Things I love about you…

I love this time of year, early Spring.

I love waking to the room being light and the early morning sun across your face. I like stealing time just watching you sleep, your breathing calm, your face relaxed and sexy.

I like that it’s warm enough for you to wander downstairs in just your boxers. Your hair tousled, your eyes still sleepy, your chest lightly dusted with hair, your abs still firm, your lovely snail trail disappearing under your boxer band, morning wood evident as you move.

I love that as you make your coffee you catch me watching you and rather than look away your whole face brightens and smiles back, our eyes meeting and both our smiles widening. I particularly like that you are so tactile, a ruffle of my hair and a kiss on my neck as you pass by to sit down. Often a pat on my rump if I’m standing or moving.

I love that whilst you drink your coffee and read the news your hand reaches over and caresses my arm, moving down to place your hand on mine, fingers squeezing fingers. I’m not sure you even notice you do this, this unconscious touch of affection. I love that words aren’t necessary, that this cocoon of comfort is so complete.

What I really like is that this morning we have plenty of time and as you finish your breakfast you look over, pull me up by my hand, look upstairs, and say…’shower?’ as you raise your right eyebrow.

I definitely don’t need to be asked twice…
