Hope and Chains – Part 1

Hello all! I’m new to this, and to this subreddit. Still figuring out formatting. Hope you like it!

The trip took three days. Three days and two nights of being chained to a wagon, walking alongside during the day and sleeping underneath at night. When Rin sighted a large settlement in the distance, smoke rising from many fires and yelling to pick up their pace was evidence that this was their likely destination. Looking at her captor, who had never supplied her with his name, Rin glared at the memory of her brothers being dragged to the edge of their homestead, of hearing their final pleas for mercy. The raiding band was no more than twenty warriors, but they had been more than enough to reduce her former village to ashes. The women had been lined up and judged. Rin was young, twenty two by her best guess, and her womanhood was obvious even in her plainclothes. Because her father had died when she was young she had managed to avoid marriage, preferring life in the family home to the unknown treatment of an arranged husband. A husband that might have taken her away from this fate, or protected her, or bargained for her freedom as others had been able to do. Promises of gold and tribute had secured the release of other women. Not Rin.

As the stream of people, wagons, and animals entered the settlement individual warriors broke off to reunite with family and friends. Noticing a large number of middle-aged women and older men wearing light, pale garments watching the incoming rabble, Rin looked closely at a group of these watchers. Dirty, frail, and each bearing a mark on their skin. A permanent mark. These were slaves. This was her future. Refusing to imagine what was going to happen to her, Rin gathered her strength and looked past them. A few minutes later she found herself walking behind her captor, after he dismounted and stabled his horse, into a decent looking lodge. Made primarily of stone and topped with hewn wood and boughs for a roof, Rin found herself in the middle of a spacious room with a central communal fire and smaller hearth near a bedding pad. The slightly raised bed of straw stuffed in a sack and covered with blankets looked like heaven after the last few days.

Turning to face her, seeing where her eyes were fixed, he spoke for the first time in three days “That is my bed. Slaves sleep in the common area. If I tell you to clean and prepare my bed I expect it to be spotless. If I am sleeping do not wake me unless it is important. If you wake me and it is not important, you will suffer.” Standing well above her in height, her warrior captor was dressed in a mixture of cloth and leather traveling clothes, his armor being packed away during the trip. Her first sight of him in full armor, sword in midswing, axe hanging available on his hip, had been terrifying. His helmet turned his blue eyes into cold furnaces, the light grey metal surrounding each eye and turning his stare into a weapon of its own. Facing her now, he removed a key from a leather pouch on his right hip. Noting this for the future, Rin lifted the chain that held her wrists together, expecting to be freed.

Grabbing the chain and pulling it high in the air, stretching Rin’s arms and pulling on her shoulder sockets, he brought his face directly in front of her own “I don’t like slaves. You bring trouble. If you bring me trouble, you will suffer. I expect you to obey me and keep my house in order. I expect you to follow my rules even when I am gone. Sometimes I will be gone for weeks or months. If you think of running off, don’t. I will catch you and you will suffer. You will suffer more for wasting my time.” Pulling the chain an inch higher to drive home his point, Rin was near tears, standing on her tiptoes trying to relieve the pressure. “Have you ever been with a man? Did you have a husband? Children?”

“No” she replied with a strained voice “I never had a husband or a man. I took care of my brother’s children and made yarn to trade.”

“Good. Easier that way. You look healthy: good hips, not dirty, no scars. If you obey you will be cared for.” Letting the chain down, guiding Rin to a water barrel at the back of the structure. “Take your clothes off”

Shocked at his forwardness, and nervous to undress in front of him, Rin hesitated. Turning away from him, she attempted to work the clasps of her shirt. Feeling a slight pressure from behind, she stood straight up as she felt cold air on her back. Spinning her around and pulling, both layers of upper garment came off her in a flash, leaving her breasts exposed. As she gasped with surprise she noticed the razor sharp belt knife in his hand. He had cut her clothes in half. “Take the rest off. Now.” Fearing a repeat, Rin quickly slipped out of her remaining clothes, cheeks burning with embarrassment. Without warning he raised a water-filled bucket and emptied it over her head, reaching for a rag and offering it to her still chained hands. “Clean yourself.”

Turning away to let her wash, her captor began stripping his own clothing. As she wiped herself down, squeezing drops of water out of the rag, she began looking around for clothes to cover her now clean, but fully nude body. Realizing he had removed all her items and placed them in a pile, she moved toward them. Her now naked captor stopped her, looping her chain around a spike driven into a pole that supported the roof. The chain was near chest level, leaving her slightly bent over. Shackled to the wooden pole she was facing away from the wash area, and listened as he repeated the process, cleaning his own muscled, taut frame. Hearing no more water sloshing, she waited for his return so that she could retrieve her clothes. Trying to figure out how to mend her shirt and blouse would require asking him for tools, but she could do it. Her sewing and mending were not expert, but it was better than going naked.

As she slipped back into the present, she felt her captor behind her. “I need help with my clothes,” Rin began. His right hand went between her legs, pushing her thighs apart. “I will get you clothes. Slave clothes. Your old clothes are gone.” Too shocked to reply, Rin felt his hand move near her womanhood, massaging back and forth, looking for her opening. The intense physical feeling was matched by her psychological fear. “What are you doing?!” she demanded, partially breathless. “You belong to me. If I want to take you, I will take you. You will become used to this. If you try to fight me, you will suffer.” With that, a finger made its way inside her, causing her to gasp. This was completely new to her, the pressure inside her as she slipped it in and out, releasing tension in her muscles, caused an involuntary reaction of increasing wetness. Bracing herself on the pole, she looked down, breathing hard, seeing his feet step behind her own, opening his hips. With a grunt, she felt his manhood press against her. His finger now removed, the tip of his cock brought even more pressure. Painful pressure. With a slight thrust of his hips, more of it slipped inside her. Another thrust, and a final thrust allowed of him inside of her as she gasped for air.

The slight pain of her first time was soon overwhelmed by the physical intensity of his motion back and forth. She listened to his rhythmic groans as he took her, feeling a sense of guilt that this actually felt good. The terror at being taken against her will was mixed with the pleasure of all the new sensations – is this what married couples did? Allowing herself to moan slightly, she felt increasingly aroused as his pace quickened, “My god, my god, my god” she said, matching his thrusts. He grabbed her hair, using it to leverage his strokes. After what felt like hours, but could not have been more than minutes, he released her hair, and removed his shift from inside her. Stepping beside her, he unhooked the chain from the pole, and pushed her to her knees. “Use your mouth to finish me. I do not want you getting pregnant. You will be worth less. So I will never leave my seed inside you that way.” Starting up at him blankly, Rin had no idea what to do, and opened her mouth to speak.

Sensing her hesitation, her captor placed his hand on the back of her head and forced it around his cock, using her hair to motion her back and forth while he added to the motion with his own hips. “You will learn to do this better. I enjoy this. If you do not pleasure me you will suffer. I will take it from you.” To drive his point home he began thrusting forcefully into her throat, triggering her gag reflex and sending her arms flailing in an attempt to stop his motion. Seeing her struggle, he stopped. “I couldn’t breathe!” Rin yelled, now feeling panicked. Reaching for the chain between her hands, he undid the clasp. Rin felt relief wash over her, he must have decided she had had enough for now. “Put your hands behind your back instead.” Complying, Rin felt the now familiar tension return as her hands now sat at the base of her back. Selecting a rung near the base of the pole, he reconnected the chain. As Rin sat on her knees on the hard floor, her hands now safely behind her, tears beginning to stain her cheeks from both terror and adrenaline, her captor returned to stand in front of her.

His dominant hand went to his still engorged cock, stroking it to fullness, as Rin realized he was not done. In fact, he was just getting started. In his cold eyes Rin could see no sense of mercy. As his cock slid into her throat she felt tears run down her cheeks, her hands strained against the chain, and his hips began thrusting again and again, testing her ability to handle his full length in her throat. Over and over, he used her mouth until his excitement drove him to place two hands on her skull, with a final push he let out a forceful groan, quickly removing his penis from her mouth he stroked it in front of her face, sending streams of stickiness all over he face and chest. Her naked chest and face were coated, slick from spittle and his seed. Wiping a final streak on her cheek, he appraised her appearance “You will get better. I was tired, so I did not last as long. You will sleep here tonight.” With that he strode away, preparing to clothe himself and make up a fire for the night. It was dark outside. Cold air was creeping in.

A naked Rin sank to the floor, stunned. Her mind was processing the events of the day. Of the last few days. Laying sideways on the floor, the only way her chain would permit, she felt the moisture on her face slowly run toward the floor. White drops appeared under her. It would begin drying before too long. As she lay there that first night the realization of what her life would be from now on dawned on her. This was it. To find herself naked on a man’s floor, covered in semen, shivering against the cold, chain to a pole. Tomorrow would just bring more of the same. And the next day. And the next day. No more fishing trips. No more festival meals. No more spinning yarn to trade for pretty trinkets. As a drop fell from her cheek, she was unsure if it was a tear or more cum. She hoped her tears would wash away the rest.

Laying down on his bed not far away, her captor listened to her whimpering cries. It was always best to break new slaves early. Show them no mercy until they are truly broken. This one seemed pleasant enough, and she hadn’t fought like some others. She had accepted him in her throat easily, which was a surprise. Other women struggled with that. He would work on breaking her tomorrow, and the rest of the month. He didn’t plan to raid again until then. This could provide him with plenty of time to ensure his new property was in the proper mental state. Broken. Dependent. Submissive. In the corner, Rin fell asleep in a ball, shivering and exhausted. White a smile, he rolled over toward the hearth, thankful for the heat.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/j9ej04/hope_and_chains_part_1