved her hand dismissively and said “living the life” sort of sarcastically. She always gives off the impression that she’s bored as a “kept woman.” She works out virtually every day, but otherwise I think she just buys shit. I think that’s her whole life, and it’s left her pretty unhappy. I can’t say for certain but I doubt I’m the only affair she’s had. It might just be her way of feeling alive.

Anyway, during our small talk she kept making little comments like, “look at you! You’re all grown up!” and I remember she made a comment about how good I looked in my suit. I certainly returned the compliments and I remember getting a flirtatious vibe from her from her which I was more than happy to play off. I thought it was harmless flirty talk. I said something like, “You’re looking really great yourself Aunt L.”
“Nah, I’m an old lady now.”
“Well you look good.”
And she really did. I had to fight to keep eye contact because her tits looked simply amazing in that dress.

She asked what I was drinking and I told her. She said, “Wow, drinking whiskey now!?” I made some joke about it getting you fast to wherever you wanted to go. A stupid line I used to say when I was younger. She said she didn’t like whiskey, but after some conversation about drinking, she asked if she could try it. I remember I held out my drink and she took a sip while I held it, sort of cupping my hand in hers as she closed her eyes and swallowed. I think she might’ve been going for sexy, but it was actually a little awkward. She looked up at me over the glass and nodded, “You’ll have to order me one of those.” I told her the name of it but she was insistent that I get it for her. She kept saying she’d forget the name.

It was at that moment I thought: this is weird. is she hitting on me?

We made more small talk for a while. She said she had to come outside to hide with me because everyone in there hates her. I told her it wasn’t true and she smiled. She said “You never hated me. You always loved me. You were my little buddy, remember?”
We sort of reminisced like that, about when I was younger and we’d hang out together, and how long it had been and how I don’t see her anymore.

After a while someone came out and joined us, and soon we all wandered our separate ways. Before I went off, I went to the bar and got that whiskey cocktail and brought it to Aunt L. She took it happily. After that, whenever I’d see her she’d raise her drink to me and give me that smile. After that we sort of just kept tabs on each other, glancing in each other’s direction, smiling like we were trying not to smile, that sort of thing.

It was a weird situation. I mean, I knew that look. I’d gotten that look before, and it was always when some girl was hitting on me. Obviously, I thought there’s no fucking way is my Aunt hitting on me. But also, she was sending out pretty strong signals. It wasn’t anything overt – just a kind of frequency that we were both on. I’d be hanging out in a group of people and I’d see her at one of the tables, sitting alone. She almost looked like a jealous girlfriend, just fuming that she’s not getting enough attention. There were a couple moments where it felt like she was purposely NOT looking at me, as if to signal her discontent. But later in the night I saw her loosen up and talk to people.

I crossed paths with her once more at the reception, just in passing. She held a fresh whiskey cocktail and yelled to me over some music, “I’m on number three!”
“Are they working!”
“You’ll have to find out!”
I was flying high myself, so I said, “We’ll see!”
She just laughed with her head thrown back and we went our separate ways.

It was only ten minutes later I was talking with people in a circle and she came out of nowhere and grabbed my sleeve. “Come here! I want to talk to you!” she said. Everyone sort of rolled their eyes because she said it with such anger, but they knew what she was like. I just smiled and shrugged and she took me out to the balcony. I remember thinking, holy shit. What is going on? But I was also staring at her amazing ass moving in that silky purple dress. It fit her like liquid and I could see the thin line of her thong around her waist. I swear just that sight nearly got me hard.

She led me outside and around the corner of the building, away from everyone else. It was dark but there were some soft lights on the grass. I thought she was angry but once we were outside she took my arm and we kind of walked along the railing, moving away from the party, but strolling very slowly. My arm was pressed against the side of her chest, which did not go unnoticed.

She said she was sorry but she just wanted to be with me for a while. She needed to get away from everyone in there. I said I understood and she waved her hand, “Fuck em. I don’t care. They hate me and I couldn’t care less.” This was obviously not true. She ranted about them for a while and I just listened.

I remember looking down at her feet, nestled in her high heels. I remember her black hair fell down to her shoulders, and the thin straps of her dress crossed her back. She was undeniably beautiful, and I was incredibly attracted to her. All I could think about was her skin under that dress. Her tits held up inside her bra. I wondered what her nipples looked like. Her smooth stomach and strong legs and tight ass.

While she was ranting, all I could think about was bending her over the railing and throwing her dress up over her ass. My face was probably smiling blandly, but inside I was already behind her, and she was on her toes, lifting her ass for me, and I was lightly running my fingers up the flesh of her thighs. I was nodding and consoling, but also, I was rubbing my fingers over her panties, I was pulling her thong aside and feeling her thick pussy lips. I was sliding my finger up and down her slit, wetting the outside, and dipping in my finger inside her slippery petals.

And it wasn’t just me. It was like she knew what I was thinking. Like we were both giving off the same pheromones. I’ve felt it a few times in my life, and this was one of them. It’s like you look at a person and you see each other’s desire and you can almost communicate in dirty thoughts.

But honestly, pheromones, fantasies, whatever, there was no way I was gonna hit on my Aunt. I mean, I can fantasize with the best of them, but I’m not fucking crazy. If anything was going to happen between us, it was not going to be initiated by me. So it was fortunate for me that my Aunt L is fucking crazy.

We talked a bit about my girlfriend and how she couldn’t come tonight. She said since my uncle didn’t come either that we would have to be each other’s dates. I tried to basically play it cool and said that sounded good. She said it’s too bad I was out here hanging with my old aunt because I probably could’ve scored with one of the girls at the party. She was a bit drunk at this point and her speech was a little slurry. I told her I’d just have to settle with a cold bed in my hotel room tonight (dropping hints). She told me the trick was to not get married. She said if you get married then you’ll always have a cold bed. She said it really sadly, but I could tell she was baiting me. I said it must be hard with my uncle gone so often, and I remember she looked at me really directly and said she had learned to occupy herself in other ways. I asked how and she said, “oh I take care of myself. Both at the gym and at home.” I told her it really showed and she looked great. She lifted her arm to brush her hair back and sort of posed in a sexy way, thrusting her tits out and looking away from me.

We sort of went on like that for a while. It was like each of us were pushing it a little bit further to see where the line was. Aunt L is like that, each thing she says is meant to be a little dare.

She talked about how dumb it was for her to get married so young, that she missed out on so much. The conversation turned to my uncle, and I think I must’ve asked why they were still together if he can’t satisfy her (that’s the word I used) and she sort of took a little offense to it and said, “Oh he can satisfy. I’ve got no complaints in that area.” I thought I’d gone too far so I just said, “I’m glad to hear that.” But then she said, “It’s a thing with Italian guys. They’ve all got big dicks.” I laughed and said, I wouldn’t know and she teased me a little and said, “oh no? You didn’t get a good one?” I shrugged. “I’ve gotten complements.” She got kind of aggressive and said I bet you don’t know what to do with it though. I said I knew enough. She got really serious, again like she was offended, and said I should’ve be talking to my aunt like that. I told her she shouldn’t be talking to her nephew like that either. She said don’t worry I won’t tell. You can tell me anything and I won’t say a word. You’ve always been my favorite you know. I said she was my favorite Aunt and she smiled and looked off at the dark.

Then it all got really direct all of a sudden. “So did you get a room for the night?”
“I did.”
“You’re not sharing it?”
“I hear the rooms here are nice.”
“They are.”
“Do you want to show me?”
“I’d love to.”

By now my heart was racing. I could literally hear it pumping in my ears. Aunt L said she was going to use the restroom, but I should meet her by the elevators. I figured this was just a way for us to leave the party separately. I tried to play it cool as we went back to the reception and split off in our separate directions, but honestly I was freaking out.

I was beyond excited about what was happening, but also I felt weirdly numb, and not because of the alcohol. Part of me was like, wtf is going on? wtf are you doing? Another part of me was like, well, let’s see what happens next. I grabbed my coat and saw some family on the way to the elevator, my mom, my sister, some cousins. Everyone was like, “What’s up? What’s going on?” I just said, “Play better music” or something and hurried to the elevator. I don’t know. It was a blur.

I hit the elevator button and waited. It took Aunt L forever. When she finally came she was walking very slowly, but when she saw me waiting she sort of hurried up and smiled and raised her eyebrows like, Okay! This is what we’re doing!

I remember that elevator ride very clearly. She got in, the doors closed, and I hit the button for my floor. We didn’t say anything but I remember feeling her presence very close to me. Under the elevator lights she was much more clear: her make up was thick, and she had that unbelievably sexy older woman look, with that crease between her tits. And she smelled of thick perfume. I honestly tried to go numb and calm myself but my cock was definitely outlined in my suit pants.

We got to my floor, and I led her to my room. I was actually trembling as I got my card to open the door. I held the door open and followed her in. She went straight to the window to see the view, her hand parting the drapes as she leaned on her toes. Her ass looked amazing. We both made some comments on the room, how nice it was, the good view, some other bullshit. Then she turned and came toward me a few steps and said “So you gonna show me?”

I understood what she meant. “If you want…” I was really trembling with excitement.
“Come on. Let’s see it.”

Just hearing those words got me hard, my cock pressing down my pant leg. I remember thinking, oh fuck, what have you gotten yourself into? But also, fuck it. So I took off my coat, tossed it on the bed, and unbuttoned my pants. I lowered my boxers and my cock sprang out and I held it to show her. I’ve been told I’m a good size, 7 inches with good girth. She just smirked in that mean way of hers, but she didn’t say a word. She just hiked up her purple dress and lowered herself on her knees in front of me. She took my cock in her hand and didn’t waste a moment with any delicate kissing, she just started sucking. Hard.

It felt amazing! I was high off my ass by what was happening. Standing in the middle of this hotel room, I held my shirt up to watch her red lips moving up and down my shaft. I could feel her tongue circling the head inside her mouth.

One thing I learned about my aunt: she was not gentle in bed. She had a rough, almost workman like approach to sex. She sucked my cock without any romance or tenderness, only like she was trying to get me to cum as fast as possible. When she’d come up for a breath she’d jack me hard and gaze down my dick in a furious trance. Then she’d attack it again with her mouth, making these little moans. I swear those moans gave me the hardest cock I’ve ever had in my life, and the warmth of her mouth, my cock down her throat, feeling her saliva and her tongue, oh my god I was in heaven. I was groaning. I loved seeing her ass sticking out behind her and her head bobbing. She kept one hand on my cock and the other on my hip, holding me close. I just kept moaning, dizzy with sex and alcohol.

After a few minutes of Aunt L sucking my dick, I was close to cumming. But I wasn’t sure if we were gonna fuck, or if she was just giving me a blow job, or what was even happening. But the feeling of it was so amazing that I couldn’t have fucked her if I wanted to. Having a beautiful woman on her knees, pressing her tits against my thighs while she deep throats my cock was enough to get me to blow fast.

When I told her I was close, she quickly tugged off the straps of her dress and pushed down her bra to reveal her enormous tits. I couldn’t really see them because of the way I was standing, but I got the message that she wanted cum on her tits. She sucked the head of my cock, just resting it in between her lips and massaging it with her tongue, while jacking me hard. It might’ve been a little too hard, but in certain situations too hard is perfect.

I told her I was cumming and she leaned back with this furious expression and jacked me off on her tits. I actually shot ropes at her, convulsing, hitting her chest and tits. I was panting, my legs were jelly. I stumbled to the bed and saw her on her knees, examining the cum on her tits. (Aunt L was not a swallower. The few times I did cum in her mouth later she would spit it out.) After a few moments she sighed and scoffed a little and rose to her feet and went to the bathroom, her dress hanging around her waist.

I sat on the bed for a while and recouped. I could hear her in the bathroom rinsing her mouth and washing off. Her scoff had struck me as a little weird so I went to the bathroom and stood in the doorway. She was at the sink cleaning herself up, her dress still hanging around her waist. That was when I got my first good view of her beautiful tits. DD with medium nipples, sort of tan. They had a beautiful weight to them. They didn’t sag or anything, but you could tell they could really swing in certain positions.

While I was admiring those massive tits, she said flatly, “We should get back to the reception.” She’d gone cold and I thought maybe she was having massive regrets about what had just happened. I had a little post nut clarity but I was too drunk to care in the moment. Also I was worried that she was about to freak out and I wanted to let her know everything was cool. (I would later understand that this was just part of her toxic personality – she would get mean at seemingly random intervals).

I wanted to console her somehow, so I stepped into the bathroom and sort of hugged her from behind, one hand across her stomach and with the other I cupped her breast. I pressed myself against her ass, just to feel it against me, and I kissed the side of her neck. I loved feeling the weight of her huge tits in my hands as I gently massaged her.

I watched her in the mirror. I drew my fingers lightly down her curves, sliding over her nipples, which were already swollen (cold hotel rooms). I covered her breasts with my hands and squeezed them and pushed them together. She had her head back against me, watching me touch her in the mirror. Her eyes were dull and she began to press her ass against me. I ran my hand across her smooth stomach and she turned her head slightly and we kissed for the first time. It was thrilling. She smelled like make up and perfume. She tasted like liquor. But she kissed hard. She kissed like she was trying to press her face into mine. We swirled our tongues together and she would push her tongue in my mouth roughly, like she was trying to punch me with it. But I loved it.

After that we just attacked each other. My hands were all over her body. I was groping her ass, kneading it, grabbing her tits and thumbing her nipples. She was licking and nipping at my neck. I tried to get at her pussy but her dress was in the way so I pushed it down and it dropped to the floor at her feet. Now she’s just in her purple heels and black thong. I loved the look of her panties, the black triangle that cut down her lower stomach and covered her pussy. There is nothing hotter than a woman in heels and a thong.

I leaned over to suck her tits – she’s a lot shorter than me so it was a little awkward, but all I wanted was those tits in my mouth, those hard swollen nipples between my lips. Aunt L liked it rough and so do I. So she starts scratching at me and I’m pulling at her nipples with my lips, sucking hard and nibbling. I slid my hand up her thigh. I liked to feel the flesh, the hard muscle of her leg, her taut skin. She lifted her leg a little and I rested my hand on her crotch and rubbed her pussy. I could tell she had a little bush, which I don’t mind so long as her pussy was clean, and it was. I could feel her wet through her panties. Her pussy was already open. As I sucked her nipple I slipped her panties aside with my fingers and felt her pussy for the first time. Oh my god it was perfect. Slippery smooth petals. I slid my finger up and down her clit and she just lost it. She was practically seizing. I’d never seen anything like it before or since, but she went wild. She started moaning, “Oh! Oh! Oh!” and her legs seemed to go weak. My body was pressed against her and held her against the bathroom counter.

I kept my palm on her pubic hair while I fingered her, my other hand grabbing her tits and I sucked on her neck. My fingers made wet sounds as I furiously rubbed her. She was scratching at my back and she leaned back against the bathroom counter. I was wild at that point. I just lifted her up on the counter and threw her legs back. She leaned back against the mirror and held her purple heels in the air. I leaned over her and grabbed and sucked on her tits, squeezing them and biting her hard nipples. I made my way down her stomach and stood up and looked at her. The sight was unreal: she was scrunched back awkwardly with her head against the mirror and holding legs up behind her knees. I practically ripped her panties aside and saw her beautiful pink pussy. Shaved but with a strip of black hair on her pubic bone. Her lips were thick and glistening. I just dove in with my tongue. It was like I was making out with her pussy. She was whining and panting and wiggling all over. I teased her clit with my tongue, running the tip up and down pussy lips, tasting her. Oh my god she tasted amazing. I loved my face buried in her mound, the feeling of her pussy hair on my face. I slipped one finger inside and it went in too easy. So I used two fingers and felt her pussy tighten. I finger fucked her hard while taking long licks at her clit. She loved it when I was rough. So I grabbed her thigh with my other hand, pushing her leg back, making her spread as wide as possible. I would kiss around her pussy and up her thighs, teasing her with kisses while finger fucking her pussy. She was wild with moans, her eyes half shut in ecstasy. Her thighs were twitching and she was bucking her pussy in my face.

I switched up between my fingers and my tongue and then back to my fingers again. Her pussy felt amazing inside, not super tight, but warm and gushing. She didn’t tell me she was cumming, but I could tell when she was close. She started bucking wildly, like involuntarily spasming, and I just kept fucking her with two fingers and lapping at her clit until she grabbed the back of my hair and moaned and humped at my face. Then I felt her body release. After that I gently kissed her thighs as she came down from her orgasm. After a few moments I leaned back to look at her. She was breathing hard, her eyes closed and her head to the side.

Eventually she slowly got off the counter and I watched as she gathered her wits and pulled on her dress, a little stumbling and sex-drunk. I was actually pretty horny again but we didn’t do anything else. We actually didn’t fuck that first time, but we would several times later. I think at the time we were both a little stunned at what happened. We knew something insane had just happened but we weren’t really ready to process. We didn’t talk much but cleaned up and got ourselves correct for returning to the reception. (It was probably 85% complete at this point, with people starting to heading out.) We arranged to arrive at different times, but it was so big I don’t think anyone even realized we were gone.

For the rest of the night we didn’t really speak. She said goodbye to everyone soon and sort of ignored me. I spent the rest of the reception trying to sober up and hoping people didn’t smell my aunt’s pussy all over me.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/j9gfjx/i_had_an_affair_with_my_hot_aunt_mf_our_first_time


  1. Well done with this.


    Also, we seem a lot alike, well outside of the aunt sex part (which, by the way, was very hot) — in the sense that we’ve come to terms with how we’re sex maniacs and have integrated this trait into our lives instead of feeling constant guilt about it.

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